Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 11208 of 2011, Judgment Date: Feb 24, 2015


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 11208 OF 2011

UNION OF INDIA & ORS.                                        ... APPELLANTS


ANGAD SINGH TITARIA                                         ... RESPONDENT



This appeal arises out of  the  impugned  order  dated  3rd  December,  2010
passed by the Armed Forces Tribunal, Chandigarh, Bench  at  Chandimandir  in
OA No.837/2010 whereby the tribunal  allowed  the  Respondent's  application
for grant of disability pension.

2.    The undisputed facts of the case are that the  respondent  herein  was
enrolled in Indian Air Force on 13th November, 1971 in the  Clerical  trade.
At the time of his recruitment, the respondent was medically and  physically
examined by the  concerned  medical  officers  and  was  found  fit  as  per
prescribed standards in medical categorization known  as  SHAPE-I.  On  17th
July, 1987, during the period of  his  service  in  Indian  Air  Force,  the
respondent was admitted to the  Commando  Hospital  (Air  Force),  Bangalore
where he was diagnosed for coronary  artery  disease  namely  Infero-lateral
Myocardial  Infraction  (1st  disability).   The  respondent  was  therefore
placed in Low Medical Classification from September, 1987.  As a  result  of
deterioration of health due to aggravation of ailment,  the  respondent  was
again  downgraded  and  placed  in  the   medical   classification   A4   G3
(Permanent).  While the  respondent  was  discharging  his  duties  at  2228
Squadron, he was also diagnosed for the disease  Type-II  Diabetes  Mellitus
in the year 2006 (2nd disability).  Thereafter, on 27th November,  2008  the
respondent was referred to the Release  Medical  Board.  The  Medical  Board
assessed his 1st disability i.e. coronary artery  disease  at  60%  and  2nd
disability at 15 to 19%. The composite disability was  however  assessed  as
60%.  The  Medical  Board   recommended   that   both   the   aforementioned
disabilities were found to be constitutional in nature and not  attributable
to nor aggravated by service  in  Air  Force.  Accordingly,  the  disability
pension  claim  preferred  by  the  respondent  has  been  rejected  by  the
competent Pension Sanctioning Authority i.e. Air Force Record Office by  its
order dated 16th April, 2009.

3.    Aggrieved thereby,  the  respondent  filed  first  appeal  before  the
Appellate Committee. The first appellate authority by its order  dated  28th
October, 2009 rejected the same observing that  both  the  disabilities  are
neither attributable to nor aggravated by service (NANA)  and  the  14  days
charter of duties did not reveal any under stress  and  strain  of  military
service. At this point  of  time,  the  respondent  was  superannuated  from
service on 31.10.2009 after rendering 30 years, 11 months  and  18  days  of
service. The second appeal before  Defence  Minister's  Appellate  Committee
was also rejected. The respondent then filed O.A. No.  837  of  2010  before
the Armed Forces Tribunal ("The  Tribunal"  for  short)  which  came  to  be
allowed directing the  appellants  to  assess  and  release  the  disability
element  of  disability  pension  in  favour  of  the  petitioner  for   60%
disability from the date of his discharge with interest @ 10%  p.a.  on  the

4.    The appellants-Union of India, having aggrieved  by  the  decision  of
the Tribunal, preferred this appeal. We notice that there is a delay of  234
days in filing the present appeal. We, however, condone the  delay  for  the
reasons stated in the application for condonation of delay.

