Posted on 05 Nov, 2016 5:48 pm

Ministry of Railways In Collaboration With Center For Transportation Research and Management (CTRAM) Organises 17th National Rail Transport Conclave

Ministry of Railways in collaboration with Centre for Transportation Research and Management (CTRAM) organised 17th National Rail Transport Conclave on ¨Challenges and Strategies for Indian Railways in the Emerging Economic Scenario¨.

The keynote address in the inaugural session was delivered by Chief Economic Advisor, Shri Arvind Subramanian. In his keynote address he spoke about recent Economic measures taken by Government, Indian Economy & role of Railways in the Indian Economy. He enlightened on the Economic scenario and the correlation of Railways and Economic Development.

The session on ‘The Common Core IR’s Collaboration with core sectors of the Economy’ was addressed by the Secretaries to the Ministries of Power, Shri P.K.Pujari, Secretary Coal, Shri Anil Swarup, Secretary Steel Dr Aruna Sharma and Secretary Mines Shri Balvinder Kumar. They focused on how the Railways and these key infrastructure sectors can collaborate towards attaining accelerated economic growth of the country.

Welcoming the dignitaries and delegates, Shri Mohd. Jamshed , Member Traffic, Railway Board said that Indian Railway is working on three strategies i.e. expending the freight basket of IR, Rationalizing the tariff structure and building capacity to improve the modal share of Indian Railway. In his address he highlighted how Railways have launched a massive programme to bring in investment in capacity.

During the conclave, other illustrious speakers addressed the gathering each of whom had given a most interesting and energizing account of different areas of their interest.


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
