Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 1866 of 2016, Judgment Date: May 10, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 1866 OF 2016

VOHRA SADIKBHAI RAJAKBHAI & ORS.                           .....APPELLANT(S)            


STATE OF GUJARAT & ORS.                                   .....RESPONDENT(S)           

                               J U D G M E N T

                 The essence of the issue that needs to be  decided  in  the
instant appeal is captured by the appellants by  formulating  the  following
substantial question of law; though the same is not appropriately framed:
“Whether gross negligence in not maintaining particular level  of  water  in
the dam by the respondents; that has resulted into  damage  and  destruction
to the plantation of the appellants, causing loss of  livelihood,  could  be
said to be an 'Act of God'?”

It so happened that the respondents had constructed and  maintained  a  dam.
60,000 cusecs of water from this dam was released, which  flooded  the  land
of the  appellants  and  destroyed  the  plantation  therein.   As  per  the
respondents, the water had to  be  released  from  the  dam  as  it  reached
alarming level because of heavy rains and non-release  would  have  breached
the dam.  The action  was,  thus,  taken  in  public  interest  and  it  was
occasioned because of the rains, which was an act of God.   The  appellants,
on the other hand, contend that it was sheer negligence on the part  of  the
respondents in not maintaining low level of the water keeping  in  mind  the
ensuing monsoon season and, therefore, the damage which the appellants  have
suffered has direct nexus or causal connection with  the  aforesaid  act  of
negligence and it cannot be attributed to the rains.  It is,  thus,  pleaded
that the respondents cannot term it as an act of God and  excuse  themselves
from the tortious liability.

There is hardly any dispute on the factual matrix under which the  aforesaid
issue has cropped up for determination.

The appellants herein are the owners of land,  which  is  proximate  to  the
Mazum dam that has been built over  river  Mazum.   They  had  grown  hybrid
berry trees over the said land which, they claim, belong to their  ancestors
and were earning their  livelihood  from  the  fruits  of  the  said  trees.
Respondents have built a dam  over  River  Mazum  in  the  nearby  area  for
supplying water for irrigational purpose and thereby to  earn  revenue.   In
June 1997, there were heavy  rains  in  the  said  area  which  resulted  in
overflowing of the water in  the  dam.   In  order  to  save  the  dam,  the
respondents released nearly 60,000 cusecs of water.  This release  of  water
flooded the fields of the appellants.  With the submerging of  the  land  of
the appellants, all the trees standing on the land  got  uprooted  resulting
in destroying the whole cultivation of hybrid  berries.   According  to  the
appellants, there entire 8 bighas of agricultural land became  part  of  the
river Mazum and the only source of livelihood was lost.

The appellants claimed  compensation  for  the  damage  done  to  the  trees
standing on the said land by serving legal notice to the  respondents  under
Section 80 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.  Damages  and  compensation
to the extent of ?21,50,000 was claimed alleging that  it  happened  due  to
gross negligence and lack of administration on the part of the  respondents.
 The case set up in the notice was that  the  respondents  had  stored  more
than the retention capacity of the water in the  dam  during  the  month  of
June 1997 despite knowing fully well that during the  ensuing  rainy  season
there would be more flow of water in the dam.  This act on the part  of  the
respondents was termed as an act  of  gross  negligence  and  lack  of  good
administration.  No reply to the notice was given by the respondents,  which
forced the appellants to file  a  civil  suit  in  April  1998  against  the
respondents for a compensation of ?21,50,000.

The trial court appointed Court Commissioners to verify the position of  the
agricultural land of the appellants and report the ground situation  to  the
Court.  The team of Court Commissioners, known as panchas, who  visited  the
site, submitted their report for inspection confirming  the  submergence  of
the agricultural fields of the appellants.  They also reported that  due  to
this submergence, the trees of the appellants grown on the  said  land  were
uprooted and were lying amidst the mud and sand brought by the river  water.
 In this report, they also mentioned that as many as 1500  boar  trees  were
uprooted and washed away due to the said floods.  Several  photographs  were
also annexed with the report in respect of the aforesaid inspection  carried
out by the Court Commissioners.

