Tags Murder

Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 1482 of 2013, Judgment Date: Oct 20, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                    CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1482    OF  2013

      YOGESH SINGH                                      …  APPELLANT(S)


      MAHABEER SINGH & ORS.                            …  RESPONDENT(S)

                               J U D G M E N T

      Pinaki Chandra Ghose, J.

   1. This appeal is directed against the  judgment  and  order  dated  17th
      February, 2012 passed by the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad  in
      Criminal Appeal No.1734 of 1983, whereby the High Court acquitted  the
      accused persons – respondents herein of the charges under Section  302
      read with Section 149 of the Indian Penal Code.

   2. The case of the prosecution is that on 26.06.1982 at about 8.00  A.M.,
      the deceased Mohan Singh, who was a resident of  Village  Garh  Umrao,
      Tehsil Sadabad, District Mathura, U.P., after taking bath at the tube-
      well, was going to his house along with his minor  daughter  Lajjawati
      (PW-5). He was carrying  his  single  barrel  gun  and  the  strip  of
      cartridges with him. The respondents Phal  Singh  and  Mahabir  Singh,
      along with other accused Om Prakash and Gopi Chand, were clearing  the
      irrigation channel of their field; whereas  respondents  Raj  Pal  and
      Satya Pal were scrapping grass  in  their  respective  fields.  Jaipal
      Singh and Om Prakash were engaged in plucking the Moong Pods from  the
      field. When deceased Mohan Singh reached the ridge of the field of  Om
      Prakash and Gopi Chand, Phal Singh and Jaipal Singh caught him by  his
      hands whereas respondent Om Prakash came  from  behind,  put  his  arm
      around him and put him down on the  ground.  In  the  meantime,  other
      accused persons also reached there. Then the  accused  Jaipal  and  Om
      Prakash caught hands of the deceased and accused Rajpal  and  Satyapal
      caught the legs of the  deceased.  Rajpal  hit  the  deceased  with  a
      Ballam. Accused Mahabir Singh and Phal Singh severed the head  of  the
      deceased Mohan Singh by hitting him with Phawara (Spade).

   3. At the time of the incident, Kalyan Singh (PW-1), who is the father of
      deceased Mohan Singh, and Bani Singh (PW-2) were sitting at  the  tube
      well of Bani Singh situated at a distance of around 150 yards from the
      place of incident. On hearing the cries of deceased  Mohan  Singh  and
      Lajjawati (PW-5), the aforesaid  witnesses  rushed  to  the  place  of
      incident. In the meantime, accused Harcharan also arrived at the place
      of incident carrying his gun. In order to dissuade  Kalyan  Singh  and
      Bani Singh, the accused respondents Phal Singh and Harcharan fired  in
      the air. Then the accused persons tried  to  take  away  the  body  of
      deceased Mohan Singh by dragging it for some distance. But due to  the
      hue and cry raised by the eye-witnesses, the accused  fled  away  from
      the place of incident. Thereafter, Kalyan Singh (PW-1) went to  Police
      Station Sadabad with a written complaint of the incident, on the basis
      of which an FIR of the incident was lodged on the same day  at  around
      11.00 A.M. and Case Crime No.139 of 1982 was registered.

   4. Thereafter, investigation started and police sent  the  dead  body  of
      Mohan Singh for post-mortem, prepared Site Map of  the  place  of  the
      incident,  and  collected  blood-stained  soil  and  clothes  of   the
      deceased. In the evening, accused Harcharan was arrested  and  on  the
      information  given  by  him,  a  blood-stained  Phawara  (Spade)   was
      recovered.  All  the  articles  recovered  were  sent   for   chemical

   5. Dr. K.C. Jain (PW-4) conduced the post-mortem examination of  deceased
      Mohan Singh which disclosed that there were three ante mortem injuries
      present on the corpse of Mohan Singh; head was severed from the  body;
      and there was fracture on 6th and 7th vertebra. The doctor opined that
      the death was caused due to shock and hemorrhage due to  above  stated

   6. After the investigation was complete, seven persons,  namely,  Mahabir
      Singh, Phal Singh, Jaipal Singh, Om Prakash, Raj Pal,  Satya  Pal  and
      Har Charan were challaned by the police and charge-sheet was submitted
      in Court. As  the  case  was  exclusively  triable  by  the  Court  of
      Sessions, it was committed to the Court  of  learned  Sessions  Judge,
      Mathura. Thereafter, charges  were  framed  against  all  the  accused
      persons  vide  order  dated  16.12.1982,  they  were  tried  for   the
      respective offences and after hearing the counsel for the  prosecution
      and also the counsel for the accused, the learned Sessions Judge  vide
      his order dated 26.07.1983, convicted six accused persons (respondents
      Nos.1 to 6 herein) for committing the offence under Section  302  read
      with Section 149 IPC and sentenced each of them  to  undergo  rigorous
      imprisonment for  life.  They  were  also  convicted  severally  under
      Sections 147, 148  & 379 of IPC. The accused Har Charan was not  found
      guilty of the offences punishable under Section 148 or Section 302/149
      of IPC and hence he was acquitted.

   7. Being aggrieved by the judgment  of conviction passed by  the  learned
      Sessions Judge, Mathura, the accused respondents preferred  an  appeal
      under Section 374 Cr.P.C., before the  High  Court  of  Judicature  at
      Allahabad. The Allahabad High Court by its judgment  dated  17.02.2012
      passed in Criminal Appeal No.1734 of 1983, allowed the appeal filed by
      the accused respondents  and  acquitted  them  of  the  charges  under
      Section 302 read with Section 149 of  IPC.   Hence,  this  appeal,  by
      special leave, is filed before this Court by the son of  the  deceased
      challenging the judgment and order of acquittal  passed  by  the  High

   8. Respondent No.4 herein having died on 10.12.2012, as supported by  the
      Death Certificate filed in this Court, this appeal abates  as  against
      respondent No.4.

