Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2772 of 2009, Judgment Date: Feb 03, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2772 OF 2009

STATE TRADING CORPN. INDIA LTD.                                    APPELLANT


NEW DELHI MUNICIPAL COUNCIL                                       RESPONDENT


                         CIVIL APPEAL NO.787 OF 2016
                  (Arising out of SLP (C) No.18110 of 2006)


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2773 OF 2009


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2774 OF 2009

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2775 OF 2009


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2777 OF 2009


                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2778 OF 2009


                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2779 OF 2009


                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2780 OF 2009


                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2781 OF 2009

                               J U D G M E N T

      KURIAN, J.

1.    Leave granted in SLP (C) No. 18110/2006.

2.    The basis of assessment of property tax under the New Delhi  Municipal
Council Act, 1994 (in short the “NDMC Act”) is the subject matter  of  these
appeals. In Chapter VIII of Taxation, Section 60 of the NDMC Act  has  dealt
with  the  subject.   Under  Section  60(1)(a),  the  Municipal  Council  is
entitled to levy the property tax.  Under sub-section (3) the  property  tax
shall be levied, assessed and collected in accordance  with  the  provisions
of the Act and the bye-laws made thereunder.  Section 61  of  the  NDMC  Act
speaks about the rates of property  tax  and  it  is  provided  that  unless
otherwise specified under the Act, the property tax shall not be  less  than
10% and not more than 30% of the rateable  value  of  lands  and  buildings.
Section 63 of the NDMC Act deals with the determination  of  rateable  value
of lands and buildings. The provision reads as follows:

       “63.  Determination  of  rateable  value  of  lands   and   buildings
assessable to property tax.-(1) The rateable value of any lands or  building
assessable to any property taxes shall be the  annual  rent  at  which  such
land or building might reasonably be expected to let from year to year  less
a sum equal to ten per cent of the said annual rent which shall be  in  lieu
of all allowances for costs of repairs and insurance,  and  other  expenses,
if any, necessary to maintain the land or building in  a  state  to  command
that rent:

      Provided that in respect of any land or building the standard rent  of
which has been fixed under the Delhi Rent Control Act,  1958  (59  of  1958)
the rateable value thereof  shall  not  exceed  the  annual  amount  of  the
standard rent so fixed.”

3.    Though the learned senior counsel appearing for the appellants  sought
to place reliance on the proviso under section 63(1) of  the  NDMC  Act,  we
are afraid the contention cannot be appreciated.  The  concept  of  standard
rent is no more available under the Delhi Rent Control Act, 1958, since  the
said provision has been struck down in the case of Raghunandan  Saran  Ashok
Saran (HUF) Vs. Union of India & Others reported in 95 Delhi Law  Times  508
(2002)(DB). Additionally, it is also to be noted that the standard  rent  in
the case of the appellants  has  never  been  fixed  under  the  Delhi  Rent
Control Act, 1958.

4.    In the cases before us there are two categories of  buildings  1)self-
occupied and 2) out of the leased premises a portion which is self  occupied
and the rest let out on sub-lease under due permission from  the  Government
of India.  In case the premises is sub-let, there is a  condition  that  the
lessee should pay to the Government 25% of the gross  rent  fetched  out  of
the sub-lease.

5.    In the impugned judgments, the High Court  has  taken  the  view  that
since there is already a payment of rent by the sub-lessee, there  need  not
be any other exercise for assessment  of  the  reasonable  rent.   The  High
Court has based its decision under bye-law 12 of  the  New  Delhi  Municipal
Committee Byelaws Relating to the Assessment and Collection  of  House  Tax.
For the purpose of  reference, we may extract the provision of bye-law 12:
      “12. The annual value of a building or house which is in  the  owner's
own occupation either for residential purposes or  for  commercial  purposes
and the standard rent of which has not so far  been  fixed  by  a  competent
authority may be calculated under section 8(1)(b) on the basis of  rents  of
similar accommodation prevalent in the locality and  in  the  event  of  the
Committee being of the opinion that the same is  not  feasible,  the  annual
value may be calculated under section 3(1)(c).”

