Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 14730 of 2015, Judgment Date: Mar 14, 2016


                         IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL  APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                         CIVIL APPEAL NO.14730 OF 2015

|SIDDHARTH CHATURVEDI                                     |Appellant(s)         |


|SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA                   |Respondent(s)        |

                            W I T H

                 CIVIL APPEAL NO. 14728 OF 2015

ANKUR CHATURVEDI                               Appellant(s)



                 CIVIL APPEAL NO. 14729 OF 2015

JAY KISHORE CHATURVEDI                         Appellant(s)



                       O R D E R

1.    These appeals raise an interesting question of the  interplay  between
section 15A, as amended in the year 2002, and Section 15J of the  Securities
and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (in short 'the SEBI Act') .

2.    The brief facts necessary to understand the  present  controversy  are
that the appellants before us  made  certain  purchases  of  shares  of  the
Brijlaxmi Leasing and Finance Company between October  and  December,  2012.
On 16th June, 2014, in Civil Appeal No.14730 of 2015, a  show  cause  notice
came to be issued by the respondent SEBI to the appellant  under  Rule  4(1)
of the  Securities and  Exchange  Board  of  India  (Procedure  for  holding
inquiry and imposing penalty by adjudicating officer) Rules,  1995  for  the
alleged violation of the provisions of Regulations 13(4), 13(4A)  and  13(5)
of the Securities and  Exchange  Board  of  India  (Prohibition  of  Insider
Trading) Regulations, 1992.

3.    A detailed reply was filed by the appellant to the show cause  notice,
on 13th August, 2014, submitting that there was no intention to violate  any
rule or regulation.  The entire transaction value of purchases and  sale  of
the shares did not exceed Rs.55,000/-.  It was further  submitted  that  the
transaction was neither made with a view to make any  disproportionate  gain
or unfair advantage nor was it for  the  purpose  of  causing  any  loss  to
investors.  The default, if any, was a technical default that did  not  call
for any  penal action.

4.    The Adjudicating Officer, by various orders imposed a penalty of  Rs.5
lacs, 7 lacs and 11 lacs respectively, in the three  civil  appeals,  before
us.  An appeal made to the Securities Appellate Tribunal suffered  the  same
fate, and was dismissed by the Tribunal stating that  there  is  no  dispute
that there was violation of mandatory regulations, and that in any  case,  a
penalty of crore could have been imposed on facts, whereas, in  fact,
the Adjudicating Officer penalised the appellants with  a  penalty  of  Rs.5
lacs, 7  lacs  and  11  lacs  respectively,  which  cannot  be  said  to  be
excessively harsh or unreasonable.

5.    It is these judgments of the  Securities  Appellate  Tribunal,  Mumbai
that have come up before us in these appeals.

6.    Learned counsel appearing on behalf of the appellants has argued  that
Section 15A, after its amendment in  2002,  which  was  the  law  until  the
section was further amended in the year 2014, would   undoubtedly  apply  to
the present facts of the case.   However,  learned  counsel  submitted  that
Section 15A would, at all times, have to be read with  Section  15J  of  the
SEBI Act and that, this being so, it is clear  that  the  violation  of  the
regulations being only technical, and  not  involving  any  disproportionate
gain to the appellant, or unfair advantage or loss  to  any  investor,  SEBI
was not, in the first instance, correct in  imposing  any  penalty  at  all.
According to the learned counsel for the appellants, the defaults that  were
made were technical, and were made on three days  only,  and  there  was  no
repetitive nature of any default as well.

7.    Mr. C.U. Singh, learned senior counsel  appearing  on  behalf  of  the
respondent SEBI has placed before us a judgment of a Division Bench of  this
Court titled as SEBI Through its Chairman versus Roofit Industries  Limited,
reported in 2015 (12) SCALE 642.  Mr. Singh has pointed  out,  one  may  say
fairly, to us that observations made in paragraph 5 of  the  said   judgment
would completely foreclose the arguments made by  the  learned  counsel  for
the appellants in the present cases, but that  these  observations  may  not
constitute the ratio of the judgment  for  the  reason   that  the  judgment
ultimately construed Section 15A  prior to its amendment in the year 2002.