   9. We have heard the learned counsel appearing for the appellant as  also
      the learned counsel appearing for the respondents accused and  perused
      the oral and documentary evidence on record.

  10. The Trial Court convicted the  accused  relying  upon  the  successful
      establishment of the following facts by the prosecution:

        a) the murder of the deceased vide Exh. Ka 7 (Panchnama), Exh. Ka 3
           (post-mortem examination report) and the recovery of the head of
           the deceased that had been severed from the trunk;

        b) the place of occurrence vide recovery of  personal  articles  of
           the deceased from the alleged place of occurrence as also  blood
           stained earth from a pool of blood found at the alleged place of
           occurrence and the corresponding report of the Chemical Examiner
           and Serologist certifying it to be human blood;

        c) motive for the commission of the offence;

        d) the time and manner of  occurrence  of  the  incident  from  the
           evidence of PW1, PW2 and PW 5  (eye  witnesses)   was  not  only
           credible but corroborated  by  each  other  and  in  turn  stood
           corroborated by the medical evidence.

  11. On the other hand, the High Court found that the prosecution story was
      not  reliable  since  the  eye-witnesses  were  interested  and  other
      witnesses were inimical and had the motive to  falsely  implicate  the
      accused persons. Further, their presence at the scene of occurrence at
      the time of the incident was also doubted. It was further  found  that
      the aforesaid prosecution witnesses not only made false statements  on
      the most material  parts  of  the  prosecution  case,  but  were  even
      otherwise  not  acceptable  to  a  reasonable  person.  Moreover,  the
      testimony of the formal witnesses was also found to be not trustworthy
      on account of serious lapses in  recording  of  evidence,  holding  of
      inquest and dispatching of FIR to the nearest Magistrate leading to an
      inference as to its antedating. Resultantly, the accused persons  were
      acquitted by the High Court.

  12. Before proceeding with an analysis of the various  contentions  raised
      by the parties or expressing opinion on the appreciation and  findings
      of fact and law recorded by the courts below, we wish to reiterate the
      scope of interference by this  Court  in  a  criminal  appeal  against
      acquittal under Article 136 of the Constitution of India.

  13. In Himachal Pradesh Administration Vs. Shri Om Prakash, (1972)  1  SCC
      249, it was held by this Court as follows:

           “In appeals against acquittal  by  special  leave  under Article
           136, this Court  has  undoubted  power  to  interfere  with  the
           findings  of  the  fact,  no  distinction  being  made   between
           judgments of acquittal and conviction  though  in  the  case  of
           acquittals  it  will  not  be  ordinarily  interfere  with   the
           appreciation of evidence or on findings of fact unless the  High
           Court “acts perversely or otherwise improperly.”

  14. Further, in Ganga Kumar Srivastava Vs. State of Bihar,  (2005)  6  SCC
      211, this Court added one more ground, namely, where the  appreciation
      of evidence and finding is vitiated by any error of law  of  procedure
      or found contrary to the principles  of  natural  justice,  errors  of
      record and misreading of the evidence.

  15. It is a cardinal principle of criminal jurisprudence that the guilt of
      the accused must be proved beyond all reasonable doubts. However,  the
      burden on the prosecution is only to establish  its  case  beyond  all
      reasonable doubt and  not  all  doubts.  Here,  it  is  worthwhile  to
      reproduce the observations made by Venkatachaliah,  J.,  in  State  of
      U.P. Vs. Krishna Gopal and Anr., (1988) 4 SCC 302:

           “25. … Doubts would be called reasonable if they are free from a
           zest for abstract speculation. Law cannot afford  any  favourite
           other than truth. To constitute reasonable  doubt,  it  must  be
           free from an overemotional response. Doubts must be  actual  and
           substantial doubts as to the guilt of the accused person arising
           from the evidence, or from the lack of it, as  opposed  to  mere
           vague apprehensions. A reasonable doubt  is  not  an  imaginary,
           trivial or a merely possible doubt; but a fair doubt based  upon
           reason and common sense. It must grow out of the evidence in the

           26. The concept of probability, and the degrees  of  it,  cannot
           obviously be expressed in terms of units  to  be  mathematically
           enumerated as to how many of such units constitute proof  beyond
           reasonable doubt. There is an unmistakable subjective element in
           the evaluation of the degrees of probability and the quantum  of
           proof. Forensic probability must, in the last analysis, rest  on
           a robust common sense and, ultimately on the trained  intuitions
           of the judge. While the protection given by the criminal process
           to the accused persons is not to be eroded, at  the  same  time,
           uninformed legitimization of trivialities would make  a  mockery
           of administration of criminal justice.”

           [See also Krishnan Vs. State, (2003) 7 SCC 56; Valson  and  Anr.
           Vs. State of Kerala, (2008) 12 SCC 24 and Bhaskar Ramappa  Madar
           and Ors. Vs. State of Karnataka, (2009) 11 SCC 690].

  16. Another golden thread which runs through the web of the administration
      of justice in criminal cases is that if two views are possible on  the
      evidence adduced in the case, one pointing to the guilt of the accused
      and the other to his innocence, the view which is  favourable  to  the
      accused should be adopted. [Vide   Kali  Ram  Vs.  State  of  Himachal
      Pradesh, (1973) 2 SCC 808; State of Rajasthan Vs. Raja Ram,  (2003)  8
      SCC 180; Chandrappa & Ors. Vs. State of Karnataka, (2007) 4  SCC  415;
      Upendra Pradhan Vs. State of Orissa, (2015)  11  SCC  124  and  Golbar
      Hussain & Ors. Vs. State of Assam and Anr., (2015) 11 SCC 242].

