Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 4393 of 2017, Judgment Date: Mar 23, 2017


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4393 OF 2017
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.27388 of 2015)

Pranay Kumar Podder                                              Appellant


State of Tripura and Others                                    Respondents

                                   W I T H
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.4394 OF 2017
                 (Arising out of S.L.P.(C) No.30772 of 2015)

                               J U D G M E N T

Dipak Misra, J.

      Leave granted.
2.    The appellants, after  crossing  two  scores  and  one,  nurtured  the
ambition, which is quite a usual feature to human nature unless  the  innate
nature is distracted by  some  kind  of  aberration,  to  prosecute  medical
education and for the said purpose they  appeared  in  the  examination  and
obtained the requisite marks to be selected.  At that stage, the old  saying
“the proposals  conceived  in  mind  are  not  always  concretized”  or  the
beginning does not achieve the end or for many  a  reason,  as  it  appears,
took the principal seat and the two students were declared to be  ineligible
to take admission to MBBS course at the stage of counselling  held  on  23rd
June, 2015 on the score that they suffered  partial  colour  blindness.   In
such  a  situation,  the  appellants  being  determined  and   affirmatively
obstinate not to  abandon  their  pursuit,  approached  the  High  Court  of
Tripura at Agartala in W.P.(C) Nos.244 and 252 of 2015 seeking  relief  that
the declaration of ineligibility by the concerned Committee  was  absolutely
indefensible and legally impermissive.  The  submission  of  the  appellants
was built on the foundation that there were no  regulations  framed  by  the
Medical Council of  India  under  the  Indian  Medical  Council  Act,  1956,
debarring the likes from admission, for in  the  absence  of  a  regulation,
neither any instruction nor resolution of the MCI could throttle  the  right
to appear.
3.    The stand and stance put forth by the appellants was resisted  by  the
State placing reliance on the recommendations of  the  expert  Committee  of
the Medical Council of India.  The said recommendations are as follows:-
“The expert committee deliberated at length about the importance  of  normal
colour vision to pursue various subjects in the curriculum of  MBBS  course.
All the experts unanimously thought  that  the  presence  of  normal  colour
vision was indispensable  to  acquire  the  desired  competency  of  a  MBBS
doctor.  The presence of good colour vision  is  also  essential  to  pursue
post graduation in various disciplines of Medicine and  Surgery.   Moreover,
as the normal colour vision is essential all the  services  mentioned  under
the category  'Technical'  which  included  Indian  Police  Service,  Indian
Forest  Service,  Railway  Engineering  Service,  Indian   Railway   Traffic
Service, Posts  on  Marine  establishment,  Telegraph  Engineering  Services
etc., it is imperative that the doctor who  conducts  the  medical  exam  of
these  individuals  should  also  have  normal  colour  vision.   The   main
recommendations of the Committee were as follows:-

The testing of colour vision  must  be  conducted  in  respect  of  all  the
students for admission  to  MBBS  course.   The  colour  defective  students
should not be allowed to pursue the MBBS course as a  normal  colour  vision
is absolutely necessary for such a study.”

4.    Apart from that, reliance  was  also  placed  on  the  recommendations
dated  12th  October,  2004  of  the  General  Body   Meeting.    The   said
recommendations which are relevant are extracted hereunder:-
“1. Admission of visually handicapped persons for MBBS:

It is mandatory that the students who  are  selected  to  join  MBBS  course
should undergo an eye examination by a qualified  Ophthalmologist  and  must
be certified to have best corrected visual activity of 6/9 in each eye.   In
case of one-eyed person, the best corrected visual activity should  be  6/6.
The candidate should be able to identify the three primary colours.

2.    The time of onset blindness and continuation of their curriculum  from

Retention of normal vision is an absolute need for undergoing  the  training
in medical curriculum unlike in other streams of  education  like  Arts  and
Science.  Medicine is a course where perfect vision is  the  absolute  need.
The Committee recommends that a candidate who  becomes  visually  challenged
after having been admitted to the  course  and  completed  to  a  reasonable
extent his clinical training may still be considered fit for assessment  and
final examination.  However, if  the  candidate  develops  visual  challenge
before acquiring reasonable amount of knowledge and skill  in  clinical  and
basic science he/she should be discharged from the course.”

