Posted on 02 Apr, 2017 4:46 pm
The Commission had deputed a delegation of senior officers of the Commission to review the poll preparedness of the state election machinery in the 11-Dr. R.K.Nagar Assembly Constituency of the Tamil Nadu state, on the 30.3.2017. The team submitted its report to the Commission today and in turn the Commission has ordered transfer of all officer in the rank of (1).All the officers holding the rank of Assistant Returning Officers and below, in the revenue side;(2). All the officers of the rank of Addl. Commissioner of Police and upto the inspector of police looking after/working in the constituency;(3). In the Municipal Corporation Assistant Engineer to Executive Engineer.
2.The Commission has deputed another 5 observer in the constituency, decided to deploy Micro observers to move in small lanes of the constituency on motor bikes and assist the observers of the Commission, ordered deployment of cameras in all the streets to monitor movement., mapping of all incoming roads to A.C and put check posts, deploy additional teams of Flying Squads, which will now be 10 in number and work 24X7 and work in 3 shifts. The Flying Squads will be GPS enabled and manned by the staff from Central Govt. Departments.
3.On poll day all the polling stations will be covered with central forces, will have web-casting in all booths-inside and outside the booths and proceedings outside the booth can be seen by general public. Services of IAS/IPS probationers from the state will also be pressed into service. A number of officers of the level of Tehsildars/Dy. Collectors having knowledge of Tamil language will be requisioned from neighbouring state of A.P and Kerala to strengthen Flying Squads.
4. The Commission has issued special instructions to the effect that no govt. vehicle belonging to any department, political leader, Minister should be allowed to move in the constituency and vehicles should be subjected to check without any hesitation. There will be daily press briefing of District Election Officer and Commissioner of Police to meet the media, brief them of the arrangements made, action taken in regard to complaints etc. Similarly on a daily basis the observers of the Commission will interact with the leaders of the political parties/candidates.
Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India