Posted on 14 May, 2017 11:10 am

Shri Rajnath Singh to inaugurate second meeting of National Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction tomorrow
The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh will inaugurate the second meeting of National Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (NPDRR) here tomorrow. The meeting will be attended by over 1000 distinguished guests including Union Ministers, State Ministers, Parliamentarians, Heads of Local Self Government, Heads of specialized disaster management agencies, academicians, representatives from private sector organizations, media and civil society organizations. 

The NPDRR is a multi-stakeholders National Platform headed by the Union Home Minister and it promotes participatory decision making in disaster management, and strengthens federal policy of our country. The Second meeting of NPDRR will be held over two days, i.e. 15-16 May 2017 on the theme “Disaster Risk Reduction for Sustainable Development: Making India resilient by 2030”. 

Starting with inaugural ceremony, this second meeting of NPDRR will have a Plenary Session, one session on outcomes of pre-events, four technical sessions on four priority areas of Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, one technical session on monitoring of Sendai Framework and a closing cum valedictory session. Besides, this Meeting will have an exclusive Ministerial Session after the inaugural ceremony, where Ministers from Centre, States and Union Territories will deliberate on various aspect of disaster risk reduction. Over two days, the subject experts, practitioners, academicians and delegates will deliberate upon various cross cutting issues on disaster risk reduction based on the Sendai Framework and the 10 point agenda on Disaster Risk Reduction given by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi. 

As a build up to this meeting, 14 pre-events were organized by National Disaster Management Authority and National Institute of Disaster Management on various issues of disaster risk reduction. A slogan contest was also organized by the Union Home Ministry to generate disaster awareness among common public. More than 500 applicants from different parts of the countries have submitted their entries. Further, the Union Home Ministry with the help of NITI Aayog has organized an online call from startups and innovators in the areas like fire fighting, GPS based solutions, search and rescue operations, reconstruction, low cost shelter etc. in for displaying during this meeting of NPDRR. More than 300 applications have been received and 10 of the shortlisted start-ups will showcase their innovations in the exhibit area during this meeting. 

This meeting of NPDRR is held at a crucial juncture, after adoption of Sendai Framework in 2015 and Asia Regional Plan for disaster risk reduction in 2016. This NPDRR will be an ongoing effort of the Government to provide a road map for making our country disaster resilient by 2030. 

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