Respondents contested the suit inter alia  on  the  ground  that  the  place
where the said dam, known as Mazum dam  Water  Scheme,  is  constructed  was
situated nearby the village Volva of Modasa, which is 33 kms. away from  the
place of the appellants.  It was further stated that due to heavy rains  the
water level of the dam had gone abnormally high and,  therefore,  there  was
no option but to release further water flow from the dam  in  the  river  to
control the floods.  For this purpose, advance information was given to  the
offices such as the Head of Departments, Revenue Authorities, etc.   It  was
also stated that during the monsoon season at what  level  the  capacity  of
the water is to be filled in the Mazum dam is decided in  advance.   But  in
the eventuality of the heavy rain fall at the upper side areas, to  maintain
the level of the water dam, the additional water  received  from  the  upper
areas are released into the river by opening the doors of the  dam  so  that
any damage to the dam can be prevented.  This decision  of  how  much  water
has to be released into the river is taken by  the  Competent  Officer.   On
that basis,  it  was  pleaded  that  no  compensation  was  payable  as  the
respondents were forced to take the decision to avert natural  calamity  and
this decision was occasioned because of excessive rain, which was an act  of

On the basis of pleadings, following issues were framed by the trial court:
“(i)  Whether plaintiff proves the suit claim?

(ii)  Whether plaintiffs are entitled to get the  interest  on  suit  claim?
If yes, at what rate?

(iii)  Whether plaintiffs prove that they have given  legal  notice  to  the

(iv)  What order and decree?”

Though Issue No.3 was decided in favour of the  appellants  holding  that  a
proper notice was served upon the respondents under Section 80 of  the  Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908 before filing the suit, insofar as  Issue  No.1  is
concerned, the findings of the trial  court  went  against  the  appellants.
The trial court held that the respondents were forced to release  the  water
due to the heavy rains.  The  trial  court  also  found  that  land  of  the
appellants is situated adjacent to the river bank  and,  therefore,  due  to
heavy rain, the river could have overflown  resulting  in  entering  of  the
water into the fields of the appellants in any case. It  further  held  that
action of the respondents in releasing the water  from  dam  was  a  prudent
action keeping in view that minimum damage is caused to the public at  large
because of the heavy rains, which is dependent upon the nature.   The  trial
court further held that the  appellants  had  not  given  specific  evidence
about the actual loss, i.e. how many trees the appellants  were  having  and
how many out of those trees were washed away in the  water.   Likewise,  the
appellants had also failed to produce the evidence with regard to the  price
of the produce allegedly destroyed by  obtaining  the  information  in  this
regard from  the  Agricultural  Produce  Marketing  Committee.   Though  the
appellants had examined one  witness,  he  had  given  only  oral  testimony
without any documentary support.  The trial court also  concluded  that  the
appellants could not prove that they had suffered damage  and  loss  due  to
the negligence on the  part  of  the  respondents.   On  the  basis  of  the
aforesaid  findings,  the  suit  of  the  appellants  was  dismissed.    The
appellants preferred an appeal against the said  judgment,  which  has  also
been dismissed by the High Court vide judgment dated June  27,  2011,  which
is impugned in the instant appeal.

A perusal of the judgment in appeal would reflect that since the  water  had
to be released from the dam, as a result of excessive rain, in order to  see
that less damage is  caused,  it  was  a  force  majeure  circumstance  and,
therefore, the appellants were not entitled to any compensation.

We may state at the outset that there is no dispute on basic  facts.  It  is
admitted by the respondents that a decision was taken to release  the  water
from the dam.  It has also come on record that the respondents  had  decided
to release 60,000 cusecs of water.  Because of the release  of  this  water,
land of the appellants with standing fruit bearing trees got submerged.   It
resulted in uprooting and destroying many  trees.   The  panchas,  who  were
appointed by the Court to visit the site  have  submitted  their  report  to
this effect stating that almost 1500 trees were damaged.   On  these  facts,
two aspects need consideration, which are:
(a)  Whether the act of releasing the water from the  dam  would  amount  to
negligence on the part of the respondents or it was inevitable due to  heavy
rains and is to be treated as an 'act of God'?
(b)  If the answer to the aforesaid question is in the affirmative,  whether
the appellants would be entitled to some compensation even  in  the  absence
of proof of actual/exact damage caused?

