Supreme Court of India

CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10717 OF 2014 Judgment Date: Dec 03, 2014


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                      CIVIL APPEAL  NO. 10717  OF 2014
                (Arising out of S.L.P. (C) NO. 33002 of 2010)

Promoters and Builders Association of Pune      ...    Appellant


The State of Maharashtra & Ors.                         ...  Respondents


    Civil Appeal No. 10718 of 2014
                  (Arising out of SLP(C ) No.34306 of 2010)

                       Civil Appeal No. 10716 of 2014
                  (Arising out of SLP (C ) No.4571 of 2011)

                       Civil Appeal No. 10715 of 2014
                  (Arising out of SLP(C) No.13828 of 2011)

                               J U D G M E N T

1.    Leave granted in all the special leave petitions.
2.    The  appellant  in  the  first  batch  of  appeals  before  us  is  an
Association representing individual builders of  the  State  of  Maharashtra
who carry out construction activities in the normal course of business.  The
Association and also the individual builders are aggrieved by  the  judgment
of  the  Bombay  High  Court  dated  8.10.2010,  inter  alia,  holding  that
"excavation activity even for the  purposes  of  laying  foundation  of  the
building would still attract rigours of Section 48(7) of the Revenue  Code".
 Under the aforesaid provision of the Code extraction  of  minerals  by  any
person without assignment of any right by the State  Government  makes  such
person liable to penalty, as prescribed.

3.    The Nuclear Power Corporation, the second appellant  before  us  is  a
Government Company engaged in the construction,  maintenance  and  operation
of nuclear power station in India.  It is aggrieved by the fact that  though
an issue similar to the one raised by the builders had  been  raised  by  it
before the High Court the writ proceeding instituted by the Corporation  has
been dismissed on the ground that statutory  remedy  under  the  Maharashtra
Land Revenue Code, 1966 (hereinafter referred to  as  'the  Code')  had  not
been resorted to by the Corporation.

4.    The relevant facts may, at the outset, be alluded to.

In the first set of appeals, digging of earth for the purpose of  laying  of
foundation of a building is an integral  part  of  the  building  activities
undertaken by the  appellants.  According  to  the  appellant-builders,  the
earth excavated or dug  up  is  redeployed  in  the  building  itself  at  a
particular stage of the  construction.  On  the  basis  that  such  activity
amounts to mining of a "minor mineral" i.e.  ordinary  earth  and  that  the
same is without due permission/lease or assignment of the right  to  do  so,
the respondent authorities have invoked the power  under  Section  48(7)  of
the Code to levy penalty by the order(s) impugned  before  the  High  Court.
The challenge having  resulted  in  the  findings  of  the  High  Court,  as
extracted above, the present appeals have been filed by the  Association  of
the Builders and also by some of the builders themselves.

5.    The facts in the appeal filed by Nuclear Power  Corporation  of  India
Limited  are  largely  similar.   In  consonance  with  its   objects,   the
Corporation in whose favour the grant of  land  was  made  had  carried  out
digging activities for the purpose of widening of the water channel  through
which sea water is drawn for the purposes of cooling the  nuclear  plant  in
the Tarapur Atomic Power Station.  The Corporation categorically denies  any
commercial use of the extracted earth.

