Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2174-2175 of 2012, Judgment Date: Mar 09, 2016


                         IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL  APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                       CIVIL APPEAL NOS.2174-2175 OF 2012

|SHAKUNTALA YADAV AND OTHERS                                    Appellant(s)         


|STATE OF HARYANA AND OTHERS                                   Respondent(s)        

                                 W I T H

                      CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 2176-2177 OF 2012

SHAKUNTALA YADAV AND OTHERS                                     Appellant(s)


STATE OF HARYANA AND OTHERS                                    Respondent(s)

                    J U D G M E N T


1.    We have heard learned counsel for the parties.

2.    The appellants are aggrieved since their request for release  of  1.23
acres of land falling in Khasra No. 23/8/1,  8/2,  9/2,  12/2  and  13/1  in
village Sahaul, Tehsil and District Gurgaon and .25 acres of land falling  I
Khasra No. 23/10/1 in the same village has been rejected.

3.    Placing reliance on the letter of the  Finance  Minister  of  Haryana,
for releasing lands coming under Lal Dora,  the  appellants  approached  the
High Powered Committee.  It appears that the High Powered  Committee  turned
down the request on the ground that possession of the property  had  already
been taken, pursuant to Award passed on 12.3.2004  and  that  the  same  had
already been handed over to Haryana Urban Development  Authority  (in  short
'the HUDA').  That decision of the High  Powered  Committee  was  challenged
before the High Court leading to the impugned judgments.

4.    The High Court endorsed the view taken by the High  Powered  Committee
and has held that once the  acquired land has already been taken  possession
of,  there  is  no  question  of  release  under  Section  48  of  the  Land
Acquisition Act, 1894 (in short 'the Act').

5.    Learned counsel appearing for the State sought to establish  that  the
land had already been taken possession of, by inviting our attention to  the
order passed by the High Powered  Committee  on  28.3.2008,  wherein  it  is
stated as

follows :-
“8.   In fact the petitioner had two pockets of land  measuring  1.23  acres
falling in Khasra No. 23/8/1, 8/2, 9/2, 12/2, 13/1 and  0.25  acres  falling
in Khasra No. 23/10/1.  The applicants had applied for change  of  land  use
of these khasra numbers for setting up of  information  technology  unit  on
5.12.2005 in the office of Director, Town and Country  Planning.   The  said
application was returned vide  No.  G-1721-AD(B)-2006/9881  dated  21,4,2006
mentioning that the applied land is under  acquisition  and  the  applicants
were asked to get the land released and then apply for change  of  land  use
permission.  The land is already acquired and HUDA has  taken  a  possession
of land of other land owners vide Rapat Rojnamcha dated 12.3.2004.   It  was
also informed by Chief Town Planner (HUDA) that HUDA has planned  industrial
plots on this land and allotted 11 No. such plots.  It was noted  that  land
of the applicant is lying vacant.  Since as  mentioned  above  the  land  is
awarded, possession of the adjoining  land  stands  taken  and  also  stands
allotted by HUDA, therefore, the land of the  petitioner  mentioned  in  CWP
No. 10294/2004 and 14669 of 2005 cannot be considered for release.”

6.    We find it difficult to  appreciate  the  contention  of  the  learned
counsel for the State, that the High Powered Committee  had  taken  note  of
the fact of taking possession.  On the other hand,  what  is  revealed  from
the order is that the lands which were taken possession and handed  over  to
HUDA was that of other land owners.  The stand in the counter  affidavit  is
not clear on the aspect of  taking  possession.   On  the  other  hand,  the
appellants assert that they have never been dispossessed from the land.

