Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Special Leave Petition (Civil), 30483 of 2015, Judgment Date: Sep 27, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

              SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 30483 OF 2015



T.O. ALEYAS AND ORS.                           ...RESPONDENTS


              SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (CIVIL) NO. 30589 OF 2015

                               J U D G M E N T


1.    In view of the elaborate hearing that has taken place we  are  of  the
view that our eventual decision to dismiss both the special leave  petitions
should be supported by the brief reasons therefor.

2.    The petitioners  could  be  conveniently  described  as  the  ‘Abraham
Group’ and the respondents as the ‘Aleyas Group’.  Both are branches of  the
same family.  The dispute relates to the shareholding of the two  groups  in
St. Mary’s Hotel Private Limited  (hereinafter  for  short  ‘the  Company’),
which inter alia owns two hotel properties in the State of Kerala.

3.    The Company was incorporated in the year 1996 and with the passage  of
time while the Abraham Group consisting of T.O. Abraham  and  Binu  Zacharia
held 8,00,000 shares, the Aleyas Group consisting of T.O. Aleyas  and  Bobby
Kuriakose  held 7,00,000 shares.  There was a Resolution of the Board  dated
17.04.2002 which is claimed by  the  Aleyas  Group  to  be  pursuant  to  an
earlier decision that all the 5 branches of the  family  should  hold  equal
shares in the company.  Consequently, there were some transfers made by  the
said  Resolution.   It  appears  that  in  the  said  Board  meeting   dated
17.04.2002 it was also resolved that 2,20,000 shares  would  be  transferred
by Bobby Kuriakose to T.O.  Abraham.   The  aforesaid  decision  alone  i.e.
transfer of 2,20,000 shares from Bobby Kuriakose to T.O.  Abraham  alongwith
decisions taken in  the  Extraordinary  General  Meeting  dated  25.04.2003;
Notice of Board  Meeting  dated  03.06.2003  and  Notice  of   Extraordinary
General Meeting dated  03.06.2003  and  the  decisions  taken  in  the  said
meetings were challenged.  The aforesaid decisions pertain to induction  and
removal of  Directors  pursuant  to  the  transfer  of  shares  as  per  the
Resolution dated 17.04.2002. The Company Law Board (for short  ‘  the  CLB’)
by  its  judgment  and  order  dated  5.2.2013  in  Company   Petition   No.
30/2003[CHE] while granting the other reliefs sought, disposed of  the  said
company petition filed  by  the  Aleyas  Group  upholding  the  validity  of
transfer  of  2,20,000  shares  from  Bobby  Kuriakose  to   T.O.   Abraham.
Aggrieved, the Aleyas Group moved the High Court of  Kerala  by  way  of  an
appeal under Section 10F  of  the  Companies  Act,  1956.  The  High  Court,
notwithstanding the fact that the challenge before it pertained only to  the
transfer of 2,20,000 shares, (all  other  directions  of  the  CLB  were  in
favour of the Aleyas Group) set aside the entire  of  the  Resolution  dated
17.04.2002, the effect of which  was  that  the  decisions  with  regard  to
transfer of shares to members of other branches of the  family,  which  were
not questioned before the CLB and  hence  the  High  Court,  were  also  set
aside. This was by judgment dated 31.03.2015 passed in Company  Appeal  No.4
of 2013.
4.    The findings of the High Court as recorded in paragraphs  40,  41  and
43 of its judgment dated 31.03.2015 may conveniently  be  reproduced  herein
to appreciate the reasons for the conclusions recorded in the said  judgment
dated 31.03.2015.

“40.  The CLB, at the earlier point, found that there  was  no  material  to
find that one fifth of the shares should be allotted  to  each  families  of
the sons of Kuruvila Onnittan nor was there evidence  with  respect  to  the
decisions taken on 17.4.2002.  The  situation  remains  as  such  even  now.
Presently, the CLB found that the fact that Bobby  Kuriakose  did  not  take
proceedings against the transfer of shares, even after a  sufficiently  long
period of time of  its  registration  and  intimation  to  the  ROC,  stands
against his plea of the  transfer  being  bad.   It  was  also  found  that,
despite T.O. Abraham having not proved the consideration,  that  was  of  no
consequence and that alone  cannot  lead  to  a  conclusion  that,  no  such
transfer took place.  After noticing the admission of Bobby Kuriakose,  that
share certificates and  blank  transfer  forms  were  handed  over  to  T.O.
Abraham, the  Tribunal  finds  that  “it  must  have  been  done  with  some
understanding between the parties”.   Theory  of  parity  amongst  the  five
branches, appears to be a figment of  imagination  of  the  petitioners  and
hence the transfer of 2,20,000 shares from Bobby Kuriakose to T.O.  Abraham,
could not be declared null and void, is the finding of the CLB.