6.    On behalf of the appellants it is pointed out that to attract  Section
48(7) of the  Code,  the  activity  undertaken  has  to  be  unlawful.   The
building operations undertaken by the appellant-builders are pursuant  to  a
final development plan  sanctioned  under  Section  31  of  the  Maharashtra
Regional and Town Planning  Act,  1966  (hereinafter  for  short  'the  MRTP
Act').  In this regard the attention of the Court has  also  been  drawn  to
the provisions of Section 2(7) of the MRTP Act  which  define  "development"
to mean "carrying out of buildings, engineering, mining or other  operations
in or over or under, land  ........".   It  is  also  pointed  out  that  by
Notification dated 3.2.2000 issued under  Section  3(e)  of  the  Mines  and
Minerals (Development and  Regulation)  Act,  1957  (hereinafter  for  short
referred to as 'the Act of 1957') ordinary earth has been declared to  be  a
minor mineral but only if it is used for filling or  levelling  purposes  in
construction of embankments, roads, railways, buildings etc.   According  to
the learned counsel for the appellant-builders, the earth which  is  dug  up
for the purposes of laying of foundation of buildings is  not  intended  for
filling up or levelling purposes; digging of the earth  is  inbuilt  in  the
course of building operations. The activity  undertaken,  therefore,  cannot
be characterised as one of excavation of a minor mineral. Additionally,  the
provisions of Rule 6 of the Maharashtra Land Revenue (Restriction on Use  of
Land) Rules, 1968 (hereinafter for short  'the  Rules  of  1968')  has  been
relied upon to contend that excavation of land for  purposes  of  laying  of
foundation for buildings do not  require  any  previous  permission  of  the
Collector which is otherwise mandated prior to use/excavation  of  land  for
any of the purposes covered by the provisions of the Rules  of  1968.    The
definition of 'Mine' in Section 2(j) of the Mines Act, 1952 and the  meaning
of the expression 'mining operation' assigned by Section 3(d) of the Act  of
1957 has also been pressed into service to  contend  that  mere  digging  of
earth as undertaken by the appellants cannot amount to  a  mining  activity.
The  learned  counsel  for  the  appellants  (builders)  have  alternatively
contended that if the appellants are still  to  be  held  liable  under  the
provisions of Section 48(7) of the  Code, the aforesaid provision itself  is
liable to be adjudged as constitutionally invalid.  The Act  of  1957  which
is relatable to Entry 54 of List I comprehensively deals with all  questions
of liability on account of  unauthorised/unlicensed  mining  and  the  field
being wholly occupied by a central enactment, Section 48(7) of the  Code  is
constitutionally suspect being relatable to Entry 23 of  List  II  which  is
subject to Entry 54 of List I.

7.    Insofar as the appeal of the Nuclear Power Corporation  is  concerned,
apart from the common grounds of challenge as in the case of  the  builders,
it is contended that no commercial exploitation of the excavated  earth  was
involved in the process of repair/widening of the water channel;  there  was
no sale or transfer of the excavated earth and the same was  the  incidental
result of the  process  of  repair/widening  of  the  channel  which  is  an
activity in consonance with the grant of the land to the  appellant  by  the
State Government.  The said grant was made way back  in  the  year  1964  on
freehold basis for the purpose of establishing an atomic power  station  and
for  maintenance  thereof.   It  is  further   submitted   that   the   very
jurisdiction to levy penalty under Section 48(7) of  the  Code  having  been
raised in the writ petition filed by the appellants, the High Court was  not
justified in refusing adjudication on merits.

8.    In reply,  the  State  has  contended  that  after  the  inclusion  of
ordinary earth in the definition of "minor minerals" by  Notification  dated
3.2.2000 under Section 3(e) of the 1957 Act, excavation  of  ordinary  earth
without authorization under the  Act  of  1957  would  make  the  appellants
liable not only to payment of penalty under the Code but also  for  criminal
prosecution under the Act of 1957.   It is contended  that  mere  permission
for construction of buildings; sanction of  the  development  plans  or  the
provisions of Rule 6 of the Rules of 1968 does not  absolve  the  appellants
from fulfilling the statutory  obligations  under  the  1957  Act.   Such  a
contention, if accepted, according to the learned State counsel, would  have
the effect of nullifying the provisions of  the  1957  Act  insofar  as  one
specie of minor mineral i.e. ordinary earth is concerned.   As  regards  the
challenge to the constitutional validity of Section 48(7) of  the  Code  the
State contends that the penalty imposed under Section 48(7) is  compensatory
and in the nature of a civil liability for the loss suffered by  the  State.
Consequently, the challenge is without any substance as the  two  enactments
i.e. the Code and the  Act  of  1957  operate  in  different  fields.    The
enactment of the Code is traceable to Entry 18 and 45 of  the  List  II  and
not Entry 23 of the said List as contended on behalf of the appellants.

9.    We may proceed to analyse the issues arising  by  reproducing  Section
48(7) of the Code under which the impugned actions have been made.
"48.  Government title to mines and minerals-
(7)  Any person who without lawful authority  extracts,  removes,  collects,
replaces, picks up or disposes of  any  mineral  from  working  or  derelict
mines, quarries,  old  dumps,  fields,  bandhas  (whether  on  the  plea  of
repairing or construction of bunds of the fields  or  on  any  other  plea),
nallas, creeks, river-beds, or  such  other  places  wherever  situate,  the
right to which vests in, and has not been assigned by the State  Government,
shall, without prejudice to any other mode  of  action  that  may  be  taken
against him, be liable, on the order in writing of  the  Collector,  to  pay
penalty not exceeding a sum determined, at three times the market  value  of
the minerals so  extracted,  removed,  collected,  replaced,  picked  up  or
disposed of, as the case may be.
      Provided that, if the sum so determined  is  less  than  one  thousand
rupees, the penalty may be  such  larger  sum  not  exceeding  one  thousand
rupees as the Collector may impose."

