Posted on 01 Jun, 2016 7:37 pm

Shri A.K. Mittal, Indian Railway Service Engineers (IRSE), of 1978 Batch, has taken over as Member Engineering Railway Board today on 1.06.2016 . Prior to this posting, Shri Mittal was General Manager, East Central Railway, (Hazipur). 

Shri Mittal has graduated from Regional Engineering College, Allahabad in 1977 and was awarded many silver medals and gold medals. He was deputed to Germany and Switzerland in 1990 to finalize the design of 3rd Godavari Bridge. He has also undergone foreign trainings in HEC Business School, Paris in 2006 for Strategic Management and Business Development, besides training for Track management system in Italy in 2009. 

Shri. Mittal has worked for various important assignments i.e. as Divisional Railway Manager/ Sonapur, in East Central Railway and Divisional Railway Manager/ Bhusawal, in Central Railway. As Principal Head of department, he has worked as Chief Administrative Officer /Construction / Eastern Railway/ Kolkata for the period of four years and about one year as Principal Chief Engineer, Central Railway. He joined as General Manager, East Central Railway on 31.12.2014. During his tenure, two mega bridges on the river Ganges – one at Digha/Patna and another at Munger – were inaugurated. 

Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India