We may state at the outset that  neither  the  appellants  prosecuted  their
case properly nor the respondents contested  it  appropriately.   No  doubt,
the appellants submitted that there  was  negligence  on  the  part  of  the
respondents  in  not  ensuring  that  the  water  level  is  maintained   at
sufficiently low level to meet  the  exigency  of  accumulation  of  further
water because of the ensuing rains  as  they  have  also  pleaded  that  the
plantations in their fields got damaged because of the release of  water  by
the appellants.  However, they have not led any specific  evidence  to  show
the loss.  It has also not come on record as to at what level the water  was
in the dam before the rains.  On the other hand, the  respondents  took  the
plea that the water level in the dam rose because of torrential rains  which
has resulted in overflowing of the water in the  dam  and  the  decision  to
release the water became necessary in the larger public interest.   However,
the respondents have also not properly controverted the allegations  of  the
appellants that water was not maintained at an  appropriate  level  to  take
care of ensuing monsoons.  They  have  also  not  supported  their  plea  by
leading any evidence to the effect that had the water been not  released  it
would have breached the dam and that  act  would  have  caused  more  public
harm.  The courts below also took a myopic view by simply going by the  fact
that the action on the part of the respondents in releasing the  water  from
the dam was necessitated because of heavy rains and those  heavy  rains  are
an 'act of God'.

No doubt, both the parties agree that the overflowing of the dam was  caused
due to heavy rains.  However, the question is as to whether the  respondents
were supposed to take reasonable care in this behalf by  keeping  the  level
of water in the dam sufficiently low  in  order  to  meet  the  exigency  of
ensuing monsoon?  This would have  depended  upon  another  factor,  namely,
whether the rains in the said season were much more than normal  and  beyond
the expected level or it was known before hand, as  per  the  prediction  of
the Meteorological Department that there would be heavy rains?  It  is  only
on that basis one can find out as to whether there  was  negligence  on  the
part of the respondents in keeping the particular level of water in the  dam
by not taking into consideration the possible flow of the water as a  result
of expected rains.

The admitted  facts  on  record  are  that  the  damage  to  the  trees  and
plantation of the appellants is caused due to the release of water from  the
dam by the respondents.  A specific plea is raised that the respondents  had
stored more than the retention capacity of the water in the dam  during  the
month of June 1997 despite  knowing  fully  well  that  during  the  ensuing
monsoon season there would be more flow of water in the dam.

Since the dam is constructed and  maintained  by  the  respondents  and  the
appellants suffered losses as a result of release of  water  from  the  said
dam, onus was on the respondents to prove that they had  taken  proper  care
in maintaining appropriate level of water in the  dam  taking  into  account
the provision for the water that can get accumulated in the said dam due  to
the forthcoming rainy season.   The respondents are the owners  of  the  dam
in question.  They are expected to keep the said dam  in  such  a  condition
which avoids any loss or damage of any nature to the neighbours  or  passers
by.  The doctrine of strict liability, which has its origin in the  case  of
Rylands  v.  Fletcher[1],  will  have  application  in  the  instant   case.
Following observations of  Blackburn,  J.  state  the  principle  of  strict
“The rule of law is that the person who, for his own purpose, brings on  his
land and collects and keeps there anything  likely  to  do  mischief  if  it
escapes, must keep it in at his peril; and if he does not  do  so  is  prima
facie answerable for all the damage which is the natural consequence of  its

