Posted on 02 Dec, 2016 1:18 pm

President of India’s Message on the Occasion of National Day of UAE 


The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has extended his greetings and felicitations to the Government and people of the United Arab Emirates on the occasion of their National Day (December 2, 2016).

In a message to His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the President of the United Arab Emirates, the President has said, “On behalf of the Government, the people of India and on my own behalf, I have great pleasure in extending warm greetings and felicitations to Your Highness on the occasion of your National Day.

India deeply values its close, friendly and warm relations with the United Arab Emirates, which are firmly rooted in our age-old trade and cultural links, nourished by people-to-people contacts and regular exchange of high-level visits. I look forward to working closely with Your Highness to further expand and deepen our bilateral relations.

The recent contacts and exchanges at the highest political level have provided a fresh impetus to our mutually beneficial ties and elevated them to a comprehensive strategic partnership. We are delighted that His Highness the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi has agreed to be our Chief Guest at the Republic Day 2017 celebrations.

I take this opportunity to convey to Your Highness my best wishes for your personal good health and well-being, and for the continued progress and prosperity of the friendly people of the United Arab Emirates”.


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India