मुख्यमंत्री श्री चौहान ने सुश्री पी.वी.सिंधु को 50 लाख रूपये भेंटकर किया सम्मान
भोपाल : गुरूवार, नवम्बर 10, 2016, 14:03 IST मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने आज यहाँ भव्य समारोह में विभिन्न खेलों के उत्कृष्ट खिलाड़ियों को प्रतिष्ठित “ शिखर खेल अलंकरण 2016...
Shri J P Nadda launches “Healthy India Initiative” magazine and “No More Tension” Mobile Application
Shri J P Nadda launches “Healthy India Initiative” magazine and “No More Tension” Mobile Application Stresses on importance of awareness and preventive health to keep away NCDs Soon all Health Ministry Mobile...
PM's statement prior to departure for Japan
PM's statement prior to departure for Japan I will visit Japan on 10-12 November 2016 for the Annual Summit. This will be my second visit to Japan as Prime Minister. Our partnership...
बच्चों में जन्मजात विकृति जानने लांच होगा विशेष एप चेतना
भोपाल : बुधवार, नवम्बर 9, 2016, 19:43 IST बच्चों में जन्मजात विकृति, बीमारी और उनके विकासात्मक विलम्ब को चिन्हित करने के लिये 'चेतना' नाम का विशेष एप बनाया जा रहा है।...
प्रदेश की सभी 500 मंडी में 10 नवंबर से सामान्य दिनों की तरह काम-काज होगा
भोपाल : बुधवार, नवम्बर 9, 2016, 19:08 IST मध्यप्रदेश राज्य कृषि विपणन बोर्ड के प्रबंध संचालक श्री राकेश श्रीवास्तव ने प्रदेश की सभी 500 मंडी में 10 नवंबर से काम-काज सामान्य...
केन-बेतवा परियोजना के द्वितीय चरण में बीना काम्पलेक्स को जोड़ने की माँग की
भोपाल : बुधवार, नवम्बर 9, 2016, 19:22 IST मध्यप्रदेश के जल संसाधन एवं जनसम्पर्क मंत्री डॉ. नरोत्तम मिश्रा ने केन-बेतवा परियोजना के द्वितीय चरण में बीना काम्पलेक्स को जोड़ने की माँग...
जॉब फेयर योजना में 3 लाख 50 हजार से अधिक आवेदकों को मिला रोजगार
भोपाल : बुधवार, नवम्बर 9, 2016, 19:20 IST वाणिज्य, उद्योग और रोजगार विभाग द्वारा पिछले 8 वर्ष में जॉब फेयर एवं कॅरियर काउंसलिंग योजना के माध्यम से 3 लाख 54 हजार...
जनसंपर्क मंत्री डॉ. नरोत्तम मिश्रा का दौरा कार्यक्रम
भोपाल : बुधवार, नवम्बर 9, 2016, 19:15 IST जनसंपर्क, जल संसाधन एवं संसदीय कार्य मंत्री डॉ. नरोत्तम मिश्रा 10 तथा 11 नवंबर को डबरा जिला ग्वालियर तथा दतिया के प्रवास पर...
Union HRD Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar Launches The World’s Largest nation-Building Digital Initiative
Union HRD Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar Launches The World’s Largest nation-Building Digital Initiative Union HRD Minister Shri Prakash Javadekar today inaugurated the world’s largest digital national building initiative “Smart India Hackathon...
INSV Mhadei Flagged Off
INSV Mhadei Flagged Off Indian Navy Sailing Vessel Mhadei with an all-women crew was flagged off from Goa to Cape Town, South Africa by Rear Admiral Monty Khanna, Commandant Naval War...
President of India Receives the Book ‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’ Written by Shri Ram Naik at Rashtrapati Bhavan
President of India Receives the Book ‘Charaiveti, Charaiveti’ Written by Shri Ram Naik at Rashtrapati Bhavan The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee received the Hindi, English, Urdu and Gujarati translations...
Cleanliness is a Habit which Inspires Others to Clean their Surroundings: C.R Chaudhary
Cleanliness is a Habit which Inspires Others to Clean their Surroundings: C.R Chaudhary C.R Chaudhary Gives Away Prize to the Winners of Various Activities Organized during Swachhta Pakhwada The Minister of State...
President of India Congratulates Mr. Donald Trump on his Election as President of the United States of America
President of India Congratulates Mr. Donald Trump on his Election as President of the United States of America The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has congratulated Mr. Donald Trump on...
More than one crore connections released under PMUY
More than one crore connections released under PMUY Minister for State (I/C) for Petroleum & Natural Gas held a press conference on the occasion of more than 1 Cr. connections being...
Volunteers from Five Villages Adopted by Rashtrapati Bhavan Complete their Training in Traditional Therapies and First Aid
Volunteers from Five Villages Adopted by Rashtrapati Bhavan Complete their Training in Traditional Therapies and First Aid Secretary to the President, Smt. Omita Paul today (November 9, 2016) presented certificates to...
प्रत्येक विकास खण्ड में खुले शासकीय आई.टी.आई.
भोपाल : बुधवार, नवम्बर 9, 2016, 17:40 IST प्रत्येक विकास खण्ड में केन्द्र, राज्य सरकार और प्रायवेट पार्टनरशिप के समन्वय से एक आई.टी.आई. स्थापित की जाये। शतप्रतिशत दृष्टि बाधित एवं श्रवण...
MSDE Announces Launch Of Pradhan Mantri Yuva Yojana To Scale Up An Ecosystem Of Entrepreneurship For Youngsters
MSDE Announces Launch Of Pradhan Mantri Yuva Yojana To Scale Up An Ecosystem Of Entrepreneurship For Youngsters Marking the 2nd Foundation Day of Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Minister of State(I/C)...
First Meeting of Governing Council for Indian Council for Fertilizer and Nutrient Research (ICFNR) Held
First Meeting of Governing Council for Indian Council for Fertilizer and Nutrient Research (ICFNR) Held India to Adopt International Best Practices in Fertilizer Research “Wellbeing of the common man depends upon Food...
Vijay Goel calls for timely implemetation of projects
Vijay Goel calls for timely implemetation of projects Eleventh meeting of the Special Committee for Inter-Linking of Rivers held Minister of State for Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation Shri Vijay...
30 Nursing Students pass out from the College of Nursing, Army Hospital (R&R)
30 Nursing Students pass out from the College of Nursing, Army Hospital (R&R) The Lamp Lighting Ceremony of 3rd Batch of BSc Nursing students of College of Nursing, Army Hospital (R&R)...