5.    The Division Bench of the High  Court  expressed  the  view  that  the
guidelines issued by the Medical Council of India deserves to be  given  its
due weightage by the Court and it should not interfere solely on the  ground
that the Regulations are silent with regard to the denial  of  admission  to
an individual suffering from colour  blindness.   Being  of  this  view,  it
dismissed the writ petition.
6.    When the matter was listed on the previous occasion, having regard  to
the nature of the issue that deserves to be delved into,  we  had  appointed
Mr. K.V. Viswanathan, learned senior counsel, as  Amicus  Curiae  to  assist
the Court.
7.    We have heard Mr. K.V. Mohan, learned counsel for the appellants,  Mr.
Vikas Singh, learned senior counsel along with Mr.  Gaurav  Sharma,  learned
counsel for the Medical Council of  India  and  Mr.  Shivam  Singh,  learned
counsel for the State of Tripura.   Mr. Viswanathan, the learned  friend  of
the Court, has assisted the Court from many an angle.
8.    It is submitted by  Mr.  Mohan,  learned  counsel  appearing  for  the
appellants that the High Court has fallen into error by coming to hold  that
in the absence of  prohibition  in  the  Regulations,  the  opinion  of  the
Committee would be binding.    That apart, it   is   urged   by  him,  final
decision  has  not  yet  been  taken  with  regard  to  the  eligibility  of
candidates who suffer from Colour Vision Deficiency  (CVD)  by  the  General
Body for the purpose of prosecuting medical courses.  Learned counsel  would
submit that there is a distinction between visually handicapped  person  and
a person suffering from colour blindness or CVD, but the Medical Council  of
India has treated both of them at par, as a consequence of which  the  likes
of the appellants have been compelled to face  extreme  discrimination.   To
bolster his submission, he has commended us to a decision of the Delhi  High
Court in               Dr. Kunal Kumar vs.  Union  of  India  and  Others[1]
and a judgment of the Rajasthan High Court in Parmesh Pachar  vs.  Convener,
9.    Mr. Vikas Singh, learned senior  counsel  appearing  for  the  Medical
Council of India, controverting the  submissions  of  Mr.  Mohan,  contended
that the Regulations by the Medical Council  of  India  may  not  be  always
specific and exhaustive and, therefore,  in  the  absence  of  any  specific
regulation, it can issue instructions/guidelines or  frame  or  indicate  or
provide guidance for the purpose of  eligibility  criteria  as  regards  the
candidates who can take admission in the medical courses,  for  a  statutory
Council, in all circumstances, may not be in a  position  to  visualise  all
kinds of situations.  It is his further submission  that  the  General  Body
has specified that the candidates should be able to identify  three  primary
colours and the same would mean  that  a  person  who  suffers  from  colour
blindness is within the excluded category.  That apart, submits  Mr.  Singh,
the judgments rendered by the  Delhi  High  Court  and  the  High  Court  of
Rajasthan are prior to the date of resolution passed  by  the  General  Body
and, therefore, this Court should not lay much emphasis on the judgments  of
the said High Courts.
10.   Mr. Shivam Singh, learned counsel appearing for the State of  Tripura,
echoed the submissions of Mr. Vikas Singh, learned senior  counsel  for  the
Medical Council of India.
11.    Having  noted  the  submissions  of  the  learned  counsel  for   the
contesting parties, the controversy could have become simpler as  the  issue
that emerges for consideration is whether the Medical Council of  India  can
debar the candidates suffering from CVD to undertake medical courses on  the
basis of a decision taken by the General Body, but Mr. Viswanathan,  learned
senior counsel appearing as the friend  of  the  Court,  submits  that  this
Court should travel beyond the narrow boundary of the binding effect of  the
decision or the resolution of the General Body of  the  Medical  Council  of
India and perceive the controversy regard being  had  to  the  international
framework, research, practice and prevalence.   We  are  disposed  to  think
that  the  submission  advanced  by  Mr.  Viswanathan  in  this  regard   is
absolutely justified and, therefore, we are impelled to  proceed  to  record
the submissions advanced by him.
12.   It is canvassed by Mr. Viswanathan that colour  blindness  has  to  be
understood as CVD and it happens when  someone  cannot  distinguish  between
certain colours, usually  between  green  and  red  and  occasionally  blue.
Emphasizing on the said aspect,  he  has  borrowed  certain  literature  and
commented that the identification of a bush that has holly  berries  on  it,
the observation by a pilot of the patterns of coloured lights at an  airport
and learning about a person's health by their complexion are  all  tasks  in
which a person with CVD may fail.   Be it  noted,  the  said  concept  finds
place in the Article written by J. Anthony B. Spalding.
13.     Learned  senior  counsel,  referring  to  various   study   material
available, has referred to Shinobu Ishihar, a Professor  at  Tokyo  Imperial
University who, in the year 1916, had developed a  diagnostic  method  which
is still the most common test for colour vision deficiency;  and  that  test
is called Ishihara test.  We do not intend to elaborate on  the  methods  of
the said test.
14.   Highlighting on the causes and prevalence, an article published  under
the heading “Colour Vision Deficiency” has been brought to  our  notice.  We
think it appropriate to reproduce the same:-
“a.   Color deficiency is usually a hereditary condition linked to  the  ‘X’