6.    However, it is pointed out that the Punjab Municipal  Act,  1911   has
been repealed and as per Section 416(2) of the NDMC Act  what  is  saved  is
only the provisions under the bye-laws which are not otherwise  inconsistent
with the provisions of the  NDMC  Act.   Since  there  is  a  provision  and
procedure under Section 63 the NDMC Act for  calculating  the  annual  rent,
one need not refer at all to the bye-laws as quoted  above  since  they  are
apparently inconsistent with the provisions of the NDMC Act.  In  short,  it
is impermissible to refer to the bye-laws framed under  the  Punjab  Act  in
view of specific provisions made under the NDMC Act providing for the  levy,
assessment and  collection of property tax.
7.    Therefore, the only basis  for  fixation  of  rateable  value  is  the
annual rent at which the land or building might reasonably  be  expected  to
be let from year to year, subject to the deductions provided under the Act.
8.    The basis of the impugned judgments which was wholly based on the bye-
laws having been thus knocked down, we   have to get back to the  provisions
under the NDMC Act for the purposes of the fixation of  the  rateable  value
which is based on the rent which can be reasonably fetched  by  letting  out
the premises.
9.    Our attention has been invited to a  three  Judge  Bench  decision  of
this Court in Dewan Daulat Rai Kapoor and Others  Vs.  New  Delhi  Municipal
Committee and Others reported in (1980) 1 SCC 685  wherein  this  Court  has
dealt with in detail as to what is the scope of the  expression  “reasonably
be expected  to  let  from  year  to  year”.   The  whole  consideration  is
available in paragraph 2 of the Judgment which reads as under:
      “ 2.  It is obvious from this definition that unlike the  English  Law
where the value of occupation by  a  tenant  is  the  criterion  for  fixing
annual value of the building for rating purposes, here it is  the  value  of
the property to the  owner  which  is  taken  as  the  standard  for  making
assessment of annual value. The criterion is  the  rent  realisable  by  the
landlord and not the value of the holding in the hands the tenant. The  rent
which the landlord might realise if the building were let is made the  basis
for fixing the annual value of the building. The word  "reasonably"  in  the
definition is very important. What the landlord might reasonably  expect  to
get from a hypothetical tenant, if the building were let from year to  year,
affords the statutory yardstick for determining the annual value. Now,  what
is reasonable is a question of fact and it would depend  on  the  facts  and
circumstances of a given situation. Ordinarily,  as  pointed  out  by  Subba
Rao, J., speaking on behalf of the  Court  in  Corporation  of  Calcutta  v.
Padma Devi(1); "a bargain between a willing  lessor  and  a  willing  lessee
uninfluenced by any extraneous circumstances may afford a  guiding  test  of
reasonableness. An inflated or deflated  rate  of  rent  based  upon  fraud,
emergency, relationship and such other considerations may  take  it  out  of
the bounds of reasonableness". The actual rent payable by a  tenant  to  the
landlord would in normal circumstances afford reliable evidence of what  the
landlord might reasonably expect to get from a hypothetical  tenant,  unless
the rent is inflated or depressed by  reason  of  extraneous  considerations
such as relationship, expectation of some other  benefit  etc.  There  would
ordinarily be in a free market close approximation between the  actual  rent
received by the landlord and the rent which he might  reasonably  expect  to
receive from a hypothetical tenant....”

10.   In the second category of cases before us the actual rent  payable  by
a tenant to the landlord is available  for  verification  by  the  assessing
officer.  But the question is whether that rent paid by  the  sub-lessee  is
in normal circumstances and whether it is either inflated  or  depressed  by
reason of any other consideration or relationship.   Having  regard  to  the
agreement with the Government of India for payment of 25% of the gross  rent
fetched from the sub-lessee, we are inclined to hold that the  25%  that  is
being paid to the Government  of  India  by  the  lessee  out  of  the  rent
collected from the sub-lessee is inflated to include  the  extra  25%  since
the rent actually available  to  the  lessee  is  only  75%  of  the  amount
actually paid by the sub-lessee to the  lessee.   Therefore,  going  by  the
principle settled by this Court in the case  of   Dewan  Daulat  Rai  Kapoor
(supra), the rateable value under section 63 of the NDMC Act,  in  the  case
of the appellants coming under the second category has to be  fixed  on  the
basis of 75% of the amount received from the sub-lessee by  the  appellants.
On that basis, the rateable value of the premises both  tenanted  and  self-
occupied will be fixed by the assessing officer.  This is  however,  subject
to the production of proof of payment/adjustment/ appropriation of the   25%
by the lessee with the Government of India.

11.   As for the first category, where the  building  is  self-occupied  and
where there is no sub-lease, the annual rent will have to be fixed  as  held
by this Court in the case of Dewan Daulat Rai Kapoor  (supra)   and  in  the
case of India  Automobiles  Ltd.  Vs.  Calcutta  Municipal  Corporation  and
Another reported in (2002) 3 SCC 388 on the basis what  the  landlord  might
reasonably expect  to   get  from  a  hypothetical  tenant.  Such

fixation has to be made only as per the NDMC Act.   It is for the  assessing
officer to make the fixation in accordance with  law.   The  assessment  for
the disputed period shall be completed within three months from today.

11.   The impugned judgments are hence set aside. The  appeals  are  allowed
as above with no order as to costs.

                                                            [KURIAN JOSEPH]

                                                     [ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN

      NEW DELHI;
      FEBRUARY 03, 2016

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