5.    Learned  counsel  for  the  appellants  submitted  that  according  to
Regulation No. 153 of the Pension Regulations for  Indian  Air  Force,  1961
(Part-I) (for short "the  Regulations")  the  disability  should  be  either
attributable to or aggravated by Air Force Service. Whereas in  the  present
case the Release  Medical  Board  which  is  an  expert  Body,  has  clearly
expressed its opinion that the disabilities suffered by the respondent  were
neither attributable to nor aggravated  by  service  and  constitutional  in
nature. The Tribunal has committed serious error  by  ignoring  the  opinion
dated 27th November, 2008 of the Release Medical Board. The  record  clearly
shows that the  onset  of  disabilities  on  the  respondent  was  at  peace
locations as the respondent, at the relevant time, was not engaged  in  duty
in high altitude areas or snow bound remote areas. He was not in  war  bound
field  area  or  undergoing  intensive  physical  or  arms   training.   The
respondent was neither a prisoner of war nor  exposed  to  adverse  climatic
conditions while performing  his  duties.  Throughout  his  employment,  the
respondent has served in peace  station.  Therefore,  there  cannot  be  any
stress or strain caused by the service which could have led to the onset  of
the disabilities. The Medical Board has clearly and  categorically  observed
that the disabilities of the respondent were "not  connected  with  service"
and hence they do not fall under the category of "either attributable to  or
aggravated by Air Force  Service"  which  is  a  prerequisite  for  granting
disability pension. The adjudicating authority as well as the  1st  and  2nd
appellate authorities correctly upheld the recommendations  of  the  Release
Medical Board and rightly denied disability pension to the  respondent,  but
the Tribunal failed to appreciate the recommendation of the Release  Medical
Board and committed grave error in allowing the original application of  the
respondent. In support of his contention that the Court while  deciding  the
case of granting or otherwise of disability pension must  give  due  weight,
value and credence to the opinion of expert  body,  learned  counsel  relied
upon this Court's decisions  in  Ministry  of  Defence  Vs.  A.V.  Damodaran
(2009) 9 SCC 140, Union of India Vs. Keshar Singh (2007) 12 SCC  675,  Union
of India Vs. Baljit Singh (1996)  11  SCC  315  and  Controller  of  Defence
Accounts Vs. S.  Balachandran  Nair  (2005)  13  SCC  128.  Learned  counsel
finally submitted that the Tribunal has utterly failed to take into  account
the settled principle enshrined by the Apex Court in various  decisions  and
hence this  appeal  deserves  to  be  allowed  setting  aside  the  impugned

6.    Learned counsel for the respondent, on the other hand, contended  that
the declaration of the  Release  Medical  Board  that  the  disease  of  the
respondent was "neither attributable  to  nor  aggravated  by  service"  was
arbitrary and illegal  as  the  Board  had  not  scrupulously  followed  the
Regulations and decided the case in clear  violation  of  the  rules  framed
thereunder. The assessment  of  disability  for  attributability  is  to  be
ascertained in accordance with Regulation No. 153 and Rules 5, 14(b),  14(c)
and 15 of Entitlement  Rules  for  Casualty  Pensionary  Awards,  1982  (for
short" Entitlement Rules") prescribed under  Appendix-II  further  following
the rules specified in Annexure-III to Appendix-II. But  the  Board  flouted
all the relevant rules and regulations and arbitrarily decided the  case  of
the respondent. The Board ignored the vital fact  that  the  respondent  was
enrolled in the Indian Air Force on 13th November, 1971 after medically  and
physically found fit by the medical officers at  the  time  of  recruitment.
The onset of Disability No. 1 was in the year 1987 which is after  rendering
16 years of service. During  his  service,  the  respondent  was  posted  at
different places where he had to carry on his duties  under  lot  of  stress
and strain. Consequent to the disabilities  emerged  during  the  period  of
service the respondent was denied promotion to the rank of  Warrant  Officer
in spite  of  the  fact  that  the  respondent's  name  was  empanelled  for
promotion panel 2008-2009 and again in next promotion  panel  of  Airmen  in
2009-2010. His name was dropped from the promotion panel  for  being  placed
in medical category A4 G4 (Permanent).

7.    Learned counsel further contended that as per Rules 9, 5(b) and  14(b)
of the Entitlement Rules the Board ought to have given specific findings  in
its report as to  why  disability  is  not  deemed  to  be  attributable  to
service, particularly when the respondent was not affected with any  disease
at the time of his enrolment in the  Air  Force.  In  the  absence  of  such
specific findings by the Board, merely furnishing  a  declaration  that  the
disability being constitutional in nature was neither  attributable  to  nor
aggravated by service, cannot be accepted and the claim  of  the  respondent
for disability pension cannot be rejected. In  support  of  his  contention,
learned counsel has placed reliance on this Court's  judgment  in  Dharamvir
Singh Vs. Union of India & Ors. (2013) 7 SCC 316. He further contended  that
although the Release Medical Board  is  an  expert  body,  the  adjudicating
authority has the  power  and  jurisdiction  to  interfere  and  decide  the
correctness or otherwise of the opinion  given  by  the  expert  body.   The
Court cannot be expected to adhere  to  the  opinion  of  the  expert  body.
Moreover, in  terms  of  Regulation  423  (a)  of  Regulations  for  medical
Services, Armed Forces, 1983, for the purpose  of  determining  whether  the
cause of a disability or death is or is not attributable to service,  it  is
immaterial whether  the  cause  giving  rise  to  the  disability  or  death
occurred in an area declared to be a field service/active  service  area  or
under normal peace conditions. The Tribunal in the present case came to  the
right conclusion only after  giving  its  thoughtful  consideration  to  the
opinion given by the Board in the light of true legal norms  and  prescribed
rules and regulations and hence the impugned order need  not  be  interfered
with by this Court.