b.    Color vision deficiency can also be acquired—not only as a  result  of
diseases or conditions of the retina, optic nerve, or more posterior  visual
pathways in the brain—but also  as  a  result  of  exposure  to  toxins  and
certain drugs.  Macular  degeneration,  optic  neuritis,  and  strokes  that
affect certain areas of the occipital lobe, for example,  can  affect  color
perception.  Head injuries, systemic diseases  that  damages  nerves  (e.g.,
multiple sclerosis), heavy metal poisoning, and certain  medications  (e.g.,
anti-malarials) also can affect color vision adversely.

c.    Unlike congenital color vision defects, acquired defects often  affect
visual acuity, are asymmetric from  eye  to  eye,  and  may  change  as  the
disease changes”[3].

d.    Congenital CVD has a prevalence in the general population  of  8%  for
men and 0.4% for women[4].

e.    Men are much more likely to  be  colorblind  than  women  because  the
genes responsible for the most common, inherited color blindness are on  the
X chromosome.  Inherited color blindness can be present at birth,  begin  in
childhood, or not appear until the adult years[5].

f.    CVD prevalence varies from country to country and even race  to  race.
Vijayalakshmi et al, reported CVD in Hindu casts  and  religious  groups  of
different parts of India. The prevalence reported was  2.1%  in  7542  males
and 0.2% in 3519 females [9]. In Western Nepal, in a  study  on  964  school
children (10–19 years age group), CVD was found in 18 boys  with  prevalence
of 3.8%, but none of the girls was found affected [12]. In  USA,  prevalence
of CVD in junior medical students was 12.8%  [10].  A  study  among  medical
students of Medical colleges, Kolkata, W.B. revealed prevalence of  4.8%  in
males. The prevalence of red-green colour anomaly among males was 27.3%  and
in females, 34.8%. There was significantly higher prevalence  of  red  green
anomaly in females[6].”

15.   Learned senior counsel has reproduced certain passages  pertaining  to
diagnosis of colour blindness from the  article  “Colour  Blindness  Causes,
Risk Factors & Symptoms”.  They read as under:-
“3.   Diagnosis of Color Blindness

a.    Inherited color  vision  deficiency  is  usually  diagnosed  in  early
childhood using simple screening tests.  The Hardy-Rand-Ritter  (H-R-R_  and
Ishihara Color Plates are used to evaluate the  type  and  degree  of  color
deficiency.  In these tests, the person is asked  to  identify  the  colored
shapes or numbers that lie within a jumble of dots and  vary  in  color  and
intensity.  The physician detects and categorizes the  deficiency  based  on
the person's responses.

b.     The  D-15  and  the  Fransworth-Munsell  100-hue  disk-matching  test
evaluate the ability to identify gradations of color  by  placing  discs  in