7.    In the above circumstances, this Court on 7th July,  2010  passed  the
following order :-
      “Learned counsel for the petitioners submits that in pursuance of  the
orders of the Finance Minister of Haryana, issued  in  the  year  1981,  two
acres of land of Lal Dora  on  all  four  sides  of  the  lands  in  Village
Sarhaul, Tehsil and District Gurgaon was  left  free  from  acquisition  and
this has been confirmed by  the  Land  Acquisition  Officer,  Urban  Estate,
Gurgaon, Haryana by letter dated 2.3.2005 and by the District  Town  Planner
Enforcement, Gurgaon in his letter dated 9.6.2006  addressed  to  Millennium
Industries Private Limited who  are  neighbours  of  petitioners.   He  also
submits that on the basis of the said  direction,  the  land  of  Millennium
Industries Private  Limited  has  been  left  out  of  acquisition.   It  is
submitted that the land of the petitioners also falls within the  two  acres
area around the village as in the  case  of  Millennium  Industries  Private
Limited but the High Powered Committee  (HPC)  has  erroneously  refused  to
leave out the land of the petitioners.

      In view of the said submissions, issue notice.  Status  quo  regarding

8.    Thereafter it is seen that the matters were  adjourned  from  time  to
time, to 13.9.2010, 9.11.2010, 22.2.2011,  30.3.2011,  4.5.2011  all  before
the Registrar and on 22.7.2011 before the Court.  Thereafter, on  26.8.2011,
this Court passed a specific order that the counter affidavit was  vague  on
the  aspect  of  Lal  Dora  and  Millennium  Industries   Private   Limited,
specifically referring to in the order dated  7th  July,  2010.   The  order
dated 26.8.2011
reads as follows :-
      “We find that the counter affidavit filed on behalf of  respondents  1
to 3 does not deal with the submission that was recorded by  this  Court  in
the order dated 7.7.2010.

      At this stage, learned counsel for the respondents submitted  that  an
additional affidavit with reference to the  order  dated  7.7.2010  will  be

      Finally, adjourned by four weeks.”

9.    On 23.9.2011, since  time  was  sought  for  additional  affidavit,  a
detailed order was passed, which reads as follows :-
            “By order dated 7.7.2010, we had noted  the  submission  of  the
petitioner that on the orders of the Finance Minister of Haryana, issued  in
the year 1981, two acres of land of Lal Dora on all four  sides  in  village
Sarhaul, Tehsil and District Gurgaon was  left  free  from  acquisition  and
this has been confirmed by  the  Land  Acquisition  Officer,  Urban  Estate,
Gurgaon, Haryana by letter dated 2.3.2005 and by the District Town  Planning
and Enforcement by letter dated 9.6.2006.  The contention of the  petitioner
was that on that ground the lands of Millennium Industries  Private  Limited
who are neighbours of petitioners were left out of  acquisition,  but  their
land, which is similarly situated, has not been left out.
      In the counter filed, this issue was not dealt with  and  consequently
on 26.8.2011, when we drew the attention to this fact, the  learned  counsel
for the respondent submitted that an additional  affidavit  will  be  filed.
But the said additional affidavit has not been filed.  Learned  counsel  for
respondents 1 to 3 again seeks time.  We find no  reason  to  grant  further
time.  However, finally four weeks' time is granted to  file  an  additional
affidavit subject to deposit of Rs.2500/- as costs with  the  Supreme  Court
Legal Services Committee and producing acknowledgment within that period.

            List thereafter.”

10.   Despite the State being put on cost for filing  additional  affidavit,
it was noted by this Court when  the  matter  was  taken  up  thereafter  on
21.11.2011, that the additional affidavit had not been  filed.   Hence  four
weeks' more time was granted and the matter came up before this Court  again
on 3.1.2012. It was noted that  neither  the  cost  was  deposited  nor  the
affidavit filed.  Therefore, this Court imposed a further cost of  Rs.5000/-
and gave one more opportunity, by  way  of  last  indulgence,  to  file  the
additional affidavit.  Yet  the  additional  affidavit  was  not  filed  and
therefore, on 10th February, 2012, this Court passed the following order :-
            “Right of  the  respondents  to  file  additional  affidavit  is

            Delay condoned in filing special leave petitions.