             The  learned  Judge  went  further  to  expound  the  aforesaid
principle in the following manner:
“The general rule as above stated  seems  on  principle  just.   The  person
whose grass or corn is eaten down by the escaping cattle of  his  neighbour,
or whose mine is flooded by the water from  his  neighbour's  reservoir,  or
whose cellar is invaded by the filth of  his  neighbour's  privy,  or  whose
habitation is made unhealthy  by  the  fumes  and  noisome  vapours  of  his
neighbour's alkali work is damnified without any fault of his  own;  and  it
seems but reasonable and just that the neighbour, who has brought  something
on his own property which was not naturally  there,  harmless  to  other  so
long as it is confined to his  own  property,  but  which  he  knows  to  be
mischievous if it gets on his neighbour's, should be obliged  to  make  good
the damage which ensues if he does not succeed in confining it  to  his  own
property.  But for his act in bringing  it  there  no  mischief  could  have
accrued, and it seems but just that he should at his peril keep it there  so
that no mischief may accrue, or  answer  for  the  natural  and  anticipated

Lord Cairns, while agreeing  with  the  aforesaid  view  of  Blackburn,  J.,
clarified that this rule shall apply where there  was  non-natural  user  of
land.  This concept of non-natural use of land was  succinctly  brought  out
by the Privy Council in  Rickards  v.  Lothian[2],  as  is  clear  from  the
following formulation:
“It is not every use to which  land  is  put  that  brings  into  play  this
principle.  It must be some special use bringing with  it  increased  danger
to others, and must not merely be the ordinary use of the  land  or  such  a
use as is proper for the general benefit of the community.”

In Read v. J. Lyons & Co.[3], another qualification to  the  aforesaid  rule
was added, namely, the non-natural use by the offending party should  result
in 'escape' of the thing from his land which causes damage  and  so  in  the
absence of 'escape', the rule has no application.

The aforesaid principle has withstood the test of time as  it  is  not  only
followed by the courts in England in subsequent judgments  repeatedly,  even
this Court has adopted in certain cases  and  extended  to  cover  accidents
arising out of use of motor vehicles on road. {See  –  State  of  Punjab  v.
Modern Cultivators[4]; Indian Council for Enviro Legal Action  v.  Union  of
India[5]; and Kusuma Begum (Smt.) v. The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.[6]}.

In Modern Cultivators' case referred to above,  the  damage  was  caused  by
overflowing of water from a breach in a canal.  This Court held that use  of
land for construction of a canal system is an ordinary use and  not  a  non-
natural  use.   The  Court  attributed  negligence  on  the  part   of   the
authorities and awarded  damages  to  the  plaintiff  therein  on  the  said
findings of negligence.  In this case, thus, the damages were  awarded  even
when the use of land for construction of a canal system was found to  be  an
ordinary use.

In Jay Laxmi Salt  Works  (P)  Ltd.  v.  State  of  Gujarat[7],  this  Court
explained the ratio of Modern Cultivators in scholarly manner, as follows:
“12.  Was the ratio in Rylands v. Fletcher modified by this Court in  Modern
Cultivators?  If so to what extent? What is its  effect  on  facts  of  this
case?  That was a case where the land of  the  plaintiff  used  for  silting
operation was flooded due to escape of canal water.  It was claimed that  in
absence of proof of negligence the suit was not liable to be  decreed.   The
Court did not apply the principle laid down in Rylands v. Fletcher:

“That any occupier of land who brings or keeps upon it  anything  likely  to
do damage if it escapes is bound at his peril to prevent its escape  and  is
liable for all the direct consequences of its escape, even if  he  has  been
guilty of no negligence....a principle derivatively created  from  the  rule
of 'strict liability' canal systems are essential to  the  life  of  a
nation and land that is used as canals is subjected to an ordinary  use  and
not to unnatural use.”

The Court preferred to rely on the principle developed  by  American  Courts
on canal breaks and applied the principle of  'fault  liability'  which  may
even  be  inferred  from  circumstances.   The  view  of  the  High   Court,
therefore, that the rule of strict liability was modified by this  Court  in
Modern Cultivators does not appear to be correct.  'Absolute liability',  or
'strict liability' and 'fault liability' do not go together.”

