Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 34795 of 2015, Judgment Date: Mar 24, 2015

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

               CIVIL APPEAL NOs.                       OF 2015
          (Arising out of S.L.P. (Civil) Nos. 34795-34796 of 2014)

      State of Himachal Pradesh and others                    ... Appellants


      Punra Devi                                              ...Respondent

                               J U D G M E N T

      Prafulla C. Pant, J.

            Leave granted.

   2. These appeals arise out of judgment and order dated  6.3.2013,  passed
      by the High Court of Himachal Pradesh at Shimla in  CWP  No.  7879  of
      2012-H whereby the High Court  has  disposed  of  said  writ  petition
      allowing the respondent (writ petitioner), who is Anganwari Helper  at
      Anganwari Centre, Chori, to the post of Anganwari Worker in  Anganwari
      Centre, Hardeeppur.  The  review  petition  filed  by  the  appellants
      before the High  Court  has  also  been  dismissed  vide  order  dated
      23.5.2014.  The same is also challenged before us.

   3. Heard learned counsel for the appellants.  No one turned up on  behalf
      of the respondent even after sufficient service reported on her.

   4. Brief facts of the case are that respondent Punra Devi  was  appointed
      on 13.8.2007 as Anganwari Helper in Anganwari Centre, Chori,  District
      Kangra, Himachal Pradesh.  There are two  Anganwari  Centres,  namely,
      Anganwari Centre, Chori and Anganwari Centre, Hardeeppur,  which  fall
      within the limits of  village  panchayat  Lagnru.   Appellant  No.  2,
      Director, Department  of  Social  Justice  and  Empowerment,  Himachal
      Pradesh, Shimla, issued communication dated  10.5.2012  to  all  Child
      Development Project Officers (C.D.P.Os) of the State informing that in
      case the post of Anganwari Worker (AWW) falls vacant in any  Anganwari
      Centre, the Anganwari Helper (AWH) working at the same centre can also
      be considered on priority basis for appointment to the  post  of  AWW.
      Claiming the benefit of above communication, respondent submitted  her
      application for the post of AWW  in Anganwari Centre,  Hardeeppur,  to
      Child Development  Project  Officer  (CDPO)  Dehra,  District  Kangra,
      Himachal Pradesh.  She also made a representation to appellant  No.  2
      seeking her appointment on the above mentioned post.  When her request
      was not accepted, she filed writ  petition  (CWP  No.  7879  of  2012)
      before the High Court seeking following reliefs: -
           "i.   That the  respondents  may  very  kindly  be  directed  to
                 consider the petitioner for  appointment  to  the  post  of
                 Anganwari Worker in Anganwari Centre Hardeeppur  under  the
                 Child Development Project Officer, Dehra,  District  Kangra
                 without insisting upon the conditions of  prescribed  limit
                 to the family income of  the  petitioner,  because  of  her
                 already working as Anganwari Helper,  in  the  interest  of

           ii.   That the respondents may also be  directed  to  apply  the
                 instructions issued by the respondent No. 2  on  10.05.2012
                 at Annexure P-5 in the case of the petitioner also so as to
                 consider  her  for  appointment  as  Anganwari  Worker   in
                 Anganwari Centre  Hardeeppur  on  account  of  her  already
                 working as Anganwari Helper in Anganwari Centre  Chori  and
                 her possess the requisite  qualifications  of  +2,  in  the
                 interest of justice.

           iii.  That the respondents may also be directed to create 2 to 3
                 promotional avenues to the Anganwari  Worker  to  the  next
                 higher post, in the interest of justice.

           iv.   That the entire record of the  case  may  very  kindly  be
                 summoned from the respondent for the kind perusal  of  this
                 Hon'ble Court.

           v.    That any other order or direction which this Hon'ble Court
                 may deem just and proper in the facts and circumstances  of
                 the present case, may be passed in favour of the petitioner
                 and against the respondent."

   5. The High Court disposed  of  the  above  writ  petition  allowing  the
      respondent to apply for the post of AWW  of  Hardeeppur  with  certain
      observations, which is challenged before us by the  appellants,  after
      rejection of the review application.

   6. The only issue involved in these appeals before us is as to whether an
      Anganwari Helper (AWH) of one Anganwari Centre can seek  promotion  to
      the post of Anganwari Worker (AWW) of the another Anganwari Centre, or
   7. Be it noted, Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) is a centrally
      sponsored flagship Scheme of the Government of India  which  envisages
      six services,  i.e.,  supplementary  nutrition,  immunization,  health
      check-up,  referral  services,  pre-school  non-formal  education  and
      nutrition and health education.  The AWWs and AWHs are community based
      frontline honorary workers under the ICDS, and are central  figure  in
      helping the community as to the needs of their children by delivery of
      services under the Scheme.  They are required to be appointed from the
      local community who come forward to render their  services,  on  part-
      time basis in the area of child care  and  development.   As  per  the
      guidelines, selections  of  AWWs  and  AWHs  require  that  the  women
      appointed  for  such  services  should  be  from  local  village   and
      acceptable to the local community.