            Leave granted.

            List the matters for hearing at an early date.

            In the meanwhile, interim order to continue.”

11.   We have extensively referred to the  background  of  the  case  before
this Court only to indicate that there was no assistance on the two  crucial
aspects which are actually pivotal for a decision in the case.

12.   The High Court, unfortunately, has gone only on one tangent  that  the
land having vested with the Government on operation of  Section  16  of  the
Act, the request for release under Section  48  cannot  be  considered.   An
attempt for  review,  when  the  appellants  pointed  out  the  instance  of
Millennium Industries Private Limited, in similar  circumstances,  was  also
turned down, without going into those aspects, by passing a cryptic order.

13.   There being no Rojnama  to  show  that  the  physical  possession  had
already been taken, nor any pleadings in that regard, we find  it  difficult
to appreciate the submission made by the learned counsel for the State  that
the possession had already been taken and handed over to HUDA.   Unless  the
property is taken possession of, in accordance with  law,  there  arises  no
question of handing over the property to HUDA.  Symbolic possession, as  has
been held by this Court  in  (2012)  1  SCC  792  titled  as  Raghbir  Singh
Sehrawat versus State of Haryana and others, will not serve the purpose .

14.   In case the land of the appellants is in Lal Dora, we find  no  reason
to deny, a similar treatment as has been granted  to  Millennium  Industries
Private Limited.  However, on the pleadings available before this Court,  we
find it difficult to  arrive  at  a  definite  conclusion  in  that  regard.
Therefore, we deem it just and proper to  remand  the  matter  to  the  High
Powered Committee.

15.   In the above circumstances, the  appeals  are  allowed,  the  impugned
orders passed by the High Court are set aside.  The  impugned  order  passed
by the High Powered Committee is also set aside.  The request  made  by  the
appellants for release of their land are remanded to respondent No.3 –  High
Powered Committee for consideration afresh.

16.   We make it clear that the request  of  the  appellants  shall  not  be
turned down, on the ground of operation of Section 16 of the Act.   In  case
it is found that the land is  in  Lal  Dora,  they  shall  also  be  granted
similar treatment, as  has  been  given  to  Millennium  Industries  Private

17.   The orders, as above, shall  be  passed  expeditiously  by  Respondent
No.3 – High Powered Committee, at any rate, within a period of three  months
from the date of production of copy of this judgment.  In the event  of  any
delay beyond the  said  period,  the  members  of  the  Committee  shall  be
personally liable for costs to the tune of  Rs.500/-  (rupees  five  hundred
only) each per day.

18.   Till orders are passed, as above, the interim orders  passed  by  this
Court to maintain status quo, with regard to possession,  will  continue  to

19.   No order as to costs.

                                                             (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                     (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)

New Delhi,
March 09, 2016

ITEM NO.106               COURT NO.10               SECTION IV

               S U P R E M E  C O U R T  O F  I N D I A
                       RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS

Civil Appeal  No(s).  2174-2175/2012

SHAKUNTALA YADAV & ORS.                            Appellant(s)


STATE OF HARYANA & ORS.                            Respondent(s)

(with appln. (s) for permission to urge addl. grounds)

C.A. No. 2176-2177/2012

Date : 09/03/2016 These appeals were called on for hearing today.


For Appellant(s)
                        Mr. Diljit Singh Ahluwalia, Adv.
                     Mr. Amarjit Singh Bedi,Adv.
                     Md. Asfar Heyat Wasi, Adv.

For Respondent(s)
                        Mr. Rahul Verma, AAG
                     Mr. Sanjay Kumar Visen,Adv.

          UPON hearing the counsel the Court made the following
                             O R D E R

            These appeals are allowed in  terms  of  the  signed  reportable
            Pending applications, if any, stand disposed of.

  [RENU DIWAN]                        [SUKHBIR PAUL KAUR]
  COURT MASTER                            A.R.-CUM-P.S.
   (Signed reportable judgment is placed on the file)

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