Posted on 15 Jul, 2016 11:01 am

Vice President condemns attack in Nice, France 
The Vice President of India, Shri M. Hamid Ansari has condemned the attack in Nice, France. He also referred to the incident during his remarks at the Plenary Session of the 11th ASEM Summit being held in Ulaanbaater, Mongolia today stating that India joined others in offering its condolences to the Government and people of France on yesterday’s happening. 

Following is the text of Vice President’s message: 

“I am pained by the terrible attack in Nice, France. My thoughts are with those whose loved ones have been killed in the attack. No grievance can justify such dastardly acts. 

International Terrorism threatens all open and plural societies and we need concerted international efforts to face this challenge. 

We stand with the people and Government of France in their hour of grief and pray for the bereaved families and the early recovery of the injured.” 

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
