Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 714 of 2009, Judgment Date: May 06, 2015

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                       CRIMINAL APPEAL NO.714 OF 2009

State of U.P.                                                     …. Appellant


Damodar & Anr.                                                 …. Respondents

                               O R D E R

Uday Umesh Lalit, J.

1.    This appeal by special leave challenges  the  order  dated  07.09.2006
passed by the High Court of Judicature at Allahabad   in  Govt.  Appeal  No.
2923 of 2003 rejecting leave to appeal preferred by  the  appellant  against
the  judgment  and  order  of  acquittal  dated  24.03.2003  passed  by  the
Additional Sessions Judge, Court No.8, Azamgarh in Sessions Trial No.484  of

2.    According to the prosecution, marriage  between  the  deceased  Sunita
and Respondent No.1 was solemnized in the year  1988  while  her  gona   was
performed in 1992 whereafter she started living  in  her  matrimonial  home.
Her father Laldev had given  dowry and gifts in the  marriage  according  to
his capacity but could not fulfil the demand for  a  gold  chain  and  ring,
because of which her husband i.e. Respondent No.1  and  his  family  members
were harassing Sunita.

3.    On 01.09.1994 in the early hours a dhebri i.e. lamp is  said  to  have
fallen on the mattress on which Sunita was sleeping.  She  caught  fire  and
was completely burnt.  The fact that she was so burnt at 4.00  am  was  seen
by neighbour PW4 Bachhi Devi.   According to the  witness  Sunita’s  brother
in law came to her  place  asking  for  a  torch  stating  that  Sunita  had
suffered burns.  The witness went to the house of Respondent No.1 and  found
Sunita in burnt condition.  Sunita then  stated to the witness “jo hona  tha
ho gaya”.

4.    Sunita was taken to Primary Health Centre, Azamgarh where PW6  Dr.  Om
Prakash Shrivastava treated her at 7.00 AM and found that she  had  suffered
100 per cent burns.  Since her condition was serious  she  was  referred  to
Sadar Hospital but Sunita died while she was being taken to  that  Hospital.

5.    Around 3.00 PM on that day her brother-in-law  went  to  the  parental
house of Sunita in a jeep and told  PW1  Tara  Devi,  her  mother  that  the
condition of Sunita was serious and insisted that she accompany  them.   PW1
Tara Devi along with her sister-in-law  PW2  Reena  Devi  accompanied  them.
They found Sunita in completely burnt condition.  It  is  the  case  of  the
prosecution that the in-laws of Sunita  obtained  thumb  impression  of  PW1
Tara Devi forcibly on a piece of paper and thereafter cremated Sunita.

6.    Laldev, father of Sunita at the relevant time was working  in  Mumbai.
He received information through a telegram and  came  home.   He  approached
the police station but no action was taken.   Subsequently  Laldev  sent  an
application  on  09.09.1994  to  the  SSP,  Azamgarh  stating  full  details
whereupon the case was registered on  20.10.1994  against  the  respondents.
After conducting investigation the charge sheet was filed and  charges  were
framed against the respondents under Sections 498A and 304B IPC.

7.    The trial court after considering the material on  record  found  that
the prosecution had failed  to  establish  that  the  death  of  Sunita  had
occurred in unnatural manner.  It referred to the fact that PW4 Bachhi  Devi
had gone to the house of Respondent No.1 at  4.00  AM  and  had  found  that
mattress was burning and Sunita was lying at some distance.  She also  found
smell of kerosene  oil  emitting  from  the  bed.   It  was  held  that  the
possibility could not be ruled out that the death of Sunita had occurred  as
a result of a lamp having fallen on the mattress.  The trial  court  further
relied upon the fact that the parents of deceased Sunita were  informed  and
that the cremation had taken place after their  consent.   Though  PW1  Tara
Devi had stated that her signatures  were  obtained  on  a  piece  of  paper
forcibly, the trial court concluded that the death occurred as a  result  of
falling of a lamp on the mattress  and  acquitted  the  respondents  of  the
charges leveled against them.

