Chief Minister Dr Raman Singh has announced subsidy of Rs 50 thousand on purchase of e-rickshaw in state, through Lbaour Department. In his radio programme Raman Ke Goth aired from Raipur centre of Akashwani, Dr Singh said to the listeners- I want to disclose a good news that earlier there was no provision for subsidy on e-rickshaw, only few districts had subsidy facility under DMF, but now we have made arrangements to provide subsidy of Rs 50 thousand i.e. one-third of the total price of the e-rickshaw.

In the today's episode of his radio programme, Dr Raman Singh gave information about Bihaan Project being conducted for women empower in state. He said- earlier Swarna Jayanti Rozgar Yojana was conducted for livelihood and self-employment, in which participation of men and women were equal. We have named this scheme as 'Bihaan', which means 'morning'. This scheme has been entirely dedicated to women. Under this scheme, women self-help groups are constituted. He said- women have busted all the myths, which used to hold them back from doing positive work.

Dr Singh told- Till date, more than one lakh 24 thousand women self-help groups have been constituted in state under State Rural Livelihood Mission. Chhattisgarh Government has decided to provide easy and low-interest loans to women self-help groups. As a result of which, loans worth Rs one thousand 151 crore has been provided to 90 thousand self-help groups in last five years. Women have joined hands to show their power of unity and to become self-dependent. Through these self-help groups, many women are doing commendable work in manufacturing of pickle, badi, papad, incense sticks, bell metal artifacts, bamboo artifacts etc. These groups are not only earning income in lakhs but are also contributing majorly to the economic development and social reform. When Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi was on visit to Bijapur district, the e-rickshaw he took on the way was a striking example of entrepreneurial skill of our one such sister.

Announcing the subsidy of Rs 50 thousand through Labour Department on purchase of e-rickshaw, Chief Minister said that this will prove beneficial in future. Dr Singh appreciated the employment-oriented and income-generating activities of women-self-help groups, saying that rice being produced through organic farming has demands even in metros. The groups which were earlier manufacturing candles are now manufacturing LED bulbs. Women who used to manufacture clay pots are now managing storage of fruits and vegetables in cold storage. He said- women self help groups have got national-level acknowledgement for their works in solid waste management and now their system is being implemented in urban bodies. The waste is collected, processed and converted into fertilizers, which is later sold for income. Sisters of 44 blocks in 20 districts of the state have become 'bank sakhi'. This is one such arrangement, under which members of self-help groups go door-to-door to provide bank facility. Dr Singh said- our state has always been known as 'Shakti Kendra' of goddesses, but now this inspiration is spreading across the state as groups of empowered women in each and every village.


साभार – जनसम्पर्क विभाग छत्तीसगढ़