Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2982 of 2016, Judgment Date: Mar 15, 2016




              CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2982  OF 2016
     (Arising out of SLP (Civil) No.10158 of 2010)

|Surjeet Singh (D) by Lrs.                        |..    Appellant(s)        |


|Sucha Singh & Ors.                               |..    Respondent(s)       |

                         J U D G M E N T

      Leave granted.

      The case has a long history of  disputes  between  the  parties.   The
litigation started with a suit instituted in 1976.

            Ultimately when the matter reached  this  Court,  on  7th  July,
2015 the Court passed the following order:
      “ Heard.
        Learned counsel for the petitioners undertakes to deposit the  costs
awarded by this Court in terms of order  dated  1st  April,  2015  within  a
period of two weeks from today.  He further states that the petitioners  are
agreeable to explore the possibility of  an  amicable  settlement  with  the
help of Mediation Centre  in  the  High  Court  of  Punjab  and  Haryana  at
Chandigarh.  Learned counsel  for  the  respondents  does  not  oppose  that

            In the circumstances, the parties are directed to appear  before
the Mediation Centre in the High Court of Punjab and Haryana  at  Chandigarh
on Monday, the 24th August, 2015.   The  Mediation  Centre  shall  submit  a
report to this Court as to the progress made  expeditiously  but  not  later
than three months from the date the parties appear before it.”

            Pursuant to the  Order,  it  is  heartening  to  note  that  the
parties have reached an amicable settlement through the intervention of  the
Mediation and Conciliation Centre attached to the Punjab  and  Haryana  High
Court.  The terms of the settlement have been reduced to  writing  and  they
have filed an application being I.A.No.15 of 2016. The terms  of  Settlement
are as under:

1. The dispute between the parties is regarding the  share  of  Smt.  Parsin
Kaur w/o Dasondhi grandmother of both the parties Village  Charheri,  Tehsil
Kharar, District Mohali.

2. The matter was referred to Mediation and Conciliation Centre  vide  order
dated 07.07.2015 passed by the Hon'ble Supreme Court.

3. The parties were explained the process of mediation and both the  parties
consented that Ms. Monika Jalota, Advocate would act as  their  Mediator  in
the matter of Mediation proceedings.

4. Several joint as well separate sessions were held during the  process  of
Mediation  from  24.08.2015  to  20.11.2015.  The  parties  have  with   the
assistance of the Mediator  voluntarily  arrived  at  an  amicable  solution
resolving the above mentioned disputes and differences.

5. Both the parties agreed that the contesting party to the present  dispute
are only Kulwinder Singh and Bhupinder  Singh  s/o  Surjit  Singh  and  Such
Singh s/o Bachan Singh. The performa respondents are not  necessary  to  the
present dispute as the dispute of the share in the  land  is  between  Sucha
Singh, Kulwinder Singh and Bhupinder Singh only.

6. Both the parties hereto confirm and declare that  they  have  voluntarily
and of their own free will  arrived  at  this  Settlement/Agreement  in  the
presence of the Mediator.

7. The terms of the settlement/agreement between the parties are as under:-

a) Both the parties agree that Sucha Singh s/o Bachan Singh  shall  transfer
the following properties in the name of Bhupinder Singh and Bhupinder  Singh
shall pay the amount of Rs.4,20,000/- to Sucha Singh in lieu  of  all  these
properties. The detail of the properties is as under:

      i)  The old house in the name of Parsin Kaur situated in the
Abadi of the Village.
      ii)   The Barra situated in Khasra No.277.
      iii) The pucca house situated in Khasra No.258 which was in  the name
of Sh. Bachan Singh.
      iv) 1 Purana Kotha adjoining Sevak Singh's house.

b) Both the parties agreed that the share of Parsin Kaur which in 3  Biga  8
Biswas be divided between both the parties into two equal  half  shares.  01
Bigh 14 Biswas will be the share of first party and 01 Bigha 14 Biswas  will
be the share of second party.

c) Both the parties agreed that the entire land  of  the  parties  is  joint
till date and as such the  share  of  the  parties  can  be  determined  and
partitioned by approaching the revenue authorities at the earliest.

d) Both the parties agreed that the request would be  made  to  the  Hon'ble
Court to dispose of the present SLP in terms of this agreement.

8. By signing this Agreement the parties hereto  state  that  they  have  no
further claims or demands against each other with  respect  to  the  present
dispute and all the disputes  and  differences  in  this  regard  have  been
amicably settled by the parties hereto through the process of mediation  and
shall not  institute any other case against each  other  with  reference  to
the present dispute.

9. That the parties undertake before the  Hon'ble  court  to  abide  by  the
terms and conditions set out in the agreement and not to  dispute  the  same
hereinafter in future.

10. That the parties to this agreement hereby state that they have read  the
agreement,  that  they  have  understood  the  contents  thereof  and  their
execution of agreement is voluntary. Each party has relied upon or  has  had
the opportunity to seek legal advice of their counsel.

11. The execution of this agreement, each signatory acknowledges receipt  of
fully executed duplicate/original of this agreement.

     Therefore, this appeal is disposed of in terms of the above  settlement
between the parties on 20th November, 2015 and duly signed by the  Mediator.

            The appeal is disposed of accordingly.

                                                            [KURIAN JOSEPH ]

                                                     [ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN]
MARCH 15, 2016.

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