Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION, 13 of 2011, Judgment Date: Nov 21, 2014

                                                                  NON REPORTABLE

                            IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                           CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                  INTERLOCUTORY APPLICATION NO. 13 OF 2011


                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3303 OF 1997

Sri Srikanta D.N. Wadiyar (D)

Through LRs                                                 ... Appellant


State of Karnataka and others                              ... Respondents

                                  O R D E R

      By means of this Interlocutory  Application  the  first  respondent  -

State of Karnataka has prayed as under: -

"[i]  Permit the State of Karnataka to  widen  the  road  in  the  adjoining

areas of  the  Palace  Ground,  Ramana  Maharshi  Road  [Bellary  Road]  and

Jayamahal Road as per sketch;

[ii]  grant permission to complete the proposed work of widening the  roads,

utilizing total area of 15 Acres 39 guntas of the Bangalore  Palace  Ground,

in the interest of justice and equity; and

[iii] To pay compensation to the above land as per the  calculation  in  the

original award, which is agreed upon by this Hon'ble  Court  on  an  earlier

occasion i.e., while disposing  I.A.  No.  2  on  15.02.1999  or  any  other

compensation package that this Hon'ble Court may suggest."

Heard learned counsel for the parties including  the  parties  in  connected

civil appeal Nos. 3309-3310 of 1997, 3305 of 1997, 3306  of  1997,  3308  of

1997, 3307 of 1997 and 3351 of 1997.

Brief facts of the case are  that  the  Bangalore  Palace  (Acquisition  and

Transfer)  Act,  1996  (for  short  "the  Act")  was  passed   by  Karnataka

Legislature to acquire Bangalore Palace,  which  compendiously  means,  main

palace building and other buildings with the  surroundings  open  space  and

the compound wall all around.  Constitutionality of said Act was  challenged

in Writ Petition Nos. 3383 of 1997, 32175 of 1996, 33146 of 1996,  33147  of

1996, 33148 of 1996, C/w Nos. 32175 of 1996, 33649 of 1996,  33785  of  1996

and 33786 of 1996 by the appellants who are legal heirs of late Maharaja  of

Mysore and some other persons who claimed interest in the  Bangalore  Palace

and the land appurtenant thereto spread over  in  more  than  400  acres  of

land.  Said writ petitions were dismissed  vide  judgment  and  order  dated

31.3.1997 passed by the High Court of Karnataka upholding  the  validity  of

the Act.  From the perusal of record (including the  order  dated  15.7.2003

passed in these appeals), it appears that the issue relating to validity  of

the Act in the aforementioned appeals is referred for consideration to nine-

Judge Bench.

  By interim order dated 30.4.1997,  this  Court  directed  the  parties  to

maintain status quo pending disposal of special leave petition.  Also,  vide

another interim order dated 24.11.2000 passed on I.A.  No.  11  of  2000  in

Civil Appeal No. 3303 of 1997, in terms of proposals made  in  paragraphs  3

and 4 in the reply of said application,  and  acceptance  expressed  by  the

Advocate General, the respondent-State  appears  to  have  been  allowed  to

utilize the palace land for road  widening  and  construction  of  underpass

near Mekhri Circle, Bangalore, i.e., land adjacent to the roads between  New

Airport constructed at  Devanhalli  (Bangalore  International  Airport)  and

Bangalore Palace.  From order dated 24.11.2000 passed  in  I.A.  No.  11  of

2000 it further reveals that the  learned  Advocate  General  of  the  State

submitted before this  Court  that  for  calculation  of  compensation,  the

formula laid down in the order passed on 15.2.1999 in I.A. No.  2  in  Civil

Appeal No. 3303 of 1997 shall be followed.

It is submitted on behalf of the  respondent-State  that  road  widening  is

necessary for easing the traffic congestion and frequent traffic  jams.   It

is further stated by the respondent-State in the  present  I.A.  No.  13  of

2011 that Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) has mooted  proposal  to

widen Ramana Maharshi Road (Bellary Road - New Airport Road)  and  Jayamahal

Road adjacent to Bangalore Palace, as these roads are directly  linked  with

the New Airport.  According to the proposal of the plan prepared by  BBMP  a

total land of 15 acres 39 guntas is needed for the  project.   Commissioner,

BBMP, through his letter dated 20.11.2009, made  necessary  request  to  the

Principal Secretary to Government, DPAR of the  State,  in  reply  to  which

said authority vide its letter dated 10.12.2009,  agreed  for  the  proposed

project of widening the road in and around palace ground, and  a  permission

for the purposes of acquisition of land was communicated vide  communication

dated 25.1.2001 (Annexure R-3 to the present application).

