Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 77 of 2016, Judgment Date: Jan 22, 2016

This Court in Babubhai (supra) while examining the  scope  of  Section
173(8) of the Code, did recall its observations in  Manu  Sharma  vs.  State
(NCT of Delhi), (2010) 6 SCC 1, that it is not only  the  responsibility  of
the investigating agency but as well  as  of  the  courts  to  ensure,  that
investigation is fair and does not in any  way  hamper  the  freedom  of  an
individual except in accordance with law.  It underlined, that  the  equally
enforceable canon of  criminal law is that  high  responsibility  lies  upon
the investigating agency, not to conduct an investigation in a  tainted  and
unfair manner and that such a drill should not prima facie be indicative  of
a biased mind and every effort should be made to bring the guilty to law  de
hors his position and influence in the society as nobody stands  above  law.
It propounded that the word “ordinarily” applied  under  Section  173(8)  of
the Code, did attest that if the investigation is  unfair  and  deliberately
incomplete and has been done in a manner with an object of helping a  party,
the court may  direct  normally  for  further  investigation,  and  not  for
reinvestigation. It was however added as a  sequiter   that  in  exceptional
circumstances, the court in order to prevent  the  miscarriage  of  criminal
justice, and  if  it  is  considered  necessary,  may  direct  for  de  novo
investigation as well.  It was observed that if  an  investigation  has  not
been conducted fairly, the resultant charge sheet would be invalid.  It  was
held as well, that  such  investigation  would  ultimately  prove  to  be  a
precursor of miscarriage of  criminal  justice  and  the  court  in  such  a
contingency would be left to guess or conjecture, as the whole  truth  would
not be forthcoming to it.  It was held that  fair investigation  is  a  part
of the constitutional rights guaranteed under Articles  20  and  21  of  the
Constitution of India and thus the investigating agency cannot be  permitted
to conduct  an  investigation  in  a  tainted  or  biased  manner.   It  was
emphasised that where non-interference of the court would ultimately  result
in failure of justice, the court must  interfere  and  in  the  interest  of
justice choose an independent agency to make a fresh investigation.
 That  not
only fair trial but fair investigation is also a part of the  constitutional
rights guaranteed under Articles 20 & 21 of the Constitution  of  India  and
therefore investigation ought to be fair,  transparent  and  judicious,  was
 A  trial  encompasses  investigation,  inquiry,  trial,  appeal  and
retrial i.e. the entire range of  scrutiny  including  crime  detection  and
adjudication on the basis thereof.  Jurisprudentially, the  guarantee  under
Article 21 embraces both the life and liberty of  the  accused  as  well  as
interest of the victim, his near and dear ones as well as of  the  community
at large and therefore cannot be alienated from each other with  levity.  It
is judicially acknowledged that fair trial includes  fair  investigation  as
envisaged by Articles 20 and 21 of the Constitution of India.  Though,  well
demarcated contours of crime detection and adjudication  do  exist,  if  the
investigation is neither effective nor purposeful nor  objective  nor  fair,
it would be the solemn obligation of the courts,  if  considered  necessary,
to order further investigation or reinvestigation as the  case  may  be,  to
discover the truth  so  as  to  prevent   miscarriage  of  the  justice.  No
inflexible guidelines or hard and fast rules as such can  be  prescribed  by
way  of  uniform  and  universal  invocation  and  the  decision  is  to  be
conditioned to the attendant facts and circumstances,  motivated  dominantly
by the predication of advancement of the cause of justice.
 The  expression  “fair  and   proper   investigation”   in   criminal
jurisprudence was held by this Court in Vinay Tyagi vs Irshad Ali  @  Deepak
and  others  (2013)5SCC  762  to  encompass  two  imperatives;  firstly  the
investigation must be unbiased, honest, just and in accordance with law  and
secondly, the entire emphasis  has to be to bring  out  the  truth   of  the
case before the court of competent jurisdiction.


                   IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                  CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 77  OF 2016

POOJA PAL                                                        .…APPELLANT


UNION OF INDIA AND ORS.                                       ...RESPONDENTS

                             J U D G M E N T


Leave granted.

2.    The appellant, widow of slain  Raju  Pal,  who  at  his  death  was  a
sitting M.L.A. of Uttar Pradesh State Assembly, is before this court in  her
relentless pursuit for securing  investigation  by  the  Central  Bureau  of
Investigation (CBI) into the stirring incident of murderous  attack  on  her
husband, snuffing their a week old marital  tie.  This  is  the  appellant's
second outing before this forum, she having been relegated  earlier  to  the
High Court, to seek the remedy  at  the  first  instance.  By  the  decision
impugned, the High Court has declined the relief sought for.

3.    We have heard  Mr.  R.  S.  Sodhi,  learned  senior  counsel  for  the
appellant, Ms. V. Mohana, learned senior counsel for the respondent  Nos.  1
& 2, Mr. P.N.Misra, learned senior counsel for the  respondent  No.  3   and
Mr. Manoj Goel, learned counsel for the respondent Nos. 4 and 5.

4.    The eventful factual backdrop is outlined by the available  pleadings.
 First the facts as narrated by the appellant.  In the bye-elections to  the
vacant seat of Allahabad (West)   State  Assembly,  held  in  the  month  of
October 2004, the same  having  been  vacated  on  the  resignation  of  its
incumbent Atiqe Ahmed, respondent No. 4, he having been elected as a  Member
of  Parliament  from  Phoolpur  constituency,  Allahabad,  the   appellant's
husband was elected thereto by defeating the nearest contender Mohd.  Ashraf
set-up by the Samajwadi  Party.  Whereas  the  appellant’s  husband  as  the
candidate of the Bahujan Samaj Party (for short hereinafter referred  to  as
“BSP.”) secured 70537 votes against 65713 votes  polled  by  the  respondent
No. 5, the other candidates representing the  Congress  and  Bhartiya  Janta
Party fared very poorly in comparison. According  to  the  appellant,  since
his defeat, Moh. Ashraf @ Khalid Azeem the respondent No. 5, along with  his
brother Atiqe Ahmed respondent No. 4 as well as the then Chief  Minister  of
the State had taken the set-back to be a  matter  of  personal  humiliation,
defeat and insult so much so that the respondent No. 4  declared  in  public
that the candidate elected would not be able to hold the seat for  long.  It
has been alleged  by  the  appellant  that  subsequent  thereto,  continuous
attempts were made to eliminate Raju Pal and that too  with  the  connivance
of the local police and at the instigation of  the  respondent  No.  4.  The
appellant has asserted that as a consequence, the  family  members  and  the
supporters of her  husband  very  often  were  assaulted  and  subjected  to
harassment by  arrests  by  the  police  and  hired  goons  engaged  by  the
respondent Nos. 4 and 5 and that  their  property  and  personal  belongings
were even destroyed.

5.    The appellant alleged as well that the respondent No. 5 was a  history
sheeter against whom several cases had been lodged involving the offence  of
murder, but on account of his political clout and  the  following  of  anti-
social elements, no  witness  would  even  dare  to  give  evidence  of  his
nefarious activities. This was more so, according to the  appellant,  as  he
enjoyed police patronage and protection. The  appellant  stated  that  after
the election of her husband as the Member of  the  Legislative  Assembly  on
16.10.2004,  three  abortive  attempts  were  made  on  his  life  and   the
properties belonging to him and  his  close  relatives  were  ransacked  and
taken away. The appellant mentioned that the last attempt  on  the  life  of
her husband before the gruesome  incident  was  made  on  28.12.2004.  Prior
thereto amongst others, an attempt was also made in the month  of  November,
2004, whereafter Raju Pal did submit a representation  to  the  Governor  of
the State on 04.11.2004, following which the said  constitutional  authority
had directed an inquiry to be made.

6.    According to the appellant  though  the  Governor  of  the  State  had
directed that additional security be provided to her  husband,  it  was  not
done and instead his existing security  staff  was  replaced  by  the  State
Government. Such was the animosity as alleged by  the  appellant,  that  the
State Government even had withdrawn Raju Pal's official  gunners  for  whose
timely intervention, he survived the attempt on his life  on  28.12.2004  by
the hired goons and henchmen of the respondent Nos. 4 and 5.  The  appellant
has alleged that the two official gunners of her husband  were  replaced  by
others on the choice of the local police and the desire  of  the  respondent
Nos. 4 and 5 to ensure that Raju Pal does not escape the next attempt.  That
in connection with the incident of 28.12.2004, Raju Pal had lodged  a  First
Information Report with the police in which he had named  these  respondents
has been stated as well.  This  notwithstanding,  buckling  under  political
pressure, the police even deleted the name of  respondent  No.  5  from  the
F.I.R. and made a formality of some investigation.

7.     The appellant has stated that  on  the  date  of  the  incident  i.e.
25.01.2005 at 3 P.M., her husband Raju  Pal  was  travelling  in  a  vehicle
accompanied by his two supporters Sandeep Yadav and Devi Lal Pal.   His  two
official gunners  instead  of  accompanying  him,  and  as  a  part  of  the
conspired plan were travelling in the second car  behind  his  vehicle.  The
vehicle in which the appellant's  husband  was  travelling  along  with  his
friend Singh Sahib and his wife on reaching Amit  Deep  Maruti  Agency,  was
intercepted and surrounded by eight persons, whereupon the respondent No.  5
Mohd. Ashraf shot him in his head.  In  course  of  the  shoot-out,  Sandeep
Yadav, Devi Dayal Pal and the appellant’s  husband  were  seriously  injured
and they eventually succumbed to the injuries.  The  appellant  has  alleged
that the official gunners, who were travelling in the car behind,  not  only
did not intervene or retaliate to save Raju  Pal  but  had  abandoned  their
vehicle. She has alleged that reportedly, a conspiracy was hatched  in  this
regard, at the political level in connivance with the  top  police  officers
including the Station Officer, Dhoomanganj, Shri Parshuram,  C.O.  (Police),
Civil Lines who were then present at the spot  alongwith  Superintendent  of
Police (City) & Deputy Inspector General  of  Police,  Allahabad  and  Atiqe
Ahmad, respondent No. 4.

8.    The appellant has stated as well  that  the  assailants  who  were  in
three different vehicles, left the site of the incident after  resorting  to
indiscriminate  firing,  whereupon  the  persons  present  along  with   the
supporters of the injured took Raju Pal out of the car and tried to rush  to
the hospital in a three-wheeler.  The appellant has mentioned  that  as  per
the account of the eyewitnesses present and as reported by  the  media,  the
assailants returned and opened indiscriminate fire on Raju Pal from a  close
range so as to ensure that he was dead.  That a third  attack  was  made  on
the injured Raju Pal from a point plank range  before  he  could  reach  the
hospital,  where  he  succumbed  to  his  injuries,  has  been   stated   in
categorical terms. According  to  the  appellant,  though  there  were  four
police stations on the route to the hospital, no police officer did  respond
or offer to help the injured or his companions in their last minute  bid  to
save their lives.

9.    The appellant on the very same date i.e. 25.01.2005    filed  the  FIR
at 4.30 P.M., narrating  the  incident  and  also  mentioning  clearly,  the
involvement of the respondent No. 4 as the brain behind the murder and  that
the respondent No. 5 had shot Raju Pal in the head. The FIR  was  registered
as  31/2005 dated 25.01.2005 of Dhoomanganj Police Station, Allahabad,  U.P.
under Sections 147, 148, 149, 302, 307, 120B IPC.

10.   The incident received rave media coverage as  would  be  evident  from
the following extract of a news item of the daily “Times of  India”:   (para
No. 21of Writ Petition)

“Eyewitnesses said the assailants, who were  about  two  dozen  in  numbers,
came in two Tata  sumos  and  opened  indiscriminate  fire  when  the  MLA’s
vehicle reached the Chaufatka petrol pump. Pal,  who  was  in  the  driver’s
seat, was hit several times in the neck, chest and stomach.
His supporters immediately put him in an auto and rushed him  to  a  private
nursing home in Rain Bagh area. The assailants,  however,  continued  firing
even on the auto to ensure his death. At  the  Fire  Brigade  crossing,  the
assailants again  opened  fire.   Just  after  reaching  the  hospital,  Pal
succumbed to his injuries. Two police  gunners  of  Pal  reportedly  escaped
from the scene.
Though the assailants kept on shooting at Pal on the entire stretch  between
Chaufatka  and  the  nursing  home  covering   four   police   stations   of
Dhoomangang, Cantt. Civil Lines and Kotwali, the police failed to react.”

11.   The appellant has further  stated  that  the  body  of  Raju  Pal  was
thereafter  taken  into  custody  by  deploying  heavy  police   force   and
thereafter a show of the post mortem  was done hurriedly & secretly  at  the
Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital at about  03.15  A.M.  in  the  morning  of  25-
26/01/2005 without any information to the appellant  or  any  family  member
and in total violation of all norms pertaining  to  autopsy.  The  appellant
has stated that purposefully in order to ensure that  the  prosecution  case
is rendered weak, the injuries  indicated  in  the  postmortem  report  were
described in a manner to be rendered doubtful to have  been  caused  by  the
two weapons recovered i.e., one DBBL  Gun  and  one  30  Spring  Rifle.  The
appellant  has  thus  stated  that  the  charge-sheet  that  was  eventually
submitted was merely an eye-wash to save the respondent Nos. 4, 5 and  their
accomplices on  one  hand  and  to  rule  out  the  possibility  of  further
investigation by the CBI  and  in  the  process  hush  up  the  true  facts.
According to her, the dead body of the Raju Pal was thereafter  cremated  in
the early morning of 26.01.2005 at Daraganj crematorium, but  neither  prior
thereto, it was handed to the appellant nor the ashes  were  made  available
to her.  As a matter of fact, the dead body was cremated as  if  it  was  an
unclaimed body though the deceased was a sitting Member of  the  Legislative
Assembly of the State and his identity  was  well  known  to  all  concerned
including the police.

12.      Even  the  representation  made  by  the  mother  of  Raju  Pal  on
26.01.2005 to the Senior Superintendent of Police  to  hand  over  the  dead
body of her son to her for final rites  was  not  heeded  too.  All  fervent
requests and appeals made by her in this regard failed.  The  appellant  has
alleged that not only she as a widow was given a chance to  have  a  parting
glance of the body  of  her  husband,  the  dead  bodies  were  disposed  of
hurriedly without any notice to her as well as other family members of  Raju
Pal presumably to wipe off all possible clues  in  support  of  the  heinous
crime. The appellant was married to the deceased Raju Pal only on  16.1.2005
i.e. hardly a week before the tragic incident.

13.   The appellant has stated as well that having regard to  the  perceived
involvement of the state administration and  the police  in  particular,  in
the perpetration of the crime and their passive and indifferent  disposition
in taking steps as required in  law,   it  was  felt  by  all  right  minded
quarters that investigation by the C.B.I.  was  indispensably  warranted  to
unearth the diabolic plot and  identify  the  persons  involved,  so  as  to
ensure an  impartial  and  meaningful  enquiry  for  justice.  In  spite  of
repeated representations, though submitted by the appellant herself and  the
then President of the BSP, U.P. before the Governor, Chief  Minister,  Chief
Secretary etc. of the State expressing in clear terms that no impartial  and
dispassionate probe by the state  police  was  possible  in  the  facts  and
circumstances of the case and having regard to  the  persons  involved,  and
that the exercise ought to be handed over to the C.B.I., the  same  did  not
meet with any favourable response.

14.   Instead, as asserted by the appellant, by way of  retaliation  to  the
public outcry against the ruthless and savage  assassination  of   Raju  Pal
and his two associates, the police authorities went  berserk in  the  entire
city and they  forcibly  trespassed  into  the  houses  of  such  residents,
mercilessly assaulted them, including  old  women  and  children,  ransacked
their belongings and threatened and intimidated them  of  dire  consequences
if they did not refrain from their agitation for  a  C.B.I.  inquiry.   This
high handed action of the police force also received  media  coverage,  both
print and electronic. The writ petition further discloses that  for  reasons
unfathomable,  the  investigation  of  the  incident  was  soon   thereafter
transferred from Station House Officer, Dhoomanganj to  a  Police  Inspector
posted in another police station,  in  violation  of  the  G.O.  No.  DG-7-S
(253)/198 dated 21.03.2000.

15.   While mentioning that with the installation of the Samajwadi Party  in
power, there was an upsurge in the crimes, the  appellant  has  referred  as
well to the criminal antecedents of the respondent No. 5,  tracing  back  to
the year 1979, when he was  accused of  murdering  a  contractor  in  Bihar.
According to her, this respondent has been  booked  in  a  number  of  cases
under Sections 302 and  307  IPC  as  well  as  amongst  others,  under  the
Gangster Act, National Security Act and   had  been  identified  also  as  a
member of  the  interstate  gang  in  December  2002.   Accusing  the  State
Government,  the above notwithstanding, of bestowing its generosity  on  him
as well as his brother, the appellant has also referred  to  a  list  of  20
criminal cases registered against the respondent  No.  5  in  which  efforts
were being made to withdraw the same.  The list of cases, as set-out in  the
writ petition involves offences inter alia, under Sections  302,  307,  149,
120B IPC as well as under the Arms Act and Gangster Act.  The appellant  has
been candid enough to state in no uncertain terms, that though the  evidence
was galore against the respondent Nos. 4 and 5 and their accomplices in  the
commission of murder of her husband, conscious and  intentional  steps  were
taken by the state administration and the police to  shield  them  therefrom
due to political and other influence wielded by  them.   In  endorsement  of
this accusation, the appellant has referred to as well  some  excerpts  from
the writ petition filed by the Station House Officer  Shri  Parshuram  Singh
in Civil Writ Petition  No.  34265/2005  challenging  his  suspension.  This
police officer who was in-charge  of  the  investigation  of  incident  made
serious allegations against the senior police officers in their  attempt  to
efface evidence against the respondent Nos. 4, 5 and their henchmen  in  the
following terms: (page No. 126 of Writ Petition)

“25 -That, on 27.01.2005, one of the main accused Ashraf alias  Khalid  Azim
was arrested in Lucknow and brought  to  Allahabad  in  tight  security  two
other accused were also arrested by the  petitioner  on  30.01.2005,  namely
Farhan Ahmed and Ranjeet Pal  and  a  DBBL  Gun  and  life  cartridges  were
recovered from their possession. True photo and typed  copy  of  the  F.I.R.
and Recovery Memo are collectively enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure-
5, to this writ petition.

