Madhya Pradesh
Conduct of FM Phase-Ill auctions and migration (renewal) of Private FM Radio licenses from Phase-II to Phase-Ill
Conduct of FM Phase-Ill auctions and migration (renewal) of Private FM Radio licenses from Phase-II to Phase-Ill The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today gave its...
Urdu Purely an Indian Language Loved and Nurtured by all Indians;
Ministry of Minority Affairs10-January, 2015 16:11 IST Urdu Purely an Indian Language Loved and Nurtured by all Indians; Centre Committed to Development of all: Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi Urdu is a language which...
Let 2015 be a Year of Peace, Progress and Harmony, says President in his New Year Message to Governors
President's Secretariat10-January, 2015 15:03 IST Let 2015 be a Year of Peace, Progress and Harmony, says President in his New Year Message to Governors The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee delivered...
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad to Commission India First Hi-Speed Rural Broadband Network in Kerala
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology10-January, 2015 11:19 IST Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad to Commission India First Hi-Speed Rural Broadband Network in Kerala Hon’ble Minister for Communications & IT Shri Ravi Shankar...
Ordinance promulgated for giving relief to drivers of E-rickshaws and E-carts
Ordinance promulgated for giving relief to drivers of E-rickshaws and E-carts The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2014 was passed by Lok Sabha on 18th December, 2014 and was introduced in Rajya...
PM launches: • Scheme for LED bulb distribution under domestic efficient lighting programme in Delhi • National Programme for LED-based Home and Street Lighting- प्रधानमंत्री ने दिल्ली में घरेलू बिजली बचत योजना और राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर घरों और सड़कों पर एलईडी बल्ब लगाए जाने संबंधी योजनाओं की शुरूआत की
PM launches: • Scheme for LED bulb distribution under domestic efficient lighting programme in Delhi • National Programme for LED-based Home and Street Lighting Prime Minister Narendra Modi today described the LED...
PM: Postal network can become a driving force for Indian Economy- प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा, ‘डाक नेटवर्क भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के विकास को नई रफ्तार देने में सक्षम’
PM: Postal network can become a driving force for Indian Economy The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today said that the postal network can become a driving force for the Indian...
Government establishes NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) to replace Planning Commission- नीति आयोग : उद्देश्य और संगठन
Press Information Bureau Government of India Prime Minister's Office 01-January-2015 18:06 IST Government establishes NITI Aayog (National Institution for Transforming India) to replace Planning Commission NITI Aayog will seek to provide a critical directional and...
5 lakh houses to be built for poor in state. Illegal colonies will be legalised and regularised .CM Shri Chouhan inaugurates and lays foundation stones of works worth crores at Indore. प्रदेश में गरीब परिवारों के लिये 5 लाख मकान बनेंगे
5 lakh houses to be built for poor in state Illegal colonies will be legalised and regularised CM Shri Chouhan inaugurates and lays foundation stones of works worth crores at Indore Bhopal :...
Central govt. releases Rs. 543 crore MNREGA installment. केन्द्र ने मनरेगा की 543 करोड़ की किस्त जारी की
Central govt. releases Rs. 543 crore MNREGA installment To provide 24 thousand MT urea per day to Madhya Pradesh CM Shri Chouhan meets Union Ministers Bhopal : Tuesday, December 2, 2014, 21:27 IST Central...
Religious Circuit Trains to Connect more Pilgrimage Places. धार्मिक स्थलों को जोड़ने के लिए और अधिक रेलगाडि़यां
Religious Circuit Trains to Connect more Pilgrimage Places 28 November 2014 Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), a public sector undertaking of Ministry of Railways, operates various Tourist Trains for pilgrimage...
Railways allow PPP in Computerized Passenger Reservation System. कम्यूटरीकृत यात्री आरक्षण प्रणाली में रेलवे ने पीपीपी मोड को अनुमति दी
Railways allow PPP in Computerized Passenger Reservation System 28 November 2014 With a view to expanding the facilities for issue of tickets (both reserved and unreserved), Ministry of Railways have decided to...
Round the Clock All India Security Helpline ‘1800-111-322’ for Train Passengers is Operational. रेल यात्रियों के लिए पूरे देश में 24 घंटे अवधि वाली रेल सुरक्षा हेल्पलाईन 1800-111-322 शुरू
Round the Clock All India Security Helpline ‘1800-111-322’ for Train Passengers is Operational 28 November 2014 Indian Railways has taken several steps for the security of train passengers. An All India Security...
Global crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 72.51 per bbl on 27.11.2014
Global crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 72.51 per bbl on 27.11.2014 The international crude oil price of Indian Basket as computed/published today by Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell...
Storage Status of 85 Important Reservoirs of the Country as on November 27, 2014
Storage Status of 85 Important Reservoirs of the Country as on November 27, 2014 The Water Storage available in 85 important reservoirs of the country as on November 27, 2014 was...
Holiday declared on polling day. मतदान के दिन रहेगा अवकाश
Holiday declared on polling day Bhopal : Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 17:13 IST General holiday has been declared on polling day of first and second phase urban body elections-2014. The state government...
60 Mayor Candidates in 9 municipal corporations election on November 28. 28 नवम्बर को 9 नगरपालिक निगम में मेयर के लिये 60 अभ्यर्थी चुनाव मैदान में
60 Mayor Candidates in 9 municipal corporations election on November 28 Bhopal : Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 20:25 IST There are 60 Mayor candidates in 9 municipal corporations during urban body elections’...
National Bamboo Expo at Dilli Haat on November 28. दिल्ली हाट में राष्ट्रीय बाँस एक्सपो 28 नवम्बर से
National Bamboo Expo at Dilli Haat on November 28 Bhopal : Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 18:03 IST Madhya Pradesh State Bamboo Mission will organise National Bamboo Expo for the first time in...
Chief Secretary to inaugurate intellectual property rights conference. "बौद्धिक संपदा अधिकार" कान्फ्रेंस का मुख्य सचिव करेंगे शुभारंभ
Chief Secretary to inaugurate intellectual property rights conference Bhopal : Wednesday, November 26, 2014, 19:12 IST Union Ministry for Industries and Commerce’s Department of Industrial Policy will organise a 2-day conference on...
Government holidays for year 2015 announced in Madhya Pradesh. मध्यप्रदेश में वर्ष 2015 के शासकीय अवकाश घोषित
Government holidays for year 2015 announced in Madhya Pradesh Notified vide Extraordinary Gazette Notification No.534 dated 22.11.2014 Government servants may avail 3 optional holidays Bhopal : Tuesday, November 25, 2014, 20:44 IST Government holidays...