8.    It is necessary at this juncture to set out paragraphs 4 and 5 of  the
aforesaid judgment in order to first ascertain as to  what  this  Court  has
stated :-
      “4.   We find merit in the contentions of learned senior  counsel  for
the appellant that the penalty imposed by the  Adjudicating  Officer  should
not have been reduced on wholly extraneous grounds not mentioned in  Section
15J of the SEBI Act.  Section 15J reads thus :

      15J. While adjudging the quantum of penalty under  Section  15-I,  the
adjudicating officer shall have due regard to the following facts, namely :-

            a.   the amount of disproportionate gain  or  unfair  advantage,
wherever quantifiable, made as a result of the default.

            b.   the amount of loss  caused  to  an  investor  or  group  of
investors as a result of the default;

            c.   the repetitive nature of the default.

The use of the word “namely' indicates that these factors alone  are  to  be
considered by the Adjudicating  Officer.   Black's  Law  Dictionary  defines
“namely” as “by name or particular mention. The term indicates  what  is  to
be included by name.  By contrast, including  implies  a  partial  list  and
indicates something that is not  listed.”   In  this  context,  we  find  no
reason to read “namely” as “including”, as learned senior  counsel  for  the
respondent would have us do.

5.    It would be apposite for us to begin our analysis of  the  penalty  to
be imposed by laying out Section 15A(a) as it stood subsequent to  the  2002
amendment, for the facility of reference:

      15A.  If any person, who is required under this Act or  any  rules  or
regulations made thereunder,-

      a.    to furnish any document, return or report to  the  Board,  fails
to furnish the same, he shall be liable to a penalty of one lakh rupees  for
each day during which such failure continues or one crore rupees,  whichever
is less;

In the connected appeals before us, the appellant has imposed a  penalty  of
Rs.75 lakhs despite the failure  having  continued  for  substantially  more
than 75 days.  Learned senior counsel for the appellant has  contended  that
the appellant has discretion to impose a penalty below the  number  of  days
of default regardless of the words “whichever is less”.  He has argued  that
there would be no purpose to  Section  15J  if  the  Adjudicating  Officer's
discretion to fix the quantum of penalty did not exist,  and  that  such  an
interpretation  would  render  certain  Sections  of   the   SEBI   Act   as
expropriatory legislation due to the crippling penalties they would  impose.
 We do not agree  with  these  submissions.   The  clear  intention  of  the
amendment is to impose harsher penalties for certain offences, and  we  find
no reason to water them down.  The wording of  the  statute  clarifies  that
the penalty to be imposed  in  case  the  offence  continued  for  over  one
hundred days is restricted to Rs.1 crore.   No  scope  has  been  given  for
discretion.  Prior to the amendment, the  section  provided  for  a  penalty
“not exceeding one lakh fifty thousand rupees for each such  failure”,  thus
giving the appellant the discretion to  decide  the  appropriate  amount  of
penalty.  In this context, the change to language which does not repose  any
discretion is even more significant, as it indicates  a  legislative  intent
to recall and  remove  the  previously  provided  discretion.   Additionally
Section 15J existed prior to the amendment and was  relevant  at  that  time
for adjudging quantum of penalty.  Once  this  discretionary  power  of  the
adjudicating  officer  was  withdrawn,  the  scope  of   Section   15J   was
drastically reduced, and it became relevant only to the Sections  where  the
Adjudicating Officer retained his  prior  discretion,  such  as  in  Section
15F(a) AND Section 15HB.  This ought to have been reflected in the  language
of Section 15-I,  but  was  clearly  overlooked.   Section  15J  has  become
relevant once again, subsequent to  the  Securities  Laws  (Amendment)  Act,
2014, which changed Section 15A(a), with effect from 8.9.2014,  to  read  as
follows :-

      15A.  Penalty for failure to furnish information, return,  etc.  -  If
any person, who is required under this Act or any rules or regulations  made
thereunder :-

      a.    to furnish any document, return or report to  the  Board,  fails
to furnish the same, he shall be liable to a  penalty  which  shall  not  be
less than one lakh rupees but which may extend to one lakh rupees  for  each
day during which such failure continues subject to a maximum  of  one  crore

The purpose of amendment was clearly to re-introduce the discretion  of  the
adjudicating Officer which was taken  away  by  the  SEBI  (Amendment)  Act,
2002.  Had the failure of the respondent taken place between 29.10.2002  and
8.9.2014,  the  penalty  ought  to  have  been  Rs.1  crore,   without   the
possibility of any discretion for reduction.”