  17. However, the rule regarding the benefit  of  doubt  does  not  warrant
      acquittal of the accused by  resorting  to  surmises,  conjectures  or
      fanciful considerations, as has been held by this Court in the case of
      State of Punjab Vs. Jagir Singh, (1974) 3 SCC 277:

           “A criminal trial is not like a fairy tale wherein one  is  free
           to give flight to one’s imagination  and  fantasy.  It  concerns
           itself with the question as to whether the accused arraigned  at
           the trial is guilty of the offence with  which  he  is  charged.
           Crime is an event in real life and is the product  of  interplay
           of different human emotions. In arriving at the conclusion about
           the guilt of the accused charged with the commission of a crime,
           the court has  to  judge,  the  evidence  by  the  yardstick  of
           probabilities, its intrinsic worth and the animus of  witnesses.
           Every case in the final analysis would have to depend  upon  its
           own facts. Although the benefit of every reasonable doubt should
           be given to the accused, the courts should not at the same  time
           reject evidence which is ex facie trustworthy, on grounds  which
           are fanciful or in the nature of conjectures.”

  18. Similarly, in Shivaji Sahebrao Bobade & Anr. Vs. State of Maharashtra,
      (1973) 2 SCC 793, V.R. Krishna Iyer, J., stated thus:

           “The cherished principles  or  golden  thread  of  proof  beyond
           reasonable doubt which runs through the web of  our  law  should
           not be stretched morbidly to embrace every hunch, hesitancy  and
           degree of doubt.  The  excessive  solicitude  reflected  in  the
           attitude that a thousand guilty men  may  go  but  one  innocent
           martyr shall not suffer is  a  false  dilemma.  Only  reasonable
           doubts belong to the accused. Otherwise any practical system  of
           justice will then break  down  and  lose  credibility  with  the

  19. Keeping in mind the aforesaid position of law, we  shall  examine  the
      arguments advanced and the evidence adduced by the parties as also the
      materials on record and see in view of the nature of  offence  alleged
      to have been committed by the respondents whether the findings of fact
      recorded by the High Court call for  interference  in  the  facts  and
      circumstances of the case.

  20. The learned counsel for the appellant  has  submitted  that  the  High
      Court has erred in rejecting the evidence of PW1, PW2 and PW5 as  also
      the formal witnesses by placing undue emphasis on minor/trivial issues
      not going to the root of the case. Per contra, the learned counsel for
      the respondents has supported the reasoning of the High Court and  has
      further sought to  point  out  cracks  in  the  prosecution  story  by
      alleging absence of immediate motive, recovery of weapon  being  false
      and fabricated, belated introduction of story of marriage, the  factum
      of which could not be proved, non-production of independent witnesses,
      incongruence between the medical evidence and prosecution story,  non-
      establishment of ballam injury,  failure  to  put  material  questions
      regarding marriage to  the  accused  under  Section  313  Cr.P.C.  and
      finally the site plan belying the prosecution claim.

  21. For the sake of  convenience,  we  shall  first  examine  the  general
      position of law on the various issues that found favour with the  High
      Court in recording the order of acquittal in favour of the accused and
      then address the specific findings of fact and law by the High Court.

      Testimony of Child Witnesses

  22. It is well-settled that the evidence of  a  child  witness  must  find
      adequate corroboration, before it  is  relied  upon  as  the  rule  of
      corroboration is of practical wisdom than of  law.  (See  Prakash  Vs.
      State of M.P., (1992) 4  SCC  225;  Baby  Kandayanathi  Vs.  State  of
      Kerala, 1993 Supp (3) SCC 667; Raja Ram  Yadav  Vs.  State  of  Bihar,
      (1996)   9   SCC   287; Dattu   Ramrao   Sakhare    Vs.    State    of
      Maharashtra, (1997) 5 SCC 341; State of U.P. Vs. Ashok Dixit  &  Anr.,
      (2000) 3 SCC 70; Suryanarayana Vs. State Of Karnataka,  (2001)  9  SCC

  23. However, it is not the law that if a witness is a child, his  evidence
      shall be rejected, even if it is a found reliable.  The  law  is  that
      evidence of a child witness must be evaluated more carefully and  with
      greater circumspection because a child is susceptible to be swayed  by
      what others tell him and thus a child  witness  is  an  easy  prey  to
      tutoring. [Vide Panchhi Vs. State of U.P., (1998) 7 SCC 177].

      Testimony of Interested/Inimical Witnesses

  24. On the issue of appreciation  of  evidence  of  interested  witnesses,
      Dalip Singh Vs. State of Punjab, AIR 1953 SC 364 = 1954  SCR  145,  is
      one of the earliest cases on the point.  In that case, it was held  as

           “A witness is normally to be considered independent unless he or
           she springs from sources which are likely to be tainted and that
           usually means unless the  witness  has  cause,  such  as  enmity
           against  the  accused,  to  wish  to  implicate   him   falsely.
           Ordinarily, a close relative would be the  last  to  screen  the
           real culprit and falsely implicate an  innocent  person.  It  is
           true, when feelings run high and there  is  personal  cause  for
           enmity, that there is a tendency to drag in an  innocent  person
           against whom a witness has a grudge along with the  guilty,  but
           foundation must be laid for such a criticism and the  mere  fact
           of relationship far from being a  foundation  is  often  a  sure
           guarantee of truth.”

  25. Similarly, in Piara Singh and Ors. Vs. State of Punjab,  AIR  1977  SC
      2274 = (1977) 4 SCC 452,  this Court held:

           “It is well settled that the evidence of interested or  inimical
           witnesses is to be scrutinised with care but cannot be  rejected
           merely on the ground of being  a  partisan  evidence.  If  on  a
           perusal of the evidence the Court is satisfied that the evidence
           is creditworthy there is no bar in the Court relying on the said

  26. In Hari Obula Reddy and Ors. Vs. The State of Andhra Pradesh, (1981) 3
      SCC 675, a three-judge Bench of this Court observed:

           “..  it  is  well  settled  that  interested  evidence  is   not
           necessarily unreliable evidence. Even partisanship by itself  is
           not  a  valid  ground  for  discrediting  or   rejecting   sworn
           testimony. Nor can it be laid down as an  invariable  rule  that
           interested evidence can  never  form  the  basis  of  conviction
           unless corroborated to a material extent in material particulars
           by independent evidence. All  that  is  necessary  is  that  the
           evidence of interested witnesses should be subjected to  careful
           scrutiny and accepted with caution. If  on  such  scrutiny,  the
           interested testimony is found to be  intrinsically  reliable  or
           inherently probable, it may, by itself, be  sufficient,  in  the
           circumstances of the  particular  case,  to  base  a  conviction

