Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 3682 of 2006, Judgment Date: Dec 09, 2015

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3682 OF 2006





CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3686 OF 2006,
CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2310 OF 2007 &

                               J U D G M E N T


CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3682 OF 2006, CIVIL APPEAL  NO.  3686  OF  2006  AND  CIVIL
APPEAL NO. 6394 OF 2009

1     These Appeals arise against the  common  Judgment  of  the  Securities
Appellate Tribunal (‘SAT’ for brevity) which affirmed  the  stance  of  SEBI
refusing to grant fee continuity benefits to the Appellants  herein.  Common
question of law and facts arise and for the sake  of  convenience  we  shall
keep in perspective the factual matrix in Civil Appeal No. 3682 of 2006,  in
which the arguments in the main have been addressed.
2     Premium Capital Market & Investments Pvt.  Ltd.  was  incorporated  on
24.6.1992, which on 9.2.1994 changed its name to Premium  Capital  Market  &
Investments Ltd (hereinafter ‘PCMIL’, Appellant No. 3).  On  an  application
for  Trading  Membership  of  National  Stock   Exchange   of   India   Ltd.
(hereinafter ‘NSE’) in the Capital Markets Segment  by  PCMIL,  vide  letter
dated 16.5.1994, NSE sent them an offer of  membership  subject  to  certain
conditions enclosed in Annexure ‘A’.  In its  letter  dated  4.10.1994  SEBI
made observations on the Draft Prospectus  for  Public  Offer  submitted  by
PCMIL, including the conditions for NSE membership, namely that the  company
could not carry on any other activities  apart  from  broking.  Pursuant  to
this observation, the draft prospectus was amended with an undertaking  that
PCMIL would promote a new  company  to  which  it  would  transfer  the  NSE
membership. Thereafter on 16.12.1994, PCMIL was admitted to  the  membership
of NSE and was registered as a stock broker with SEBI.
3     On 27.4.1995 SEBI reaffirming the applicability of  Rule  8(1)(f)  and
8(3)(f) of Securities Contract (Regulation) Rules, 1957  (hereinafter  ‘1957
Rules’) to corporate members, via a letter directed  all  corporate  members
to  “sever  connections  with  businesses  other  than  securities  business
forthwith” and requested NSE to report on compliance.  In  order  to  comply
with this direction, Premium Global Securities Ltd.  (later  Premium  Global
Securities Pvt. Ltd., hereinafter ‘PGSL’, Appellant No. 1) was  incorporated
on 16.5.1995 for taking over the membership  card  of  PCMIL.  On  30.9.1995
PCMIL ceased all its fund-based activities.  On 8.8.1996  NSE  was  informed
about the formation of PGSL and an application was made for transfer of  NSE
membership from PCMIL to PGSL. On 14.3.2000 NSE issued a  show-cause  notice
to PCMIL under Rule 8(1)(f) and (3)(f) of the 1957 Rules in pursuance  of  a
complaint that PCMIL was not allowed to engage in any  business  other  than
that of securities. To this PCMIL replied that PCMIL had not transacted  any
other business and that the last leasing  transaction  was  carried  out  in
September 1995 and that PCMIL was only receiving lease amounts.
4     Thereafter on 4.4.2000 a fresh application was made  for  transfer  of
membership to PGSL  and  the  NSE  approved  the  aforesaid  application  on
12.4.2000 without any transfer fees. Steps for registration with  SEBI  were
initiated and PGSL was issued the  Registration  Certificate  on  20.9.2000.
Meanwhile PCMIL received a letter from the NSE Disciplinary Committee  dated
7.6.2000 directing PCMIL to cease all business in the nature  of  fund-based
activities and  to  initiate  steps  to  segregate  it  within  two  months.
Alternatively the Committee also advised that PCMIL could set up a  separate
subsidiary to take up the broking activity.
5     On 30.9.2002 SEBI issued a Circular on Fee  Continuity  benefits.  The
relevant portions of the Circular read as follows:
Where brokers are forced by compulsion of law to transfer  their  membership
i. 100% subsidiary company  or
ii. Group company      or
iii. holding company
they shall not be required to pay fees afresh. In such cases,  the  Exchange
would have to enumerate the circumstances under law resulting  in  the  said
transfer to  100%  subsidiary/group/holding  company  for  consideration  by
For this purpose,
A company would be classified as a group company of another company, if  the
controlling persons/entities in  both  the  companies  are  same  i.e.  such
persons/entities hold atleast 51% of the paid-up capital  (40%  in  case  of
listed company) in both the companies.
A Company would be classified as a holding company  of  the  trading  member
corporate, if its shareholding in the member corporate was above 51%.