In Jay Laxmi's  case,  damage  was  caused  by  overflow  of  water  from  a
reclamation bundh constructed by the State of  Gujarat  for  reclamation  of
vast area of land from saltish water of sea.  In this case, this Court  held
the Government responsible as the said  act  was  treated  as  violation  of
public duty and negligence which lay in defective planning and  construction
of the bundh.  On that premise, damages were awarded.  The  Court  explained
the jurisprudence of  liability  in  torts  and  also  the  two  principles,
namely, 'strict  liability'  and  'fault  liability',  in  paragraph  8  and
thereafter enumerated other circumstances which may fall in-between  'strict
liability' and 'fault liability', in paragraph 9.  We would  like  to  quote
hereinbelow these two paragaphs for our benefit:
“8. Winfield has  defined  tortious  law  arising  from  breach  of  a  duty
primarily fixed by law; this duty  is  towards  persons  generally  and  its
breach is redressable by an action for  unliquidated  damages.  In  general,
torts consist of some act done without just cause or excuse.

“The law of torts exists for the purpose of preventing men from hurting  one
another  whether  in  respect  of  their  property,  their  presence,  their
reputations or anything which is theirs.”

Injury and damage are two basic ingredients of tort. Although these  may  be
found in contract as well but the violations which may  result  in  tortious
liability are breach of duty primarily fixed by the law  while  in  contract
they are fixed by the parties  themselves.  Further  in  tort  the  duty  is
towards persons generally. In contract it  is  towards  specific  person  or
persons. An action for tort is usually a claim  for  pecuniary  compensation
in respect of damages suffered as a result of  the  invasion  of  a  legally
protected interest. But law of torts being a developing  law  its  frontiers
are incapable of being strictly  barricaded.  Liability  in  tort  which  in
course  of  time  has  become  known  as   ‘strict   liability’,   ‘absolute
liability’, ‘fault liability’ have all gradually grown and with  passage  of
time have become firmly entrenched. ‘Absolute  liability’  or  “special  use
bringing with it increased dangers  to  others”  (Rylands  v.  Fletcher  [LR
(1868) 3 HL 330 : 37 LJ Ex 161 : [1861-73]  All  ER  Rep  1]  )  and  ‘fault
liability’ are different forms which give  rise  to  action  in  torts.  The
distance (sic difference) between ‘strict liability’ and  ‘fault  liability’
arises from presence and absence of mental element. A breach of  legal  duty
wilfully, or deliberately or even maliciously is negligence  emanating  from
fault liability but injury or damage resulting  without  any  intention  yet
due to lack of foresight  etc.  is  strict  liability.  Since  duty  is  the
primary yardstick to determine the tortious liability  its  ambit  keeps  on
widening on the touchstone of fairness, practicality of the  situation  etc.
In Donoghue v. Stevenson[(1932) AC 562 : 1932 All ER Rep 1]  a  manufacturer
was held to be liable to ultimate consumer  on  the  principle  of  duty  to
care. In Anns v. Merton London Borough Council [(1978) AC  728  :  (1977)  2
All ER 492] it was, rightly, observed:

“[T]he broad general principle of liability for  foreseeable  damage  is  so
widely applicable that the function of the duty of care is not  so  much  to
identify cases where liability is imposed as to identify those where  it  is

Truly speaking entire law of torts is founded  and  structured  on  morality
that no one has a right to injure  or  harm  others  intentionally  or  even
innocently. Therefore, it would be primitive  to  class  strictly  or  close
finality (sic finally) the ever- expanding and growing horizon  of  tortious
liability. Even for social development, orderly growth of  the  society  and
cultural refineness, the liberal approach to tortious  liability  by  courts
is more conducive.

