Posted on 04 Nov, 2016 5:10 pm

Bhutan delegation led by Minister of Home & Cultural Affairs meets the Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh 


A Bhutanese delegation led by Minister of Home & Cultural Affairs Mr. Dawa Gyaltshen met the Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh here today.

Recalling the strong ties between the two countries, Shri Rajnath Singh thanked Bhutan for its unparalleled support in flushing out insurgents operating in India’s North-Eastern states. Shri Rajnath Singh raised few concerns of Indian tourists, businessmen and workers facing difficulties at the border and sometimes being detained for medical examination and biometric capturing of data.

Reiterating that Bhutan will never allow its territory for any anti-India activities, Mr. Dawa Gyaltshen said since Bhutan is a small hill nation, any large scale migration strains its limited resources while border forces take a little more time to ensure no undesirable elements enter Bhutanese territory.

Both leaders said they were looking forward to a positive outcome of the Home Secretaries on the Border Management issues next week.


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
