Posted on 11 Nov, 2016 5:24 pm

Banquet Speech by Prime Minister during his visit to Japan (November 11, 2016)
Your Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies & Gentlemen,
Konban wa! 
It is a great honour for me to be back in Japan on my second visit as Prime Minister. The people of India have long hailed the dedication and dynamism; vigour and vitality; and achievements of the Japanese people.
There is much to learn and absorb from Japan's experience. India and Japan have long enjoyed close and friendly ties. Our societies share deep linkages rooted in the thought streams of hinduism and buddhism. We both value the need to maintain balance between economic growth and preserving our civilizational ethos.
Our relations are strengthened by common values of openness, democracy and respect for the rule of law. Today, our Special Strategic and Global Partnership is marked by a growing convergence of economic and strategic issues.
There is also a lot that we can do together as close partners, not just for the benefit of our societies, but also for the region and the whole world. Our partnership promotes the virtues of dialogue and good neighbourliness in our region.
Our capacities could also combine to respond to both, the opportunities and challenges that we jointly face in present times. And, together with the global community we can, and we must, combat the rising threats of radicalization, extremism and terrorism.
Japan has always been a valuable partner in India’s journey to economic prosperity, infrastructure development, capacity building and technology advancement. The scope and scale of our co-operation extends to diverse fields. 
Our economic links continue to flourish. Trade ties continue to grow. And, Investments from Japan are on the rise. Japanese companies have much to gain by participating in our flagship development initiatives. We, in turn, have much to gain from Japan's unparalleled status as the leader in technology and innovation.
A welcome feature of our ties is the increase in contacts and co-operation between states in India and prefectures in Japan. It is a reflection of the high priority that we accord to Japan in our worldview. Our ties are nurtured by the fountain of goodwill and mutual admiration that our two peoples have for one another. And, are led most ably by the strong leadership of Excellency Abe.
My meeting with him today is the eighth one in the last two years. As we celebrate the many outcomes of our Summit meeting, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Prime Minister Abe and the Government of Japan for the warm welcome and excellent arrangements made for me and my delegation.
Without doubt, our destinies are interlinked. The ocean waters of the Indo-Pacific that lap the coast of Japan also form the surf that breaks on the shores of India. Let us work together for peace, prosperity and development. 
Ladies & Gentlemen, 
May I now propose a toast: 
To the continued good health and personal well-being of Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, To the profound success of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, the friendly people of Japan and each one of you present here tonight,
To the ever-lasting friendship between India and Japan, 
Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India