6     In response to the request for turnover  details  by  NSE,  PGSL  vide
letter dated  12.3.2003  elucidated  that  there  had  been  a  transfer  of
membership due  to  compulsion  of  law  and  as  per  SEBI  circular  dated
27.9.2002, such transfer to  group  company  would  not  attract  any  fresh
payment of registration fees. SEBI however, refused to grant  PGSL  the  fee
continuity benefits sought. On 4.12.2003  PGSL  submitted  another  detailed
representation  to  SEBI  seeking  grant  of  fee  continuity.   However  no
response was received from SEBI.  Meanwhile  on  15.7.2004,  SEBI  (Interest
Liability Regularisation) Scheme 2004 came into force. The Scheme  envisaged
a waiver of 80% outstanding interest if  the  broker  paid  the  outstanding
principal along with 20% outstanding interest  during  a  specified  period.
SEBI issued a Provisional Fee Liability Statement demanding payment of  fees
and NSE along with its cover letter sent  it  to  PGSL  and  PGSL  filed  an
appeal before the SAT.
7     The primary issue before SAT was whether  the  Appellants  were  under
any compulsion of law to transfer their brokerage business to a  subsidiary.
 SAT ruled in favour of SEBI stating that since the Appellants were  subject
to the bar in Rule 8(1)(f) they were therefore required to sever  themselves
from their fund-based activities to keep in line with the  provision.  As  a
natural corollary thereof, SAT stated that although there was  a  compulsion
of law on the Appellants, it did not extend to the  extent  that  they  were
compelled to sever  their  brokerage  business  and  transfer  it  to  their
subsidiary as they have in  the  present  scenario;  rather  the  Appellants
could have severed their non-brokerage businesses,  either  give  it  up  in
entirety or transfer it to a subsidiary.  The Appellants have assailed  this
common judgment of the SAT.
8     The issue for determination before this Court is a neat one -  Whether
the Appellants can be granted the benefit of fee  continuity?  To  determine
the answer we must first refer to the Circular under which these  Appellants
have made their respective claims. The Circular  titled,  “Fees  Payable  by
Stock Brokers” dated 30.9.2002 was issued in the  form  of  a  clarification
pursuant to the direction passed by this  Court  in  SEBI  v.  BSE  Brokers’
Forum (2001) 3 SCC 482, to implement the recommendation of the R.  S.  Bhatt
Committee. The benefit in the said circular can be  granted  only  when  the
two essential conditions are satisfied. First that the company to which  the
transfer was made is indeed a 100% Subsidiary Company, Group  Company  or  a
Holding Company and secondly, whether there  was  a  compulsion  of  law  to
transfer the said membership. There are no disputes on the  satisfaction  of
the  first  essential  condition.  Thus  we  find  the  sole  question   for
determination before us to be whether there  was  a  compulsion  of  law  to
transfer the membership to PGSL.
9     Mr. S Ganesh, learned Senior Counsel for the Appellant, has relied  on
Ratnabali Capital Markets Ltd. v. Securities Exchange Board of India  (2008)
1 SCC 439, where the term ‘compulsion of law’ for the first time came to  be
discussed in light of the SEBI Circular dated 30.9.2002. The  appellants  in
Ratnabali Capital  Markets  Ltd.  underwent  an  amalgamation  in  order  to
increase their reserves and qualify  themselves  to  enter  the  derivatives
market. On the prevailing facts it was held that raising  money  to  qualify
for membership of a segment did not constitute a compulsion of law  for  the
said merger. Mr. Ganesh submitted that in  Ratnabali  Capital  Markets  Ltd.
this Court clearly demarcated that any action taken  by  the  benefit-seeker
must not be solely for profit-motive; its roots must emerge from a  survival
instinct which is so in the case before us. He stated that PGSL was  put  in
the predicament of  choosing  one  business  over  another;  letting  go  or
transferring of the financial  activities  would  have  brought  with  it  a
difficulty of having to transfer the main business whereas transfer  of  the
brokerage business would involve the transfer of the trading  license.  PGSL
therefore chose to transfer its brokerage business to a new  group  company.
This he said purported to merely re-organisation, not for commercial  profit
but for compliance with the provisions of Rule 8(1)(f) and  8(3)(f)  of  the
1957 Rules.  Mr. Sameer Parekh, one of the other  Counsels  for  Appellants,
submitted that PCMIL faced 4 options when told to comply with the  aforesaid
1957 Rules. They could either: a) give up the fund-based business;  b)  give
up the brokerage business; c) transfer the fund-based  business  to  another
company, which would cause  great  hardship  to  all  involved  as  numerous
contracts would have to be changed; or, d) transfer the brokerage  business,