26  -   That,  the  respondent  No.  2,  Shri  Sunil  Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,
Allahabad, because of the reason  better  known  to  him,  he  told  to  the
petitioner the empty cartridge of thirty spring rifle not be  shown  in  the
G.D. but the petitioner refused to do so. The respondent No. 2,  Shri  Sunil
Kumar Gupta, S.S.P., Allahabad, also told to the petitioner that Ashraf  and
Atiqe not be made main accused in the case crime No. 34/05, Police  Station,
Dhoomanganj, Allahabad.

27 -  That, on 30.01.2005, on the day of arrest of Farhan Ahmed and  Ranjeet
Pal, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta, S.S.P.,  Allahabad,  told
to the petitioner these two accused be kept  in  curtain  (Baparda)  do  not
produce the accused before media,  the  petitioner  denied  as  the  accused
persons are local resident and they are publicly known criminals  therefore,
no meaning to put them in curtain.

28-That, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,  Allahabad,
also, told the petitioner, the DBBL Gun recovered  from  the  possession  of
Farhan Ahmed and Ranjeet Pal also be changed but the petitioner  denied  and
showed the same DBBL Gun in the  records  which  was  recovered  from  their

 29 -That, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta, S.S.P.,  Allahabad,
has motive to save the main accused Ashraf and Atiqe Ahmed from  the  charge
of murder of M.L.A, Raju Pal. The respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar  Gupta,
S.S.P., Allahabad, handled by the political leaders of the ruling  Samajwadi
party and he was doing in the manner  for  tempering  the  evidence  of  the
murder against the main accused  Ashraf  and  Atiqe  Ahmed  as  directed  by
leaders of ruling Samajwadi Party.

30- But the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil  Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,  Allahabad,
suspended the petitioner in the evening  of  30.1.2005,  alleging  that  the
murder of Raju Pal was occurred and he could not  control  the  disturbances
after the murder of M.L.A. Raju Pal.

31 -That, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,  Allahabad
suspended the petitioner to help the accused persons as the  respondent  No.
2, Shri Sunil Gupta, S.S.P., Allahabad, several times  told  to  change  the
facts that shows the interest of respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil  Kumar  Gupta,
S.S.P., Allahabad, in saving accused persons.

32-That, in as much as the investigation which was being carried out by  the
petitioner was transferred to  one  Inspector,  Police  Station  Colonelganj
Inspector Surendra Singh.

33- That, the one of the main accused Atiqe Ahmed, Member of Parliament  now
was released on bail and he mounted  pressure  on  respondent  No.  2,  Shri
Sunil Kumar Gupta, S.S.P., Allahabad,  for  transferring  the  Investigation
Officer Inspector Surendra Singh and transferring the petitioner  any  other
place ahead from Allahabad.

34- That, the Respondent No. 2,  wrote  a  D.O.  letter  on  15.04.2005,  to
D.I.G.  Range,  for  transferring  the  petitioner  under  suspension   from
District Allahabad to any other district, the respondent No. 2,  Shri  Sunil
Kumar, S.S.P., Allahabad, recommended transfer  of  the  petitioner  in  the
pressure of Atiqe Ahmed, Member  of  Parliament  who  is  one  of  the  main
accused in the murder of M.L.A. Raju Pal. True photo and typed copy  of  the
D.O. letter dated 15.04.2005, of respondent No. 2, is enclosed herewith  and
marked as Annexure–6 to this writ petition.

  35-   That,  the  Colonelganj  Inspector  Surendra  Singh,  who  was   the
Investigating Officer in  this  case,  was  suddenly  relieved  of  all  the
responsibilities and has been posted to Jhansi. At the  same  time,  efforts
were on to ensure the removal of Dhoomanganj Station Officer the  petitioner
around the time of the murder and get him posted  to  some  other  district.
The only fault of both these Investigating Officers was that  they  did  not
succumb to the pressure exerted by their superiors and went ahead  with  the
investigation in the right manner _ _ _ _

According to sources, some senior  police  officers  of  the  district  were
putting pressure on the Investigating Officer to replace the gun  with  some
other weapon.  But  the  investigator  did  not  relent  and  forwarded  the
recovered pistol and the gun for a forensic test. The  tests  revealed  that
two of the six empty cartridges, also found at the scene of crime, had  been
fired  from  the  recovered  DBBL  Gun.  All  along  the   course   of   the
investigation, some senior  police  officers  had  been  making  efforts  to
persuade the investigator to shift the focus of his investigation  from  the
named accused Samajwadi Party Member  of  Parliament  Atiqe  Ahmed  and  his
brother Ashraf, and bring into focus the personal enmity angle of the  slain
M.L.A. as the cause behind his murder.  The fact that  the  police  officers
of the  district  were  working  under  tremendous  political  pressure  was
evident from the way they had been working.”

16.   On the basis of these foundational facts,  the  appellant  has  prayed
for an appropriate writ or a direction in the nature of mandamus,  directing
the official respondents to entrust a fresh investigation into  the  episode
by the C.B.I.

17.   As abovestated, the  appellant  had  approached  this  Court  earlier,
seeking its intervention for an appropriate direction for  investigation  of
the incident by the CBI.  This was, to reiterate, as the appellant nursed  a
deep rooted impression, in view of overwhelming sinister background and  the
sequence of events culminating in the gruesome murder of her  husband,  that
the  crime  had  been  committed  with  the  tacit  support  of  the  police
administration and covert approval of the authorities in power.   In  course
of the hearing before this Court in the earlier proceedings  afore-mentioned
and registered as Writ Petition (Crl.) Nos. 118-119  of  2005,  the  learned
counsel for the appellant sought to withdraw the same,  so as to enable  her
to file an appropriate writ petition before the High Court seeking the  same

18.   By order dated 03.05.2006, the prayer made was allowed, requiring  the
appellant to file the writ  petition  as  proposed  before  the  High  Court
within a period of two weeks therefrom.  It was observed that if it  was  so
done, till the disposal of the writ petition,  the  respondent  State  would
provide necessary security to  the  appellant  and  her  mother-in-law  (co-
appellant before this Court).  Further proceedings of the Trial  Court  were
ordered to remain stayed till the disposal of the  writ  petition  if  filed
within the period of two weeks as  permitted  and  a  request  was  made  to
dispose of the same as expeditiously as  possible.  In  compliance  of  this
order the appellant alone filed a writ  petition  which  was  registered  as
W.P.(Crl.) No.6209 of 2006 within the time allowed.

19.   While the  Writ  Petition  was  thus  pending,  by  letter  No.-  Home
(Police)   Section-11,   Lucknow    No.2169/6-Pu-11-7-06(writ)/2006    dated
15.05.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Personnel, Government  of
India, New Delhi, the State Government conveyed  its  decision  to  get  the
investigation of the case conducted through the CBI and requested  that  the
steps be taken accordingly and to keep the State Government apprised of  the
action taken.  The  consent  of  the  State  Government  as  required  under
Section 6 of the Delhi  Special  Police  Establishment  Act,  1946  to  this
effect was also appended to  the  said  letter.   As  the  case  number  was
wrongly mentioned therein, correction to the said  effect  was  communicated
vide   letter   No.Home/Police/Section-11,   Lucknow   No.3636/6-Pu-11.05.06
(writ)/2005 dated 14.08.2007.

20.   At this stage, in view of this development, a submission was  made  on
behalf of the State Government  before  the  High  Court,  bringing  to  its
notice, the same.  Consequently by order dated 11.07.2007,  the  High  Court
being of the view that the relief sought for in the writ petition  had  been
granted by  the  State  Government  by  making  a  request  to  the  Central
Government to get the case investigated  by  the  CBI,  dismissed  the  writ

21.   As the records would reveal, the appellant on the very same date  i.e.
11.07.2007 filed an  application  for  restoration  of  the  writ  petition,
contending principally that though the request had been made  by  the  State
Government, a decision in affirmation of the  Central  Government,  agreeing
to the investigation of the case being conducted by the CBI was awaited  and
thus the writ petition ought not to have been dismissed as infructuous.   An
application was also filed, requesting the  High  Court  to  list  the  writ
petition  for  appropriate  orders.   As  the  order  sheet  of   the   writ
proceedings  before  the  High  Court  would   disclose,   the   restoration
application  was  kept  pending,  awaiting  the  decision  of  the   Central
Government on the request  of  the  State  Government.   The  Government  of
India, Ministry of Personnel and Public Grievances and  Pension  (Department
of Personnel and Training) eventually, vide letter  No.228/29/2007  -  A.V.D
Govt. of India..….1212/PGS/MS/2008 dated  18.01.2008  declined  to  get  the
case investigated by the CBI.  The contents of  the  letter  would  disclose
that the decision conveyed thereby was preceded by an inquiry said  to  have
been made  by  the  concerned  Department  in  consultation  with  the  CBI.
Pendency of the writ petition filed  by  the  appellant,  seeking  the  same
relief was also referred to as a consideration. It was  mentioned  as  well,
that the State Government had not stated any other  reason  to  justify  the
investigation to  be  conducted  by  the  CBI.   According  to  the  Central
Government, the trial of the  case  was  pending,  the  proceedings  whereof
however have been stayed by the High Court and that there was no  interstate
or international ramification of the case so  as  to  warrant  investigation
thereof by the CBI.

22.   In the wake of the rejection of the request for investigation  of  the
case by the CBI,  the  appellant  applied  for  an  amendment  of  the  writ
petition, by incorporating the required  facts  pertaining  to  the  process
related thereto and also prayed  for  the  annulment  of  the  letter  dated
18.01.2008 of the Central Government.  In the facts pleaded to that  effect,
she averred that during the trial, the respondent Nos. 4 & 5 had  threatened
the eye witnesses and did impeach the decision  of  the  Central  Government
disallowing the request  for  investigation  of  the  case  by  the  CBI  as
mechanical and prompted by surmises and conjectures.   She  did  furnish  as
well, the particulars of the cases in which the  respondent  No.4  &  5  had
been involved in  kidnapping  and  abduction  as  well,  as  elimination  of
witnesses  who  could  otherwise  withstand  their  pressure  and  displayed
courage to disclose the truth in  support  of  the  charge  leveled  against
them.  Following  the  refusal  of  the  Central   Government,   the   state
government, however shifted the investigation to  the  CBCID  and  meanwhile
both the state police and CBCID have submitted chargesheets.

23.   Be that as it may, the High Court eventually by the impugned  judgment
and order has dismissed the writ petition.  It held the  view  that  if  the
appellant was not satisfied with the charge-sheet  submitted  by  the  Civil
Police as well as the CB CID  and  the  materials  collected  by  these  two
agencies in course of their separate and independent investigation,  and  is
also of the view that further  investigation  was  required,  or  that  some
additional evidence was to be collected, she  was  at  liberty  to  file  an
application before the Magistrate concerned to that effect so as  to  enable
the trial court to pass appropriate orders thereon.  It  further  held  that
so far as the adduction of additional evidence was concerned, the  appellant
would have every opportunity to produce the same or  ask  therefor  also  by
making an appropriate application at the time of trial.

24.   Before adverting to the rival submissions, it would be apt  to  notice
the pleaded stand of the respondents in  substance.   The  state  government
has admitted  the  incident  in  which  the  appellant’s  husband  had  been
assassinated on 25.01.2005 along with two others namely  Sandeep  Yadav  and
Devi  Dayal  Pal  in  a  shootout.   It  has  not  disputed  as  well,   the
registration  of  the  information  of  the  said  incident  under  Sections
148/147/149/302/307 and 120B of the IPC against  respondents  No.  4,5   and
seven others at Dhoomganj Police Station.  That  on  27.01.2005,  the  state
police had arrested respondent Nos. 4 & 5 in connection of the incident  has
also been admitted.  The state government  has placed on  record,  that  the
state police on  the  completion  of  the  investigation  in  the  case  has
submitted a charge-sheet on 08.04.2005 against respondent Nos.  4,5   and  9
others together with a list of 27 witnesses.

25.   It disclosed as well that after the submission  of  the  charge-sheet,
the case was committed to the  Court  of  Sessions  and  was  registered  as
Session Trial No.24/2006 whereafter, the trial had begun only to  be  stayed
by this Court on  03.05.2006  vide  its  order  to  that  effect  passed  in
W.P.(Crl.) No.118-119 filed  by  the  appellant  under  Article  32  of  the
Constitution of India.

26.   It mentioned as well that during the pendency of  the  writ  petition,
filed after the disposal of the proceedings before  this  Court,  the  state
government had accorded its sanction for investigation of this case  by  the
CBI and the communication to this effect was forwarded to  the  Ministry  of
Personnel, Government of  India.   That  however  the  Government  of  India
refused to accede to the request, being of the view that it was  not  a  fit
case for investigation for the CBI was stated as well.

27.   According to the state government, on  such  refusal  of  the  Central
Government, it transferred the investigation of the case  to  CB  CID  which
after the completion of the investigation submitted three  charge-sheets  on
10.01.2009, 04.04.2009 and  24.12.2009,  adding  to  the  array  of  accused
persons and also the witnesses in support of the charge.

28.   While stoutly denying the allegation of  indifference  and  apathy  to
secure an impartial and effective investigation and instead a tacit  support
of  the  offending  act,   it  has  asserted,  that  having  regard  to  the
constricted scope of ordering investigation of a case by the  CBI,  no  such
direction as sought for is warranted in the facts and circumstances  of  the
case.  It has emphatically asserted that the said  police  as  well  as  the
CBCID had conducted proper investigations and in the process, did not  spare
anyone found involved in the incident.  It has  denied  in  emphatic  terms,
the involvement of the  said  machinery  in  any  conspiracy,   its  support
thereto and intentional distortions in the investigation  to  bail  out  the
culprits of the offence.  It pleaded that the  dead  bodies  had  been  duly
received by the concerned family members and that  cremations  of  Raju  Pal
was performed by the one of his first cousins.  It has been stated  as  well
that the postmortem examination of Raju Pal was undertaken  by  a  panel  of
doctors and that the allegations made by the appellant that  the  dead  body
of her husband was secretly and hastily cremated without  handing  over  the
same to his relations and that the postmortem examination  was  deliberately
skewed are palpable  falsehood.   It  also  denied  the  allegation  of  the
appellant that the respondent No. 4 had sophisticated firearms including AK-
47 and AK-56 had been used in the incident.  It disclosed as  well  that  at
the time of his death, there were several criminal cases registered  against
Raju Pal including the offence of murder and attempt to murder and  that  he
had many enemies who could have shared the motive to liquidate him.

29.   The respondent No. 4 while emphatically  denying  his  involvement  as
well as the complicity of his brother in the incident, in substance  accused
the appellant of falsely implicating them as her  political  rivals  and  of
keeping  the  proceedings  pending  so  as  to  derive   political   mileage
therefrom.   He  alleged  as  well,  that  the  appellant  had  deliberately
protracted the proceedings inter alia by omitting to  take  necessary  steps
so as to use the same to promote  her  political  prospects  riding  on  the
sympathy wave  induced  by  the  murder  of  her  husband.    The  answering
respondent has averred that thereby the appellant  has  been  successful  in
getting elected to the State Assembly for  two  successive  terms.   It  has
been stated further that within a couple of days of  the  formation  of  the
Government in the State by the Bahujan Samaj  Party,  the  State  Government
did refer the case to the Central Government for investigation  by  the  CBI
and having failed in  its  endeavour  to  do  so,  they  took  a   conscious
decision to transfer the investigation thereof to the CBCID  on  10.12.2008.
The answering respondent has  emphasized  that  the  appellant  has  neither
challenged the decision of transferring the investigation to CBCID  nor  the
charge-sheets submitted by the said agency on the  completion  of  the  said
investigation.  According  to the answering respondent,  the  appellant  has
also not pointed out any fault or deficiency in the investigation  conducted
by  the  CBCID  and  that   her  insistence  for  further  investigation  or
reinvestigation by the CBI is wholly impermissible in law.

30.   The CBI in its turn while  reiterating  the  intervening  developments
pertaining to the investigation conducted by the State Police and the  CBCID
has pleaded that after a lapse of 10 years from  the  incident,  no  purpose
would be served by any investigation by it at this stage.   It  has  averred
as well that the case does not involve any larger  public  interest  or  any
interstate or international ramification.  That it is  already  overburdened
with the  investigation/inquiry  of  different  cases  entrusted  to  it  by
various High Courts and this Court has  been  mentioned.   It  has  asserted
that having regard to the state of law laid  down  by  this  court  and  the
contingencies in which  investigation by the CBI is called  for,  the  facts
and circumstances of the case do not merit any such direction.