   8. In the light of the guidelines of the Central  Government,  Government
      of Himachal Pradesh issued its notifications  from  time  to  time  in
      connection with appointment of  AWWs/AWHs.   Paragraphs,  relevant  to
      this case, contained in the  Notification  No.  WLF-B(14)3/87-1  dated
      Shimla 19.6.2010, which was issued in  supersession  of  the  previous
      notifications, are being reproduced below: -
           "In partial modification of this department notification of even
           dated  5th  October,  2009  and  dated  8th  January,  2010  the
           Governor,  Himachal  Pradesh  is  pleased  to   substitute   the
           provision of following rules: -

           Rule 4 i.e. Eligibility Criteria;

           Only such female candidates are eligible to apply for  the  post
           of Anganwadi Worker or Helper who are

        a) Family wise freezing of the list of families  being  covered  in
           the feeder area of the AWC will be ensured as on  first  January
           of recruitment year before starting the  selection  process  and
           advertising  of  vacancies  with  due  publicity  and  only  the
           residents of the areas as above will be entitled to  apply.   If
           the  candidates  are  not  available  within  the  feeder  area,
           applications  can  be  invited  from  the  desirous   candidates
           residing within the area of the concerned Gram Panchayat in case
           the feeder area falls in 2 Gram Panchayats prior approval of the
           Director SJ&E H.P. will be required.

        b) For Anganwadi worker minimum  qualification  shall  be  10+2  or
           equivalent and for Helper minimum qualification shall be Middle.

                       xxx              xxx              xxx

        d) The annual income of the family of candidates  does  not  exceed
           Rs.15000/- per annum which is to be  certified/countersigned  by
           an   officer   not   below   the    rank    of    Tehsildar/Naib
           Tehsildar/Executive Magistrate.

           Rule 5 i.e. Advertisement of vacancies: - Following provision to
           be added: -

                 Provided, where the post of AWW has fallen vacant  due  to
           any reason and the matter is not sub judice the Anganwadi Helper
           shall be given first opportunity to be appointed as  worker  if,
           she fulfills the minimum  prescribed  educational  qualification
           for AWWs and no advertisement will be required.

                       xxx              xxx             xxx

           Terms and conditions of services

           Rule 4 i.e. Transfer/Adjustment of the Anganwadi Worker Helpers.

                 Under ICDS programme there is no provision of transfer  of
           Anganwadi  Workers/Helpers  as  these  are   honorary   workers.
           However, only in case of marriage of  AWW  or  AWH  if,  vacancy
           exists at the place of her husband's normal place or  residence/
           place of marriage, she can  be  adjusted  on  her  request  made
           within  one   month   from   date   of   arising   of   vacancy.
           Divorce/destitute women living with their parents  in  Anganwadi
           area, but working at the place of marriage can be transferred to
           the place of Anganwadi falling in the parental area  subject  to
           availability of vacancy.  Distt. Programme Officer will  be  the
           competent authority to order  transfer/adjustment  of  Anganwadi
           workers/helpers within the District.  Outside district transfers
           will be done with the approval of Director."

   9. It is not the case of the respondent  that  due  to  her  marriage  or
      divorce she is required to be transferred from one centre  to  another
      centre, nor is her case for promotion/ appointment from  the  post  of
      AWH to  AWW  in  the  same  Anganwari  Centre.   Admittedly,  she  was
      appointed in 2007 as AWH in Anganwari  Centre,  Chori.   Now  she  has
      prayed for her appointment to the post  of  AWW  in  Anganwari  Centre
      Hardeeppur.   It  is  not  disputed  that  the   communication   dated
      10.5.2012, issued by the appellant No. 2   (Director,  Social  Justice
      and Empowerment) to CDPOs of the State provides that if a post of  AWW
      falls vacant in an Anganwari Centre, AWH of the  same  centre  can  be
      considered for her  appointment  to  the  post  of  AWW,   giving  her

  10. Considering the facts as above, we are of the opinion  that  the  High
      Court has  erred  in  law  in  unnecessarily  interpreting  the  above
      provision, to make the same applicable  for  appointment/promotion  of
      AWH from one Anganwari Centre to another Anganwari Centre by observing
      that honorarium which was being drawn by such candidate shall  not  be
      added to her income in the income certificate required for  the  post.
      In fact communication dated 10.5.2012 does not reflect that honorarium
      is required to be added  in the income of AWH of that centre  for  her
      appointment as AWW in the same centre.

  11. Learned counsel for the appellants  submitted  before  us  that,  vide
      letter No. SJE-A-E(20)171/2012 dated 18.9.2013 read with  notification
      No. SJE-A-F(1)-3/2011 dated 3.9.2013, the State Government has already
      clarified that the honorarium being paid to the Anganwari Helper shall
      not be considered for the income of family in the case of a  candidate
      who applies for the post of Anganwari Worker.  It is  further  pointed
      out to us that the condition regarding requirement of same feeder area
      remains unchanged.

  12. In view of the above, having heard learned counsel for the appellants,
      and further considering the ICDS read with relevant guidelines, we are
      of the view that the High Court has erred in directing the  appellants
      to consider the case of the respondent, who is AWH  in  the  Anganwari
      Centre of Chori, for the post  of  AWW  in  the  Anganwari  Centre  of
      Hardeeppur. Needless to say that the area of one Anganwari  Centre  is
      not the feeder area of another Anganwari  Centre.  Therefore,  in  our
      opinion the impugned  orders  passed  by  the  High  Court  cannot  be

  13. Accordingly, the appeals  are  allowed.   The  impugned  orders  dated
      6.3.2013 passed in CWP  No.  7879  of  2012-H,  and  the  order  dated
      23.5.2014 passed in CMP (M) No. 12086 of 2013 (in RPST 7126 of  2013),
      by the High Court are hereby set aside.  There shall be no order as to

                                                 [Dipak Misra]

                                                [Prafulla C. Pant]
      New Delhi;
      March 24, 2015.

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