and of the 4 the last was  the  path  of  least  resistance  and  hence  the
brokerage business was transferred to PGSL.
10    Learned Senior Counsel for the Respondents, Mr. C U  Singh,  submitted
that the Appellants are precluded from claiming compulsion of  law  as  they
themselves have admitted that they had other  options  besides  transferring
their brokerage membership to a group company.  He  submits  that  the  mere
existence of other options means that there was  no  compulsion  imposed  by
law  to  follow  this  specific  course  and   the   Appellants’   plea   of
impossibility is neither  a  compulsion  of  law  nor  has  it  been  raised
earlier. Mr. Singh placed reliance on Rules 8(1)(f) and 8(3)(f) of the  1957
Rules to submit that right from the start, the  Appellants  were  under  the
restriction to not engage themselves  in  a  business  other  than  that  of
securities. He further brought to our attention ‘Annexure A’ of  the  letter
of acceptance of membership to the Capital Market Segment of the  NSE  which
placed certain conditions on Appellants to be fulfilled within three  months
and one of which was the requirement to sever  all  fund  based  activities.
Mr. Singh  was  also  of  the  opinion  that  the  Appellants’  reliance  on
Ratnabali Capital Markets Ltd. is misplaced. According to  him,  this  Court
held that for an action to be compulsion of law, it needed to have  been  an
alternative  to  liquidation  or  a  correspondingly  calamitous  situation,
essentially to prevent winding-up.
11    To these submissions, Mr. Sameer Parekh responded by placing forth  on
record a copy  of  the  original  advertisement  placed  in  the  newspapers
calling for applications for  Trading  Membership  of  the  Capital  Markets
Segment of NSE. He points out  that  this  advertisement  was  published  on
11.2.1994 and the last  date  for  submitting  applications  was  25.2.1994,
leaving a gap of merely 14 days. He states that  this  becomes  relevant  in
light of the submissions placed on record by SEBI that only those  companies
who had no other business involving financial liabilities  could  apply.  He
submits that SEBI could not have had  the  expectation  that  new  companies
would be incorporated and be  ready  with  their  applications  for  trading
membership all within a span of 14 days. He also submitted that  Rules  8(4)
and 8(4A) are the provisions relevant to  companies  and  on  a  reading  of
8(4A)(iv) which specifically exempts the Directors  of  the  companies  from
the provisions of 8(1)(f) and 8(3)(f) it can be concluded that  it  was  not
intended initially that Rules 8(1)(f) and 8(3)(f) would apply to companies.
12    It is beyond cavil that SEBI, as a trade regulator in  the  securities
market, is entitled to charge registration fees for  enabling  it  to  carry
out its functions as stipulated in Section 11(2)  of  the  SEBI  Act,  1992.
However it appears at present that SEBI has pounced at  the  opportunity  to
charge fresh registration fees choosing to ignore the exemptions assured  by
13    We find merit in the arguments furnished by  the  Appellants.  In  our
opinion, the restriction imposed was to  not  have  fund-based  and  trading
activities together under one roof. Thus any action taken by the  Appellants
to comply with restriction of  not  participating  in  both  the  activities
simultaneously would be under compulsion of law. The Respondents would  have
us say that only one line of action was compulsion of  law  but  that  would
have the effect of adding ‘process’ to compulsion of law. The compulsion  of
law under the 1957 Rules  is  directed  towards  the  desired  end  and  not
concerned with  the  means,  and  it  would  be  wrong  for  us  to  ascribe
14    We thus set aside the impugned Judgment of SAT  and  direct  that  the
Appellants be given the benefit  of  fee  continuity.  These  Appeals  stand
allowed accordingly.   There will be no orders as to costs.
C.A. 2310 of 2007
15    The original trading membership of the NSE had been obtained by  Onida
Finance Ltd. on 16.9.1994 but when the NSE raised objections about its fund-
based activities, the license was transferred  to  OFL  Securities  Ltd.  on
7.2.1995. Thereafter in  1999-2000,  OFL  Securities  Ltd.  transferred  its
trading license to Gulita  Securities  Ltd.  (Appellant  No.  1).  Thus  the
trading membership was transferred twice but only  the  first  transfer  was
under compulsion of law. Therefore, we find neither any merit in the  Appeal
nor any infirmity in the order of the SAT with regard to the  Appellants  in
C.A. No.2310 of 2007.   Thus this Appeal is dismissed  accordingly.    There
will be no orders as to cost.

                                                            [VIKRAMAJIT SEN]

                                                         [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]
New Delhi,
December 09, 2015.

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