  27. Again, in Ramashish Rai Vs. Jagdish Singh,  (2005)  10  SCC  498,  the
      following observations were made by this Court:

           “The requirement of  law  is  that  the  testimony  of  inimical
           witnesses has to be considered with caution.  If  otherwise  the
           witnesses are true and reliable their testimony cannot be thrown
           out on the threshold by branding them as inimical witnesses.  By
           now, it is well-settled principle of law that enmity is a double-
           edged sword. It can be a ground for false implication.  It  also
           can be a ground for assault. Therefore, a duty is cast upon  the
           court to examine the testimony of inimical  witnesses  with  due
           caution and diligence.” 

  28. A survey of the judicial pronouncements of this Court  on  this  point
      leads to the inescapable conclusion that the  evidence  of  a  closely
      related  witnesses  is  required  to  be  carefully  scrutinised   and
      appreciated before any conclusion is made to rest upon  it,  regarding
      the convict/accused in a given case.  Thus,  the  evidence  cannot  be
      disbelieved merely on the ground that the  witnesses  are  related  to
      each other or to the deceased. In case the  evidence  has  a  ring  of
      truth to  it,  is  cogent,  credible  and  trustworthy,  it  can,  and
      certainly should, be relied upon. (See Anil Rai Vs.  State  of  Bihar,
      (2001) 7 SCC 318; State of U.P. Vs. Jagdeo Singh, (2003)  1  SCC  456;
      Bhagalool Lodh & Anr. Vs. State of U.P., (2011) 13 SCC 206;  Dahari  &
      Ors. Vs. State of U. P., (2012) 10 SCC 256; Raju @ Balachandran & Ors.
      Vs. State of Tamil Nadu, (2012) 12 SCC 701; Gangabhavani Vs.  Rayapati
      Venkat Reddy & Ors., (2013) 15 SCC 298;  Jodhan  Vs.  State  of  M.P.,
      (2015) 11 SCC 52).

      Discrepancies in Evidence

  29. It is well settled in law that the minor discrepancies are not  to  be
      given undue emphasis and the evidence is to  be  considered  from  the
      point of view  of  trustworthiness.  The  test  is  whether  the  same
      inspires confidence in the mind of  the  Court.  If  the  evidence  is
      incredible and cannot be accepted by the test of prudence, then it may
      create  a  dent  in  the  prosecution  version.  If  an  omission   or
      discrepancy  goes  to  the  root  of  the   matter   and   ushers   in
      incongruities, the defence can take advantage of such inconsistencies.
      It needs no special emphasis to state that every omission cannot  take
      place of a material omission  and,  therefore,  minor  contradictions,
      inconsistencies or insignificant embellishments do not affect the core
      of the prosecution case and should not be taken  to  be  a  ground  to
      reject the prosecution evidence. The omission should create a  serious
      doubt about the truthfulness or creditworthiness of a witness.  It  is
      only the serious contradictions and omissions which materially  affect
      the case of the prosecution but not every contradiction  or  omission.
      (See Rammi @ Rameshwar Vs. State of M.P., (1999) 8 SCC 649; Leela  Ram
      (dead) through Duli Chand Vs. State of Haryana and Another,  (1999)  9
      SCC 525; Bihari Nath Goswami Vs. Shiv Kumar Singh & Ors., (2004) 9 SCC
      186; Vijay @ Chinee Vs. State of Madhya Pradesh,  (2010)  8  SCC  191;
      Sampath Kumar Vs. Inspector of Police, Krishnagiri, (2012) 4 SCC  124;
      Shyamal Ghosh Vs. State of West Bengal, (2012) 7 SCC 646 and Mritunjoy
      Biswas Vs. Pranab @ Kuti Biswas and Anr., (2013) 12 SCC 796).

      Lapses in Investigation

  30. In C. Muniappan and Others vs. State of Tamil Nadu, (2010) 9 SCC  567,
      this Court explained the law on this point in the following manner:

           “There may be highly defective investigation in a case. However,
           it is to be examined as to whether there is any lapse by the  IO
           and whether due to such lapse any benefit should be given to the
           accused. The law on this issue is well settled that  the  defect
           in the investigation by itself cannot be a ground for acquittal.
           If primacy is given to such designed or negligent investigations
           or to the omissions or lapses by perfunctory investigation,  the
           faith and confidence of  the  people  in  the  criminal  justice
           administration would be eroded. Where there has been  negligence
           on the part of the investigating agency or omissions, etc. which
           resulted in defective investigation, there is a legal obligation
           on the part of the court to  examine  the  prosecution  evidence
           dehors such lapses, carefully, to  find  out  whether  the  said
           evidence is reliable or not and to what extent  it  is  reliable
           and as to whether such lapses affected the object of finding out
           the truth. Therefore, the investigation is not the solitary area
           for judicial scrutiny in a criminal trial. The conclusion of the
           trial in the case cannot be allowed  to  depend  solely  on  the
           probity of investigation.”

  31. In the present case, the High Court found that the testimonies of  the
      eye witnesses were not reliable. In this connection,  the  High  Court
      noted that the very claim of the witnesses that on  the  fateful  day,
      the deceased and his daughter PW5, Lajjawati were going to their house
      situated in the north of the village for any  particular  reason,  did
      not carry any weight in view of the fact that  the  deceased  used  to
      reside in his self-contained shelter situated near the tube well which
      was far removed from the Village and where he used to retire each  day
      before sunset. We are not inclined to endorse this finding of the High
      Court, particularly in light of the deposition of  PW1  and  PW5,  who
      stated under oath that on the fateful day, the deceased and  PW5  were
      going to another village via their village house.