31.    In the above contentious premise, Mr. Sodhi has assiduously   argued,
that the run up of facts leading to the merciless murder of the  appellant’s
husband,  the conspicuous impassive response  of  the  state  machinery   to
ensure his  safety  and  security  as  well  as  the  shoddy  and  purported
investigation by  the  state  police  as  a  casual  completion  of  routine
formalities, warrant a fair and impartial probe by  the  CBI.   The  learned
senior counsel has urged that the onetime readiness of the State  Government
to handover  the  investigation  to  the  CBI   unambiguously  reflects  its
satisfaction as well of such essentiality  to  espouse  the  cause  of  even
handed justice.  According to him, the rejection  of  the   request  of  the
state government to  this  effect  by  the   Central  Government  is  wholly
mechanical and without any application of mind to the factors  relevant  and
germane and thus the decision to  that  effect  is  liable  to  be  adjudged
illegal, null and void.  Not only at the point  of  time  when  the  Central
Government refused to accede to the request for investigation  by  the  CBI,
the Writ Petition filed by the Appellant before  the  High  Court  had  been
closed, there is nothing on record to even  suggest  that   any  independent
endeavour had been made by the Central Government to  make  a  dispassionate
evaluation of the  overall  facts  thus  rendering  its  decision  arbitrary
unfair and unjust.  Mr. Sodhi has maintained that not  only  the  manner  in
which the daring offence was committed was shocking to  every  right  minded
person of the society; it signalled as well, an  apparent  collapse  of  the
administrative machinery of a democracy committed to the solemn  promise  of
guaranteeing protection of life and liberty of its  citizens.   The  learned
senior counsel  argued  that  the  cruel  and  barbaric  crime  having  been
committed in the broad day light in public view,  there  are  still  several
eye-witnesses available who are genuinely willing to testify about the  same
to bring the real culprits to book and thus in  the  interest  of  fair  and
impartial investigation and to obviate any  possibility  of  miscarriage  of
justice, it is imperative to entrust the probe to  the  CBI.   According  to
Mr. Sodhi, the testimony of the witnesses  so  far  examined  at  the  trial
clearly demonstrate their hostile and non-cooperative approach which per  se
suggests that they must have been won  over  in  between,  leaving  a  bleak
chance for the  prosecution  to  succeed.   This  unmistakably  affirms  the
apprehension of the appellant vis-à-vis  quality  and  authenticity  of  the
investigation undertaken by the state police and the CBCID, he urged.

32.   The learned senior counsel maintained that if the formalities  of  the
trial with the materials so far collected in the investigation  are  allowed
to be completed being unmindful of the consequences thereof, it would  be  a
travesty of justice and a servile subjugation of the process of law  to  the
minatory  reflexes  of  the  daring  and  audacious    violators   of   law.
Reiterating the imputations made in the writ petition vis-à-vis the role  of
the state instrumentalities and the police in particular,  as  well  as  the
culpability  of  respondent  Nos.  4  &  5,    Mr.  Sodhi  has  argued  that
entrustment of the  investigation  to  the  CBI  would  not  prejudice   the
respondents  in  any  manner  and  that  it  would  secure  the   obligatory
requirement  of  a  fair,  effective   and   impartial   inquisition,   more
particularly when witnesses of the incident are still available,   but  need
to be appropriately identified,  interrogated and assured  of  their  safety
to disclose the truth.  Mr. Sodhi has argued that it is a fit case  for  the
judiciary  to  intervene  both  in  the  individual  as   well   as   social
perspectives in order to discourage such villainous outrages and  sustain  a
just and law abiding citizenry.  He rested his submissions on the  following
decisions: Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh and Anr.  vs.  State  of  Gujarat  and
Ors. (2004)4 SCC 158, State of West Bengal  and  others  vs.  Committee  for
Protection of Democratic Rights, West Bengal and  others  (2010)3  SCC  571,
Babubhai vs. State of Gujarat and others (2010)12  SCC  254,  Mohd.  Hussain
alias Julfikar Ali vs. State (Government of NCT of Delhi)  (2012)9 SCC  408,
Bharati Tamang vs. Union of India and others  (2013)15 SCC 578.

33.   Mr. Misra, learned senior counsel  representing  the  State  not  only
dismissed  emphatically  the  allegations  of  tacit  involvement   of   the
administration and the police in the design and execution of the offence  as
alleged in order to  eliminate the appellant’s husband, he argued  as  well,
that the decision to handover the investigation of the case to the CBI  does
not only neuter such accusation, but also  establish  irrefutably  the  bona
fide of the state government.

34.   The learned  senior  counsel  pointed  out  that  in  absence  of  any
allegation whatsoever of the appellant against the  investigation  conducted
by the CBCID, her persistent requests for transferring the investigation  to
the CBI is fallacious and unsustainable in law.  Mr.  Misra  has  maintained
that not only the insistence  for the transfer of the investigation  to  the
CBI, in the face of successive probes made  by  the  state  police  and  the
CBCID is uncalled for in absence of any deficiency  or  defect  decipherable
therein, it is impermissible  as well, at this belated  stage.    Mr.  Misra
has argued that even otherwise such a  transfer  of  investigation  even  if
allowed, it would be fatal for the prosecution as at this distant  point  of
time not only the witnesses would be unavailable and even if available  they
would decline to testify.  The learned senior  counsel  has  urged  as  well
that as the trial is pending and  the  respondent  Nos.  4  &  5  and  other
accused persons are  subjected  thereto,  the   relief  sought  for  by  the
appellant is prematured as well.

35.   Mr. Goel representing respondent Nos. 4 & 5  while  supplementing  the
assertions made on behalf of the State has submitted that  the  introduction
of a fresh investigating agency, at this stage  is  not  only  impermissible
in law but also would have the potential of  protracting the trial  further,
in violation of  the  fundamental  right  to  life  of  his  respondents  as
guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution  of  India.   Reiterating  that
the facts do not demonstrate a faulty or incomplete investigation by  either
the state police or the CBCID, the learned counsel has maintained  that  the
appellant has resorted to this delaying  tactics  to  promote  her  election
prospects and political future.  While underlining that  the  writ  petition
filed by the Investigating Officer Parsuram Singh alleging pressure  on  him
by his higher  ups  to  misdirect  the  investigation,  has  meanwhile  been
dismissed on merits, the learned senior counsel argued  that  the  averments
even if accepted to be  true,  did  in  fact   vouchsafe  the  fairness  and
impartiality of the investigation conducted by the state police.   Mr.  Goel
has urged that as the trial is pending, any intervention of  this  Court  to
induct another investigating agency on the basis  of  deductions  made  from
the  testimony  of  hostile   witnesses,   would   amount   to   unwarranted
interference with the  trial  which  would  be  highly  prejudicial  to  the
parties. Reiterating  that  the  present  initiative  of  the  appellant  is
clearly a political vendetta  against  the  private  respondents  being  her
rivals,  the  learned  counsel  has  asserted  that  there  is  neither  any
exceptional circumstance nor any justifiable  reason  in  law  to  direct  a
reinvestigation by the CBI when the trial is  underway.   He  dismissed  the
authorities cited on behalf of the appellant as inapplicable  to  the  facts
of the case, being rendered in the textual  facts  disclosing  vitiation  of
trials.  The following decisions were cited to buttress the above pleas:

State of West Bengal and others vs. Sampat Lal and others (1985) 1 SCC  317;

Vineet Narain and others vs. Union of India and another (1996) 2 SCC 199

 Union of India and others vs. Sushil Kumar Modi and others   (1998)  8  SCC

Common Cause, A Registered Society  vs. Unon of India and others  (1999)6SCC

Secretary, Minor Irrigation & Rural Engineering Services,  U.P.  and  Others
vs. Sahngoo Ram Arya and Anr.  (2002)5 SCC 521

 State of West Bengal and Ors. vs. Committee for  Protection  of  Democratic
Rights, West Bengal and Ors.  (supra)

 Disha vs. State of Gujarat & Ors. (2011)13 SCC 337

K.V. Rajendran vs. Superintendent of Police, CBCID South Zone,  Chennai  and
Ors. (2013) 12 SCC 480

Hussainara Khatoon & others vs. Home Secretary, State of Bihar  (1980)1  SCC

Abdul Rehman Antulay and others vs. R.S. Nayak and another (1992)1SCC 225

P. Ramachandra Rao vs. State of Karnataka (2002)4SCC 578

Vakil Prasad Singh vs. State of Bihar (2009)3SCC 355

Kashmeri Devi vs. Delhi Administration and another 1988 (Suppl.) SCC 482

Gudalure M.J. Cherian and others vs. Union of India and others (1992) 1  SCC

Punjab and Haryana  High  Court  Bar  Association,  Chandigarh  through  its
Secretary vs. State of Punjab and others (1994)1SCC 616

Inder Singh vs. State of Punjab and others (1994)6SCC 275

Rubabbuddin Sheikh vs. State of Gujarat  and others (2010) 2 SCC 200

36.   Ms. Mohana representing the Union of India endorsed  its  decision  of
not entrusting the investigation to the CBI and  contended  that  the  facts
and  circumstances  did  not  convincibly  demonstrate  any  flaw   in   the
investigation undertaken by the state police or the CBCID.   In  support  of
this assertion, she relied upon the decisions of  this  Court  in  Committee
for Protection of Democratic Rights (supra),   K. Saravanan Karuppasamy  and
another vs. State of Tamil Nadu and Ors. (2014) (10) SCC 406, Sudipta  Lenka
vs. State of Odisha and Others. (2014) 11 SCC 527.

                   IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                  CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 77  OF 2016

POOJA PAL                                                        .…APPELLANT


UNION OF INDIA AND ORS.                                       ...RESPONDENTS

                             J U D G M E N T


Leave granted.

2.    The appellant, widow of slain  Raju  Pal,  who  at  his  death  was  a
sitting M.L.A. of Uttar Pradesh State Assembly, is before this court in  her
relentless pursuit for securing  investigation  by  the  Central  Bureau  of
Investigation (CBI) into the stirring incident of murderous  attack  on  her
husband, snuffing their a week old marital  tie.  This  is  the  appellant's
second outing before this forum, she having been relegated  earlier  to  the
High Court, to seek the remedy  at  the  first  instance.  By  the  decision
impugned, the High Court has declined the relief sought for.

3.    We have heard  Mr.  R.  S.  Sodhi,  learned  senior  counsel  for  the
appellant, Ms. V. Mohana, learned senior counsel for the respondent  Nos.  1
& 2, Mr. P.N.Misra, learned senior counsel for the  respondent  No.  3   and
Mr. Manoj Goel, learned counsel for the respondent Nos. 4 and 5.

4.    The eventful factual backdrop is outlined by the available  pleadings.
 First the facts as narrated by the appellant.  In the bye-elections to  the
vacant seat of Allahabad (West)   State  Assembly,  held  in  the  month  of
October 2004, the same  having  been  vacated  on  the  resignation  of  its
incumbent Atiqe Ahmed, respondent No. 4, he having been elected as a  Member
of  Parliament  from  Phoolpur  constituency,  Allahabad,  the   appellant's
husband was elected thereto by defeating the nearest contender Mohd.  Ashraf
set-up by the Samajwadi  Party.  Whereas  the  appellant’s  husband  as  the
candidate of the Bahujan Samaj Party (for short hereinafter referred  to  as
“BSP.”) secured 70537 votes against 65713 votes  polled  by  the  respondent
No. 5, the other candidates representing the  Congress  and  Bhartiya  Janta
Party fared very poorly in comparison. According  to  the  appellant,  since
his defeat, Moh. Ashraf @ Khalid Azeem the respondent No. 5, along with  his
brother Atiqe Ahmed respondent No. 4 as well as the then Chief  Minister  of
the State had taken the set-back to be a  matter  of  personal  humiliation,
defeat and insult so much so that the respondent No. 4  declared  in  public
that the candidate elected would not be able to hold the seat for  long.  It
has been alleged  by  the  appellant  that  subsequent  thereto,  continuous
attempts were made to eliminate Raju Pal and that too  with  the  connivance
of the local police and at the instigation of  the  respondent  No.  4.  The
appellant has asserted that as a consequence, the  family  members  and  the
supporters of her  husband  very  often  were  assaulted  and  subjected  to
harassment by  arrests  by  the  police  and  hired  goons  engaged  by  the
respondent Nos. 4 and 5 and that  their  property  and  personal  belongings
were even destroyed.

5.    The appellant alleged as well that the respondent No. 5 was a  history
sheeter against whom several cases had been lodged involving the offence  of
murder, but on account of his political clout and  the  following  of  anti-
social elements, no  witness  would  even  dare  to  give  evidence  of  his
nefarious activities. This was more so, according to the  appellant,  as  he
enjoyed police patronage and protection. The  appellant  stated  that  after
the election of her husband as the Member of  the  Legislative  Assembly  on
16.10.2004,  three  abortive  attempts  were  made  on  his  life  and   the
properties belonging to him and  his  close  relatives  were  ransacked  and
taken away. The appellant mentioned that the last attempt  on  the  life  of
her husband before the gruesome  incident  was  made  on  28.12.2004.  Prior
thereto amongst others, an attempt was also made in the month  of  November,
2004, whereafter Raju Pal did submit a representation  to  the  Governor  of
the State on 04.11.2004, following which the said  constitutional  authority
had directed an inquiry to be made.

6.    According to the appellant  though  the  Governor  of  the  State  had
directed that additional security be provided to her  husband,  it  was  not
done and instead his existing security  staff  was  replaced  by  the  State
Government. Such was the animosity as alleged by  the  appellant,  that  the
State Government even had withdrawn Raju Pal's official  gunners  for  whose
timely intervention, he survived the attempt on his life  on  28.12.2004  by
the hired goons and henchmen of the respondent Nos. 4 and 5.  The  appellant
has alleged that the two official gunners of her husband  were  replaced  by
others on the choice of the local police and the desire  of  the  respondent
Nos. 4 and 5 to ensure that Raju Pal does not escape the next attempt.  That
in connection with the incident of 28.12.2004, Raju Pal had lodged  a  First
Information Report with the police in which he had named  these  respondents
has been stated as well.  This  notwithstanding,  buckling  under  political
pressure, the police even deleted the name of  respondent  No.  5  from  the
F.I.R. and made a formality of some investigation.

7.     The appellant has stated that  on  the  date  of  the  incident  i.e.
25.01.2005 at 3 P.M., her husband Raju  Pal  was  travelling  in  a  vehicle
accompanied by his two supporters Sandeep Yadav and Devi Lal Pal.   His  two
official gunners  instead  of  accompanying  him,  and  as  a  part  of  the
conspired plan were travelling in the second car  behind  his  vehicle.  The
vehicle in which the appellant's  husband  was  travelling  along  with  his
friend Singh Sahib and his wife on reaching Amit  Deep  Maruti  Agency,  was
intercepted and surrounded by eight persons, whereupon the respondent No.  5
Mohd. Ashraf shot him in his head.  In  course  of  the  shoot-out,  Sandeep
Yadav, Devi Dayal Pal and the appellant’s  husband  were  seriously  injured
and they eventually succumbed to the injuries.  The  appellant  has  alleged
that the official gunners, who were travelling in the car behind,  not  only
did not intervene or retaliate to save Raju  Pal  but  had  abandoned  their
vehicle. She has alleged that reportedly, a conspiracy was hatched  in  this
regard, at the political level in connivance with the  top  police  officers
including the Station Officer, Dhoomanganj, Shri Parshuram,  C.O.  (Police),
Civil Lines who were then present at the spot  alongwith  Superintendent  of
Police (City) & Deputy Inspector General  of  Police,  Allahabad  and  Atiqe
Ahmad, respondent No. 4.

8.    The appellant has stated as well  that  the  assailants  who  were  in
three different vehicles, left the site of the incident after  resorting  to
indiscriminate  firing,  whereupon  the  persons  present  along  with   the
supporters of the injured took Raju Pal out of the car and tried to rush  to
the hospital in a three-wheeler.  The appellant has mentioned  that  as  per
the account of the eyewitnesses present and as reported by  the  media,  the
assailants returned and opened indiscriminate fire on Raju Pal from a  close
range so as to ensure that he was dead.  That a third  attack  was  made  on
the injured Raju Pal from a point plank range  before  he  could  reach  the
hospital,  where  he  succumbed  to  his  injuries,  has  been   stated   in
categorical terms. According  to  the  appellant,  though  there  were  four
police stations on the route to the hospital, no police officer did  respond
or offer to help the injured or his companions in their last minute  bid  to
save their lives.

9.    The appellant on the very same date i.e. 25.01.2005    filed  the  FIR
at 4.30 P.M., narrating  the  incident  and  also  mentioning  clearly,  the
involvement of the respondent No. 4 as the brain behind the murder and  that
the respondent No. 5 had shot Raju Pal in the head. The FIR  was  registered
as  31/2005 dated 25.01.2005 of Dhoomanganj Police Station, Allahabad,  U.P.
under Sections 147, 148, 149, 302, 307, 120B IPC.