8.    The appellant- State sought leave  to  appeal  against  the  aforesaid
judgment and order of acquittal, by preferring Government Appeal No.2923  of
2003,   which  was  rejected  by  the  High  Court  vide  its  order   dated
07.12.2006.  The order passed by the High Court is quoted below:
“We have heard learned A.G.A.  for  the  State  appellant  and  perused  the
impugned  judgment.   The  deceased  Sunita  died  of  burn  injuries.   Her
cremation was made in presence of her parents.  A delayed F.I.R. was  lodged
with the allegation that there was demand of  dowry  and  she  was  done  to
death.  The trial court  appears  to  have  considered  all  the  facts  and
circumstances of the case emerging from the record.

In above view of the matter, we do not find  any  force  in  the  prayer  to
grant the leave to appeal.

The leave to appeal is rejected.”

9.    The aforesaid order of the  High  Court  is  under  challenge  in  the
present appeal.  Appearing for the State Mr. Pramod Swarup,  learned  senior
Advocate invited our attention to the  relevant  material  and  evidence  on
record and submitted that  the  assessment  made  by  the  trial  court  was
completely incorrect and that the High Court  ought  to  have  independently
assessed the evidence.  In his submission, the order of the High  Court  was
very cryptic.    Learned counsel appearing  for  the  respondents  supported
the view taken by the High Court.

10.   In our considered view the approach of the High Court in  the  instant
case was  completely  incorrect.   The  order  does  not  indicate  that  it
considered the evidence led by  the  prosecution.   To  say  the  least,  it
appears improbable that a person as a result of falling of  a  lamp  on  the
mattress could be reduced to the status of 100 per cent burns.  Even  if  he
was asleep, the normal reaction of such person and the other inmates of  the
house would  be  to  douse  the  fire.   Therefore  the  matter  had  to  be
considered whether the death occurred in suspicious  circumstances  or  not.
The statement “jo hona tha ho gaya” attributed to Sunita is  not  indicative
that whatever happened was a pure accident.    We  are  conscious  that  the
appeal itself was of the year of 2003 and left to ourselves, we  would  have
gone into the matter and considered the merits.  However,  leave  to  appeal
having been dismissed  without  even  issuing  notice  to  the  other  side,
screening of the material and consideration  of  rival  submissions  at  the
appellate stage stood completely denied.

In the circumstances we set aside the order passed by  the  High  Court  and
remit the matter to the High Court,  which  may  be  considered  afresh.  We
request the High Court to dispose of the same as expeditiously as  possible.
  We may not be taken to  have  expressed  any  opinion  on  merits  of  the

The appeal stands allowed in these terms.

                                                     (Pinaki Chandra Ghose)

                                                         (Uday Umesh Lalit)
New Delhi,
May 06, 2015

ITEM NO.1D               COURT NO.11               SECTION II
(for Judgment)

               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

                Criminal Appeal  No(s).  714/2009

STATE OF U.P.                                      Appellant(s)


DAMODAR & ANR.                                     Respondent(s)

Date : 06/05/2015      This appeal was called on for pronouncement of
            judgment today.

For Appellant(s) Mr. Pramod Swarup, Sr. Adv.
                       Mr. Sandeep Singh, Adv.
                       Mr. Anuvrat Sharma, Adv.
                       Ms. Alka Sinha, Adv.

For Respondent(s)      Mr. Mukesh Kr. Sharma, Adv.
                       Mr. Rameshwar Prasad Goyal, Adv.

      Hon'ble Mr. Justice Uday Umesh  Lalit  pronounced  the  non-reportable
judgment of the Bench comprising Hon'ble Mr. Justice  Pinaki  Chandra  Ghose
and His Lordship.
      The appeal is allowed in terms of the signed non-reportable judgment.

      (R.NATARAJAN)                                 (SNEH LATA SHARMA)
       Court Master                                    Court Master

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