  32. The High Court also noted that there was no reason for the deceased to
      go through the fields of  the  accused  since  there  was  a  straight
      pathway for accessing the village from the  tube-well.  Moreover,  the
      animosity between the informant and the accused persons  was  so  deep
      that they had put restriction upon themselves not to trespass or  pass
      through the fields of their opponents. We are not  in  agreement  with
      this observation of the High  Court  as  well  in  the  light  of  the
      categorical finding by the trial court that along the north also there
      were fields of the very same accused, meaning thereby that  in  either
      case the deceased while going from his tube-well to his house  in  the
      village, would necessarily have to pass  through  the  fields  of  the
      accused. It has also been submitted by the counsel on  behalf  of  the
      appellant that this was precisely the reason why the deceased used  to
      retire to his separate citadel each day before sunset  and  carry  his
      gun and cartridge-strip with him.

  33. As far as the evidence of PW5 is concerned, the High Court found  that
      it was illogical that the dress of a child who  was  living  with  her
      parents in a different establishment would be kept in the  custody  of
      someone else who was living elsewhere, particularly in  the  light  of
      the possessive attitude of children that urges them to cling to  their
      most precious belongings. In this regard, it has been submitted by the
      counsel for the appellant that while the daily wears of PW5 were  kept
      at the tube-well, fancy clothes for occasions were kept at the village
      house. Be that as it may, we are  not  inclined  to  agree  with  this
      reasoning of the High Court. Without attempting to indulge in any form
      of notional psychoanalysis of the child  witness  (PW5),  we  wish  to
      emphasize that she was not subjected to any cross-examination on  this
      point and hence any form of conjecture on this point would  be  wholly
      improper on our part. However, the learned counsel for the respondents
      have submitted that PW5 was a tutored witness relying  upon  the  fact
      that she had not taken a bath before leaving the house with her father
      to  purportedly  attend  a  marriage  ceremony.  We  find  that   this
      contention is wholly frivolous  having  no  material  bearing  on  the
      present case.

  34. The learned counsel for the respondents has further sought  to  attack
      the testimony of this prosecution witness on the ground  of  delay  in
      recording of her statement by the Investigating Officer. In support of
      this submission, learned counsel has relied upon the judgments of this
      Court in State of U.P. Vs. Ashok Dixit and  Anr.,  (2000)  3  SCC  70;
      Vijaybhai Bhanabhai Patel Vs. Navnitbhai Patel & Ors., (2004)  10  SCC
      583; Jagjit Singh @ Jagga Vs. State of  Punjab,  (2005)  3  SCC  689].
      However, we find that none  of  these  cases  help  the  case  of  the
      respondents since Vijaybhai Bhanabhai Patel  Vs.  Navnitbhai  Patel  &
      Ors., (2004) 10 SCC 583, does not pertain  to  the  case  of  a  child
      witness and in State of U.P. Vs. Ashok Dixit and Anr.,  (2000)  3  SCC
      70, and Jagjit Singh @ Jagga Vs. State of Punjab, (2005)  3  SCC  689,
      delay in recording of evidence was not  per se held to be fatal to the
      prosecution case but the testimony of the child witness in  each  case
      was found to be incredible on account of material  contradictions  and
      lack of independent corroboration. We find that this is not  the  case
      here. In this context, we may note that the Trial Court  has  observed
      that PW5  was  cross-examined  on  practically  every  detail  of  the
      prosecution story and her statement corroborated every  part  thereof.
      Moreover, the delay in recording of  the  statement  of  PW5  was  not
      unexplained. It was rightly observed by the learned Trial  Judge  that
      the delay was on account of the fact that  the  Investigating  Officer
      wanted to assure himself of the veracity of her statement  and  hence,
      she was examined after she had time to recover from the shock  of  the
      incident and compose herself. Under these circumstances, any delay  in
      examining this witness under Section 161 of Cr.P.C. will not prejudice
      the prosecution.

  35. Further, the High Court opined that when the bicycle  was  being  kept
      regularly in the house of the deceased situated at the  tube-well,  it
      was very difficult to accept the explanation for the deceased to go to
      his village house. The High Court noted that this  was  reinforced  by
      the fact that as per  evidence  of  PW5,  the  brother-in-law  of  the
      deceased or the maternal uncle of PW5, namely, Ghanshyam  was  not  in
      the village in the morning when the incident had occurred. However, we
      feel that there appears to be some confusion on this point.  According
      to the versions of PW1 and PW2, it was the  brother-in-law  of  Rajvir
      (brother of the deceased), namely, Amar  Singh  who  had  visited  the
      house of the deceased and had taken the bicycle of the deceased on the
      night prior to the date of the incident and that he was  also  present
      on the spot at the time of the incident. Now, it is true that PW5  had
      stated in her deposition that “Mama” (maternal uncle)  had  taken  the
      bicycle, it is quite probable that she meant to refer  to  Amar  Singh
      and not Ghanshyam (her real maternal uncle being the  brother  of  her
      mother).  Hence,  there  is  no  conflict  in  the  evidence  of   the
      eyewitnesses on this point.

  36. A related contention raised on behalf of the respondents is  that  the
      story of marriage was introduced for the first time by the prosecution
      witnesses during trial and the same was not even proved.  However,  we
      must note the observations of the learned Trial Judge  which  were  to
      the effect that the statements  of  the  prosecution  witnesses  under
      Section 162 Cr.P.C. were conspicuously silent on  this  part,  thereby
      implying that the Investigating Officer did not care to inquire  about
      it during investigation. Thus, in the light of  the  position  of  law
      examined above vis-à-vis effect of lapses in the investigation, we are
      not prepared to dispense with the  accusation  merely  on  this  point
      especially when the Trial Court concluded that there was  no  material
      contradiction in the statements of PW1 and PW5.