10.   The incident received rave media coverage as  would  be  evident  from
the following extract of a news item of the daily “Times of  India”:   (para
No. 21of Writ Petition)

“Eyewitnesses said the assailants, who were  about  two  dozen  in  numbers,
came in two Tata  sumos  and  opened  indiscriminate  fire  when  the  MLA’s
vehicle reached the Chaufatka petrol pump. Pal,  who  was  in  the  driver’s
seat, was hit several times in the neck, chest and stomach.
His supporters immediately put him in an auto and rushed him  to  a  private
nursing home in Rain Bagh area. The assailants,  however,  continued  firing
even on the auto to ensure his death. At  the  Fire  Brigade  crossing,  the
assailants again  opened  fire.   Just  after  reaching  the  hospital,  Pal
succumbed to his injuries. Two police  gunners  of  Pal  reportedly  escaped
from the scene.
Though the assailants kept on shooting at Pal on the entire stretch  between
Chaufatka  and  the  nursing  home  covering   four   police   stations   of
Dhoomangang, Cantt. Civil Lines and Kotwali, the police failed to react.”

11.   The appellant has further  stated  that  the  body  of  Raju  Pal  was
thereafter  taken  into  custody  by  deploying  heavy  police   force   and
thereafter a show of the post mortem  was done hurriedly & secretly  at  the
Swaroop Rani Nehru Hospital at about  03.15  A.M.  in  the  morning  of  25-
26/01/2005 without any information to the appellant  or  any  family  member
and in total violation of all norms pertaining  to  autopsy.  The  appellant
has stated that purposefully in order to ensure that  the  prosecution  case
is rendered weak, the injuries  indicated  in  the  postmortem  report  were
described in a manner to be rendered doubtful to have  been  caused  by  the
two weapons recovered i.e., one DBBL  Gun  and  one  30  Spring  Rifle.  The
appellant  has  thus  stated  that  the  charge-sheet  that  was  eventually
submitted was merely an eye-wash to save the respondent Nos. 4, 5 and  their
accomplices on  one  hand  and  to  rule  out  the  possibility  of  further
investigation by the CBI  and  in  the  process  hush  up  the  true  facts.
According to her, the dead body of the Raju Pal was thereafter  cremated  in
the early morning of 26.01.2005 at Daraganj crematorium, but  neither  prior
thereto, it was handed to the appellant nor the ashes  were  made  available
to her.  As a matter of fact, the dead body was cremated as  if  it  was  an
unclaimed body though the deceased was a sitting Member of  the  Legislative
Assembly of the State and his identity  was  well  known  to  all  concerned
including the police.

12.      Even  the  representation  made  by  the  mother  of  Raju  Pal  on
26.01.2005 to the Senior Superintendent of Police  to  hand  over  the  dead
body of her son to her for final rites  was  not  heeded  too.  All  fervent
requests and appeals made by her in this regard failed.  The  appellant  has
alleged that not only she as a widow was given a chance to  have  a  parting
glance of the body  of  her  husband,  the  dead  bodies  were  disposed  of
hurriedly without any notice to her as well as other family members of  Raju
Pal presumably to wipe off all possible clues  in  support  of  the  heinous
crime. The appellant was married to the deceased Raju Pal only on  16.1.2005
i.e. hardly a week before the tragic incident.

13.   The appellant has stated as well that having regard to  the  perceived
involvement of the state administration and  the police  in  particular,  in
the perpetration of the crime and their passive and indifferent  disposition
in taking steps as required in  law,   it  was  felt  by  all  right  minded
quarters that investigation by the C.B.I.  was  indispensably  warranted  to
unearth the diabolic plot and  identify  the  persons  involved,  so  as  to
ensure an  impartial  and  meaningful  enquiry  for  justice.  In  spite  of
repeated representations, though submitted by the appellant herself and  the
then President of the BSP, U.P. before the Governor, Chief  Minister,  Chief
Secretary etc. of the State expressing in clear terms that no impartial  and
dispassionate probe by the state  police  was  possible  in  the  facts  and
circumstances of the case and having regard to  the  persons  involved,  and
that the exercise ought to be handed over to the C.B.I., the  same  did  not
meet with any favourable response.

14.   Instead, as asserted by the appellant, by way of  retaliation  to  the
public outcry against the ruthless and savage  assassination  of   Raju  Pal
and his two associates, the police authorities went  berserk in  the  entire
city and they  forcibly  trespassed  into  the  houses  of  such  residents,
mercilessly assaulted them, including  old  women  and  children,  ransacked
their belongings and threatened and intimidated them  of  dire  consequences
if they did not refrain from their agitation for  a  C.B.I.  inquiry.   This
high handed action of the police force also received  media  coverage,  both
print and electronic. The writ petition further discloses that  for  reasons
unfathomable,  the  investigation  of  the  incident  was  soon   thereafter
transferred from Station House Officer, Dhoomanganj to  a  Police  Inspector
posted in another police station,  in  violation  of  the  G.O.  No.  DG-7-S
(253)/198 dated 21.03.2000.

15.   While mentioning that with the installation of the Samajwadi Party  in
power, there was an upsurge in the crimes, the  appellant  has  referred  as
well to the criminal antecedents of the respondent No. 5,  tracing  back  to
the year 1979, when he was  accused of  murdering  a  contractor  in  Bihar.
According to her, this respondent has been  booked  in  a  number  of  cases
under Sections 302 and  307  IPC  as  well  as  amongst  others,  under  the
Gangster Act, National Security Act and   had  been  identified  also  as  a
member of  the  interstate  gang  in  December  2002.   Accusing  the  State
Government,  the above notwithstanding, of bestowing its generosity  on  him
as well as his brother, the appellant has also referred  to  a  list  of  20
criminal cases registered against the respondent  No.  5  in  which  efforts
were being made to withdraw the same.  The list of cases, as set-out in  the
writ petition involves offences inter alia, under Sections  302,  307,  149,
120B IPC as well as under the Arms Act and Gangster Act.  The appellant  has
been candid enough to state in no uncertain terms, that though the  evidence
was galore against the respondent Nos. 4 and 5 and their accomplices in  the
commission of murder of her husband, conscious and  intentional  steps  were
taken by the state administration and the police to  shield  them  therefrom
due to political and other influence wielded by  them.   In  endorsement  of
this accusation, the appellant has referred to as well  some  excerpts  from
the writ petition filed by the Station House Officer  Shri  Parshuram  Singh
in Civil Writ Petition  No.  34265/2005  challenging  his  suspension.  This
police officer who was in-charge  of  the  investigation  of  incident  made
serious allegations against the senior police officers in their  attempt  to
efface evidence against the respondent Nos. 4, 5 and their henchmen  in  the
following terms: (page No. 126 of Writ Petition)

“25 -That, on 27.01.2005, one of the main accused Ashraf alias  Khalid  Azim
was arrested in Lucknow and brought  to  Allahabad  in  tight  security  two
other accused were also arrested by the  petitioner  on  30.01.2005,  namely
Farhan Ahmed and Ranjeet Pal  and  a  DBBL  Gun  and  life  cartridges  were
recovered from their possession. True photo and typed  copy  of  the  F.I.R.
and Recovery Memo are collectively enclosed herewith and marked as Annexure-
5, to this writ petition.

26  -   That,  the  respondent  No.  2,  Shri  Sunil  Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,
Allahabad, because of the reason  better  known  to  him,  he  told  to  the
petitioner the empty cartridge of thirty spring rifle not be  shown  in  the
G.D. but the petitioner refused to do so. The respondent No. 2,  Shri  Sunil
Kumar Gupta, S.S.P., Allahabad, also told to the petitioner that Ashraf  and
Atiqe not be made main accused in the case crime No. 34/05, Police  Station,
Dhoomanganj, Allahabad.

27 -  That, on 30.01.2005, on the day of arrest of Farhan Ahmed and  Ranjeet
Pal, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta, S.S.P.,  Allahabad,  told
to the petitioner these two accused be kept  in  curtain  (Baparda)  do  not
produce the accused before media,  the  petitioner  denied  as  the  accused
persons are local resident and they are publicly known criminals  therefore,
no meaning to put them in curtain.

28-That, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,  Allahabad,
also, told the petitioner, the DBBL Gun recovered  from  the  possession  of
Farhan Ahmed and Ranjeet Pal also be changed but the petitioner  denied  and
showed the same DBBL Gun in the  records  which  was  recovered  from  their

 29 -That, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar Gupta, S.S.P.,  Allahabad,
has motive to save the main accused Ashraf and Atiqe Ahmed from  the  charge
of murder of M.L.A, Raju Pal. The respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar  Gupta,
S.S.P., Allahabad, handled by the political leaders of the ruling  Samajwadi
party and he was doing in the manner  for  tempering  the  evidence  of  the
murder against the main accused  Ashraf  and  Atiqe  Ahmed  as  directed  by
leaders of ruling Samajwadi Party.

30- But the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil  Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,  Allahabad,
suspended the petitioner in the evening  of  30.1.2005,  alleging  that  the
murder of Raju Pal was occurred and he could not  control  the  disturbances
after the murder of M.L.A. Raju Pal.

31 -That, the respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil Kumar  Gupta,  S.S.P.,  Allahabad
suspended the petitioner to help the accused persons as the  respondent  No.
2, Shri Sunil Gupta, S.S.P., Allahabad, several times  told  to  change  the
facts that shows the interest of respondent No. 2, Shri Sunil  Kumar  Gupta,
S.S.P., Allahabad, in saving accused persons.

32-That, in as much as the investigation which was being carried out by  the
petitioner was transferred to  one  Inspector,  Police  Station  Colonelganj
Inspector Surendra Singh.

33- That, the one of the main accused Atiqe Ahmed, Member of Parliament  now
was released on bail and he mounted  pressure  on  respondent  No.  2,  Shri
Sunil Kumar Gupta, S.S.P., Allahabad,  for  transferring  the  Investigation
Officer Inspector Surendra Singh and transferring the petitioner  any  other
place ahead from Allahabad.

34- That, the Respondent No. 2,  wrote  a  D.O.  letter  on  15.04.2005,  to
D.I.G.  Range,  for  transferring  the  petitioner  under  suspension   from
District Allahabad to any other district, the respondent No. 2,  Shri  Sunil
Kumar, S.S.P., Allahabad, recommended transfer  of  the  petitioner  in  the
pressure of Atiqe Ahmed, Member  of  Parliament  who  is  one  of  the  main
accused in the murder of M.L.A. Raju Pal. True photo and typed copy  of  the
D.O. letter dated 15.04.2005, of respondent No. 2, is enclosed herewith  and
marked as Annexure–6 to this writ petition.

  35-   That,  the  Colonelganj  Inspector  Surendra  Singh,  who  was   the
Investigating Officer in  this  case,  was  suddenly  relieved  of  all  the
responsibilities and has been posted to Jhansi. At the  same  time,  efforts
were on to ensure the removal of Dhoomanganj Station Officer the  petitioner
around the time of the murder and get him posted  to  some  other  district.
The only fault of both these Investigating Officers was that  they  did  not
succumb to the pressure exerted by their superiors and went ahead  with  the
investigation in the right manner _ _ _ _

According to sources, some senior  police  officers  of  the  district  were
putting pressure on the Investigating Officer to replace the gun  with  some
other weapon.  But  the  investigator  did  not  relent  and  forwarded  the
recovered pistol and the gun for a forensic test. The  tests  revealed  that
two of the six empty cartridges, also found at the scene of crime, had  been
fired  from  the  recovered  DBBL  Gun.  All  along  the   course   of   the
investigation, some senior  police  officers  had  been  making  efforts  to
persuade the investigator to shift the focus of his investigation  from  the
named accused Samajwadi Party Member  of  Parliament  Atiqe  Ahmed  and  his
brother Ashraf, and bring into focus the personal enmity angle of the  slain
M.L.A. as the cause behind his murder.  The fact that  the  police  officers
of the  district  were  working  under  tremendous  political  pressure  was
evident from the way they had been working.”

16.   On the basis of these foundational facts,  the  appellant  has  prayed
for an appropriate writ or a direction in the nature of mandamus,  directing
the official respondents to entrust a fresh investigation into  the  episode
by the C.B.I.

17.   As abovestated, the  appellant  had  approached  this  Court  earlier,
seeking its intervention for an appropriate direction for  investigation  of
the incident by the CBI.  This was, to reiterate, as the appellant nursed  a
deep rooted impression, in view of overwhelming sinister background and  the
sequence of events culminating in the gruesome murder of her  husband,  that
the  crime  had  been  committed  with  the  tacit  support  of  the  police
administration and covert approval of the authorities in power.   In  course
of the hearing before this Court in the earlier proceedings  afore-mentioned
and registered as Writ Petition (Crl.) Nos. 118-119  of  2005,  the  learned
counsel for the appellant sought to withdraw the same,  so as to enable  her
to file an appropriate writ petition before the High Court seeking the  same

18.   By order dated 03.05.2006, the prayer made was allowed, requiring  the
appellant to file the writ  petition  as  proposed  before  the  High  Court
within a period of two weeks therefrom.  It was observed that if it  was  so
done, till the disposal of the writ petition,  the  respondent  State  would
provide necessary security to  the  appellant  and  her  mother-in-law  (co-
appellant before this Court).  Further proceedings of the Trial  Court  were
ordered to remain stayed till the disposal of the  writ  petition  if  filed
within the period of two weeks as  permitted  and  a  request  was  made  to
dispose of the same as expeditiously as  possible.  In  compliance  of  this
order the appellant alone filed a writ  petition  which  was  registered  as
W.P.(Crl.) No.6209 of 2006 within the time allowed.

19.   While the  Writ  Petition  was  thus  pending,  by  letter  No.-  Home
(Police)   Section-11,   Lucknow    No.2169/6-Pu-11-7-06(writ)/2006    dated
15.05.2007 addressed to the Secretary, Ministry of Personnel, Government  of
India, New Delhi, the State Government conveyed  its  decision  to  get  the
investigation of the case conducted through the CBI and requested  that  the
steps be taken accordingly and to keep the State Government apprised of  the
action taken.  The  consent  of  the  State  Government  as  required  under
Section 6 of the Delhi  Special  Police  Establishment  Act,  1946  to  this
effect was also appended to  the  said  letter.   As  the  case  number  was
wrongly mentioned therein, correction to the said  effect  was  communicated
vide   letter   No.Home/Police/Section-11,   Lucknow   No.3636/6-Pu-11.05.06
(writ)/2005 dated 14.08.2007.

20.   At this stage, in view of this development, a submission was  made  on
behalf of the State Government  before  the  High  Court,  bringing  to  its
notice, the same.  Consequently by order dated 11.07.2007,  the  High  Court
being of the view that the relief sought for in the writ petition  had  been
granted by  the  State  Government  by  making  a  request  to  the  Central
Government to get the case investigated  by  the  CBI,  dismissed  the  writ

21.   As the records would reveal, the appellant on the very same date  i.e.
11.07.2007 filed an  application  for  restoration  of  the  writ  petition,
contending principally that though the request had been made  by  the  State
Government, a decision in affirmation of the  Central  Government,  agreeing
to the investigation of the case being conducted by the CBI was awaited  and
thus the writ petition ought not to have been dismissed as infructuous.   An
application was also filed, requesting the  High  Court  to  list  the  writ
petition  for  appropriate  orders.   As  the  order  sheet  of   the   writ
proceedings  before  the  High  Court  would   disclose,   the   restoration
application  was  kept  pending,  awaiting  the  decision  of  the   Central
Government on the request  of  the  State  Government.   The  Government  of
India, Ministry of Personnel and Public Grievances and  Pension  (Department
of Personnel and Training) eventually, vide letter  No.228/29/2007  -  A.V.D
Govt. of India..….1212/PGS/MS/2008 dated  18.01.2008  declined  to  get  the
case investigated by the CBI.  The contents of  the  letter  would  disclose
that the decision conveyed thereby was preceded by an inquiry said  to  have
been made  by  the  concerned  Department  in  consultation  with  the  CBI.
Pendency of the writ petition filed  by  the  appellant,  seeking  the  same
relief was also referred to as a consideration. It was  mentioned  as  well,
that the State Government had not stated any other  reason  to  justify  the
investigation to  be  conducted  by  the  CBI.   According  to  the  Central
Government, the trial of the  case  was  pending,  the  proceedings  whereof
however have been stayed by the High Court and that there was no  interstate
or international ramification of the case so  as  to  warrant  investigation
thereof by the CBI.

22.   In the wake of the rejection of the request for investigation  of  the
case by the CBI,  the  appellant  applied  for  an  amendment  of  the  writ
petition, by incorporating the required  facts  pertaining  to  the  process
related thereto and also prayed  for  the  annulment  of  the  letter  dated
18.01.2008 of the Central Government.  In the facts pleaded to that  effect,
she averred that during the trial, the respondent Nos. 4 & 5 had  threatened
the eye witnesses and did impeach the decision  of  the  Central  Government
disallowing the request  for  investigation  of  the  case  by  the  CBI  as
mechanical and prompted by surmises and conjectures.   She  did  furnish  as
well, the particulars of the cases in which the  respondent  No.4  &  5  had
been involved in  kidnapping  and  abduction  as  well,  as  elimination  of
witnesses  who  could  otherwise  withstand  their  pressure  and  displayed
courage to disclose the truth in  support  of  the  charge  leveled  against
them.  Following  the  refusal  of  the  Central   Government,   the   state
government, however shifted the investigation to  the  CBCID  and  meanwhile
both the state police and CBCID have submitted chargesheets.