c.    In a September 2015 Article in the Indian Journal of  Opthalmology[8],
it is mentioned that Though  many  methods  for  color  vision  testing  are
available, there is  no  consensus  on  the  ideal  method,  with  different
countries using different tests.  In India,  the  Ishihara  charts  are  the
most widely used, with additional use  of  Edridge-Green  lantern  in  civil
services and Martin lantern in armed  forces.[1,2]   The  Ishihara  test  is
quick and easy and is an excellent screening tool to detect those with  red-
green CVD. However, it has a limited ability to classify CVD  and  determine
its  severity.   Organizations  that  require  the  correct  recognition  of
colored signals (principally transport groups such  as  the  Civil  Aviation
Authority, Railways,  Maritime,  and  Naval  and  Air  force)  depend  on  a
standard lantern test which imitates actual signal  systems  simulating  the
workplace. Lanterns do not specifically screen  for  color  defects.  It  is
surprising that even now, the general design of  lanterns  has  not  changed
very  much  since  their  creation  in  1891.  With  the  exception  of  the
Farnsworth lantern used  in  the  USA,  there  are  scarce  studies  on  the
validation and reliability of lanterns.   The  panel  tests,  including  the
Farnsworth Panel D-15 and Farnsworth–Munsell 100-hue tests,  are  much  more
accurate in classifying color deficiency.  Farnsworth  Panel  D-15  Test  is
considerably quicker and more convenient  test  for  routine  clinical  use.
Though not very sensitive, its  speed  and  accuracy  make  it  useful.  The
relative insensitivity can  also  be  an  asset  in  judging  the  practical
significance of mild degrees of color deficiency. For  example,  individuals
who fail the Ishihara plates but pass the D-15 panel will probably not  have
color discrimination problems under most circumstances and in most  jobs.[3]
Nagels anomaloscopes is  considered  the  gold  standard  for  color  vision
testing in  clinical  research,  however,  it  is  an  expensive  instrument
requiring an experienced examiner's skills.  Color  vision  is  graded  into
higher and lower grade depending on the size of the aperture in the Edridge-
Green lantern (1.3 mm vs. 13 mm),[1] with the  technical  services  category
of Indian civil services, which includes police  services  requiring  higher
grade  of  color  vision.  The  United  States  police  service  no   longer
implements a color vision standard though monochromats are barred.[4]  Those
who fail initial color vision screening by pseudoisochromatic plates  should
be further evaluated by anamaloscope  or  D-15  test  to  include  anomalous
trichromats who are the most numerous among the CVD persons.  In an  ongoing
study, 500 candidates who appeared in  the  divisional  medical  board  were
studied.  Ishihara chart was used for initial screening  of  all  candidates
with further use of Edridge-Green lantern for candidates found to  have  CVD
and  selected  for  jobs  requiring  high  grade  of  color  vision.   Sixty
candidates (13%) were found to have CVD; 39 of those were selected for  jobs
requiring accurate color perception. None of the candidates  found  to  have
CVD on testing by Ishihara chart  could  pass  the  lantern  test.  Only  21
candidates found to have CVD were previously aware of their deficiency.

d.    The Edridge Green-Lantern Test, 1891 is claimed  to  simulate  railway
signals and is used in testing engine drivers  in  Great  Britain.   It  was
used by the U.S. Navy for qualification  of  midshipmen  and  line  officers
prior to adoption of the Farnsworth Lantern Test in 1953[9].

e.    The Fransworth Lantern Test is the final qualifying test for the  U.S.
Navy, the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, and the U.S.  Merchant  Marine  Academy.
It also may be used by the U.S. Army for qualification of pilots and by  the
U.S. FAA Aviation Medical Examiners.  In addition, it is used by  some  U.S.
railroad systems and other organizations.[10]”

16.   It is worth noting that Mr. J. Anthony B. Splading,  in  his  article,
has found that medical professionals and practitioners  suffering  from  CVD
have difficulty in detecting[11]:-
“Body color changes (pallor, cyanosis,       jaundice)
Skin rashes and erythema -
Stage I pressure ulcers -
Blood or bile in urine, faces, sputum, vomit -
Malaena – Mouth and throat conditions -
Test strips for blood and urine -
Color coded charts, slides, and prints -
Color coded medications -
Color sensitive monitors”
17.    Learned  senior  counsel  would  submit  that   the   Ophthalmologist
Association of Australia has issued a publication in 2009[12]  which  covers
the following aspects:-
“i.   No medical course excludes students with abnormal colour vision,  with
the possible exception of a medical college in Taiwan that is known to  have
had a policy in 1995 of excluding students if they failed the D-15 test.

ii.   There have been colour vision  requirements  for  medical  courses  in
Japan but efforts to relax these began in the late 1980s and it  seems  they
have been successful.

