Shri B.S.Bassi appointed as Member UPSC
The President has appointed Shri Bhim Sain Bassi, IPS (Retd) as Member, Union Public Service Commission. The tenure of Shri Bhim Sain Bassi will commence from the date he enters upon...
उद्योग मंत्री श्रीमती सिंधिया से मिले इजराईल के निवेशक
उद्योग मंत्री श्रीमती यशोधरा राजे सिंधिया से इजराईल के मेसर्स एवगॉल प्रायवेट लिमिटेड की संचालक सुश्री तामी हर्षजोन ने मुलाकात कर प्रदेश में निवेश की संभावनाओं पर चर्चा की। सुश्री...
जनसम्पर्क मंत्री श्री शुक्ल द्वारा श्रीमती कमलादेवी भार्गव के निधन पर शोक व्यक्त
जनसम्पर्क, ऊर्जा, नवीन एवं नवकरणीय ऊर्जा एवं खनिज साधन मंत्री श्री राजेन्द्र शुक्ल ने सेवा-निवृत्त उपसंचालक जनसंपर्क सुश्री उमा भार्गव की माताजी श्रीमती कमलादेवी भार्गव के निधन पर गहन शोक...
हर साल चलेगा ग्रामोदय अभियान
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कहा है कि 'ग्रामोदय से भारत उदय'' अभियान के परिणामों को देखते हुए इसे हर साल संचालित किया जायेगा। इससे स्थानीय स्तर पर पारदर्शिता...
1.04 crore people skilled in 2015-16 under Skill India Mission; a quantum leap by 36.8% since last year: Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy
On the occasion of completion of two years of inclusive growth and development under the NDA government, Union Minister of State for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (Independent Charge) and Parliamentary...
Global Crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 46.53 per bbl on 30.05.2016
Global Crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 46.53 per bbl on 30.05.2016 The international crude oil price of Indian Basket as computed/published today by Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell...
ACC Appointment
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved designating Shri Ashok Lavasa, IAS (HY:1980), Secretary, Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance as Finance Secretary Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
Vice President expresses grief over loss of lives in Central Ammunition Depot fire
The Vice President of India, Shri M. Hamid Ansari has expressed grief over the loss of lives in Central Ammunition Depot fire, today. Following is the text of the Vice President’s...
Admiral Sunil Lanba , PVSM, AVSM, ADC assumes command of Indian Navy
Admiral Sunil Lanba has assumed Command of the Indian Navy, as the 23rd Chief of the Naval Staff today, 31 May 16. A Navigation and Direction specialist, Admiral Lanba served as the...
The Direct Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme 2016 & Equalisation Levy to come into effect from 1st June 2016;Relevant rules and forms in this regard notified and are available on
The Direct Tax Dispute Resolution Scheme, 2016 incorporated as Chapter X of the Finance Act, 2016, shall come into force on the 1st of June, 2016 and Declarations under this Scheme may be made...
PM expresses grief over loss of lives in Central Ammunition Depot fire
The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has expressed grief over the loss of lives caused by a fire at Central Ammunition Depot in Pulgaon, Maharashtra. “Pained by loss of lives caused...
Morocco and Tunisia are Important Partners in Africa - Vice President
The Vice President of India, Shri M. Hamid Ansari has said that India maintains traditionally strong ties with Morocco and Tunisia, both important partners in Africa. He was addressing a...
प्रदेश में जैविक कृषि को बढ़ावा देने तैयार होगा महिला दल
ग्रामीण विकास मंत्री श्री गोपाल भार्गव ने कहा है कि प्रदेश में जैविक कृषि को बढ़ावा देने के लिये 5000 महिला का दल तैयार किया जायेगा, जो किसानों विशेष रूप...
योग शरीर, मन और मस्तिष्क को स्वस्थ रखने के लिये आवश्यक
जनसंपर्क तथा ऊर्जा मंत्री श्री राजेन्द्र शुक्ल ने कहा है कि योग शरीर, मन और मस्तिष्क को स्वस्थ रखने के लिए आवश्यक है। मनुष्य के निरोग रहने में योग की...
हर साल चलेगा ग्रामोदय अभियान
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान ने कहा है कि 'ग्रामोदय से भारत उदय'' अभियान के परिणामों को देखते हुए इसे हर साल संचालित किया जायेगा। इससे स्थानीय स्तर पर पारदर्शिता...
मुख्यमंत्री श्री चौहान तारा सेवनिया ग्राम संसद में शामिल होंगे
मुख्यमंत्री श्री शिवराज सिंह चौहान एक जून 2016 को सुबह 11 बजे भोपाल जिले के फंदा विकासखण्ड की तारा सेवनिया ग्राम पंचायत में ग्राम संसद में भाग लेंगे। मुख्यमंत्री यहाँ...
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed Ministry of Railways and PEC University of Technology for setting up of ‘Kalpana Chawla Chair’ on Geospatial Technology for Indian Railways at PEC University of Technology, Chandigarh
In the august presence of Minister of State for Railways Shri Manoj Sinha, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Ministry of Railways and PEC University of Technology for setting up...
Seminar on International Day of UN Peacekeepers
On ‘International Day of UN Peacekeeper's’, a joint seminar on “United Nations Peacekeeping : Role and Relevance in Conflict Resolution” was organized at New Delhi by the Centre for Land Warfare Studies...
ACC Appointments
The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the following (a) Shri Ram Subhag Singh, IAS (HP:1987), Managing Director, National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED) under the Department...
WCD Minister, Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi releases Draft ‘Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2016’
The Minister of Women & Child Development Smt Maneka Sanjay Gandhi released the draft “Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2016” in New Delhi today for further stakeholders...