Posted on 22 Sep, 2016 6:29 pm

Swachh Bharat Week across the country ahead of 2nd anniversary of Swachh Bharat Mission 

INDOSAN Conference on September 30 to renew commitment to make country clean by 2019

Prime Minister to address Chief Ministers, Ministers, Collectors, people’s representatives

Week long countrywide programmes with participation of all stakeholders


            Ahead of the second anniversary of ‘Swachh Bharat Mission’ on October 2, 2016, a countrywide intensive Swachh Bharat Week will be organized from 25th of this month involving people, central and state governments , third tier of Panchyati Raj Institutions and Urban local Bodies, people’s representatives and all other stakeholders.

            Ministry of Urban Development and Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation have drawn up elaborate action plans for urban and rural areas respectively for a week long intensive mass campaign.

            As a part of Swachh Bharat Week, both the Ministries together will be organizing a day long ‘INDOSAN-2016’ i.e India Sanitation Conference on September 30,2016 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will inaugurate INDOSAN which will be attended by Chief Ministers, Ministers In-charge of Urban Development and Sanitation, senior officials, Collectors/Chief Executive Officers/elected representatives from all 677 districts, Municipal Commissioners/elected representations from all the 500 AMRUT cities, NGOs, private sector and media.

            Prime Minister will facilitate best performers in 11 different categories for their spirited towards ensuring cleanliness.

            Besides taking stock of the progress in urban and rural areas under Swachh Bharat Mission over the last two years and looking at the way forward, INDOSAN seeks to renew the commitment at the highest political level to ensure Clean India by 2019.

            During the day long INDOSAN Conference, various issues like Behavior Change, Best Sanitation Practices, Swachh Technologies, Financing Swachh  Bharat Mission, Inclusive Sanitation, Cleanliness at 100 iconic places, Solid and Liquid Waste Management  will be discussed.

            Cabinet Secretary Shri P.K.Sinhawill chair an Inter-Ministerial Plenary Session on ‘Enhancing Convergence for Swachh Bharat Mission’.

            Events planned for the Swachh Bharat Week include :

September 25- : Largescale grass roots events involving Sarpanches and others in rural areas;

October 2Declaration and celebration of 141 cities becoming Open Defecation Free

 Defecation Free campaigns in urban areas involving 19,000 Swachhagrahis and


city level felicitations to best schools, hospitals, RWAs, Wards, NGOs, individuals

                              Inauguration of newly constructed toilet complexes, compost plants, waste to energy

                              Units, flagging off of new Solid Waste Management equipment for collection and

transportation of waste


September 25: Awareness generation and cleanliness drive at settlements on railway lands across

the country


September  29: Collectors Conference to review progress in rural areas;

                              CITYSAN Conferences at city level on the lines of INDOSAN


                              Inauguration of exhibition of domestic and foreign made user friendly sanitation

                              Technologies at the ground next to VigyanBhanwan


September 30 : INDOSAN in New Delhi


October 1 : Launch of mass motivation programme by Nehru Yuvak KendraSangathan in NCR Region


October 2 : Declaration and celebration of several districts becoming ODF across the country;

Community led mass cleaning campaigns in urban areas including at Jama Masjid, Delhi


            In addition, cleaning drives at 10 of the 100 identified iconic places in the country, Chai peCharcha on Sanitation and RatriChaupals in Gram Panchayats and Cities/Towns, cleanliness campaigns led by Members of Parliament in their respective constituencies, rallies and taking Swachhta Pledge, special cleanliness drives by NYKS, NSS, NCC, Scouts and Guides, Eco Clubs, NGOs etc will be organized during the Swachh Bharat Week.


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
