Posted on 27 May, 2016 6:14 pm

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has extended his greetings and felicitations to the Government and people of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia on the eve of their National Day (May 28, 2016). 

In a message to His Excellency Mr. Mulatu Teshome, the President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the President has said, “On behalf of the Government, the people of India and on my own behalf, it gives me great pleasure to convey to you and to the people of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, warm greetings and felicitations on the occasion of your National Day. 

India and Ethiopia share cordial bilateral ties marked by our enhanced engagement in areas of common interest. Relations between India and Ethiopia are firmly based on mutual respect and understanding. I am confident that the bilateral cooperation between our two countries will be further strengthened in the coming years, to the mutual benefit of our two peoples. 

I take this opportunity to extend to Your Excellency, my best wishes for your personal well being and for the continued progress and prosperity of the friendly people of Ethiopia”.


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India