Posted on 06 Sep, 2016 3:45 pm

President of India’s message on the eve of Independence Day of Brazil 

The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has extended his greetings and felicitations to the Government and people of the Federative Republic of Brazil on the eve of their Independence Day (September 7, 2016). 

In a message to His Excellency Mr. Michel Temer, the President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, the President has said, “It gives me immense pleasure to extend warm greetings to the Government and the people of Federative Republic of Brazil on behalf of the Government and people of India as well as on my own behalf on the occasion of your Independence Day. 

India and Brazil share strategic partnership with common global vision and aspirations. Our ties are extensive and comprehensive, and cover every important segment of interaction at all three levels: bilateral, and plurilateral in such important global fora as IBSA, BRICS, BASIC and G-20 and in the larger multilateral arena such as UN, WTO, WIPO and G-4. Brazil is one of the most important trading partners of India in the entire Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region. 

We look forward to your participation, Excellency, in the 8th BRICS Summit in Goa and a bilateral meeting. I am confident that we will make great strides in further strengthening our relationship in the years to come. 

Please accept, Excellency, my best wishes for your health and personal well-being, as well as for the continued progress and prosperity of the people of Brazil. 

Many congratulations on successfully conducting Rio Olympics”. 

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