  37. Another reason for which the High Court  disbelieved  the  prosecution
      story is the improvement made by PW2 in the story of beheading of  the
      deceased. We find it difficult to agree with this  conclusion  of  the
      High Court in the light of the judgment of this Court in Leela Ram Vs.
      State of Haryana, (1999) 9 SCC 525, wherein it was observed:

           “It is indeed necessary to note that one hardly comes  across  a
           witness whose evidence does not  contain  some  exaggeration  or
           embellishment – sometimes  there  could  even  be  a  deliberate
           attempt to offer  embellishment  and  sometimes  in  their  over
           anxiety they may give a slightly exaggerated account. The  court
           can sift the chaff from the grain and find out  the  truth  from
           the testimony of the witnesses. Total repulsion of the  evidence
           is unnecessary. The evidence is to be considered from the  point
           of view of trustworthiness. If this  element  is  satisfied,  it
           ought to inspire confidence in the mind of the court  to  accept
           the stated evidence though not however in  the  absence  of  the

  38. Similarly, in Subal Ghorai and Ors. Vs. State of West Bengal, (2013) 4
      SCC 607, this Court stated as follows:

           “Experience shows that witnesses do exaggerate  and  this  Court
           has taken note of such exaggeration made by  the  witnesses  and
           held that on account of embellishments,  evidence  of  witnesses
           need not be discarded if it is corroborated on material  aspects
           by the other evidence on record.”

  39. It was further noted by the High Court that the special report of  the
      incident, that is, copy of the FIR had been received by the Magistrate
      1½ months after the incident. Moreover, there was no time mentioned by
      PW8 in the relevant column as to when  the  inquest  proceedings  were
      started nor was any date or time mentioned in the relevant  column  as
      to when the inquest proceeding ended allegedly at the  instruction  of
      PW9, thus leading to an inference of antedating  and  fabrication.  We
      find that these observations of the High Court are  not  supported  by
      the evidence on record inasmuch as the DW1 was himself not sanguine as
      to the correct date of receipt of the FIR  in  the  present  case.  He
      simply stated that due to workload, the entry was made on  10.08.1982.
      Further, PW8 had stated in his deposition that PW9  must  have  spoken
      about the date and time of starting the Panchnama to  be  recorded  in
      the relevant column but he could not be certain in view of loud  noise
      at the place of the incident at the relevant time. In  any  event,  in
      the light of the position of law examined above and the observation of
      the Trial Court that these merely  show  remissness  on  part  of  the
      investigating officer and should  not  be  treated  as  fatal  to  the
      prosecution case, we are not inclined to  disbelieve  the  prosecution

  40. It has been consistently held  by  this  Court  through  a  catena  of
      judicial decisions that although in terms of Section 157 Cr.P.C.,  the
      police officer concerned is required to forward a copy of the  FIR  to
      the Magistrate empowered  to take cognizance of such offence, promptly
      and without undue delay, it cannot be laid down as a rule of universal
      application that whenever there is some delay in sending  the  FIR  to
      the Magistrate, the prosecution version  becomes  unreliable  and  the
      trial stands vitiated. When there is positive  evidence  to  the  fact
      that the FIR was recorded without unreasonable delay and investigation
      started on the basis of that FIR  and  there  is  no  other  infirmity
      brought to the notice of  the  Court,  then  in  the  absence  of  any
      prejudice  to  the  accused,  it  cannot   be   concluded   that   the
      investigation  was  tainted  and  the   prosecution   story   rendered
      unsupportable. [See Pala Singh Vs. State of Punjab, (1972) 2 SCC  640;
      Sarwan Singh Vs. State of Punjab, (1976) 4 SCC 369; Anil Rai Vs. State
      of Bihar, (2001) 7 SCC 318; Munshi Prasad & Ors. Vs. State  of  Bihar,
      (2002) 1 SCC 351; Aqeel Ahmad Vs. State of U.P., (2008)  16  SCC  372;
      Dharamveer Vs. State of U.P., (2010) 4 SCC 469; Sandeep Vs.  State  of
      U.P., (2012) 6 SCC 107].

  41. Further, the evidentiary value of the inquest  report  prepared  under
      Section 174 of Cr.P.C. has also been long settled through a series  of
      judicial pronouncements of this Court.  It  is  well-established  that
      inquest report is not a substantive piece of evidence and can only  be
      looked into for testing the veracity of the witnesses of inquest.  The
      object of preparing such report is merely to  ascertain  the  apparent
      cause of death, namely, whether it is suicidal, homicidal,  accidental
      or caused by animals or machinery etc. and stating in what manner,  or
      by what weapon or instrument, the injuries on the body appear to  have
      been inflicted. [See Pedda Narayan Vs. State of  A.P.,  (1975)  4  SCC
      153; Khujji Vs. State of M.P., (1991) 3  SCC  627;  Kuldip  Singh  Vs.
      State of Punjab, 1992 Supp (3) SCC 1; George and  Ors.  Vs.  State  of
      Kerala and Anr., (2008) 4 SCC 605; Suresh  Rai  Vs.  State  of  Bihar,
      (2000) 4 SCC 84; Amar Singh Vs. Balwinder Singh,  (2003)  2  SCC  518;
      Radha Mohan Singh Vs. State of U.P., (2006) 2 SCC 450; Sambhu Das  Vs.
      State of Assam, (2010) 10 SCC 374].