9.    Two things have been clearly stated by this Court in  so  far  as  the
amended Section 15A read with Section 15J is concerned.  First,  this  Court
has indicated that by the use of the expression  “namely”  in  Section  15J,
SEBI in adjudging the quantum of penalty under  Section  15A  can  have  due
regard only to the three factors set out therein and not to  other  relevant
factors as the expression “namely” cannot be  equated  with  the  expression
“including”, being an exhaustive provision on the subject matter covered  by
the provision.  This Court has also clearly  held  that  Section  15J  would
suffer an eclipse for the period 2002 to 2014 inasmuch as the  intention  of
the Legislature, by amending Section 15A, seems to be that no scope for  any
discretion for this period is to be exercised, if  in  fact,  there  is  any
infraction of Rules or  Regulations.   This  Court  clearly  held  that  the
discretionary power of the Adjudicating Officer having been  withdrawn,  the
scope of Section 15J would correspondingly stand drastically reduced.

10.   Prima facie, we find it a little difficult to subscribe  to  both  the
views contained in paragraph 4 as  well  as  in  paragraph  5  of  the  said
judgment.  The expression “shall  have  due  regard  to”  is  a  very  known
legislative device used from the time of Julius v  Bishop of  Oxford  (1880)
LR 5 AC 214 (HL),  and followed in many judgments both English  as  well  as
of our Courts as words vesting a  discretion  in  an  Adjudicating  Officer.
The question which arises in the present appeals is whether  the  expression
“namely”  fixes  the  discretion  which  can  be   exercised  only  in   the
circumstances mentioned in the three clauses set  out  in  Section  15J,  or
whether it would  also  take  into  account  other  relevant  circumstances,
having particular regard to the fact that it is  a  penalty  provision  that
the Court is construing.  As this needs to be  authoritatively  decided  for
the future, it would be better if we refer it to a  larger  Bench  for  such
authoritative pronouncement.

11.   We also find it a  little  difficult  to  accept  what  is  stated  in
paragraph 5 of the  judgment.   It  is  very  difficult,  keeping  in  view,
particularly, two important legal facets – one the  doctrine  of  harmonious
construction of a statute; and two,  the  fact  that  we  are  construing  a
penalty provision of a statute which is to be  strictly  construed,  Section
15A, post amendment in 2002,  is  suddenly  given  a  pride  of  place,  and
Section 15J is made  to  yield  entirely  to  it.  The  familiar  expression
“notwithstanding anything contained” does not appear in the amended  Section
15A.  This being the case, it is a little difficult to appreciate as to  how
one can construe Section 15A, as amended, in isolation,  without  regard  to
Section 15J.  In fact, the facts of the present case would go to  show  that
where there is allegedly only a technical default, and the three  parameters
of Section 15J would allegedly be satisfied by the appellants, namely,  that
no disproportionate or unfair advantage has been made as  a  result  of  the
default; no loss has been caused to an investor or group of investors  as  a
result of the default; and  there  is  in  fact,  no  repetitive  nature  of
default,  no penalty at all ought to be imposed.  What has been done by  the
appellants here is to fail to adhere to Regulation 13,  as  alleged  in  the
show  cause  notice,  which  failure  has  occurred  on   three   days   and
consequently, has allegedly not been  repeated  by  the  appellants  anytime
thereafter.   If we were to read Section 15A, as amended  in  2002,  in  the
manner suggested by the Division  Bench  of  this  Court,  it  may  lead  to
anomalous results in that the effect of  continuing  failure  to  adhere  to
statutory regulations alleged to have been continued well beyond the  period
of three days, and which continues till this day, has Rs.1 lakh per  day  as
the minimum mandatory penalty under the provisions,  which  would  culminate
in the appellants herein having to pay Rs.1  crore  in  each  of  the  three
appeals.  We do not think that this could have been  the  intention  of  the
Parliament in enacting Section 15A, as amended in 2002.  We also  feel  that
on the assumption that paragraph 5 of the judgment is correct, it  would  be
very difficult for Section 15A to be construed as  a  reasonable  provision,
as it would then arbitrarily and disproportionately invade  the  appellants'
fundamental rights.  This being the case, on both  the  conclusions  reached
by this Court in paragraphs 4 and 5, as  stated  by  us  hereinabove,  these
matters deserve consideration at the hands of a larger Bench.  The  Registry
is, accordingly, directed to  place  the  papers  of  these  appeals  before
Hon'ble the Chief Justice of  India  for  placing  these  matters  before  a
larger Bench.

12.   Interim orders passed by this Court shall continue to operate.

                                                             (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                     (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)
New Delhi,
March 14, 2016

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