10.   A plain reading of the aforesaid provision would make  it  clear  that
the  quintessence  of  the  provision  contained   in   Section   48(7)   is
extraction/removal of  any  mineral  vested  in  the  State  without  lawful
authority or without a lawful assignment by the State.

11.   What is a mineral is not defined either under  the  MRTP  Act  or  the
Code.  The said expression is however defined by Section 2(j) of  the  Mines
Act, 1952 and Section 3(a) read with Section 3(e) of the Act  of  1957.   As
mining activities and operations are regulated by the provisions of the  Act
of 1957 it is the definition contained in the said Act which  will  be  more
relevant for  the  present.   Section  3(a)  and  Section  3(e)  is  in  the
following terms:

"Section 3.-In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-

(a)   "minerals" includes all minerals except mineral oils:

(b)         xxxxx      xxxx       xxxxx
(c)         xxxxx      xxxx       xxxxx
(d)         xxxxx      xxxx       xxxxx

(e)    "minor  minerals"  means  building  stones,  gravel,  ordinary  clay,
ordinary sand other than sand used for prescribed purposes,  and  any  other
mineral which the Central Government may, by notification  in  the  Official
Gazette, declare to be a minor mineral;"

12.   Ordinary earth has been bought within the fold of a Minor  Mineral  by
Notification of 3.2.2000 issued under Section 3(e) of the Act of  1957.  The
said Notification is in the following terms:


        GSR (E) - In exercise of the  powers  conferred  by  Clause  (e)  of
Section 3 of the Mines and Minerals (Development and  Regulation)  Act  1957
(67 of 1957), the Central Government hereby declares  the  'ordinary  earth'
used for filling or  levelling  purposes  in  construction  of  embankments,
roads, railways, buildings  to  be  a  minor  mineral  in  addition  to  the
minerals already declared as minor  minerals  hereinbefore  under  the  said

                 Joint Secretary to the Government of India"
                                        (emphasis supplied)

13.   It is, therefore, clear that "ordinary  earth"  used  for  filling  or
levelling  purposes  in  construction  of  embankments,   roads,   railways,
buildings is deemed to be a minor mineral.  It is not  in  dispute  that  in
the present appeals excavation of ordinary earth had been undertaken by  the
appellants either for laying foundation of buildings or for the  purpose  of
widening of the channel to bring adequate quantity  of  sea  water  for  the
purpose of cooling the nuclear plant.  The construction of buildings  is  in
terms of a sanctioned development  plan  under  the  MRTP  Act  whereas  the
excavation/widening of the channel to bring sea water is in  furtherance  of
the object of the  grant  of  the  land  in  favour  of  the  Nuclear  Power
Corporation.  The appellant-builders contend that  there  is  no  commercial
exploitation of the dug up earth inasmuch as the same is redeployed  in  the
construction activity itself.  In the case of the Nuclear Power  Corporation
it is the specific case of the  Corporation  that  extract  of  earth  is  a
consequence of the use of the land for the purposes  of  the  grant  thereof
and that  there  is  no  commercial  exploitation  of  the  excavated  earth
inasmuch as "the soil being excavated for  "Intake  Channel"  was  not  sent
outside or sold to anybody for commercial gain".

14.   None of the provisions contained in the MRTP Act referred to above  or
the provisions of Rule 6 of the Rules of 1968 would have a material  bearing
in judging the validity of the impugned actions  inasmuch  as  none  of  the
said provisions can obviate the necessity  of  a  mining  license/permission
under the Act of 1957 if the same is required  to  regulate  the  activities
undertaken in the present case by the appellants.   It will, therefore,  not
be necessary to delve into the arguments  raised  on  the  aforesaid  score.
Suffice it would be to say that unless  the  excavation  undertaken  by  the
appellant-builders  is  for  any  of  the  purposes  contemplated   by   the
Notification dated 3.2.2000 the liability of such builders to penalty  under
Section 48(7) of the Code would be in serious doubt.