Iii.  The prevalence of abnormal colour vision among  medical  practitioners
is probably the same as it is in  the  general  population.   While  medical
practitioners with abnormal colour vision have reported that they  sometimes
made errors due to their colour vision  deficiency,  it  is  not  known  how
often they occur and how serious they are.

iv.   The errors that do occur need to be viewed in the context of the  fact
that medical error is not uncommon and has a variety of causes.   The  right
approach to error minimization is  to  recognise  errors  when  they  occur,
identify their  cause  and  find  ways  to  avoid  their  recurrence.   This
approach should apply to errors that may arise because  of  abnormal  colour

v.    Medical practitioners with abnormal colour vision can minimise  errors
by their choice of specialty, by placing reliance on sources of  information
that do not depend on colour and making  sure  they  have  good  observation
conditions, especially good lighting.

vi.   It was suggested that all medical students who  have  abnormal  colour
vision should be  aware  of  their  deficiency  before  entering  a  medical
course, that they should know its severity and have an appreciation  of  the
kind of problems it may cause in their chosen career.”

18.   Relying on the aforesaid literature, it is submitted  by  the  learned
senior counsel that considering that an MBBS student is also  authorized  to
perform surgeries and the complete diagnosis and prognosis of a  disease  or
disorder may sometimes depend upon colour detection,  there  is  requirement
for restriction in the field of practice of an individual with CVD  in  this
country.  He has mentioned certain areas where difficulties may arise.   The
said areas, according to him, are:-

Surgery and  Surgical  Branches  (Ophthalmology,  ENT,  Gynae,  Orthopaedics


General Medicine etc.”

19.   According to the learned  senior  counsel,  there  are  certain  areas
where an individual with CVD can effectively practice and they are:-
Social and Preventive Medicine
Pharmacology etc.

20.   At this juncture, we may refer to  the  decision  of  the  Delhi  High
Court in Dr. Kunal Kumar  (supra).  The learned Single  Judge  of  the  High
Court of Delhi made the following observations:-
“At the outset, I may notice that there is not hindrance or  restriction  on
the petitioner, who is a duly qualified and  registered  medical  petitioner
to carry out his practice as  a  general  physician.  He  is  authorized  to
prescribe drugs and treat  patients,  without  acquiring  any  further  post
graduate qualification. The petitioner has  been  found  to  be  meritorious
student. He is found to be eligible for a course in M.D. (Pathology),  based
on his ranking in the examination. Based on  the  report  as  received  from
L.L.R.M. College, regarding the  colour  blindness,  he  had  been  declined
admission to M.D. (Pathology). There appears to be  some  justification  for
denying admission to  the  petitioner  in  Pathology.  This  is  because  in
Pathology the concerned pathologist has to  examine  various  colour  slides
under a  microscope.  The  inability  to  distinguish  colours  could  be  a
handicap in minute  examination  of  various  bacteria  and  examination  of
different slides. However, this  should  not  prevent  the  petitioner  from
pursuing other courses or disciplines, where colour blindness may not  be  a
handicap. ”

      In the said case, the High Court issued a writ of  mandamus  to  grant
admission  to  the  petitioner  therein  in  the  post-graduate  course   of
21.   The Division Bench of the High Court of  Rajasthan,  in  the  case  of
Parmesh Pachar (supra), referred to certain literature  in  the  field  and,
eventually, opined thus:-
“Thus, it is clear  that  in  British,  American,  Australian  and  Canadian
medical schools, a student suffering from colour  blindness  is  not  barred
from being admitted. In the opinion of  Professor  Roger  Robinson,  Retired
Professor of Paediatrics  at  Guy's  Hospital  Medical  School,  London,  as
expressed in his letter dated  28.6.2002  (referred  to  above),  denial  of
admission to a candidate by a medical  school  on  the  basis  of  red-green
colour blindness is unacceptable and discriminatory.

It is interesting to note that the Medical Council of India  has  recognised
medical degrees  of  various  foreign  universities  even  though  they  are
admitting students with colour vision deficiency or  colour  blindness.  The
Second Schedule to the  Indian  Medical  Council  Act,  1956,  reveals  that
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery  from  University  of  Bristol,
University  of  Leeds,  University  of  Liverpool,  University  of   London,
University  of  Oxford,  University  of  Sheffield,  University  of   Wales,
University of  Edinburgh,  University  of  Glasgow,  University  of  Dundee,
University  of  New  South  Wales,  University   of   Melbourne,   Dalhousie
University etc., are recognised.

It is queer logic that while a colour blind student can  seek  admission  in
the aforesaid foreign universities, he cannot seek  admission  in  the  home
University. In case he qualifies in Bachelor  of  Medicine  or  Bachelor  of
Surgery in spite of his colour vision deficiency, his qualification will  be
recognised in India just because he has the stamp of a  foreign  university.
The deficiency which is considered to be a  handicap  for  the  purposes  of
grant of admission in a home  university,  no  longer  remains  a  debarring
factor. This hypocritical policy has no logic and relevancy.

