Posted on 14 Jul, 2016 7:50 pm

President of India Greets Sultan of Brunei on his Birthday 
The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee has conveyed his greetings and felicitations to His Majesty Paduka Seri Baginda Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzadin Waddaulah Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Negara Brunei Darussalam on his birthday which is on July 15. 

In a message, the President has said, “On behalf of the Government, the people of India and on my own behalf, it gives me immense pleasure to extend to Your Majesty warm greetings and felicitations on the happy occasion of Your Majesty’s 70th birthday. 

We wish Your Majesty all success in the fulfillment of the aspirations of the friendly people of Brunei Darussalam. Bilateral relations between our two friendly countries have been strengthened thanks to the recent high level exchanges between the two countries and I am confident that our ties will continue to be further deepened for the benefit of our two peoples in the years to come. 

Please accept, Your Majesty, my best wishes for Your Majesty’s good health and for the well-being, progress and prosperity of the friendly people of Brunei Darussalam”. 

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