41.   We cannot, but say that, the said finding has  been  entered  on  mere
surmises and conjectures and the Tribunal has not looked into  the  evidence
of such transfer, as per the provisions of the Companies  Act or  otherwise.
 No presumption could have been raised under Section 195, since the  minutes
book was absent.  Neither of the  parties  substantiated  their  conflicting
contentions of parity and transfer to the Managing Director with  any  other
evidence.  Even after the remand, specifically  directing  the  Tribunal  to
conduct an enquiry, the parties rested contend, slinging mud on each  other.
 No evidence at all was let into substantiate  the  conflicting  contentions
and they remained in the realm of statements and assertions.  We  would  not
elaborate on the decisions placed under Section  111  since  the  delay  was
projected  to  contest  the  parity  sought  by  Abraham   group   and   the
rectification of the register conferring 20% on each family.   Having  found
against parity, delay aspect would be inconsequential.

43.   We feel that  the  CLB’s  findings  upholding  the  transfer  and  the
decision on 17.04.2002 is based on no evidence.   We  are  unable  to  agree
with the CLB that the  transfer  effected  and  affirmed  by  the  Board  on
17.04.2002  was  valid.   We  are  unable  to  agree  with  either  of   the
conflicting contentions of  the  parties  for  absolute  lack  of  evidence.
Neither can the contention of parity, allegedly decided  on  28.11.2001,  be
upheld nor can the contention of the majority being validly  transferred  to
the Abraham group on 17.4.2002 be countenanced.  Both the  decisions  remain
in the realm of hypothesis.  The transfer effected to the Managing  Director
himself is found to be oppressive, insofar  as  there  being  absolutely  no
explanation  or  evidence  as  to  how  a  shareholder,  having  substantial
interest in  the  company,  transferred  majority  shares  to  the  Managing
Director,  thus  rendering  himself  a  rank  minority.   There  were   also
considerable amounts, more than 57 lakhs outstanding as loans to  be  repaid
by the company to Bobby Kuriakose.  The decisions  taken  are  not  properly
taken at the Board Meeting as per the provisions of the Companies Act.   The
decision in toto on 17.4.2002 would have to go.   In  such  circumstance  we
restore the parties to the position that existed  on  19.10.2001  with  T.O.
Abraham and T.O. Aleyas holding 3 lakh shares each  and  Binu  Zacharia  and
Bobby Kuriakose holding 5 and 4 lakh shares respectively.”

5.     In  the  aforesaid  circumstances,  the  Aleyas  Group  filed  Review
Petition No. 434 of 2015 before the High Court seeking review of  the  order
dated 31.03.2015.  By the impugned order  dated  09.10.2015  passed  in  the
Review Petition (subject matter of challenge in SLP(C) No.  30589  of  2015)
the order dated 31.03.2015 was reviewed and interference made  by  the  said
order with the entire of the Resolution dated 17.04.2002 was  corrected  and
confined to the issue of transfer of 2,20,000 shares  from  Bobby  Kuriakose
to T.O. Abraham alone.

6.    Having considered the grounds on which the High Court had  thought  it
proper to reverse the decision of the CLB, details of which  have  been  set
out herein above, we are of the  view  that  the  exercise  of  jurisdiction
under Section 10F of the Companies Act, 1956 by the High Court to  interfere
with the order of the CLB cannot be faulted.  If the subject matter  of  the
appeal before the High Court was limited to the validity of the transfer  of
2,20,000 shares from Bobby Kuriakose to T.O. Abraham, the interference  made
with the entire of the Resolution dated 17.04.2002 thereby invalidating  the
other share transfers, not  under  challenge  before  the  High  Court,  was
clearly an error apparent on the face of the record.   The  correction  made
in the exercise of the review jurisdiction was, therefore,    justified  and
will not call for any interference.

7.    Consequently and for the reasons  aforesaid  both  the  special  leave
petitions will have to be dismissed, which we hereby do.

                                                         (RANJAN GOGOI)

                                                     (PRAFULLA C. PANT)
SEPTEMBER 27, 2016.