23.   Be that as it may, the High Court eventually by the impugned  judgment
and order has dismissed the writ petition.  It held the  view  that  if  the
appellant was not satisfied with the charge-sheet  submitted  by  the  Civil
Police as well as the CB CID  and  the  materials  collected  by  these  two
agencies in course of their separate and independent investigation,  and  is
also of the view that further  investigation  was  required,  or  that  some
additional evidence was to be collected, she  was  at  liberty  to  file  an
application before the Magistrate concerned to that effect so as  to  enable
the trial court to pass appropriate orders thereon.  It  further  held  that
so far as the adduction of additional evidence was concerned, the  appellant
would have every opportunity to produce the same or  ask  therefor  also  by
making an appropriate application at the time of trial.

24.   Before adverting to the rival submissions, it would be apt  to  notice
the pleaded stand of the respondents in  substance.   The  state  government
has admitted  the  incident  in  which  the  appellant’s  husband  had  been
assassinated on 25.01.2005 along with two others namely  Sandeep  Yadav  and
Devi  Dayal  Pal  in  a  shootout.   It  has  not  disputed  as  well,   the
registration  of  the  information  of  the  said  incident  under  Sections
148/147/149/302/307 and 120B of the IPC against  respondents  No.  4,5   and
seven others at Dhoomganj Police Station.  That  on  27.01.2005,  the  state
police had arrested respondent Nos. 4 & 5 in connection of the incident  has
also been admitted.  The state government  has placed on  record,  that  the
state police on  the  completion  of  the  investigation  in  the  case  has
submitted a charge-sheet on 08.04.2005 against respondent Nos.  4,5   and  9
others together with a list of 27 witnesses.

25.   It disclosed as well that after the submission  of  the  charge-sheet,
the case was committed to the  Court  of  Sessions  and  was  registered  as
Session Trial No.24/2006 whereafter, the trial had begun only to  be  stayed
by this Court on  03.05.2006  vide  its  order  to  that  effect  passed  in
W.P.(Crl.) No.118-119 filed  by  the  appellant  under  Article  32  of  the
Constitution of India.

26.   It mentioned as well that during the pendency of  the  writ  petition,
filed after the disposal of the proceedings before  this  Court,  the  state
government had accorded its sanction for investigation of this case  by  the
CBI and the communication to this effect was forwarded to  the  Ministry  of
Personnel, Government of  India.   That  however  the  Government  of  India
refused to accede to the request, being of the view that it was  not  a  fit
case for investigation for the CBI was stated as well.

27.   According to the state government, on  such  refusal  of  the  Central
Government, it transferred the investigation of the case  to  CB  CID  which
after the completion of the investigation submitted three  charge-sheets  on
10.01.2009, 04.04.2009 and  24.12.2009,  adding  to  the  array  of  accused
persons and also the witnesses in support of the charge.

28.   While stoutly denying the allegation of  indifference  and  apathy  to
secure an impartial and effective investigation and instead a tacit  support
of  the  offending  act,   it  has  asserted,  that  having  regard  to  the
constricted scope of ordering investigation of a case by the  CBI,  no  such
direction as sought for is warranted in the facts and circumstances  of  the
case.  It has emphatically asserted that the said  police  as  well  as  the
CBCID had conducted proper investigations and in the process, did not  spare
anyone found involved in the incident.  It has  denied  in  emphatic  terms,
the involvement of the  said  machinery  in  any  conspiracy,   its  support
thereto and intentional distortions in the investigation  to  bail  out  the
culprits of the offence.  It pleaded that the  dead  bodies  had  been  duly
received by the concerned family members and that  cremations  of  Raju  Pal
was performed by the one of his first cousins.  It has been stated  as  well
that the postmortem examination of Raju Pal was undertaken  by  a  panel  of
doctors and that the allegations made by the appellant that  the  dead  body
of her husband was secretly and hastily cremated without  handing  over  the
same to his relations and that the postmortem examination  was  deliberately
skewed are palpable  falsehood.   It  also  denied  the  allegation  of  the
appellant that the respondent No. 4 had sophisticated firearms including AK-
47 and AK-56 had been used in the incident.  It disclosed as  well  that  at
the time of his death, there were several criminal cases registered  against
Raju Pal including the offence of murder and attempt to murder and  that  he
had many enemies who could have shared the motive to liquidate him.

29.   The respondent No. 4 while emphatically  denying  his  involvement  as
well as the complicity of his brother in the incident, in substance  accused
the appellant of falsely implicating them as her  political  rivals  and  of
keeping  the  proceedings  pending  so  as  to  derive   political   mileage
therefrom.   He  alleged  as  well,  that  the  appellant  had  deliberately
protracted the proceedings inter alia by omitting to  take  necessary  steps
so as to use the same to promote  her  political  prospects  riding  on  the
sympathy wave  induced  by  the  murder  of  her  husband.    The  answering
respondent has averred that thereby the appellant  has  been  successful  in
getting elected to the State Assembly for  two  successive  terms.   It  has
been stated further that within a couple of days of  the  formation  of  the
Government in the State by the Bahujan Samaj  Party,  the  State  Government
did refer the case to the Central Government for investigation  by  the  CBI
and having failed in  its  endeavour  to  do  so,  they  took  a   conscious
decision to transfer the investigation thereof to the CBCID  on  10.12.2008.
The answering respondent has  emphasized  that  the  appellant  has  neither
challenged the decision of transferring the investigation to CBCID  nor  the
charge-sheets submitted by the said agency on the  completion  of  the  said
investigation.  According  to the answering respondent,  the  appellant  has
also not pointed out any fault or deficiency in the investigation  conducted
by  the  CBCID  and  that   her  insistence  for  further  investigation  or
reinvestigation by the CBI is wholly impermissible in law.

30.   The CBI in its turn while  reiterating  the  intervening  developments
pertaining to the investigation conducted by the State Police and the  CBCID
has pleaded that after a lapse of 10 years from  the  incident,  no  purpose
would be served by any investigation by it at this stage.   It  has  averred
as well that the case does not involve any larger  public  interest  or  any
interstate or international ramification.  That it is  already  overburdened
with the  investigation/inquiry  of  different  cases  entrusted  to  it  by
various High Courts and this Court has  been  mentioned.   It  has  asserted
that having regard to the state of law laid  down  by  this  court  and  the
contingencies in which  investigation by the CBI is called  for,  the  facts
and circumstances of the case do not merit any such direction.

31.    In the above contentious premise, Mr. Sodhi has assiduously   argued,
that the run up of facts leading to the merciless murder of the  appellant’s
husband,  the conspicuous impassive response  of  the  state  machinery   to
ensure his  safety  and  security  as  well  as  the  shoddy  and  purported
investigation by  the  state  police  as  a  casual  completion  of  routine
formalities, warrant a fair and impartial probe by  the  CBI.   The  learned
senior counsel has urged that the onetime readiness of the State  Government
to handover  the  investigation  to  the  CBI   unambiguously  reflects  its
satisfaction as well of such essentiality  to  espouse  the  cause  of  even
handed justice.  According to him, the rejection  of  the   request  of  the
state government to  this  effect  by  the   Central  Government  is  wholly
mechanical and without any application of mind to the factors  relevant  and
germane and thus the decision to  that  effect  is  liable  to  be  adjudged
illegal, null and void.  Not only at the point  of  time  when  the  Central
Government refused to accede to the request for investigation  by  the  CBI,
the Writ Petition filed by the Appellant before  the  High  Court  had  been
closed, there is nothing on record to even  suggest  that   any  independent
endeavour had been made by the Central Government to  make  a  dispassionate
evaluation of the  overall  facts  thus  rendering  its  decision  arbitrary
unfair and unjust.  Mr. Sodhi has maintained that not  only  the  manner  in
which the daring offence was committed was shocking to  every  right  minded
person of the society; it signalled as well, an  apparent  collapse  of  the
administrative machinery of a democracy committed to the solemn  promise  of
guaranteeing protection of life and liberty of its  citizens.   The  learned
senior counsel  argued  that  the  cruel  and  barbaric  crime  having  been
committed in the broad day light in public view,  there  are  still  several
eye-witnesses available who are genuinely willing to testify about the  same
to bring the real culprits to book and thus in  the  interest  of  fair  and
impartial investigation and to obviate any  possibility  of  miscarriage  of
justice, it is imperative to entrust the probe to  the  CBI.   According  to
Mr. Sodhi, the testimony of the witnesses  so  far  examined  at  the  trial
clearly demonstrate their hostile and non-cooperative approach which per  se
suggests that they must have been won  over  in  between,  leaving  a  bleak
chance for the  prosecution  to  succeed.   This  unmistakably  affirms  the
apprehension of the appellant vis-à-vis  quality  and  authenticity  of  the
investigation undertaken by the state police and the CBCID, he urged.

32.   The learned senior counsel maintained that if the formalities  of  the
trial with the materials so far collected in the investigation  are  allowed
to be completed being unmindful of the consequences thereof, it would  be  a
travesty of justice and a servile subjugation of the process of law  to  the
minatory  reflexes  of  the  daring  and  audacious    violators   of   law.
Reiterating the imputations made in the writ petition vis-à-vis the role  of
the state instrumentalities and the police in particular,  as  well  as  the
culpability  of  respondent  Nos.  4  &  5,    Mr.  Sodhi  has  argued  that
entrustment of the  investigation  to  the  CBI  would  not  prejudice   the
respondents  in  any  manner  and  that  it  would  secure  the   obligatory
requirement  of  a  fair,  effective   and   impartial   inquisition,   more
particularly when witnesses of the incident are still available,   but  need
to be appropriately identified,  interrogated and assured  of  their  safety
to disclose the truth.  Mr. Sodhi has argued that it is a fit case  for  the
judiciary  to  intervene  both  in  the  individual  as   well   as   social
perspectives in order to discourage such villainous outrages and  sustain  a
just and law abiding citizenry.  He rested his submissions on the  following
decisions: Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh and Anr.  vs.  State  of  Gujarat  and
Ors. (2004)4 SCC 158, State of West Bengal  and  others  vs.  Committee  for
Protection of Democratic Rights, West Bengal and  others  (2010)3  SCC  571,
Babubhai vs. State of Gujarat and others (2010)12  SCC  254,  Mohd.  Hussain
alias Julfikar Ali vs. State (Government of NCT of Delhi)  (2012)9 SCC  408,
Bharati Tamang vs. Union of India and others  (2013)15 SCC 578.

33.   Mr. Misra, learned senior counsel  representing  the  State  not  only
dismissed  emphatically  the  allegations  of  tacit  involvement   of   the
administration and the police in the design and execution of the offence  as
alleged in order to  eliminate the appellant’s husband, he argued  as  well,
that the decision to handover the investigation of the case to the CBI  does
not only neuter such accusation, but also  establish  irrefutably  the  bona
fide of the state government.

34.   The learned  senior  counsel  pointed  out  that  in  absence  of  any
allegation whatsoever of the appellant against the  investigation  conducted
by the CBCID, her persistent requests for transferring the investigation  to
the CBI is fallacious and unsustainable in law.  Mr.  Misra  has  maintained
that not only the insistence  for the transfer of the investigation  to  the
CBI, in the face of successive probes made  by  the  state  police  and  the
CBCID is uncalled for in absence of any deficiency  or  defect  decipherable
therein, it is impermissible  as well, at this belated  stage.    Mr.  Misra
has argued that even otherwise such a  transfer  of  investigation  even  if
allowed, it would be fatal for the prosecution as at this distant  point  of
time not only the witnesses would be unavailable and even if available  they
would decline to testify.  The learned senior  counsel  has  urged  as  well
that as the trial is pending and  the  respondent  Nos.  4  &  5  and  other
accused persons are  subjected  thereto,  the   relief  sought  for  by  the
appellant is prematured as well.

35.   Mr. Goel representing respondent Nos. 4 & 5  while  supplementing  the
assertions made on behalf of the State has submitted that  the  introduction
of a fresh investigating agency, at this stage  is  not  only  impermissible
in law but also would have the potential of  protracting the trial  further,
in violation of  the  fundamental  right  to  life  of  his  respondents  as
guaranteed by Article 21 of the Constitution  of  India.   Reiterating  that
the facts do not demonstrate a faulty or incomplete investigation by  either
the state police or the CBCID, the learned counsel has maintained  that  the
appellant has resorted to this delaying  tactics  to  promote  her  election
prospects and political future.  While underlining that  the  writ  petition
filed by the Investigating Officer Parsuram Singh alleging pressure  on  him
by his higher  ups  to  misdirect  the  investigation,  has  meanwhile  been
dismissed on merits, the learned senior counsel argued  that  the  averments
even if accepted to be  true,  did  in  fact   vouchsafe  the  fairness  and
impartiality of the investigation conducted by the state police.   Mr.  Goel
has urged that as the trial is pending, any intervention of  this  Court  to
induct another investigating agency on the basis  of  deductions  made  from
the  testimony  of  hostile   witnesses,   would   amount   to   unwarranted
interference with the  trial  which  would  be  highly  prejudicial  to  the
parties. Reiterating  that  the  present  initiative  of  the  appellant  is
clearly a political vendetta  against  the  private  respondents  being  her
rivals,  the  learned  counsel  has  asserted  that  there  is  neither  any
exceptional circumstance nor any justifiable  reason  in  law  to  direct  a
reinvestigation by the CBI when the trial is  underway.   He  dismissed  the
authorities cited on behalf of the appellant as inapplicable  to  the  facts
of the case, being rendered in the textual  facts  disclosing  vitiation  of
trials.  The following decisions were cited to buttress the above pleas:

State of West Bengal and others vs. Sampat Lal and others (1985) 1 SCC  317;

Vineet Narain and others vs. Union of India and another (1996) 2 SCC 199

 Union of India and others vs. Sushil Kumar Modi and others   (1998)  8  SCC

Common Cause, A Registered Society  vs. Unon of India and others  (1999)6SCC

Secretary, Minor Irrigation & Rural Engineering Services,  U.P.  and  Others
vs. Sahngoo Ram Arya and Anr.  (2002)5 SCC 521

 State of West Bengal and Ors. vs. Committee for  Protection  of  Democratic
Rights, West Bengal and Ors.  (supra)

 Disha vs. State of Gujarat & Ors. (2011)13 SCC 337

K.V. Rajendran vs. Superintendent of Police, CBCID South Zone,  Chennai  and
Ors. (2013) 12 SCC 480

Hussainara Khatoon & others vs. Home Secretary, State of Bihar  (1980)1  SCC

Abdul Rehman Antulay and others vs. R.S. Nayak and another (1992)1SCC 225

P. Ramachandra Rao vs. State of Karnataka (2002)4SCC 578

Vakil Prasad Singh vs. State of Bihar (2009)3SCC 355

Kashmeri Devi vs. Delhi Administration and another 1988 (Suppl.) SCC 482

Gudalure M.J. Cherian and others vs. Union of India and others (1992) 1  SCC

Punjab and Haryana  High  Court  Bar  Association,  Chandigarh  through  its
Secretary vs. State of Punjab and others (1994)1SCC 616

Inder Singh vs. State of Punjab and others (1994)6SCC 275

Rubabbuddin Sheikh vs. State of Gujarat  and others (2010) 2 SCC 200

36.   Ms. Mohana representing the Union of India endorsed  its  decision  of
not entrusting the investigation to the CBI and  contended  that  the  facts
and  circumstances  did  not  convincibly  demonstrate  any  flaw   in   the
investigation undertaken by the state police or the CBCID.   In  support  of
this assertion, she relied upon the decisions of  this  Court  in  Committee
for Protection of Democratic Rights (supra),   K. Saravanan Karuppasamy  and
another vs. State of Tamil Nadu and Ors. (2014) (10) SCC 406, Sudipta  Lenka
vs. State of Odisha and Others. (2014) 11 SCC 527.

37.         We have extended our  anxious  consideration  to  the  competing
pleadings and the arguments  advanced.   The  gory  incident  in  which  the
appellant’s husband was brutally gunned down in a  public  place  is  indeed
harrowing and alarmingly distressful.  Not only the daring act in the  broad
day light is condemnable, it sent shock waves among  the  living  community,
wrecking the temper and rhythm of social life and created a  fear  psychosis
and a scary feeling of lack of security in all concerned.  It  is  a  matter
of record that at the relevant time, the appellant’s husband was  a  sitting
member of the State Legislative Assembly,  having  defeated  the  respondent
No. 5, in the bye-elections held a few months prior to his murder.  That  at
that time, the respondent No. 4, brother of respondent No. 5  was  a  member
of the Parliament is also an  admitted  fact.   In  the  FIR  filed  by  the
appellant soon after the incident, she named the respondent No. 5 to be  the
assailant who had shot Raju Pal in the head, being  accompanied  by  others.
She has alleged therein that respondent No.  4  was  the  brain  behind  the
operation and thus was involved in the conspiracy to eliminate her  husband.
 As referred to hereinabove, it has been averred by her as  well  that  soon
after the bye-elections in which her husband had been elected, a  number  of
unsuccessful attempts had been made on him for which he genuinely  sustained
an apprehension regarding his safety and security.  That he  had  repeatedly
aired his apprehension to that effect  and  had  sought   remedial  measures
before the appropriate authorities, has been pleaded as  well.   Immediately
after the assassination of  her  husband,  the  appellant  as  well  as  the
President of the Bahujan  Samaj  Party,  to  which  he  belonged,  also  had
submitted a spate of representations before the  Governor,  Chief  Minister,
Chief  Secretary  and  other  authorities  of  the  State   requesting   for
entrustment of the investigation of the  case  to  the  CBI   as  the  state
police, as perceived by them, was found to be  patently  partisan  in  their
initiatives and approach in connection therewith.  The  allegations  by  the
appellant about laconical autopsy of the dead body  without  any  notice  to
her  or any other family member of the   deceased,  refusal  to  return  the
dead body to them and hasty and  secret  cremation  thereof  to  remove  the
otherwise tell tale clues  to identify the  assassins   have  been  candidly
made. As these imputations have been denied  by  the  respondents  in  their
pleadings, we refrain from further dilating thereon.  Similarly, both  sides
have also alleged  registration and pendency of criminal cases  against  the
appellant’s husband, respondents No. 4  and  5  involving  offences  amongst
others of murder, attempt to murder etc.

