Posted on 19 Dec, 2018 1:10 pm

A Rubella-Measles vaccination campaign (MR Vaccine) will be conducted to protect children of the state aged between 9 months and 15 years from fatal diseases from January 15. Parents have been urged that they should contact nearest health centres in this connection. Painless vaccination will be given to children to protect them from fatal diseases during the campaign.

It may be mentioned that women suffer miscarriage time and again due to infection of Rubella virus. Pregnant women suffering from Rubella virus give birth to still babies, undeveloped babies or babies with some physical and mental deformities.

Measles is also a dangerous disease. It resulted in blindness, brain swelling, Pneumonia and diarrhoea. Children fall prey to malnutrition and sometimes die too. Thirty per cent of child mortality caused by measles in the entire world occurs in India.

साभार – जनसम्पर्क विभाग मध्यप्रदेश​​