Posted on 01 Jun, 2016 5:15 pm

Chennai Port handled 1.566 Million TEUs in 2015-16, which is the highest number of containers handled by the port  till date,  surpassing its own performance of 1.55 Million TEUs in 2011-12. The Port handled 50.06 Million Tonnes of cargo during 2015-16, details of which are given below:

                                   Cargo Handled by Chennai Port in 2015 – 16:




Quantity Handled

April’15 to March’16

(in ‘000 Tonnes)


Liquid Bulk






Dry Bulk



Break Bulk






The port has improved efficiency in cargo handling . As the table below shows, its  Operating Ratio has shown an improvement over last year

                               Financial Performance:        . in Crore Rs





Cargo Traffic (in MMT)



Operating Income



Operating Expenditure



Operating Surplus



Fin & Misc Income



Fin & Misc Expenditure



Net Surplus



Operating Ratio (%)





Chennai Port is the  third oldest port in the country with a 135 old history. The port has 3 docks comprising of 24 berths, two international container terminals, an oil terminal and a car terminal. Chennai Port is a cost effective port with well established infrastructure facilities, pipe line connectivity and  rail/road/sea connectivity. The port has an open storage area of 6,52,432 sq metres and covered storage area of 52,708.75 sq metres. It handles multiple commodities like POL, containers, cars, cruise, edible oil, project cargo, fertilizers and other bulk cargoes. The port also handles large parcels of 37M long / 4.5M high / 336Tons project cargo and is a pioneer in car exports and coastal cargo. Chennai Port’s container terminals are operated by internationally renowned private operators.


Chennai Port Trust signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Southern Railway for optimising rail throughput of Automobile Traffic for export through Chennai Port.  It is aimed to facilitate transportation of automobiles from Walajabad to Chennai Port. The  Port has been awarded the “Best Tourist Friendly Harbour” by TTDC on 04.03.2016, in recognition of the world class infrastructure and Tourist Friendly services extended to Cruise Tourists and Cruise Vessels calling at Chennai Port.


Chennai Port has initiated several proactive measures to improve its performance. These include


  • Mission Re-surge to reinvent its lost glory through various marketing initiatives and trade facilitation measures.
  • Facilitate rail/sea bound swift cost effective evacuation.
  • Commissioning of 2 Nos. Harbour Mobile Cranes of 100T capacity.
  • Created common user container rail siding.
  • Various measures taken to address congestion issues like opening of 8 lane ‘O’ gate complex, laning and widening of internal roads & monitoring road connectivity projects, gate procedure automation, monitoring terminal gate management, implementation of RFID based document verification and access control system in co-ordination with Customs, NACFS, Terminals and CISF and deployment of dedicated traffic control Joint Task Force Team.
  • 95% completion of EMRIP, follow up with state government for clearing Cherian Nagar, NTO Kuppam.


In order to facilitate trade the port has taken the following steps :

·         Concession in Vessel Related Charges by 5% to 40% for Mainline Container Vessels and 15% on Vessel Related Charges to all the Container Vessels

·         Special Concession in wharfage and reduction in VRC @ 61% for transportation of Automobiles through coastal Ro-Ro.

·         Concession on vessel related charges 10% to 30% for break bulk vessels

·         Reduced cost of deployment of port labour by Introduction of revised manning.

·         Waiver of Port Charges for container train handling.

·         Concession of Rs.150/- to Rs.200/- in Railway charges for Container Shuttle Services.

·         Concession of 50% in pilotage for Marine Shuttle Services.

·         Reduction of Floating Crane charges by 50% when handled by ship crane

·         Free storage period for Cars, SUVs and MUVs exported through RoRo Vessels was extended from 10 to 20 days.

·         Reduction in VRC for Break Bulk Liners from 10% to 30%

·         Volume based concession of 5% to 15% in wharfage for edible oil cargo


In addition to the above, the following innovations have also helped boost the performance of the port

  • 1st Container Shuttle Service between Chennai Port (HOM) and Tondiarpet ICD and Marine Shuttle Service between Chennai Port and Kamarajar Port.
  • First container train operations from JD (East) to Bangalore ICD operated by the private operator M/s. Distribution Logistics Infrastructure Ltd. (DLI) as part of BCG recommendations.
  • Coastal movement of cargoes between east and west coast of India -The maiden coastal Ro-Ro voyage by vessel m.v. IDM Symex for transporting  800 cars from Chennai Port to West Coast (pipavav) took place successfully on 05-02-2016.  The next voyage is being planned during June 2016.
  • 70,000 Sq.M. of port land has been identified for creation of tanks for edible oil chemicals etc with full rake rail evacuation facilities close by.
  • Started Bunkering Operations through barges at Outer Anchorage


Meetings were held with exporters, importers and agents of different cargo groups like Liquid Bulk, Dry Bulk, Break Bulk, Project Cargo, Food Grains, Fertilizer, Auto OEMs & Edible Oil etc to improve their handling and retain /attract cargo. Trade Meets were conducted at  Sri City SEZ, Tada, Coimbatore and Bengaleru and Trade meets are planned at Salem, Karur, Ongole and MEPZ for this year to attract clean cargo. Chennai Port participated in Maritime India Summit 2016, held from 14 - 16thApril 2016 at Bombay convention centre, Mumbai. More than 700 maritime delegates visited the stall, inquiring about trade facilitation measures available with the Chennai Port.

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India