9. In between strict liability and fault liability  there  may  be  numerous
circumstances in which one may be entitled to sue for damages.  And  it  may
be  partly  one  or  the  other  or  may  be  both.  In  a  welfare  society
construction of dam  or  bundh  for  the  sake  of  community  is  essential
function and use of land  or  accumulation  of  water  for  the  benefit  of
society cannot be non-natural user. But that cannot absolve the  State  from
its duty of being responsible to its citizens for  such  violations  as  are
actionable and result in damage, loss or  injury.  What  is  fundamental  is
injury and not the manner in which it has been caused.  ‘Strict  liability’,
‘absolute liability’, ‘fault liability’ and ‘neighbour  proximity’  are  all
refinements and development of law by English  Courts  for  the  benefit  of
society and the common man. Once the occasion for loss or damage is  failure
of duty, general or specific, the cause of action under tort arises. It  may
be due to negligence, nuisance, trespass, inevitable mistake etc. It may  be
even otherwise. In a developed or developing society  the  concept  of  duty
keeps on changing and may extend to even such matters as was highlighted  in
Donoghue v. Stevenson  [(1932)  AC  562  :  1932  All  ER  Rep  1]  where  a
manufacturer was held  responsible  for  injury  to  a  consumer.  They  may
individually or even collectively give rise  to  tortious  liability.  Since
the appellant suffered loss on facts found due  to  action  of  respondent's
officers both at the stage of construction and failure to  take  steps  even
at the last moment it was liable to be compensated.”

            The Court, thereafter, explained  that  in  order  to  become  a
claim as actionable claim, it is necessary to determine that  the  defendant
was guilty of negligence.

There are two exceptions to the aforesaid rule of  strict  liability,  which
were recognized in Rylands v. Fletcher itself, viz.: (a)  where  it  can  be
shown that the escape was owing to  the  plaintiff's  default,  or  (b)  the
escape was the consequence of vis major or the act of God.  An  act  of  God
is that which is a direct, violent, sudden and irresistible  act  of  nature
as could not, by any amount of ability, have been foreseen, or if  foreseen,
could not by any  amount  of  human  care  and  skill  have  been  resisted.
Generally, those acts which are  occasioned  by  the  elementary  forces  of
nature, unconnected with the agency of man or other cause  will  come  under
the category of acts of  God.   Examples  are:  storm,  tempest,  lightning,
extraordinary fall of rain, extraordinary high  tide,  extraordinary  severe
frost, or a tidal bore which sweeps a ship in mid-water.  What is  important
here is that it is not necessary that it should be unique or that it  should
happen for the first time.  It is enough that it is extraordinary  and  such
as could not reasonably be anticipated.  We would  like  to  discuss  a  few
cases having bearing on this issue with  which  we  are  confronted  in  the
instant appeal.

In Nicholas v. Marsland[8], the respondent  owned  a  series  of  artificial
lakes on his land.  In the construction  and  maintenance  of  these  lakes,
there had been negligence.  However, owing to a most unusual fall  of  rain,
which was so abnormal that could not have been reasonably anticipated,  some
of the  reservoirs  burst  and  carried  away  four  country  bridges.   The
respondent was held not liable on the premise that the water escaped by  the
act of God.

The aforesaid judgment in Nicholas's case was, however,  criticized  by  the
House of Lords in Greenock Corporation v. Caledonian  Railway[9].   In  that
case, the Corporation obstructed and altered  the  course  of  a  stream  by
constructing a concrete paddling pool for children.  Due to  a  rainfall  of
extraordinary violence, a great volume of water which  would  normally  have
been carried off by the stream overflowed  the  pad  and  caused  damage  to
plaintiff's property.  The House of Lords held that the rainfall was not  an
act of God and the Corporation was liable to pay damages as it was its  duty
'so to work as to make proprietors or occupiers on a lower level  as  secure
against injury as they would  have  been  had  nature  not  been  interfered

