Posted on 26 May, 2016 6:50 pm

Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) is organising the 2nd National Symposium on Excellence in Training (NSET) on May 27-28, 2016 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) India in a sequel to the 1st NSET held on April 11-12, 2015 with overarching theme of citizen centric governance. The basic objective is to provide an annual national platform to stakeholders involved in training to promote sharing of good practices and instil a quality of excellence in training. 

The two day National Symposium will be inaugurated by Dr. P. K. Mishra, Additional Principal Secretary to the Prime Minister. The Open House of the Symposium will be chaired by Shri P.K. Sinha, Cabinet Secretary. 

The National Symposium will witness the presence of senior officers of Government of India, State Governments, Director Generals/Directors of State Administrative Training Institutes (ATIs)/ Central Training Institutes (CTIs) and State Institutes of Rural/Urban Developments (SIRD/SIUDs), Training Managers & Cadre Controlling Authorities of Central Ministries/Departments and various international and national experts in the field of Training. 

The 2nd NSET will have Plenary Technical sessions by international/national experts on Developing a Comprehensive Training strategy with the core theme of developing training strategies focusing on Citizen Centric administration; Induction Training and its importance in attitudinal orientation towards public service delivery; Integrating evaluation and assessments into training; Using Case Studies as an Innovative training methodology, Developing effective trainers/faculty; Building and Managing Training Establishments. 

The 2nd National Symposium is designed with the Citizen Centric Governance at the core of all its sessions. The Symposium will focus on integrating citizen centricity in all aspects of training including management of training institutions, design & development of training content and methodology and development of competencies of trainers/faculty. 

As a build up to the 2nd NSET, 4 one day Regional Symposia (RSET), have been organized at HIPA, Gurgaon on May 6, 2016, at MATI, Shillong on May 9, 2016, at YASHADA, Pune on May 16, 2016 and at AIM, Chennai on May 20, 2016 respectively. The 2nd NSET will merge the learning’s and outcomes of the four RSET and offer a platform for experience sharing, exposure and showcasing of global good practices and expertise, keeping the overarching theme of developing citizen centricity in governance through training. 

An exhibition showcasing publications, training materials and methods developed by various State Administrative Training Institutes (State ATIs)/Central Training Institutes (CTIs) / Ministries / Departments is also being organised as part of the 2nd NSET. The 2nd National Symposium will recognize and award individuals, groups and institutions doing exemplary work in training. 

The National Symposium is expected to improve the capability of trainers in delivering quality training to address competency gaps at various levels, which in turn will lead to efficient, and citizen centric public service delivery. The Symposium will emphasize the significance of aligning organizational mission, culture, work and trainings with the core theme of promoting Citizen Centricity in government functioning and will showcase experiences in training design, content and methodology that have promoted a citizen oriented attitude. 


Courtesy – Press Information Bureau, Government of India