Posted on 18 Nov, 2016 3:43 pm

Public Health Expenditure in India 


Statement showing allocation of funds and expenditure thereunder estimated for 2013-14 to 2015-16 by Government (Central and State combined) in health sector, is given below:

A statement showing allocation of fund and expenditure by Government (Central and State Government combined) on health.


                                                                             (Rupees in crore)



Allocation  (BE)





118166.83  (Actual)




141254.10 Actual)*




157729.76     (RE)






As per Economic Survey 2015-16 brought out by Ministry of Finance, public expenditure on health (Centre and States) as percentage of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for last three years is as under:

(i)                2013-14   -   1.2%

(ii)              2014-15    -  1.3%

(iii)            2015-16    -  1.3 %


As per recent publication of National Health Accounts –Estimates for India 2013-14, the total health expenditure as percentage of GDP is estimated at 4.02% for 2013-14.


Health being a State subject, the Central Government supplements the efforts of the State Governments through financial assistance. The Central   allocation of funds for health sector is based inter-alia on the availability of resources and competing claims on these resources. An increased growth rate of the economy generates increased resources for funding the health sector.

The Minister of State (Health and Family Welfare), Smt Anupriya Patel stated this in a written reply in the Lok Sabha here today.


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