Such a situation came up before this Court as well  in  S.  Vedantacharya  &
Anr. v. Highways Department of South Arcot & Ors.[10].  In this  case,  this
Court held that before heavy rain can be  accepted  as  a  defence  for  the
collapse of  a  culvert,  the  defendant  must  indicate  what  anticipatory
prevention action was taken.  We would like to quote the  following  passage
from the said judgment:
“State Government erected a reservoir  adjoining  the  plaintiff's  land  in
order to provide drinking water facilities to a village in the  State.   The
State  acquired  a  part  of  the  plaintiff's  land  for  the  purpose   of
constructing  a  channel  for  carrying  the  overflow  of  water  from  the
reservoir to a Nalla which was at a distance of about  1500  feet  from  the
waste-weir of the reservoir.   This  channel  was  however  not  constructed
except to the extent of 250 feet on the side of  the  Nalla.   Due  to  very
heavy rainfall the water from the reservoir overflowed into  the  waste-weir
and thereafter  flowed  over  the  plaintiff's  land,  causing  considerable
damage to the land and the  crops  standing  thereon.   In  a  suit  by  the
plaintiff for damages they alleged that due to the negligence of  the  State
in not taking proper precautions to guard  against  the  overflow  of  water
they had sustained the loss.  The State inter alia contended that  the  loss
was due to heavy rain which was an act of God and therefore  they  were  not
liable and further that the construction of the reservoir was an act of  the
State in the sovereign capacity and, therefore, it was not  liable  for  the
tortious or negligent acts of its servants.  It was held that the fact  that
the danger materialised subsequently by an act  of  God  was  not  a  matter
which absolved the State from its liability for the  earlier  negligence  in
that no proper channel for the flow or overflow of water  from  the  waster-
weir was  constructed  by  it  in  time;  that  the  act  of  the  State  in
constructing the reservoir for the supply of drinking water to its  citizens
at best could be considered a welfare act and not an act in its capacity  as
a sovereign; and that, therefore, the State was  liable  in  negligence  for
the loss caused to the plaintiff.”

In nutshell, what needs to be examined is as to whether the  damage  to  the
property of the appellant herein was the result of  an  inevitable  accident
or unavoidable accident  which  could  not  possibly  be  prevented  by  the
exercise of ordinary care, caution  and  skill,  i.e.  it  was  an  accident
physically unavoidable.  While examining this issue,  we  have  to  keep  in
mind that  the  onus  was  on  the  respondents  to  satisfy  the  aforesaid

Undoubtedly, it has come on record that the overflow of dam  was  occasioned
by  torrential  and  heavy  rains.   However,  as  pointed  out  above,  the
appellants specifically pleaded that  the  respondent  authorities  did  not
keep the level of water in the dam sufficiently low  to  take  care  of  the
ensuing monsoon rains.  They have, thus, set up the case that  there  was  a
negligence on the part  of  the  respondents  in  not  taking  care  of  the
forthcoming monsoon season and  keeping  the  water  level  in  the  dam  at
sufficiently low level to absorb the rainfall which was going  to  rise  the
water level in the dam.

The respondents have not refuted the aforesaid averment of  the  appellants.
The only defence put up by them was that the overflow of the  water  in  the
dam was occasioned by the rains in the monsoon season  which  compelled  the
authorities to release the water from the dam  in  larger  public  interest.
In such a scenario, it was incumbent upon the  respondents  to  demonstrate,
by adequate evidence, that the water in the dam was kept at  reasonable  and
proper level to take care of normal rains; the rains  in  the  said  monsoon
season were more than the ordinary rains which could not  be  foreseen;  and
that the public purpose was served in taking the  decision  to  release  the
water which prevented larger catastrophe. Merely by saying  that  the  level
of water in the dam increased because of monsoon rains and  that  the  water
was released in public interest cannot be treated as discharging the  burden
on the part of the respondents in warding off the allegation of  negligence.
 It is a matter of common knowledge that with advanced technology  available
with the Meteorological Department in the form  of  satellite  signals  etc,
there is a possibility of precise prediction of the extant  of  rainfall  in
the monsoon season.  In view of  the  principle  laid  down  in  Rylands  v.
Fletcher, onus was on the respondents to discharge such  a  burden,  and  it
has miserably  failed  to  discharge  the  same.   On  that  basis,  we  are
constrained to  hold  that  there  is  a  negligence  on  the  part  of  the
respondents which caused damage to the fields of the appellants.

