Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 641 of 2012, Judgment Date: Jan 18, 2017

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                         CIVIL APPEAL NO(S).641/2012

LTD.                                                            ...APPELLANT


SALEM                                                          ...RESPONDENT


                      CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 6375-6376/2014

                      CIVIL APPEAL NOS. 6062-6063/2013

                               J U D G M E N T


1.    The main issue for consideration  in  this  appeal  is  whether  in  a
contract for retreading of tyres, service  tax  is  leviable  on  the  total
amount charged for retreading including the  value  of  the  materials/goods
that have been used and sold in the execution of the contract.

2.    The definition of 'taxable service' contained in Section  65(105)(zzg)
of the Finance Act, 1994, as amended by Finance Act, 2003 may be noticed  at
this stage.
“65. Definitions
In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires.--
      *                *               *
(105) 'taxable service' means any service provided-
      *                *               *
(zzg) to a customer, by any person in relation to maintenance or repair;”

3.    The expression “maintenance or repair” is defined  by  Section  65(64)
of the Finance Act, 1994 is in the following terms:
“65. Definitions
In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires.--


(64)  “management, maintenance or repair” means any service provided by-

(i)         any person under a contract or an agreement; or

(ii)        a manufacturer or any person authorized by him, in relation to,-

      (a)   management of properties, whether immovable or not;

      (b)   maintenance or repair of properties, whether immovable  or  not;

      (c)   maintenance or repair including reconditioning  or  restoration,
or servicing of any goods, excluding a motor vehicle;”

4.    Section 66 which is the charging section brought  about  by  the  2003
Amendment to the Finance Act, 1994, authorizes the levy of service  tax,  at
the prescribed rate, on the value of taxable services referred to in,  inter
alia, sub-clause (zzg) of Clause 105 of  Section  65  of  the  Finance  Act,

5.    Section 67 of the  aforesaid  Act  deals  with  valuation  of  taxable
services and specifically mentions that the same does not include  the  cost
of parts or other material, if any, sold to the customer during  the  course
of providing maintenance or repair service.

6.    There is a government notification bearing  No.12/2003-ST  dated  20th
June, 2003 and a CBEC circular  dated  7th  April,  2004  dealing  with  the
instant matter which may also be noticed and extracted below:
“Notification No.12/2013-ST dated 20th June, 2003.

'Valuation (Service Tax) – Goods and materials sold by service  provider  to
recipient of service – Value thereof, exempted.

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 93 of the Finance  Act,  1994
(32 of 1994), the Central Government, being satisfied that it  is  necessary
in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts so much of the value of  all
the taxable services, as is equal to the value of goods and  materials  sold
by the service provider to the recipient of service, from  the  service  tax
leviable thereon under section (66) of the said Act,  subject  to  condition
that there is documentary proof specifically indicating  the  value  of  the
said goods and materials.

2.          This notification shall come into force on the 1st day of  July,
2003 (Notification No.12/2003-S.T. dated 20.6.2003)'

CBEC Circular dated 7th April, 2004

'I am  directed  to  refer  to  your  representation  forwarded  to  Finance
Minister vide letter  dated  11-3-2003  and  state  that  in  terms  of  the
notification 12/2003-ST dated 20-6-2003, the exemption in respect  of  input
material consumed/sold by the service  provider  to  the  service  recipient
while providing the taxable service is available.   However,  the  exemption
is available only if the service provider maintains the records showing  the
material consumed/sold while providing the taxable service.   The  value  of
such material should  also  be  indicated  on  the  bill/invoice  issued  in
respect of the taxable service provided.”

7.    A demand for levy of tax on the gross value of  the  service  rendered
including the  cost  of  materials  used  and  transferred  was  raised  and
answered against the assessee leading  to  an  appeal  before  the  Customs,
Excise and Service Tax Appellate Tribunal,  South  Zonal  Bench  at  Chennai
(hereinafter referred to as “appellate  Tribunal”).  The  learned  appellate
Tribunal returned a split verdict with the Technical Member taking the  view
that the gross value of the service rendered would be exigible to tax  under
the Act. The third member (Technical) to whom the matter was  referred  held
as follows:
“21.  From the foregoing, the following emerges:

a)    There is no evidence of sale of materials in  rendering  the  impugned
service of “Maintenance and Repairs”.

b)    “Maintenance and Repair Service” being as specific service  cannot  be
treated as service under the category of “Works Contract”  for  the  service
tax purposes.

c)    The concept of “deemed sales” is relevant only in respect of  services
under the category of “Works Contract” and not in  respect  of  “Maintenance
and Repair Service”.

d)    The assessee has not proved that  the  conditions  under  Notification
12/03 ST dated 20.06.2003 have been satisfied and, therefore, they  are  not
entitled to the benefit of deduction of cost of raw  materials  consumed  in
providing the impugned service.”