22.   As advised, at present, we do not intend to either lean in  favour  of
the view of the Delhi High Court or generally accept the perception  of  the
view of the High Court of Rajasthan.
23.   In the course of deliberation, it  is  submitted  by  Mr.  Viswanathan
that complete ban on the admission of individuals suffering from CVD to  the
MBBS course  would  violate  conferment  of  equal  opportunities  and  fair
treatment.   To  buttress  the  said  submission,  he  has   drawn   immense
inspiration from certain articles from  the  Convention  on  the  Rights  of
Persons with  Disabilities  and  Optional  Protocol  to  which  India  is  a
signatory.   Article 1 of the said Convention deals with 'purpose'.   It  is
as follows:-
“The purpose of the present Convention is to  promote,  protect  and  ensure
the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights  and  fundamental  freedoms
by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their  inherent

      Persons with disabilities include those who have  long-term  physical,
mental, intellectual  or  sensory  impairments  which  in  interaction  with
various barriers may  hinder  their  full  and  effective  participation  in
society on an equal basis with others.”

24.   Article 3 stipulates 'general principles'.  We  think  it  appropriate
to extract the same:-
“The principles of the present Convention shall be:

 Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom  to
make one’s own choices, and independence of persons;


 Full and effective participation and inclusion in society;

 Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as  part
of human diversity and humanity;

 Equality of opportunity;


 Equality between men and women;

 Respect for the evolving  capacities  of  children  with  disabilities  and
respect for the right  of  children  with  disabilities  to  preserve  their

25.   Article 4 provides for 'general obligations'  and  Article  9  of  the
Convention lays the postulate  of  accessibility.   Learned  senior  counsel
would emphasize on the concept of accessibility, especially, clause  (g)  of
Article 9.  That apart, he has drawn our attention to Article 51(c)  of  the
Constitution of India which is as follows:-
“51.  Promotion of  international  peace  and  security.-  The  State  shall
endeavour to -

(c) foster respect for international  law  and  treaty  obligations  in  the
dealings of organised peoples with one another.”

26.   On the basis of the aforesaid, it  is  urged  by  the  learned  senior
counsel that with the progress of  science,  expansion  of  many  vistas  of
knowledge, inclusive culture having regard to inclusive society and  respect
for differently-abled persons, it is obligatory on the part of  the  Medical
Council of India to  take  a  progressive  measure  so  that  an  individual
suffering from CVD may not feel like an alien to  the  concept  of  equality
which is the fon juris of our Constitution.
27.   In Union of India vs. Devendra Kumar Pand and Others[13], a  two-Judge
Bench has, after referring to two authorities in Union of India  vs.  Sanjay
Kumar[14] and Kunal Singh vs. Union of India[15], expressed doubt whether  a
person lacking colour perception can claim to be a person  entitled  to  any
benefit under the Act.
28.   In this regard, a passage from  Justice  Sunanda  Bhandare  Foundation
vs. Union of India and Another[16] is apt quoting.  It reads as under:-
“9.   Be that as it may, the beneficial provisions of the  1995  Act  cannot
be allowed to remain only on paper for years and thereby defeating the  very
purpose of such  law  and  legislative  policy.  The  Union,  States,  Union
Territories and all those upon whom obligation has been cast under the  1995
Act have to effectively implement it.  As a matter of fact, the role of  the
governments in the matter such as this has to be proactive. In  the  matters
of providing relief to those who are differently  abled,  the  approach  and
attitude of the executive must  be  liberal  and  relief  oriented  and  not
obstructive  or  lethargic.  A  little  concern  for  this  class  who   are
differently abled can do wonders in their life and help them stand on  their
own and not remain on mercy of others. A welfare State, that India is,  must
accord its best and special attention to a  section  of  our  society  which
comprises  of  differently  abled  citizens.  This  is  true  equality   and
effective conferment of equal opportunity.”