15.   Though Section 2(j) of the Mines Act, 1952 which  defines  'Mine'  and
the expression "mining operations" appearing in Section 3(d) of the  Act  of
1957 may contemplate  a  somewhat  elaborate  process  of  extraction  of  a
mineral, in view of the Notification dated  3.2.2000,  insofar  as  ordinary
earth is concerned, a simple process of excavation  may  also  amount  to  a
mining operation in any given situation.  However, as  seen,  the  operation
of the said Notification has an inbuilt restriction.   It is ordinary  earth
used only for the purposes enumerated therein, namely, filling or  levelling
purposes in construction of an  embankment,  road,  railways  and  buildings
which alone is a minor mineral. Excavation of ordinary earth  for  uses  not
contemplated in the aforesaid Notification, therefore, would not  amount  to
a mining activity so as to attract the wrath of  the  provisions  of  either
the Code or the Act of 1957.

16.   As use can only follow extraction or excavation it is the  purpose  of
the excavation that has to be seen.  The liability under Section  48(7)  for
excavation  of  ordinary  earth  would,  therefore,  truly   depend   on   a
determination of the use/purpose for which the excavated earth had been  put
to.  An excavation undertaken to lay the  foundation  of  a  building  would
not, ordinarily, carry the intention to use  the  excavated  earth  for  the
purpose of filling up or levelling. A  blanket  determination  of  liability
merely  because  ordinary  earth  was  dug  up,  therefore,  would  not   be
justified; what would be required is a more  precise  determination  of  the
end use of the excavated earth; a finding on the correctness  of  the  stand
of the builders that the extracted earth was not used commercially  but  was
redeployed in the building operations. If the determination was to return  a
finding in favour  of  the  claim  made  by  the  builders,  obviously,  the
Notification dated 3.2.2000 would have no application; the  excavated  earth
would not be a specie of minor mineral under Section  3(e)  of  the  Act  of
1957 read with the Notification dated 3.2.2000.

17.   Insofar as the appeal  filed  by  the  Nuclear  Power  Corporation  is
concerned, the purpose of excavation,  ex  facie,  being  relatable  to  the
purpose  of  the  grant  of  the  land  to  the  Corporation  by  the  State
Government, the extraction  of  ordinary  earth  was  clearly  not  for  the
purposes spelt out by the said Notification dated 03.02.2000.   The  process
undertaken by the Corporation is to further the objects of the grant in  the
course of which the excavation  of  earth  is  but  coincidental.   In  this
regard we must notice with approval the following  views  expressed  by  the
Bombay High Court in Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited  Vs.  State
of  Maharashtra  and  Others[1]  while  dealing  with  a  somewhat   similar

14.   If it were a mere question of Mines and Minerals  Act,  1957  covering
the removal of earth, there cannot be possibly any doubt whatever,  now,  in
view of the very wide definition of the  term  contained  in  the  enactment
itself, and as  interpreted  by  the  authoritative  pronouncements  of  the
Supreme Court.  As noted earlier, the question involved in the present  case
is not to be determined with reference to the  Central  enactment  but  with
reference  to the clauses in the grant  and  the  provisions  in  the  Code.
When it is noted that the Company was given the  land  for  the  purpose  of
erecting massive structures as needed in setting up a  chemical  factory  of
the designs and dimensions of the company, the context would certainly  rule
out a reservation for the State Government of the earth  that  is  found  in
the land.  That will very much defeat  the  purpose  of  the  grant  itself.
Every use of the sod, or piercing of the land with  a  pick-axe,  would,  in
that eventuality, require sanction of the authorities.   The  interpretation
so placed, would frustrate the intention of the grant and lead  to  patently
absurd results.   To equate the earth removed in the process  of  digging  a
foundation, or otherwise, as a mineral product, in that context, would be  a
murder of an alien but lovely language.  The reading of  the  entire  grant,
would certainly rule out a proposition equating every pebble or particle  of
soil in the granted land as partaking the character of  a  mineral  product.
In the light of the above conclusion, I am clearly  of  the  view  that  the
orders of the authorities, are vitiated by errors of  law  apparent  on  the
face of the record.  They are liable to be quashed.  I do so."

18.   For the aforesaid reasons all the appeals are allowed,  however,  with
the direction that in the cases of the  appellant-builders  the  respondent-
State will  be  at  liberty  to  proceed  further  in  accordance  with  the
observations contained in this order if it is so  advised.  So  far  as  the
appeal of the Nuclear Power Corporation is concerned the  writ  petition  is
allowed and the orders impugned before the High  Court  are  set  aside  and
quashed. In view of our conclusions above, we do not consider  it  necessary
to go into the larger question raised  i.e.  the  constitutionality  of  the
provision of Section 48(7)  of  the  Code  which  issue  is  left  open  for
decision in an appropriate case.

                                                         [RANJAN GOGOI]

                                                         [R.K. AGRAWAL]
DECEMBER 03, 2014.

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