Regarding details of the land measuring 15 acres 39 guntas  paragraph  5  of

the present I.A. No. 13 of 2011 is reproduced below: -

"5.   It is submitted that the Commissioner  of  B.B.M.P.  has  written  one

more letter dated 0505.2010 to the Additional Chief Secretary and  Principal

Secretary, Urban Development Department, Bangalore, bringing to  his  notice

the Project for Road widening and copy of the said letter  dated  05.05.2010

is herewith produced and marked as ANNEXURE-R4.  The statement  showing  the

area of land of Bangalore Palace Ground required for  widening  the  Bellary

Road from B.D.A. junction to Mekhri Circle [2.55 Kms. To  4.05  Kms.  =  1.5

Km.] is as under:

Sl.   Name of the            From Chanage    Length      Average    Area

No.   Owner            [in Km.]   in Mtr.    Width in    in sq.

                                To                                  Mtr.

    1           2               3        4                 5               6


Sri   Srikantadatta         2.55     3.227              667.00         18.38


N. Wadiyar

Miss Minakshi    3.227 3+385.50   158.50     23.40       3710.00


Miss Kamakshi    3+384.5  3.545   158.50     17.75       2813.50


Miss Vishalakshi 3.544 3+702.50   158.50     18.65       2955.50


Sri Sridhar      3+702.50  3+895.50 193.00   17.49       3375.87



Smt. Indirakshi  3+895.50  4.05   154.50     6.18        955.12


      Total [A]                         1500.00          26256.00

[B] Land of Bangalore Palace Ground required  for  Jayamahal  Road  Widening

from Mekhri Circle to Cantonment Railway Station is as under:

Sl.   Name of the            From Chanage    Length      Average    Area

No.   Owner            [in Km.]   in Mtr.    Width in    in sq.

                                To                                  Mtr.

               2                 3           4             5               6


1.      Sri   Srikantadatta        0+000   1.582        1582.00        17.19


N. Wadiyar

Miss Indrakshi   0+650  0+700     50.00      3.2         160.00


Sri A.                 1.582  2.74           1158.00     9.53     11038.75



      M/s. Chamundi

      Hotels Pvt. Ltd.

            Total [B]                   2790.00     --       38400.00

            Grand Total : [A+B] = 64.656.00 Sqm. [15A - 39G]

A copy of the sketch showing the widening of the road is  herewith  produced

and marked as ANNEXURE-R5."

Learned counsel for the respondent-State argued that existing roads  in  and

around Bangalore Palace are very congested leading to frequent traffic  jams

and traffic disorders.   As  such  the  widening  of  the  road  has  become

essential.  It is further contended that widening of  the  road  is  in  the

public interest to avoid traffic jams.  It is also informed  that  BBMP  had

already widened Bellary  Road  from  Rajbhawan  to  Devanhalli,  except  the

stretch near the Bangalore Palace ground.

Learned counsel for the appellants in the present case and  learned  counsel

for the appellants in the connected appeals, except the appellant  in  Civil

Appeal No. 3309 of 1997, in response  to  above  arguments,  submitted  that

they are ready to surrender the required land  as  above  provided  Transfer

Development Right (TDR) is given to them under the TDR Rules.  Some  of  the

appellants said to have already received usual compensation also.

Learned counsel for the non-applicants (appellants in various appeals)  have

stated that, in the public interest, as expressed in the need to  widen  the

existing roads, they would be willing to accept the proposal of  the  Bruhat

Bangalore Mahanagara Palike in its letter  dated  26.12.2009  in  which  the

penultimate paragraph reads as follows: -

      "As per your  request  Bruhat  Bangalore  Mahanagara  Palika  will  be

issuing TDR for the extent of land acquired as per Karnataka Town &  Country

Planning Act, and the TDR guidelines subject to the final  decision  of  the

Hon'ble Supreme Court."

The State, however, did not grant its approval  to  this  proposal  and  has

instead offered to pay compensation for the acquisition  as  per  the  rates

relevant at the time of the passing of the Act.  The impasse is,  therefore,

to be crossed.

In the above circumstances, having considered  the  submissions  of  learned

counsel for the parties, including learned counsel for the  parties  in  all

the connected appeals, without prejudice to the rights of the  parties,  and

keeping in mind the necessity of  widening  of  the  road,  and  the  public

interest, we think it just and proper to allow I.A. No. 13 of  2011  subject

to condition that the appellants in the present  appeal  and  the  connected

appeals shall be given TDR for widening of the road as per TDR Rules.


                                                        [Vikramajit Sen]


                                                      [Prafulla C. Pant]

New Delhi;

November  21, 2014.

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