Posted on 07 Dec, 2017 12:06 pm

Smart solutions for cities like surveillance systems lead to greatly reduced crime & improved safety particularly women 

Technology to play a major role in improving ease of living: Hardeep S Puri 


“The ease of living has a strong focus on technology but it is not exclusively centered on it. Technology will enhance citizen participation, improve provision of basic services and infrastructure and make areas more livable” stated Shri Hardeep Puri, the Minister of state (I/C) for Housing and Urban Affairs at the Smart Building award function here last evening. Another role of technology is to enable Indians to leapfrog the conventional development pathway. Moreover, technology has a sustainable face too—permitting us to do more with less thereby reducing the resource consumption, he further added.

Stressing on the aspects relating to ease of living particularly for the poor, women, elderly and differently abled people, Shri Puri said that all Indians should be able to enjoy a clean and sustainable environment. As an established Information Technology superpower, India must leverage cutting edge digital technology to power its infrastructure, offices and homes.

Focusing on the ultimate aim for improving the ease of living, and consequently the quality of life for each and every city-dweller of India, the Minister stated that all our initiatives, missions, and programmes ultimately are aimed in that direction. “Smart solutions for cities, such as surveillance systems lead to greatly reduced crime and improved safety of residents particularly women. City wide Wi-Fi networks improve communication among citizens as well that with various service providers. E-governance and citizen feedback management lead to improved social cohesion by increase in opportunities for citizen engagement, reduction in social inequities, and reduction in response time for services for business. Integrated traffic management will increase the traffic speeds and reduce traffic congestions and hence cleaner air for people to breathe.

Sensor-based technologies that are used for leak detection, automated water supply and quality monitoring will directly impact universal accessibility to quality water, reduction in operating and maintenance costs and reduction of water borne diseases. Technology has given us tremendous power and opportunities to touch people's lives, and make a real difference in the way they live”.

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