38.   Noticeably, however, the appellant  since  after  the  murder  of  her
husband  had  been  persistently   appealing   for  investigation   by   any
impartial agency i.e. CBI, expressing without reservation, her doubts  about
the genuineness and bona fide of the probe  being  conducted  by  the  state
police.  She has even alleged the involvement of  the  state  administration
and the police in the conspiracy  to  eliminate  her  husband  and  to  have
remained a mute and inert onlooker  at  the  time  of  and  after  the  open
diabolic and barbaric  assassination of her husband.   It  is  a  matter  of
record that at the time of the incident, the Samajwadi Party was  in  power.

39.   It was in this backdrop of events, that the appellant  being  appalled
and exasperated  by the  perceived  failure  of  the  state  authorities  to
affirmatively  respond to her request for entrusting  the  investigation  to
the CBI and the casual measurers of the state police  in  that  regard  that
she approached this Court with  an  application  under  Article  32  of  the
Constitution of  India  for  its  remedial  intervention.   By  order  dated
3.5.2006, however, this Court, as prayed for on her behalf,  did permit  her
to file a writ petition before the High Court seeking  an  appropriate  writ
or a direction for transferring the investigation of the case  to  the  CBI.
To reiterate, during the pendency  of  the  writ  petition  that  was  filed
within the time allowed by this Court, on 15.5.2007,  the  State  Government
(by then the Bahujan Samaj Party had come to power)  decided  to  hand  over
the investigation to the CBI and communicated its decision  to  the  Central
Government for  the  needful.   The  High  Court,  being  apprised  of  this
development, the writ petition was  disposed  of  on  11.7.2007  as  in  its
comprehension, the relief sought for by the appellant had  been  granted  in
view of this decision of the state  government.   As  the  response  of  the
Central Government was awaited, the appellant on the same  very  date  filed
an application for restoration of the  writ  petition  and  as  the  records
reveal, the said application was kept pending by the High  Court  and  after
the refusal of the Central Government to accede to the request made  by  the
state government on 18.1.2008, the writ petition was finally disposed of  on
merits by the decision impugned hereunder.

40.   Though a period of seven years intervened, a perusal of the record  of
the writ proceedings, however, does not demonstrate any deliberate  inaction
or laches on the part of the appellant to enter  a  finding  of  intentional
delay on her part to procrastinate the same for extracting  any  benefit  to
her therefrom.

41.   This Court, while disposing of the earlier writ  petition  being  W.P.
(Crl.) Nos. 118-119 of 2005 on 3.5.2006 had stayed the  trial  of  the  case
which by then had commenced following the submission of the charge-sheet  by
the state police on 8.4.2005. During  the  pendency  of  the  writ  petition
before the High Court and   consequent  upon  the  refusal  by  the  Central
Government to refer the investigation  to  the  CBI,  the  state  government
entrusted the exercise to CBCID, which on completion of the drill  submitted
three charge-sheets on  10.1.2009,  4.4.2009  and  24.12.2009.   A  conjoint
reading of the charge-sheets submitted by  the  two  investigating  agencies
would thus reveal that along with respondent Nos. 4  and  5,  several  other
persons have  been  arraigned  as  accused  adding  to  the  list  of  those
challenged by the state police.  Further,  CBCID has also added to the  list
of witnesses in its charge-sheets.  Corresponding  to  these  final  reports
submitted by the investigating agencies, Sessions Trial Case  Nos.  13/2006,
14/2006,  15/2006  and  24/2006  are  pending   for  analogous  trial,   the
proceedings whereof being presently  stayed  pursuant  to  the  order  dated
3.5.2006 of this Court in W.P. (Crl.) Nos. 118-119 of  2005  and  thereafter
the order dated 13.2.2015 passed in the present appeal.

42.   In the course of the arguments,  attention  of  this  Court  has  been
drawn  to  the  additional  documents  filed  on  behalf  of  the  appellant
pertaining to the trial so far held and also  the  parallel  criminal  cases
registered  on  the  accusation  of   threats  being  extended  to  the  eye
witnesses of the incident.   On  a  cursory  perusal  of  the  testimony  of
witnesses so far examined at the trial, it  prima  facie  appears  therefrom
that though all of them were present at that  time  at  the  spot  when  the
offence was committed, none of  them  has  identified  the  accused  persons
standing trial including the respondent Nos. 4 and  5  to  be/or  among  the
assailants.  Some of the witnesses, who were also injured in  the  incident,
after being declared hostile by the prosecution,  have  even  resiled   from
their statements under Section 161 of  the  Code  made  before  the  police.
Significantly, however the witnesses have admitted the occurrence  in  which
the appellant's husband had been shot at, following which he  had  succumbed
to the injuries sustained.

43.   The additional documents also  include  a  judgment  rendered  by  the
trial court on 2.11.2011 in Sessions Trial No. 749 of 2009,  State  vs.  Ram
Chandra Yadav @ Fauji  registered on the complaint  filed  by  one  Mahendra
Patel @ Budhi Lal Patel, who in his  cross-examination,  retraced  from  the
charge levelled by him against  respondent  No.  4  and  his  companions  of
having threatened and assaulted him so as to pressurize him  to  change  his
statement made before the police, lest he and his family be  murdered.   The
complainant Mahendra Patel also was  an  eye  witness  to  the  incident  of
25.1.2005 and had been driving the Scorpio  vehicle which was following  the
one in which Raju  Pal  was  travelling.   The  trial  court  acquitted  the
accused  mainly  in  view  of  the  retraction  of  the  statement  of   the
complainant and lack of evidence in support of the charge. Having regard  to
the present stage of the trial, for obvious  reasons,  we  do  not  wish  to
offer any comment on any  aspect  relatable   thereto.       It  is  however
noteworthy that some  other  witnesses  of  the  prosecution  including  the
appellant are yet to be examined by the prosecution.

44.   Be that as it may, the issue that  demands  to  be  addressed  is  the
necessity or otherwise of further investigation or  reinvestigation by   the
CBI in view of the overall  conspectus  of  facts  and  the  state  of  law.
Admittedly,  more  than  a  decade  has  elapsed  in  between,  and  in  the
interregnum, successive investigations have  been  conducted  by  the  state
police and CBCID, following which four  charge-sheets  have  been  submitted
arraigning  respondent  Nos.  4  and  5  and  others  as  accused  with  the
supporting material gathered in course of the  probe  to  prove  the  charge
levelled against them.  It is noticeable as well that the appellant as  well
  has  not  highlighted  any  defect,  omission   or   deficiency   in   the
investigation conducted by the CBCID, likely to adversely  impact  upon  the
outcome of the trial therefor.

45.   These notwithstanding, it would still be, in our  opinion,  imperative
to examine as to whether  for  doing  complete  justice  and  enforcing  the
fundamental  rights  guaranteed  by  the   Constitution,   the   relief   of
entrustment of the investigation of the case again to the CBI  is  grantable
or not on its own merits.   This  is  chiefly,  in  view  of  the  intrepid,
audacious  and fiendish intrusion  of   human  right  by  the  assassins  in
broad  day light  at a public place, by defiantly violating  all  canons  of
law and making a mockery of the administrative  regime  entrusted  with  the
responsibility to maintain an orderly society.  The  terrorising  impact  of
this incident and the barbaric manner of execution of the offence is also  a
factor which impels this Court to undertake such a scrutiny in the  interest
of public safety, a paramount duty entrusted  to  all  the  institutions  of
governance of our democratic polity.  This is more so, where  a  grisly  and
intimidatory crime impacting upon  the  public  confidence  in  the  justice
delivery system  as  a  whole  is  involved,  so  as  to  ensure  that  such
outrageous do not go incautiously, unfathomed and unpunished.

46.   The authorities cited at the Bar present the precedential spectrum  of
the curial jurisprudence in the context of entrustment of  investigation  to
an instrumentality other than the local/state police agencies.

47.   In Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh (supra), commonly adverted to  as  “Best
Bakery Case”  on the theme, the aspects of perfunctory and partisan role  of
the investigating agency as well as improper conduct of the  trial  involved
by the public prosecutor surfaced for scrutiny.  Though the trial  was  over
resulting in acquittal of the accused persons mainly as the  purported  eye-
witnesses had resiled from the statements made by  them  under  Section  161
Cr.P.C.  (hereinafter  to  be   referred  to  as  “the  Code”)  during   the
investigation coupled with faulty and  biased  investigation  and  laconical
trial, this Court responded to the request for a fresh  trial  made  by  the
State and one of the eye-witnesses, Zahira.  It was pleaded inter alia  that
when a large number of witnesses have turned hostile, it ought  to  raise  a
reasonable suspicion that they were  being  threatened  or  coerced.   Apart
from alleging that the prosecution did not take steps to  protect  the  star
witnesses, it was contended as well that  the  trial  court  had  failed  to
exercise its power under Section 311 of the Code  to  recall  and  reexamine
them as their testimony was essential to unearth  the  truth  and  record  a
just decision in the case.

48.   The casual decision of  the  public  prosecutor  to  drop  a  material
witness, a measure approved by the trial court also came to  be  criticized.
The lapse of non-examination of the injured  eye-witnesses,  who  were  kept
away from the  trial,  was  also  highlighted.   It  was  alleged  that  the
partisan   witnesses  had  been  examined  to  favour  the  accused  persons
resulting in a denial of fair trial.

49.   This Court in the  above  disquieting  backdrop,  did  underline  that
discovery, vindication and establishment of truth were the  avowed  purposes
underlying the existence of the courts of  justice.  Apart  from  indicating
that the principles of a fair trial permeate the common law  in  both  civil
and criminal contexts, this Court underscored the necessity  of  a  delicate
judicial balancing of the competing interests in  a  criminal  trial  -  the
interests of the accused and the public and to a great extent  that  too  of
the victim, at the same  time  not  losing  the  sight  of  public  interest
involved in the prosecution of persons who commit offences.

50.    It  was  propounded  that  in  a  criminal  case,  the  fate  of  the
proceedings cannot always be left entirely in  the  hands  of  the  parties,
crimes being public wrongs in breach and  violation  of  public  rights  and
duties, which affect the whole community and are harmful to the  society  in
general.  That the concept of fair trial entails the  triangulation  of  the
interest of the accused, the victim,  society and that  the  community  acts
through the state and the prosecuting  agency  was  authoritatively  stated.
This Court observed that the interests of the society are not to be  treated
completely with disdain and as persona non grata.  It was remarked  as  well
that due  administration  of  justice  is  always  viewed  as  a  continuous
process, not confined to the determination of a particular case so  much  so
that a court must cease to  be  a  mute  spectator   and  a  mere  recording
machine but become a participant in  the  trial  evincing  intelligence  and
active interest and elicit all relevant  materials  necessary  for  reaching
the correct conclusion,  to find out the truth and administer  justice  with
fairness and impartiality both to the parties and to the community.

51.   While highlighting the courts’  overriding  duty  to  maintain  public
confidence in the administration of justice,  it  was  enunciated  as  well,
that they cannot turn a blind  eye  to  vexatious  and  oppressive  conduct,
discernable in relation to the proceedings.  That the principles of rule  of
law and due  process  are  closely  linked  with  human  rights  protection,
guaranteeing a fair trial, primarily aimed at ascertaining  the  truth,  was
stated. It was held as well, that the society at large and  the  victims  or
their family members and relatives have an inbuilt right to be dealt  fairly
in a criminal trial and the denial thereof  is  as  much  injustice  to  the
accused as to the victim and the society. Dwelling upon  the  uncompromising
significance and the worth of witnesses in the perspective of a fair  trial,
the following revealing comments of Bentham  were  extracted   in  paragraph

“41. “Witnesses”, as Bentham  said:  are  the  eyes  and  ears  of  justice.
Hence, the importance and primacy of the quality of trial process.   If  the
witness himself is incapacitated from acting as eyes and  ears  of  justice,
the trial gets putrefied and paralysed, and it no longer  can  constitute  a
fair trial.  The incapacitation may be  due  to  several  factors  like  the
witness being not in a position for reasons  beyond  control  to  speak  the
truth in the court or  due  to  negligence  or  ignorance  or  some  corrupt
collusion.  Time has become ripe to act on account of  numerous  experiences
faced by courts on account of frequent  turning  of  witnesses  as  hostile,
either due to threats, coercion, lures and monetary  considerations  at  the
instance of those in power, their henchmen and  hirelings,  political  count
and patronage and innumerable other corrupt  practices  ingeniously  adopted
to smother and stifle truth and realities coming out  to  surface  rendering
truth and justice  to  become  ultimate  causalities.   Broader  public  and
societal interests require that  the  victims  of  the  crime  who  are  not
ordinarily parties to prosecution and the interests of State represented  by
their  prosecuting  agencies  do  not  suffer  even  in  slot  process   but
irreversibly and irretrievably, which if   allowed   would   undermine   and
destroy public confidence  in  the  administration  of  justice,  which  may
ultimately pave way for  anarchy,  oppression  and  injustice  resulting  in
complete breakdown and collapse of the edifice of  rule  of  law,  enshrined
and jealously guarded and protected by the Constitution.   There  comes  the
need for protecting the witness.  Time has come when serious  and  undiluted
thoughts are to be bestowed for protecting witnesses so that ultimate  truth
is presented before the court and justice triumphs and  that  the  trial  is
not reduced to a mockery.   The  State  has  a  definite  role  to  play  in
protecting the  witnesses,  to  start  with  at  least  in  sensitive  cases
involving those in power, who  have  political  patronage  and  could  wield
muscle and money power, to avert the trial getting tainted and derailed  and
truth becoming a causality.  As a  protector  of  its  citizens  it  has  to
ensure that during a trial in court the  witness  could  safely  depose  the
truth without any fear of  being  haunted  by  those  against  whom  he  has

52.   It was underlined that if ultimately the truth is to  be  arrived  at,
the eyes and ears of justice have to be protected so that  the  interest  of
justice do not get incapacitated in the  sense  of  making  the  proceedings
before the courts, mere mock trials.  While elucidating that a  court  ought
to exercise its powers under Section 311 of the Code and Section 165 of  the
Evidence Act judicially and with  circumspection,  it  was  held  that  such
invocation ought to be only to subserve the cause of justice and the  public
interest by eliciting evidence in aid of a just decision and to  uphold  the
truth.   It  was  proclaimed  that  though  justice  is   depicted   to   be
blindfolded, it is only a veil not to see who the party before it is,  while
pronouncing judgment on the cause brought before it  by  enforcing  the  law
and administer justice and not to ignore or turn  the  attention  away  from
the truth of the cause or the lis before it, in disregard  of  its  duty  to
prevent miscarriage of justice. That any indifference, inaction or  lethargy
displayed in protecting the right of an ordinary citizen, more  particularly
when a grievance is  expressed  against  the  mighty  administration,  would
erode the public faith in  the  judicial  system  was  underlined.   It  was
highlighted that the courts exist to do  justice  to  the  persons  who  are
affected and therefore they cannot afford to  get  swayed  by  the  abstract
technicalities and close  their  eyes  to  the  factors  which  need  to  be
positively probed and noticed.  The  following  statement  in  Jennison  vs.
Baker, (1972) 1 All ER 997 was recalled:

“The law should not be seen to sit by limply, while those  who  defy  it  go
free, and those who seek its protection lose hope.”

53.   It was declared that the  courts  have  to  ensure  that  the  accused
persons are punished and that the might or the  authority of  the  state  is
not used to shield themselves and their men and it should  be  ensured  that
they do not wield such powers, which under the Constitution has to  be  held
only in trust for the public and society at large.  That if  any  deficiency
in investigation or prosecution is visible or can be  perceived  by  lifting
the veil covering such deficiency, the courts have to  deal  with  the  same
with an iron hand appropriately within the framework of law was  underlined.

54.   Referring to its earlier decision in Karnel Singh vs.  State  of  M.P.
(1995) 5 SCC  518,  it  was  reiterated  that  in  a  case  of  a  defective
investigation, the court has to be circumspect in  evaluating  the  evidence
and may have to adopt an active and analytical role to ensure that truth  is
found by having recourse to Section 311 of the Code  or  at  a  later  stage
also resorting to Section 391 instead  of  throwing  hands  in  the  air  in
despair.  It recalled as well its observations in Ram Bihari Yadav v.  State
of Bihar & others, (1998) 4 SCC  517  that  the  courts  are  installed  for
justice oriented mission and thus if a negligent investigation or  omissions
or lapses due to perfunctory investigation are  not  effectively  rectified,
the faith and confidence of the people would be shaken in the law  enforcing
agency and also in the institution devised for administration of justice.