  42. In the present case, it is not the case of the accused that they  have
      been prejudiced by the alleged delay in dispatch of  the  FIR  to  the
      nearest Magistrate competent  to  take  cognizance  of  such  offence.
      Moreover, in  our  opinion,  the  non-recording  of  certain  relevant
      entries in the inquest report do not constitute a material  defect  so
      grave to throw out the prosecution story and  the  otherwise  reliable
      testimonies  of  prosecution  witnesses  that  have  mostly   remained

  43. The learned counsel appearing for the respondents has  then  tried  to
      create a dent in the prosecution story by pointing out inconsistencies
      between the ocular evidence and the medical evidence. However, we  are
      not persuaded with this submission since both the  Courts  below  have
      categorically ruled that the medical evidence was consistent with  the
      ocular evidence and  we  can  safely  say  that  to  that  extent,  it
      corroborated the direct evidence proffered by  the  eye-witnesses.  We
      hold that there is no material discrepancy in the medical  and  ocular
      evidence and there is no reason to interfere with the judgments of the
      Courts below on this ground. In any event, it  has  been  consistently
      held by this Court that the evidentiary value of medical  evidence  is
      only corroborative and  not  conclusive  and,  hence,  in  case  of  a
      conflict between oral evidence and medical evidence, the former is  to
      be preferred unless the medical evidence completely rules out the oral
      evidence. [See Solanki Chimanbhai Ukabhai Vs. State of Gujarat, (1983)
      2 SCC 174; Mani Ram Vs. State of Rajasthan,  1993  Supp  (3)  SCC  18;
      State of  U.P.  Vs.  Krishna  Gopal  &  Anr.,  State  of  Haryana  Vs.
      Bhagirath, (1999) 5 SCC 96; Dhirajbhai Gorakhbhai Nayak Vs.  State  of
      Gujarat, (2003)  5  SCC  223;  Thaman  Kumar  Vs.  State  of  U.T.  of
      Chandigarh, (2003) 6 SCC 380; Krishnan Vs. State,  (2003)  7  SCC  56;
      Khambam Raja Reddy & Anr. Vs. Public Prosecutor, High Court  of  A.P.,
      (2006) 11 SCC 239; State of U.P. Vs. Dinesh, (2009) 11 SCC 566;  State
      of U.P. Vs. Hari Chand, (2009) 13 SCC 542; Abdul Sayeed Vs.  State  of
      M.P., (2010) 10 SCC 259 and Bhajan Singh @ Harbhajan Singh & Ors.  Vs.
      State, 2011) 7 SCC 421].

  44. In the present case, we do not find any major contradiction either  in
      the evidence of the witnesses or any conflict  in  medical  or  ocular
      evidence which would tilt the balance in favour  of  the  respondents.
      The minor improvements, embellishments  etc.,  apart  from  being  far
      yield of human faculties are insignificant and  ought  to  be  ignored
      since  the  evidence  of  the   witnesses   otherwise   overwhelmingly
      corroborate each other in material particulars.

  45. The High Court has also noted that the  deceased  was  a  person  with
      criminal antecedents and had fired  at  many  persons,  including  one
      Bashira, and hence could have been targeted and killed by any  of  his
      enemies. It  has  been  submitted  by  the  learned  counsel  for  the
      appellant that the High Court has erred on this point since there  was
      no such evidence brought on record and merely certain suggestions were
      made to PW1 regarding this fact during  his  cross-examination,  which
      were denied. Moreover, it was also submitted that in the statement  of
      the accused recorded under Section 313 Cr.P.C., they have stated  that
      the deceased was a police mukhbir (informant)  and  not  that  he  had
      criminal antecedents. Be that as it may, we would like to refrain from
      any form of conjecture  on  this  point.  In  the  present  case,  the
      prosecution has not  sought  to  prove  its  claim  on  the  basis  of
      circumstantial evidence which  as  a  rule  needs  to  be  conclusive,
      excluding any possible hypothesis of innocence of the accused. In  the
      present case, it is not incumbent on the prosecution to discharge such
      burden to rule out every possible  hypothesis  inconsistent  with  the
      guilt of the accused or consistent with the guilt of any other person.

  46. It has next been contended by the learned counsel for the  respondents
      that there was no immediate motive with the respondents to commit  the
      murder of the deceased. However, the Trial Court found that there  was
      sufficient motive with the accused persons to commit the murder of the
      deceased since the deceased had  defeated  accused  Harcharan  in  the
      Pradhan elections, thus putting an end to his position as Pradhan  for
      the last 28-30 years. The  long  nursed  feeling  of  hatred  and  the
      simmering enmity between the family of the deceased  and  the  accused
      persons most  likely  manifested  itself  in  the  outburst  of  anger
      resulting in the murder of  the  deceased.  We  are  not  required  to
      express any opinion on this point in the light of the evidence adduced
      by the direct witnesses  to  the  incident.  It  is  a  settled  legal
      proposition that even  if  the  absence  of  motive,  as  alleged,  is
      accepted that is of no consequence and pales into insignificance  when
      direct evidence establishes the crime. Therefore,  in  case  there  is
      direct trustworthy evidence  of  witnesses  as  to  commission  of  an
      offence, motive loses its significance. Therefore, if the  genesis  of
      the motive of the occurrence is not proved, the  ocular  testimony  of
      the witnesses as to the occurrence could not be discarded only on  the
      ground of absence of motive, if otherwise the evidence  is  worthy  of
      reliance. [Hari Shankar Vs. State of U.P.,  (1996)  9  SCC  40;  Bikau
      Pandey & Ors. Vs. State of Bihar, (2003) 12 SCC 616; State of U.P. Vs.
      Kishanpal & Ors., (2008) 16 SCC 73; Abu Thakir &  Ors.  Vs.  State  of
      Tamil Nadu, (2010) 5 SCC 91 and Bipin Kumar Mondal Vs. State  of  West
      Bengal; (2010) 12 SCC 91].

  47. The next line of contention taken  by  the  learned  counsel  for  the
      respondents is that the recovery evidence was false and fabricated. We
      feel no need to address this issue since it had already  been  validly
      discarded by the Trial court while convicting the respondents. In  any
      case, it is an established proposition of law that  mere  non-recovery
      of weapon does not falsify the prosecution case where there  is  ample
      unimpeachable ocular evidence. [See Lakahan Sao Vs. State of Bihar and
      Anr., (2000) 9 SCC 82; State of Rajasthan  Vs.  Arjun  Singh  &  Ors.,
      (2011) 9 SCC 115 and Manjit Singh and Anr. Vs. State of Punjab, (2013)
      12 SCC 746].