8.    Aggrieved, this appeal has been filed.

9.    We have heard the learned counsels for the parties.

10.   The exigibility  of  the  component  of  the  gross  turnover  of  the
assessee to service tax in respect of which  the  assessee  had  paid  taxes
under the local Act whereunder it was  registered  as  a  Works  Contractor,
would no longer be in doubt in view of the clear provisions  of  Section  67
of the Finance Act, 1994, as amended, which  deals  with  the  valuation  of
taxable services for charging service  tax  and  specifically  excludes  the
costs of parts or  other  material,  if  any,  sold  (deemed  sale)  to  the
customer while providing maintenance or repair service.  This, in  fact,  is
what is provided  by  the  Notification  dated  20th  June,  2003  and  CBEC
Circular dated 7th April, 2004, extracted above, subject,  however,  to  the
condition  that  adequate  and  satisfactory  proof  in   this   regard   is
forthcoming from the assessee.  On the very face of  the  language  used  in
Section 67 of the Finance Act, 1994 we cannot subscribe to the view held  by
the Majority in the appellate Tribunal that in a contract of the kind  under
consideration there is no  sale  or  deemed  sale  of  the  parts  or  other
materials used in the execution of the contract of repairs and  maintenance.
 The finding of the appellate Tribunal that it is the entire  of  the  gross
value of the service  rendered  that  is  liable  to  service  tax,  in  our
considered view, does not lay down the correct  proposition  of  law  which,
according to us, is that an assessee is  liable  to  pay  tax  only  on  the
service component which under the State Act has been quantified at 30%.

11.   An argument has been advanced by Ms. Pinky Anand,  learned  Additional
Solicitor General that there is no evidence forthcoming  from  the  side  of
the assessee that the value of the goods or the parts used in  the  contract
and sold to the customer amounts to seventy per cent (70%) of the  value  of
the service rendered which is the taxable component  under  the  State  Act.
The aforesaid  argument  overlooks  certain  basic  features  of  the  case,
namely, the undisputed assessment of the assessee under the local  Act;  the
case projected by the Department  itself  in  the  show  cause  notice;  and
thirdly the affidavit  filed  before  this  Court  by  one  S.  Subramanian,
Commissioner of Central Excise, Salem.

12.   No dispute has been raised  with  regard  to  the  assessment  of  the
appellant on its turnover under the local/State Act, insofar as  payment  of
value added tax on that component (70%) is concerned. A reading of the  show
cause notice dated 24th January, 2008 would  go  to  show  that  the  entire
thrust of the Department's case is the alleged liability of the appellant  –
assessee to pay service tax on the gross value. In the aforesaid show  cause
notice, the details of the value of the goods, raw  materials,  parts,  etc.
and the value of the services rendered have been mentioned and  service  tax
has been sought to be levied at the prescribed rate of ten  per  cent  (10%)
on the differential amount. It is now stated before us  that  the  aforesaid
figures have been furnished by the assessee himself and, therefore, must  be
understood not to be authentic. This, indeed, is strange.   No  dispute  has
been raised with regard to the correctness of the said figures furnished  by
the assessee in the show cause notice issued to justify the stand now  taken
before this Court; at no point of time such a plea had been advanced.

13.    Besides  the  above,  the  affidavit  of  the  learned  Commissioner,
referred to above, proceeds on the basis  that  the  appellant  assessee  is
also liable to pay service tax on  the  remaining  seventy  per  cent  (70%)
towards material costs in addition to the 30%  of  the  retreading  charges.
This is clear from the following averments made in  the  said  affidavit  of
the learned Commissioner:
“The relevant bills showed that the Appellant had paid service tax  only  on
the labour component after deducting 70% towards material cost on the  gross
tyre Retreading charges billed and received for the period from  16.06.2005.
In short, they have paid service tax only on the 30% of the tyre  Retreading
charges received from the customers, by conveniently  omitting  70%  of  the
consideration received towards Retreading charges to avoid tax burden.

The verification of invoices of the Appellant for the period  from  Jan-2007
to March-2007, the officers noticed that the Appellant have  shown  material
cost, patch cost and misc. charges i.e. Labour charges separately  in  their
invoices. However, on the follow-up action the customers  of  the  Appellant
revealed that  they  have  neither  purchased  nor  received  raw  materials
intended for Retreading and they had paid only the  Retreading  charges  for
carrying out the Retreading activity.”

The invoices which the appellant assessee has also brought on record by  way
of illustration show the break up of the  gross  value  received.  There  is
again no contest to the same. Leaving aside the question that the  case  now
projected, with regard to lack of proof of incurring of  expenses  on  goods
and materials which has been transferred to the  recipient  of  the  service
provided, appears to be an afterthought, even on examination of the same  on
merits we have found it to be wholly unsustainable.

14.   We, therefore, in the light of what  has  been  discussed  above,  set
aside the majority order of the appellate Tribunal dated 14th October,  2011
and hold that the view taken by the learned Vice President of the  appellate
Tribunal is correct and the same will now govern the  parties.  All  reliefs
that may be due to  the  appellant  –  assessee   will  be  afforded  to  it
forthwith and without any delay. All amounts, as may  have  been,  deposited
pursuant to the order(s) of this Court shall be returned  forthwith  to  the
appellant, however, without any interest. Bank guarantee  furnished  insofar
as the penalty amount is concerned shall stand discharged.
            The appeal is allowed in the above terms.

CIVIL APPEAL NOS.6375-6376 OF 2014 AND CIVIL APPEAL NOS.6062-6063 OF 2013

15.   Order of this Court passed today i.e.  dated  18th  January,  2017  in
Civil Appeal No.641 of 2012 will govern  the  proceedings  in  Civil  Appeal
Nos.6375-6376 of 2014 and Civil Appeal Nos.6062-6063 of 2013.  Consequently,
the appeals are disposed of on the same terms.

                                                              (RANJAN GOGOI)

                                                             (ASHOK BHUSHAN)
JANUARY 18, 2017

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