55.   Though, as referred  to  hereinabove,  trial  was  completed  and  the
accused persons were acquitted, in the textual facts, this Court did  direct
retrial as prayed for, to avoid subversion of the  justice  delivery  system
and ordered the investigating agency or those supervising the  investigation
to act in terms of Section 173(8) of the Code as the circumstances would  so

56.   The observations and the propositions, though made in the backdrop  of
a request for retrial, those pertaining to the essentiality of  a  fair  and
complete investigation and trial as well as the solemn duty  of  the  courts
to ensure the discernment of truth to  administer  even  handed  justice  as
institutions of trust of public faith and confidence, are in  our  estimate,
of universal  application  and  binding  effect,  transcending  the  factual
settings  of  a  case.   An  adverse  deduction  vis-à-vis  the  quality  of
investigation and/a trial trivializing the cause of justice, is however  the
essential pre-requisite, for such remedial intervention by  way  of  further
investigation, reinvestigation, additional  evidence,  retrial  etc.  to  be
made  objectively  but  assuredly  for  the  furtherance  of  the   salutary
objectives of the justice dispensing  system  as  contemplated  in  law,  it
being of paramount pre-eminence.

57.   This Court in Mohd. Hussain @ Julifikar Ali (supra)  was  also  seized
of a situation imploring for a retrial  following  the  termination  of  the
prosecution principally on account of delay, when juxtaposed to  the  demand
for justice in cases involving grave crimes affecting the society at  large.
 The offence involved was under Sections 302/307/120B  IPC  and  Sections  3
and 4  of  the  Explosive  Substances  Act,  1908  and  had  perpetrated  an
explosion in a passenger carrying bus.  This Court amongst  others  recalled
its observations in Kartar Singh vs. State of Punjab (1994) 3 SCC  569  that
while dispensing justice, the courts  should  keep  in  mind  not  only  the
liberty of the accused but also the interest of the victim  and  their  near
and dear ones and above all the collective interest  of  the  community  and
the safety of the nation, so that the public, may  not  lose  faith  in  the
system of judicial administration and indulge in  private  retribution.   It
however also took note of its ruling in  State  of  M.P.  vs.  Bhooraji  and
others (2001) 7 SCC 679 that a de novo trial should be the last  resort  and
that too only when such  a  course  becomes  desperately  indispensable  and
should be limited to the extreme exigency to avert  a  failure  of  justice.
It noted with approval the observation in P. Ramachandra  Rao  (supra)  that
it is neither advisable nor feasible nor judicially permissible to  draw  or
prescribe an outer limit for conclusion  of  all  criminal  proceedings  and
that the criminal courts are not obliged to terminate the trial or  criminal
proceedings merely on account of lapse  of  time.   That  such  time  limits
cannot and will not by themselves be treated  by  any  court  as  a  bar  to
further continuance of the trial or proceedings or  to  terminate  the  same
and  acquit  or  discharge  the  accused,   was   emphatically   underlined.
Reference too was made  of  the  decision  in  Zahira  Habibulla  H.  Sheikh

58.   Vis-à-vis the notions  of ‘speedy  trial’  and  ‘fair  trial’  as  the
integral constituents of Article 21 of the Constitution  of  India,  it  was
observed that there was  a  qualitative  difference  between  the  right  to
speedy trial and the right of the accused to  fair  trial.   While  pointing
out that unlike the accused’s right of fair trial, the  deprivation  of  the
right to speedy trial does not per se prejudice  the  accused  in  defending
himself, it was proclaimed that  mere  lapse  of  several  years  since  the
commencement of prosecution by itself, would not justify the  discontinuance
of prosecution  or  dismissal  of  the  indictment.  It  was  stated  in  no
uncertain terms, that the factors concerning the accused’s right  to  speedy
trial have to be counterpoised with the impact of the crime on  the  society
and the confidence of the people in the judicial system.  It was noted  that
speedy trial secures rights to an accused  but  it  does  not  preclude  the
rights of public justice.  It was exposited that the nature and  gravity  of
the crime, persons involved,  social  impact  and  societal  needs  must  be
weighed along with the right of the accused  to  speedy  trial  and  if  the
balance tilts in favour of the former,  the  long  delay  in  conclusion  of
trial should not operate against the continuation of the prosecution but  if
the right of the accused in the facts and circumstances of the case and  the
exigencies or situation leans the balance in  his  favour,  the  prosecution
may be brought to end.  It was held that the guiding factor  for  a  retrial
essentially has to be the demand of justice.  It was emphasized  that  while
protecting the right of an accused to fair trial and  due  process  of  law,
the interest of the public at large who seek protection of law ought not  to
be altogether overlooked so much so, that it results in loss of hope in  the
legal system. Retrial in the facts of the case was ordered.

59.   The  content  and  scope  of  the  power  under  Article  226  of  the
Constitution of India to direct investigation by the  CBI  in  a  cognizable
offence, alleged to have taken place within the territorial jurisdiction  of
the State, without the consent of the State Government fell for scrutiny  of
this Court in Committee for Protection of Democratic Rights (supra).

60.   While examining the issue in the context  of  the  power  of  judicial
review as embedded in the constitutional scheme, it was held that no Act  of
Parliament could exclude or curtail the powers of the constitutional  courts
in that regard.  Reiterating, that the  power  of  judicial  review,  is  an
integral part of the basic structure of the Constitution, it was  underlined
that the same was essential to give a pragmatic content  to  the  objectives
of the Constitution embodied in  Part  III  and  other  parts  thereof.   In
elaboration, it was held that Article 21 of the Constitution not only  takes
within its fold, the enforcement of the rights of the accused but  also  the
rights of the victim.  It was predicated  that  the  State  has  a  duty  to
enforce the human rights of the citizens providing for  fair  and  impartial
investigation, against any person accused of commission  of  any  cognizable
offence.  Referring to Section 6 of the Delhi Special  Police  Establishment
Act, 1946, it was ruled that any restriction imposed thereby  could  not  be
construed to be one on the powers of  the  constitutional  courts  and  thus
cannot be taken away or curtailed or  diluted  thereby.   While  proclaiming
the  supervening  powers  of  the  High  Court  under  Article  226  of  the
Constitution of India to direct, entrustment of  the  investigation  to  the
CBI as in the case involved, this Court sounded a caveat as  well  that  the
very plentitude of such power inheres a great caution in  its  exercise  and
though no inflexible guidelines can be laid down in that  regard,  the  same
has to be invoked sparingly, cautiously and in  exceptional  situation  when
it becomes necessary to provide credibility and  to  instill  confidence  in
the investigation or where the incident may have national and  international
ramifications or where such an order may be  necessary  for  doing  complete
justice and enforcing the fundamental rights. (emphasis supplied)

61.   The facts in Bharati Tamang (supra)  seeking  de  novo  investigation,
present somewhat an identical  fact  situation.   The  appellant’s  husband,
President of a political party was brutally murdered in public view  and  in
the presence of police and security  personnel  by  the  supporters  of  the
rival  party.   The  investigation  into  the  sordid  incident   had   been
completed.  Alleging that the probe initially held by the state  police  and
thereafter by the CID and by the CBI were faulty, the  prayer  for  de  novo
inquisition  was  made.   Imputation  of  attempts  by  the  prosecution  to
suppress the truth in spite of the fact that the assailants were  identified
and named in the FIR and that the incident was in  effectuation  of  a  deep
rooted conspiracy and preceded by previous threats were made.   The  CBI  in
its pleadings, inter alia, cited,

prevailing law and order situation in the town;

abscondence of most of the accused persons;

murder of  its informants;

fear psychosis in the locality and resultant want of support from the  local

as  hindrances to its investigation.

62.   On behalf of the appellant, accusation of  tardy  prosecution  of  the
case, and free and open movement of the key  accused  persons  in  the  city
avoiding arrest were made as  well.   The  plea  of  the  impleaded  accused
persons that the appellant after the demise of  her  husband  had  initiated
the writ proceedings for political  gain  was  rejected.   Their  contention
based on  Section  319  of  the  Code  that  in  course  of  the  trial,  on
availability of sufficient evidence, any person not being an  accused  could
be ordered to be tried, was also negated.   The  propositions  expounded  in
Zahira Habibulla H. Sheikh (supra) qua the duty of the court to ensure  fair
investigation by remedying the deficiencies and defaults therein  so  as  to
bring forth full and material facts to prevent miscarriage of  justice  were
reiterated. It was concluded that when the courts  find  extra  ordinary  or
exceptional circumstances  rendering  reinvestigation  imperative,  in  such
eventualities even de novo investigation can be ordered.  While ruling  that
in case of discernable  deficiency  in  investigation  or  prosecution,  the
courts have to deal with the same with  iron  hand  appropriately  with  the
framework of law, it was underlined  that  in  appropriate  cases  even,  if
charge-sheet was filed, it was open for the High Court and also  this  Court
to direct investigation of the case to be handed  over  to  CBI  or  to  any
other agency or to direct investigation de novo  in  order  to  do  complete
justice, in the facts of the case.

63.   Noticing that certain transcripts of some  conversations  relating  to
the incident intercepted by the CBI were awaiting  analysis by the  forensic
agency as  a  part  of  the  investigation,  this  Court  in  the  ultimate,
transferred the case beyond the territorial limits of the district  involved
and directed that the probe be carried out by the CBI  to  be  monitored  by
its Joint Director as named.  It was ordered that the CBI would ensure  that
all required evidence is gathered by leaving no stone unturned, so that  all
accused involved in the offence are brought for trial to be  dealt  with  in
accordance with law.  The trial that had meanwhile  commenced  was  kept  in
abeyance pending conclusion of the further investigation by the CBI and  the
submission of report before the transferred court as ordered.  Not  only  in
issuing these directions this Court revisited  the  imperatives  bearing  on
the duty of the Court  to ensure that criminal prosecution  is  carried  out
effectively and the  perpetrators of the crime  are  duly  punished  by  the
appropriate court of law, it noticed as well some of  the  factual  features
of the case  namely;

The deceased at his death was the President of a political party.

There was a deep rooted rivalry between his party and another party.

The deceased had organized a meeting  of  his  party  on  the  date  of  the

Police personnel were  present  at  the  place  of  the  occurrence.  Though
present, no report thereof was registered immediately thereafter.

Wide coverage of the incident by the media.

Availability of the transcripts of the intercepted conversations of some  of
the accused persons and the office bearers of the rival political party.

64.   This Court in Babubhai (supra) while examining the  scope  of  Section
173(8) of the Code, did recall its observations in  Manu  Sharma  vs.  State
(NCT of Delhi), (2010) 6 SCC 1, that it is not only  the  responsibility  of
the investigating agency but as well  as  of  the  courts  to  ensure,  that
investigation is fair and does not in any  way  hamper  the  freedom  of  an
individual except in accordance with law.  It underlined, that  the  equally
enforceable canon of  criminal law is that  high  responsibility  lies  upon
the investigating agency, not to conduct an investigation in a  tainted  and
unfair manner and that such a drill should not prima facie be indicative  of
a biased mind and every effort should be made to bring the guilty to law  de
hors his position and influence in the society as nobody stands  above  law.
It propounded that the word “ordinarily” applied  under  Section  173(8)  of
the Code, did attest that if the investigation is  unfair  and  deliberately
incomplete and has been done in a manner with an object of helping a  party,
the court may  direct  normally  for  further  investigation,  and  not  for
reinvestigation. It was however added as a  sequiter   that  in  exceptional
circumstances, the court in order to prevent  the  miscarriage  of  criminal
justice, and  if  it  is  considered  necessary,  may  direct  for  de  novo
investigation as well.  It was observed that if  an  investigation  has  not
been conducted fairly, the resultant charge sheet would be invalid.  It  was
held as well, that  such  investigation  would  ultimately  prove  to  be  a
precursor of miscarriage of  criminal  justice  and  the  court  in  such  a
contingency would be left to guess or conjecture, as the whole  truth  would
not be forthcoming to it.  It was held that  fair investigation  is  a  part
of the constitutional rights guaranteed under Articles  20  and  21  of  the
Constitution of India and thus the investigating agency cannot be  permitted
to conduct  an  investigation  in  a  tainted  or  biased  manner.   It  was
emphasised that where non-interference of the court would ultimately  result
in failure of justice, the court must  interfere  and  in  the  interest  of
justice choose an independent agency to make a fresh investigation.

65.   In Rubabbuddin Sheikh (supra) as well, though as many as eight  action
reports had been submitted by the state police on the incident  of  reported
murder of the brother  of  the  petitioner  in  a  fake  encounter  and  the
disappearance of his sister-in-law in which, amongst other,  allegedly   the
anti-terrorist squad of the state police  was  involved,  a  proceeding  was
initiated on the basis of a letter addressed to the Chief Justice  of  India
seeking a direction for investigation by the CBI.   In  view  of  the  rival
contentions advanced as to the permissibility or otherwise of  the  transfer
of the investigation as prayed for, this Court on an in-depth audit  of  the
decisions rendered by it,  did  negate  the  plea  that  subsequent  to  the
submission of a charge sheet,  the  court  is  not  empowered  in  any  case
whatsoever to handover the investigation to an independent agency like  CBI.
 It was held, having regard to the parameters outlined by the  two  sets  of
authorities on the issue, that such a course however  would  be  permissible
in an appropriate case where the facts  bearing  thereon  would  demonstrate
lack  of  proper   investigation   and   vitiations   thereof   by   factual
discrepancies endorsing such a deduction.  The aspect  that  accusations  in
the contextual facts were directed against the  local  police  personnel  in
which high police officials of the state had  been  made  accused  also  did
weigh with the determination.  The  view  taken  in  Gudalure  M.J.  Cherian
(supra)  that though ordinarily, after the  investigation  is  completed  by
the police and charge sheet is submitted to  the  court,  the  investigation
ought not to be re-opened by entrusting the same  to  a  specialized  agency
like CBI, nevertheless in a given  situation,  to  do  justice  between  the
parties and to instill confidence in the public mind it  may  be  warranted,
was noted with approval.  The overriding imperative of permitting   transfer
of investigation to the CBI was thus acknowledged to be in  the  advancement
of the cause of justice and  to  instill  confidence  in  the  mind  of  the
victims as well as the public.

66.   The renderings in Hussainara Khatoon (supra),  A.R.  Antulay  (supra),
P. Ramachandra Rao  (supra),  Vakil  Prasad  (supra),  Sampat  Lal  (supra),
Babubhai (supra) and Common Cause (supra) have been pressed into service  on
behalf of the respondent Nos. 4 & 5 to highlight the demand of speedy  trial
as a mandate of the fundamental right to life guaranteed  under  Article  21
of the Constitution of India.  While emphasizing that speedy trial  is   the
essence of criminal justice and any delay constitutes  denial  thereof,   it
has been propounded therein, that any procedure  which  does  not  ensure  a
quick trial cannot be regarded as reasonable, fair or just and would fly  in
the face of such cherished constitutional  promise.   While  observing  that
the right to speedy trial encompasses all the stages namely;  investigation,
inquiry, trial, appeal, revision and retrial, it was  however  noted  in  P.
Ramachandra Rao (supra) that  no  guidelines  for  a  speedy  trial  can  be
intended to be applied as hard rules or a straight jacket formula  and  that
their application would depend on the fact situation of each case, which  is
difficult to foresee, so much so that no generalization  can  be  made.   It
was expounded as well in  the Sampat Lal  (supra)  that   in  spite  of  the
procedure laid down in the relevant provisions  of  the  Criminal  Procedure
Code, a court, in a given case, if is satisfied that  the  statutory  agency
has not functioned in an effective way or that the  circumstances  are  such
that it may reasonably be presumed or inferred that it may not  be  able  to
conduct the investigation fairly or impartially, the  court  may  reasonably
consider to supplement the procedure.

67.   While recalling its observation in State of Bihar and another vs.  JAC
Saldanha and others (1980) 1 SCC 554, that on a cognizance  of  the  offence
being taken by the court, the police function of investigation comes  to  an
end subject to the provision contained in Section 173(8)  of  the  Code  and
that the adjudicatory function of the judiciary commences, thus  delineating
the well demarcated functions of crime  detection  and  adjudication,   this
Court did recognize a residuary  jurisdiction  to  give  directions  to  the
investigating agency, if satisfied that the requirements  of  law  were  not
being complied with and that  the  investigation  was  not  being  conducted
properly or with due haste and promptitude.  It was reiterated  in  Babubhai
(supra) that in exceptional circumstances, the court  in  order  to  prevent
the miscarriage of criminal justice, may direct investigation  de  novo,  if
it is satisfied that non-interference would ultimately result in failure  of
justice.  In such an eventuality endorsement  of  the  investigation  to  an
independent agency to make a fresh probe may  be  well  merited.   That  not
only fair trial but fair investigation is also a part of the  constitutional
rights guaranteed under Articles 20 & 21 of the Constitution  of  India  and
therefore investigation ought to be fair,  transparent  and  judicious,  was
reemphasised.  The expression “ordinarily” as used in Section 173(8) of  the
Code was noted again to rule that in exceptional circumstances  however,  in
order to prevent miscarriage of criminal justice, a court may  still  direct
investigation de novo.  The above postulations being  strikingly  common  in
all these decisions, do pervade the fabric and the content thereof and  thus
dilation of individual facts has been avoided.