  48. It was further contended by the learned counsel  for  the  respondents
      that material questions regarding marriage, on which  the  prosecution
      had allegedly relied upon, were not put to the accused  under  Section
      313 Cr.P.C., thereby causing great prejudice to  them.  We  feel  that
      there is no weight in this submission of the learned counsel  for  the
      respondents since the purpose of Section 313  is  only  to  bring  the
      attention of the accused to all the inculpatory pieces of evidence  to
      give him an opportunity to offer an explanation if he  chooses  to  do
      so. As has been succinctly held by this Court in  Raj  Kumar  Singh  @
      Raju @ Batya Vs. State of Rajasthan, (2013) 5 SCC 722:

           “In a criminal trial,  the  purpose  of  examining  the  accused
           person under Section 313 Cr.P.C., is to meet the requirement  of
           the principles of natural justice i.e. audi alterum partem. This
           means that the accused may be asked to furnish some  explanation
           as regards the incriminating circumstances associated with  him,
           and the court must take note of such explanation.”

  49. We feel that no such prejudice has  been  caused  to  the  accused  on
      account of the failure of this Court to examine them under Section 313
      on  the  facts  alleged  by  the  prosecution  since  they  were   not
      incriminating in nature. In any case, Nar Singh Vs. State of  Haryana,
      (2015) 1 SCC 496, is an authority for the proposition that accused  is
      not per se entitled for acquittal on the ground of  non-compliance  of
      mandatory provisions of Section 313 Cr.P.C.

  50. The learned counsel for the respondents has also sought to assail  the
      prosecution version on the ground of lack of independent witnesses. We
      are not impressed by this submission in the light of the  observations
      made by this Court in Darya Singh Vs. State of Punjab, AIR 1965 SC 328
      = 1964(7) SCR 397, wherein it was observed:

           “It is well-known that in villages where murders  are  committed
           as  a  result  of  factions  existing  in  the  village  or   in
           consequence of family feuds, independent villagers arc generally
           reluctant to give evidence because they are afraid  that  giving
           evidence might invite the wrath  of  the  assailants  and  might
           expose them to very serious risks. It is quite true that  it  is
           the duty of a  citizen  to  assist  the  prosecution  by  giving
           evidence and helping the administration of criminal law to bring
           the offender to book, but it  would  be  wholly  unrealistic  to
           suggest that if the prosecution is not able to bring independent
           witnesses to the Court because they are afraid to give evidence,
           that itself should be treated as an infirmity in the prosecution
           case so as to justify the defence contention that  the  evidence
           actually adduced should be  disbelieved  on  that  ground  alone
           without examining its merits.”

  51. Similarly, in Raghubir Singh Vs. State of U.P., (1972) 3  SCC  79,  it
      was held that  the  prosecution  is  not  bound  to  produce  all  the
      witnesses  said  to  have  seen  the  occurrence.  Material  witnesses
      considered necessary by the prosecution for unfolding the  prosecution
      story  alone  need  be  produced  without  unnecessary  and  redundant
      multiplication of witnesses. In this connection, general reluctance of
      an average villager to appear as a witness and get himself involved in
      cases of rival village factions when tempers on both sides are running
      high, has to be borne in mind.

  52. Further, in Appabhai and Anr. Vs. State of Gujarat, 1988 Supp (1)  SCC
      241, this Court has observed :

           “Experience reminds  us  that  civilized  people  are  generally
           insensitive when a crime is committed even  in  their  presence.
           They withdraw both from the victim and the vigilante. They  keep
           themselves away from the Court unless  it  is  inevitable.  They
           think that crime like civil dispute is between  two  individuals
           or parties and they should not involve themselves. This kind  of
           apathy of the general public is indeed unfortunate,  but  it  is
           there everywhere whether in village life, towns or  cities.  One
           cannot ignore this handicap with which the investigating  agency
           has to discharge its duties. The Court,  therefore,  instead  of
           doubting the prosecution case for want  of  independent  witness
           must consider the broad spectrum of the prosecution version  and
           then  search  for  the  nugget  of  truth  with  due  regard  to
           probability, if any, suggested by the accused.”

  53. Next, it has been contended by the learned counsel for the respondents
      that the site plan belies the prosecution claim in view of the  height
      of agricultural crops,  as PW1, PW2 and PW5 could not  have  seen  the
      incident and more precisely  as  to  which  accused  was  doing  what.
      However, when we examine the deposition of PW8, it appears that  there
      was some disparity in the height of the agricultural crops. While some
      crops were waist high, others were only as high as the  knees.  Hence,
      there is not much force in this submission of the learned counsel  for
      the respondents either. Besides, the judgment of this Court in Prithvi
      Vs. Mam Raj, (2004) 13 SCC 279, is an authority  for  the  proposition
      that site plan is not a ground to disbelieve  the  otherwise  credible
      testimony of eye-witnesses.

  54. Finally, it has been submitted by the counsel for the respondents that
      the prosecution story smacked  of  fabrication  in  that  it  was  not
      possible for the prosecution witnesses to depose accurately as to  the
      dragging of the body of the deceased by the respondents by nine  steps
      on the ground. We find no force in this submission in the light of the
      position of law laid down by this Court in  Leela  Ram  Vs.  State  of
      Haryana (supra).

  55. We, therefore, allow this appeal and set aside the  impugned  judgment
      passed by the High Court. Having regard to the evidence on record, the
      view expressed by the High Court, in our opinion, is not  a  plausible
      one. On the other hand, the trial court  has  correctly  analyzed  the
      material on record in the factual as well  as  legal  perspectives  to
      arrive at its conclusion. The Judgment and  order  of  conviction  and
      sentence passed by the learned Sessions  Judge,  Mathura,  thus  stand
      restored. The respondents are hereby directed to surrender before  the
      Trial Court within a week, failing which the  learned  Sessions  Judge
      concerned shall take prompt steps to put the respondents accused  back
      in jail to undergo the sentence awarded to them.

                                             (Pinaki Chandra  Ghose)

                                                       (Amitava Roy)
      New Delhi;
      October 20, 2016.

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