8.    Having heard rival contentions on either side, the moot question  that
falls for our consideration is whether or not  the  disabilities  caused  to
the respondent during the course of his employment are attributable  to  his
service entitling him to the benefit of  disability  pension  in  accordance
with law.

9.    Admittedly, at the time  of  his  enrolment  into  the  employment  of
Indian Air Force  in  the  year  1971,  the  respondent  was  medically  and
physically examined and was found fit as per prescribed  medical  standards.
The material on record  shows  that  the  respondent  was  put  under  lower
medical classification A4 G4 (permanent) on account  of  his  ailments.  The
Medical Board assessed the composite disability  of  the  respondent  to  be
60%. The Pension Regulations have specified the  circumstances  under  which
disability pension could be granted to  a  person.  Regulation  No.  153  is
relevant for the purpose, which reads thus:

153. Primary Condition for grant of  disability  pension-  Unless  otherwise
specifically provided, a disability pension may be granted to an  individual
who is invalided / discharged from service on account of a disability  which
is attributable to or aggravated by Air Force Service  and  is  assessed  at
20% or over.

The question whether a  disability  is  attributable  to  or  aggravated  by
military service shall be determined under the rule in Appendix-II.

10.   Rule 4 of the Entitlement Rules makes it clear that invalidating  from
service is a  necessary  condition  for  grant  of  disability  pension.  An
individual who, at the time of his release under  the  Release  Regulations,
is in a lower medical category than that in which he was recruited  will  be
treated as "invalidated from service". For  the  purpose  of  evaluation  of
disabilities, two presumptions are provided under Rule 5. They read thus:

"5. The approach to the  question  of  entitlement  to  casualty  pensionary
awards and evaluation of  disabilities  shall  be  based  on  the  following

Prior to and during service

(a) A member  is  presumed  to  have  been  in  sound  physical  and  mental
condition upon entering service except as to physical disabilities noted  or
recorded at the time of entrance.

(b) In the event of  his  subsequently  being  discharged  from  service  on
medical grounds any deterioration in his health, which has taken  place,  is
due to service."

11.   Rule 9 of the Entitlement Rules mandates upon whom the burden lies  to
prove the entitlement conditions. The said rule is quoted below:

9.    Onus of proof.-The claimant shall not be  called  upon  to  prove  the
conditions  of  entitlements.  He/she  will  receive  the  benefit  of   any
reasonable  doubt.  This  benefit  will  be  given  more  liberally  to  the
claimants in field/afloat service cases.

12.   While  considering  the  aspect  of  onus  of  proof,  this  Court  in
Dharamvir Singh (supra) observed:

"The onus of proof is not on the claimant (employee), the corollary is  that
onus of proof that the condition for non-entitlement is with  the  employer.
A claimant has a right to derive benefit of  any  reasonable  doubt  and  is
entitled for pensionary benefit more liberally".

13.   Rule 14 of the Entitlement Rules stipulates how to  determine  whether
a disease shall be deemed to have arisen in service or not. It reads thus:

14.  Diseases - In respect of diseases, the following rule will be  observed

(a)     Cases in  which  it  is  established  that  conditions  of  military
service did not determine or contribute to the  onset  of  the  disease  but
influenced the subsequent courses of the disease will  fall  for  acceptance
on the basis of aggravation.

(b)     A disease which has led to an individual's discharge or  death  will
ordinarily be deemed to have arisen in service, if no note of  it  was  made
at the time of the individual's acceptance for  military  service.  However,
if medical opinion holds, for reasons to be stated, that the  disease  could
not have been detected  on  medical  examination  prior  to  acceptance  for
service, the disease will not be deemed to have arisen during service.

(c)  If a disease is accepted as having arisen in service, it must  also  be
established  that  the  conditions  of  military   service   determined   or
contributed to the onset of the disease and that the conditions were due  to
the circumstances of duty in military service.

