Posted on 22 May, 2018 5:11 pm

Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh today said that Left-Wing Extremists (LWE) are opposed to development in Bastar and the State Government wants peace and progress in the hinterland. Chief Minister was addressing a massive gathering at tehsil headquarter town Bhopalpatnam district Bijapur. The State Government had constructed school buildings which had been destroyed by Naxalites and provided modern facilities in the entire region. Network of roads is being laid to inter-link the villages. The villages are being electrified and health facilities are being upgraded.   Earlier patients used to lament the pathetic state of Bijapur Hospital. The hospital today is ultra-modern with all available gadgets. Even Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi was impressed by the spectacular development of Bijapur and toured Jangla.

Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh said that all the dwellings in the State will be electrified in another six months' period as a part of 'Sowbhagya' project. School Education Minister Mr. Kedra Kashyap and Forest Minister Mr. Mahesh Gaagda were present as chief guests.

Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh dedicated, laid foundation stones and performed 'bhoomipujan' of  development works worth Rs 312 crore. He dedicated development works worth Rs 104 crore and laid the foundation stones of works worth Rs 208 crore. Dr. Raman Singh revealed that bridges and culverts worth Rs 132 crore are being constructed in the region. All-weather roads had linked Bijapur-Bhopalpatnam. After the construction of Inter-State bridge  near Bhopalpatnam the area will become a big business- commercial centre. The socio-economic scenario will be transformed completely.

It may be mentioned here that an Inter-State bridge is under-construction  on river Indrawati at village Timad near Bhopalpatnam (on Maharashtra border)  at a cost of Rs 220 crore. Similarly, three bridges linking Bhopalpatnam-Warangal-Hyderabad route are under various stages of construction at a cost of Rs 67 crore.

Chief Minister Dr. Raman Singh distributed paddy bonus worth Rs 7 crore 68 lakh to about 6336 farmers via Online. He gave away relief materials and cheques to several beneficiaries of various social- welfare schemes. He also gave away 1000 cycles to workers. Dr. Raman Singh revealed that a 132 k.v. electric sub-station will be operational at Bijapur soon. The chronic low voltage crisis will be over soon. He added that optical fiber cable is being laid to provide high-quality Internet and Mobile Connectivity under the Bharat Net and Bastar Net Project. Cable will be laid at Bhopalpatnam also in another two months' period. Dr. Raman Singh said that 55 lakh Smart Phones will be distributed free of cost to students, women, farmers, workers and villagers as a part of 'Sky' project.

साभार – जनसम्पर्क विभाग छत्तीसगढ़