This  brings  us  to  the  question  of  quantum  of  damages.   No   doubt,
actual/exact proof of damage is not given by the appellants.   At  the  same
time, we find that the trial court  had  appointed  Court  Commissioners  to
verify the position of agricultural  lands  of  the  appellants.   The  said
Court Commissioners, also  known  as  panchas,  had  visited  the  site  and
submitted their report for inspection confirming the loss  suffered  by  the
appellants due to submergence of the agricultural fields of the  appellants.
 In this report, they specifically pointed out that as  many  as  1500  boar
trees were uprooted and washed away as a result  of  the  release  of  water
from  the  dam  which  flooded  the  fields  of  the   appellants.   Several
photographs  were  also  annexed  along  with  the  report  to  support  the
aforesaid conclusion.  This kind of evidence, which went unrebutted,  proves
that the  appellants  have,  in  fact,  suffered  damages.   No  doubt,  the
appellants have not led any evidence to show actual cost of  each  tree,  in
order to arrive at the precise quantum of damages.   However,  even  in  the
absence of such an evidence showing  exact  loss  suffered,  the  appellants
would still be entitled to reasonable compensation once factum of  suffering
loss stands proved.  Where a wrong has been committed, the  wrong-doer  must
suffer from the impossibility  of  accurately  ascertaining  the  amount  of
damages.  Likewise, the party  claiming  compensation  must  give  the  best
evidence to prove damages.  In the instant case, we find that  the  loss  is
not only on account of rain, though a part thereof can be attributed to  the
nature, but also due to  the  negligence  on  the  part  of  the  respondent
authorities in not taking due precautions in time which could  have  avoided
some loss/damage, if not entirely.  If  damage  has  resulted  from  two  or
three causes, namely, from an act of God as well as a  negligent  act  of  a
party, the award of damages  can  be  apportioned  to  compensate  only  the
injury that can be attributed to the negligent act of the  respondents  {See
Workman v. G.N. Ry. Co.[11]}

The appellants claimed damages to the  tune  of  ?21,50,000,  for  which  no
specific proof/evidence is given.  At  the  same  time,  we  find  that  one
Mohemmed Ikbal Mohemmedalam Galivala, who is an agriculturist, had  appeared
as the plaintiffs' witness and deposed that he was  having  the  agriculture
experience for the last 20 years, particularly experience of cultivation  of
boar as well as its profit and income.   He  has  given  figures  of  losses
which the appellants had to suffer due to damage of plantation and  loss  of
income, etc. thereby trying to justify the claim  of  damages  made  by  the
appellants, but those figures are not supported by any evidence.    However,
it is not in dispute that loss has occurred  and,  therefore,  a  reasonable
compensation can still be awarded.  Exercising our power under  Article  142
of the Constitution, we are of the opinion that ends  of  justice  would  be
met in awarding damages to the tune of ?5,00,000.  We have  arrived  at  the
above figure keeping in view the statement of  Mohemmed  Ikbal  Mohemmedalam
Galivala, witness who appeared on  behalf  of  the  appellants,  though  not
accepting the  figures  given  by  him  in  its  entirety,  and  the  cross-
examination of  the  respondents  of  this  witness  on  this  aspect.   The
appellants shall also be entitled to interest from the date of  judgment  of
the trial court, i.e. December 24, 2010 at the rate  of  9%  per  annum  and
also the cost of the present appeal.

The appeal is allowed in the aforesaid terms.  Decree be drawn accordingly.

                                                                (A.K. SIKRI)

                                                              (R.K. AGRAWAL)

MAY 10, 2016.
[1]   (1868) LR 3 HL 330
[2]   (1913) AC 263
[3]   (1947) AC 156 (HL)
[4]   AIR 1965 SC 17
[5]   (1996) 2 Scale 44
[6]   JT 2001 (1) SC 37
[7]   (1994) 4 SCC 1
[8]   (1875) LR 10 Ex.255
[9]   (1917) AC 556 (HL)
[10]  (1987) 3 SCC 400
[11]  (1863) 32 LJQB 279

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