29.   We are absolutely  conscious  that  the  said  authorities  have  been
rendered  in  the  context  of  the   Persons   with   Disabilities   (Equal
Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation Act), 1995   (for
short, 'the 1995 Act') and the said Act has been repealed in 2016 and a  new
Act, i.e., the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016  (49  of  2016)
has come into force.  The present case, needless to say, does not deal  with
any kind of reservation as laid down in the said Act.  However, it is  urged
by Mr. Viswanathan, learned Amicus Curiae, that  once  colour  blindness  is
not considered as a disability under the 1995 Act and also not a  disability
under the 2016 Act, the nature and severity  of  colour  blindness  and  the
disciplines they can practise has to be given a re-look.
30.   Though we are not deciding the controversy  at  present,  for  we  are
inclined to  issue  certain  directions  to  have  a  complete  picture  and
projection, yet we  are  disposed  to  observe  that  a  human  being  is  a
magnificent creation of the Creator and that magnificence should be  exposed
in a humane, magnanimous and all-inclusive manner so that all tend  to  feel
that they have their deserved  space.   Total  exclusion  for  admission  to
medical courses without any stipulation in which they  really  can  practise
and render assistance would tantamount  to  regressive  thinking.   When  we
conceive of global phenomenon and universal brotherhood, efforts are  to  be
made to be within the said parameters.  The march  of  science,  apart  from
our  constitutional  warrant  and  values,  commands   inclusion   and   not
exclusion.  That is the way a believer in human rights should think.
31.         In view of the aforesaid submissions, we direct as follows:-
(I)   The Medical Council of India shall constitute a Committee  of  experts
that shall include the representatives of  the  Medical  Council  of  India,
experts from genetics, ophthalmology, psychiatry and medical education,  who
shall be from outside the members of the Medical Council of India.  At  this
juncture, we must appreciably state that Mr.  Vikas  Singh,  learned  senior
counsel, has submitted that the Court may say that the  persons  as  experts
who are to be taken from outside, shall be from the All India  Institute  of
Medical Sciences  (AIIMS),  and  the  Post  Graduate  Institute  of  Medical
Education and Research, Chandigarh.
(II)  The Medical Council of India may  also  invite  Mr.  K.V.  Viswanathan
along with Mr. M. Shoeb Alam to assist them to take a view.   Be  it  noted,
Mr. Vikas Singh has gladly accepted the suggestion.
(III) The expert Committee shall review the situation and take note  of  the
prevalent conditions of the study  and  practice  and  suggest  changes  for
adoption in the medical course keeping in view the international practices.
(IV)  The expert Committee shall also concentrate  on  diagnostic  test  for
progress and review of the disorder and what are the  available  prosthetics
aids to assist CVD medical practitioners and what areas  of  practice  could
they undertake without difficulty with these aids.
(V)   The Committee shall meet within a period of three weeks and  submit  a
report to this Court within three months hence.
32.   Let the matter be listed for further hearing on 11th July, 2017.

                                                              [Dipak Misra]

                                                          [A.M. Khanwilkar]

New Delhi
March 23, 2017.

[1]     101 (2002) DLT 471
[2]     RLW 2003 (4) Raj 2284
[3]    Colour Vision Deficiency – Publication Review by : Stanley J.
Swierzewski, III, M.D.
[4]    Color Vision Deficiency in the medical profession – J Anthony B
[5]     Facts About Color Blindness – National Eye Institute of the
National Institutes of Health, USA
[6]    Prevalence of Colour vision Deficiency (CVD) In Medical Students in
Kolkata, West Bengal Dipa Saha1, Kaushik Saha2 Volume 15, Issue 9 Ver. XII
(September) 2016) PP 01-03
[7]    Supra 3
[8]    Tests for Colour Vision Deficiency: Is it time to revise the
standards – Nidhi Pandey, A.K. Chandrakar, M.L. Garg : Pt. J.N.M. Medical
College, Raipur
[9]      Color Vision Tests – National Research Council (US) Committee on
Vision - Procedures for Testing Color Vision; Report of Working Group 41.
Washington (DC) : National Academies Press (US); 1981
[10]     Supra 9
[11]     The Truth About Color Vision in Healthcare – Dr. Terrace L.
Waggoner Sr., O.D, Terrace L. Waggoner Jr.
[12]     J Anthony B Spalding, Barry L. Cole, Fraz A Mir: Advice for
medical students and practitioners with colour vision deficiency: a website
resource – Clin Exp Optom 2010; 93: 1: 39-41
[13]   (2009) 14 SCC 546
[14]   (2004) 6 SCC 708
[15]    (2003) 4 SCC 524
[16]   (2014) 14 SCC 383

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