14.   Thus, a plain reading of sub-rule (b) of Rule 14 makes  it  abundantly
clear that a disease which has led to an  individual's  discharge  or  death
will ordinarily be deemed to have arisen in service, if no note  of  it  was
made at the time  of  the  individual's  acceptance  for  military  service.
However, if medical opinion holds that  the  disease  could  not  have  been
detected at the time of enrolment, the disease will not be  deemed  to  have
arisen during service. In that case, it is also important that  the  medical
opinion must contain valid reasons that the disease is not  attributable  to

15.    Recently, this Court in a similar case  (Union  of  India  &Anr.  Vs.
Rajbir Singh  (Civil  Appeal  Nos.  2904  of  2011  etc.)  decided  on  13th
February, 2015) after considering Dharamvir Singh (supra) and upholding  the
decision of the Tribunal  granting  disability  pension  to  the  claimants,

"... The  essence  of  the rules, as seen earlier, is that a member  of  the
armed forces is presumed  to be in sound physical and  mental  condition  at
the  time  of  his  entry  into service if there is no  note  or  record  to
the contrary made at  the  time  of such entry.  More  importantly,  in  the
event of his subsequent discharge   from  service  on  medical  ground,  any
deterioration in his health  is  presumed  to be due  to  military  service.
This  necessarily  implies  that  no  sooner   a  member  of  the  force  is
discharged  on  medical   ground   his   entitlement   to  claim  disability
pension will arise unless of course the employer   is   in   a  position  to
rebut the presumption that the disability which  he  suffered   was  neither
attributable to nor aggravated by military service. ...

... Last but not the least  is  the fact that  the provision for payment  of
disability  pension   is   a   beneficial  provision  which  ought   to   be
interpreted liberally so  as  to  benefit  those who have  been  sent   home
with  a  disability  at  times  even  before  they  completed  their  tenure
in the armed forces. ...

... There  may  indeed  be  cases, where the disease  was  wholly  unrelated
to military service,  but,  in  order that denial of disability pension  can
be justified on that ground,  it  must be  affirmatively  proved  that   the
disease  had  nothing  to  do  with  such service.  The burden to  establish
such a disconnect would lie  heavily  upon  the   employer   for   otherwise
the  rules  raise  a  presumption  that   the deterioration  in  the  health
of the member of the  service  is   on   account   of  military  service  or
aggravated by it.  A soldier cannot be  asked  to  prove  that  the  disease
was contracted by him on account  of  military  service  or  was  aggravated
by the same".

16.   Here in the case on hand, the respondent  was rendered ineligible  for
further promotion and thereby invalidated on the  ground  of  his  being  in
medical category A4 G4 (Permanent).  In the absence of any specific note  on
record as to the respondent suffering from any disease prior to his  joining
the service, he is presumed to  have  been  in  sound  physical  and  mental
condition while entering service as per Rule 5(a) of the Entitlement  Rules.
The fact remains  that  the  respondent  was  denied  promotion  on  medical
grounds and the deterioration in his health shall therefore be  presumed  to
have been  caused  due  to  service  in  the  light  of  Rule  5(b)  of  the
Entitlement  Rules.  Moreover,  simply  recording  a  conclusion  that   the
disability was not attributable to service, without giving a  reason  as  to
why the diseases are not deemed  to  be  attributable  to  service,  clearly
shows lack of proper application of mind  by  the  Medical  Board.  In  such
circumstances, we cannot uphold the view taken by the Medical Board.

17.   Considering the facts and circumstances of the case in  the  light  of
above discussed Rules and Regulations as well as settled principles  of  law
enshrined by this Court in Dharamvir Singh Vs. Union of India &Ors.  (supra)
and reiterated in Union of India & Anr. Vs. Rajbir Singh (supra), we are  of
the considered opinion that the Tribunal had  not  committed  any  error  in
awarding disability pension to the respondent for 60%  disability  from  the
date of his discharge along with 10% p.a. interest on the arrears.  For  all
the reasons stated above, we do not find any merit in this  appeal  and  the
same stands dismissed without any order as to costs.

18.   The appellants are directed  to  release  the  arrears  of  disability
pension to the respondent within  three  months  from  today  together  with
interest @     10% p.a.

                              (SUDHANSU JYOTI MUKHOPADHAYA)

                                       (N.V. RAMANA)

FEBRUARY 24, 2015

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