68.   That the extra-ordinary  power  of  the  constitutional  courts  under
Articles 32 and 226 of  the  Constitution  of  India  qua  the  issuance  of
direction to the CBI to conduct investigation must be exercised  with  great
caution was  underlined in  Committee for Protection of  Democractic  Rights
(supra) as adverted to hereinabove. Observing that  although  no  inflexible
guidelines can be laid down in this regard,  it was  highlighted  that  such
an order cannot be passed as a matter  of  routine  or  merely  because  the
party has levelled some allegations against the  local  police  and  can  be
invoked in exceptional situations where  it  becomes  necessary  to  provide
credibility and instill confidence in investigation or  where  the  incident
may have national and international ramifications or  where  such  an  order
may  be  necessary  for  doing  complete  justice  and  for  enforcing   the
fundamental rights.

69.   In Kashmeri Devi (supra), being satisfied,  in  the  prevailing  facts
and circumstances that effort had  been  made  to  protect  and  shield  the
guilty officers of the police who allegedly had perpetrated the  offence  of
murder involved, this Court directed the Magistrate  concerned  before  whom
the charge sheet had been submitted, to exercise  its  power  under  Section
173(8) of Code to direct the CBI for proper and  thorough  investigation  of
the case and to submit an additional charge-sheet in accordance with law.

70.   In Godalure M.J. Cherian (supra),  this  Court  in  a  petition  under
Article 32 of the Constitution of India,  lodged  in  public  interest,  did
after taking note of the fact that charge sheet had already been  submitted,
 direct the CBI to hold further investigation  in  respect  of  the  offence
involved.  In recording this conclusion, this Court did  take  note  of  the
fact that the nuns who had been the victim  of  the  tragedy  did  not  come
forward to identify the culprits and that as  alleged  by  the  petitioners,
the four persons set up by the police as accused were not the real  culprits
and that the victims were  being  asked  to  accept  them  to  be  so.   The
paramount consideration for the  direction  issued  was  to  secure  justice
between the parties and to instill  confidence  in  public  mind.  The  same
imperative did impel this Court to  issue  a  similar  direction  for  fresh
investigation by the CBI in Punjab and Haryana High  Court  Bar  Association
(supra).  Here as well the investigation otherwise had  been  completed  and
charge-sheet was submitted.

71.   This Court dealing with the proposition that once a  charge  sheet  is
filed, it would then be exclusively in the domain of the competent court  to
deal with the case on merits in accordance with law and that the  monitoring
of the investigation would cease in all respects, held,  in  particular,  in
K.V. Rajendran (supra) in reiteration of the enunciations aforestated,  that
though it is ordinarily so,  the  power  of  transferring  investigation  in
rare and exceptional cases for the purpose  of  doing  justice  between  the
parties and to instill confidence in the public mind,  can be made  invoking
its constitutional power available, to ensure a fair,  honest  and  complete

72.    The  precedential  ordainment  against   absolute   prohibition   for
assignment  of  investigation  to  any  impartial  agency  like   the   CBI,
submission of the charge-sheet by the normal  investigating  agency  in  law
notwithstanding, albeit in an exceptional  fact  situation  warranting  such
initiative, in order to secure a fair,  honest  and  complete  investigation
and to  consolidate the confidence  of  the  victim(s)  and  the  public  in
general in the  justice  administering  mechanism,  is  thus  unquestionably
absolute and hallowed by time.  Such a measure however can by no means be  a
matter of course or routine but has to be essentially adopted  in  order  to
live up  to  and  effectuate  the  salutary  objective  of  guaranteeing  an
independent and upright mechanism of justice dispensation  without  fear  or
favour, by treating all alike.

73.   In the decisions cited on behalf of the CBI as well,   this  Court  in
K. Saravanan Karuppasamy  and Sudipta Lenka, (supra),  recounted  the  above
propositions underpinning the  primacy  of  credibility  and  confidence  in
investigations  and  a  need  for  complete  justice  and   enforcement   of
fundamental rights judged on the touchstone of high public interest and  the
paramountcy of the rule of law.

74.   The judicially propounded propositions on the aspects of  essentiality
and   justifiability   for   assignment   of   further   investigation    or
reinvestigation  to  an  independent  investigating  agency  like  the  CBI,
whether or not the probe into a criminal offence by the  local/state  police
is pending or completed, irrespective  of  as  well,  the  pendency  of  the
resultant trial have  concretized  over  the  years,  applicability  whereof
however is contingent on the factual setting involved  and  the  desideratum
for vigilant, sensitised and evenhanded justice to the parties.

75.   The  exhaustive  references  of  the  citations  seemingly  repetitive
though, assuredly attest the conceptual consisting in  the  expositions  and
enunciations on the issue highlighting the cause of justice as the  ultimate
determinant for the course to be adopted.

76.   A “speedy trial”, albeit the essence of the fundamental right to  life
entrenched in the Article 21 of the Constitution of India  has  a  companion
in concept in “fair trial”, both  being  in  alienable  constituents  of  an
adjudicative process, to culminate in a judicial decision by a court of  law
as the final arbiter. There  is  indeed  a  qualitative  difference  between
right to speedy trial and fair trial so much so that denial  of  the  former
by itself would not be prejudicial to the accused, when pitted  against  the
imperative of fair trial. As fundamentally, justice not only has to be  done
but also must appear to have been done,  the  residuary  jurisdiction  of  a
court to direct further investigation or reinvestigation  by  any  impartial
agency, probe by the state police notwithstanding,  has  to  be  essentially
invoked if the statutory agency  already  in-charge  of  the   investigation
appears to have been ineffective or is presumed or inferred to be not  being
able to discharge its functions fairly, meaningfully  and  fructuously.   As
the cause of justice has to reign supreme, a  court  of  law  cannot  reduce
itself to be a resigned and a  helpless  spectator  and  with  the  foreseen
consequences apparently unjust, in  the  face  of  a  faulty  investigation,
meekly complete the formalities to record a  foregone  conclusion.   Justice
then would become a casualty. Though  a  court’s  satisfaction  of  want  of
proper, fair, impartial and effective  investigation  eroding  its  credence
and  reliability  is  the  precondition  for   a   direction   for   further
investigation or reinvestigation, submission of the charge-sheet ipso  facto
or the pendency of the trial can by no means be  a  prohibitive  impediment.
The contextual facts and the attendant circumstances have to  be  singularly
evaluated and analyzed to decide the needfulness  of  further  investigation
or reinvestigation to  unravel  the  truth  and  mete  out  justice  to  the
parties. The prime concern and the endeavour of  the  court  of  law  is  to
secure justice on the basis of  true  facts  which  ought  to  be  unearthed
through a committed, resolved and a competent investigating agency.

77.   As every social order is governed by the  rule  of  law,  the  justice
dispensing system cannot afford  any compromise  in  the  discharge  of  its
sanctified role of administering justice on the basis of the real facts  and
in accordance with law.  This is  indispensable,  in  order  to  retain  and
stabilize the faith and confidence of the public in general in  the  justice
delivery institutions as envisioned by the Constitution.

78.    As succinctly summarised  by this Court in  Committee for  Protection
of Democratic Right (supra), the extra ordinary power of the  Constitutional
 Courts in directing the CBI to conduct investigation  in  a  case  must  be
exercised sparingly, cautiously and in exceptional situations,  when  it  is
necessary to provide credibility and instill confidence in investigation  or
where the incident may  have  national  or  international  ramifications  or
where such an order may be necessary for  doing  complete  justice  and  for
enforcing the  fundamental  rights.   In  our  comprehension,  each  of  the
determinants  is  consummate  and  independent  by  itself  to  justify  the
exercise of such power and is not inter-dependent on each other.

79.     A  trial  encompasses  investigation,  inquiry,  trial,  appeal  and
retrial i.e. the entire range of  scrutiny  including  crime  detection  and
adjudication on the basis thereof.  Jurisprudentially, the  guarantee  under
Article 21 embraces both the life and liberty of  the  accused  as  well  as
interest of the victim, his near and dear ones as well as of  the  community
at large and therefore cannot be alienated from each other with  levity.  It
is judicially acknowledged that fair trial includes  fair  investigation  as
envisaged by Articles 20 and 21 of the Constitution of India.  Though,  well
demarcated contours of crime detection and adjudication  do  exist,  if  the
investigation is neither effective nor purposeful nor  objective  nor  fair,
it would be the solemn obligation of the courts,  if  considered  necessary,
to order further investigation or reinvestigation as the  case  may  be,  to
discover the truth  so  as  to  prevent   miscarriage  of  the  justice.  No
inflexible guidelines or hard and fast rules as such can  be  prescribed  by
way  of  uniform  and  universal  invocation  and  the  decision  is  to  be
conditioned to the attendant facts and circumstances,  motivated  dominantly
by the predication of advancement of the cause of justice.

80.   Any criminal offence is one against the society at  large  casting  an
onerous responsibility on the state, as the guardian and purveyor  of  human
rights and protector of law to discharge  its  sacrosanct  role  responsibly
and committedly, always accountable to the law  abiding  citizenry  for  any
lapse.   The  power  of  the  constitutional  courts   to   direct   further
investigation or reinvestigation is a dynamic component of its  jurisdiction
to exercise judicial review, a basic feature of the Constitution and  though
has to be exercised with  due  care  and  caution  and  informed  with  self
imposed restraint,  the  plentitude  and  content  thereof  can  neither  be
enervated nor moderated by any legislation.

81.    The  expression  “fair  and   proper   investigation”   in   criminal
jurisprudence was held by this Court in Vinay Tyagi vs Irshad Ali  @  Deepak
and  others  (2013)5SCC  762  to  encompass  two  imperatives;  firstly  the
investigation must be unbiased, honest, just and in accordance with law  and
secondly, the entire emphasis  has to be to bring  out  the  truth   of  the
case before the court of competent jurisdiction.

82.   Prior thereto, in the same vein, it  was  ruled  in  Samaj  Parivartan
Samudaya and others vs. State of Karnataka and others  (2012)7SCC  407  that
the basic  purpose of an investigation    is  to  bring  out  the  truth  by
conducting fair and proper investigation, in  accordance  with  law  and  to
ensure that the guilty are punished.  It held further that the  jurisdiction
of a court to ensure fair and proper investigation in an adversarial  system
of criminal administration is of a higher degree than  in  an  inquisitorial
system and it has  to  take  precaution  that    interested  or  influential
persons are not able to misdirect or hijack  the  investigation,  so  as  to
throttle a fair investigation  resulting  in  the  offenders,  escaping  the
punitive course of law.  Any lapse,  it  was  proclaimed,  would  result  in
error of jurisdiction.

83.   That the victim cannot be afforded to be treated as an alien or  total
stranger to the criminal trial was reiterated  by  this  Court  in  Rattiram
and others vs. State of Madhya Pradesh (2012)4SCC 516.   It  was  postulated
that  the  criminal  jurisprudence   with  the  passage  of  time  has  laid
emphasis on  victimology, which fundamentally is the perception of  a  trial
from the view point of criminal as well as the victim  when  judged  in  the
social context.

84.   This Court in National Human Rights Commission  vs. State  of  Gujarat
and others  (2009)6SCC  767   did  proclaim  unambiguously  that  discovery,
investigation and establishment of  truth  are  the  main  purposes  of  the
courts of justice and indeed are raison d’etre for their existence.

85.   That the preeminence of truth  is  the  guiding  star  in  a  judicial
process forming the foundation of justice  had  been   aptly  propounded  by
this Court in Maria Margarida Sequeira Fernandes and others vs. Erasmo  Jack
De Sequeira (dead) through L.Rs (2012)5SCC  370.   It  was  ruled  that  the
entire judicial system had been  created only to discern and  find  out  the
real truth and that the Judges  at  all  levels  have  to  seriously  engage
themselves in the journey of discovering the  same.   Emphasizing  that  the
quest for truth is the mandate of law and indeed the  bounden  duty  of  the
courts, it was observed  that the justice system  will  acquire  credibility
only when the people  will  be  convinced  that  justice  is  based  on  the
foundation of the truth.   While  referring  with  approval,  the  revealing
observation made in Ritesh Tewari and another vs. State of U.P.  and  others
(2010)10SCC 677 that every trial is voyage of discovery in  which  truth  is
the quest, the following passage of Lord  Denning   scripted  in  Jones  vs.
National Coal Board (1957) 2 All ER 155(CA) was extracted in affirmation:

“…It’s all very well to paint justice blind, but she does better  without  a
bandage round her eyes.  She should be blind indeed to favour or  prejudice,
but clear to see which way lies the truth.”

86.   A strain of piognance and disquiet over the  insensitive  approach  of
the court concerned in the textual facts in the context  of  fair  trial  in
the following observations of this Court in Vinod Kumar vs. State of  Punjab
(2015)3 SCC 220 sounds an awakening caveat:

“The narration of the sad chronology  shocks  the  judicial  conscience  and
gravitates   the  mind  to  pose  a  question:  Is  it  justified  for   any
conscientious trial Judge to ignore the  statutory  command,  not  recognize
“the felt necessities of time” and remain  impervious  to  the  cry  of  the
collective asking for justice or give an indecent and  uncalled  for  burial
to  the  conception  of  trial,  totally  ostracizing  the  concept  that  a
civilized and orderly society thrives on the  rule  of  law  which  includes
“fair trial” for the accused as well as the prosecution.”

87.   The observations though made in the backdrop of repeated  adjournments
granted by the trial court,  chiefly  for  cross-examination  of  a  witness
resulting in the delay of the  proceedings,  the  concern  expressed  is  of
overarching relevance demanding sentient attention  and  remedial  response.
The poser indeed stems from  the  indispensable  interface  of  the  orderly
existence of the society founded on the rule of law  and  “fair  trial”  for
the accused as well as the prosecution.  That the duty of  the  Court  while
conducting a trial is to be  guarded  by  the  mandate  of  law,  conceptual
fairness and above all its sacrosanct role to arrive at  the  truth  on  the
basis of material brought on record, was reiterated.

88.   Adverting to the role of the police to be one for protection of  life,
liberty and property of citizens,  with investigation of offences being  one
of its foremost duties, it   was  underscored  in  Manohar  Lal  Sharma  vs.
Principal  Secretary   and  others  (2014)2SCC  532    that   the   aim   of
investigation is ultimately to search for truth and to  bring  the  offendor
to book.  The observations of Lord Denning in  his  rendering  in  “The  Due
Process of Law” First Indian Reprint 1993 page 102 were alluded to  at  page
553 as under:

“In safeguarding our freedoms, the police play a vital  role.   Society  for
its defence needs a well-led, well-trained  and  well-disciplined  force  of
police whom it can trust; and enough of them to be  able  to  prevent  crime
before it happens, or if it does happen, to detect it and bring the  accused
to justice.

The police, of course, must act properly.   They  must  obey  the  rules  of
right conduct.  They must not extort confessions  by  threats  or  promises.
They must not search a man’s house without  authority.  They  must  not  use
more force than the occasion warrants.”

89.   The avowed purpose of a criminal  investigation  and  its  efficacious
prospects with the advent of scientific  and   technical  advancements  have
been candidly  synopsized   in   the  prefatory  chapter  dealing  with  the
history  of  criminal   investigation   in   the   treatise    on   Criminal
Investigation – Basic Perspectives by Paul B. Weston and Renneth M. Wells:

“Criminal investigation is a lawful search for people and things  useful  in
reconstructing the circumstances of an  illegal  act  or  omission  and  the
mental state accompanying it.  It is probing from the known to the  unknown,
backward in time, and its goal is to determine  truth as far as  it  can  be
discovered in any post-factum inquiry.

Successful investigations are based on fidelity, accuracy, and sincerity  in
lawfully searching for the true facts of an event  under  investigation  and
on an equal faithfulness, exactness, and probity in  reporting  the  results
of an investigation.  Modern investigators are  persons  who  stick  to  the
truth and are absolutely clear about the time and place of an event and  the
measurable aspects of evidence.  They work  throughout  their  investigation
fully recognizing that even a  minor  contradiction  or  error  may  destroy
confidence in their investigation.

The joining of science with traditional  criminal  investigation  techniques
offers  new  horizons  of  efficiency  in   criminal   investigation.    New
perspectives in investigation bypass reliance upon informers  and  custodial
interrogation and concentrate upon a skilled scanning  of  the  crime  scene
for physical evidence and a search for as many witnesses as  possible.  Mute
evidence tells its own story in court, either by its  own  demonstrativeness
or through the testimony of an expert witness  involved  in  its  scientific
testing.  Such evidence  may serve in lieu  of,  or   as  corroboration  of,
testimonial evidence of witnesses found and interviewed   by  police  in  an
extension of their  responsibility  to  seek  out   the  truth  of  all  the
circumstances of  crime  happening.   An  increasing  certainty  in  solving
crimes is possible and will contribute to the major  deterrent  of  crime  –
the certainty that a criminal will be discovered,  arrested  and  convicted.

90.   Reverting to the facts, the gruesome and sordid assassination  of  the
appellant’s husband in broad day light under  the  public  gaze  is  not  in
dispute.  As a consequence  of  the  murderous  assault  with  firearms  and
indiscriminate use thereof, Raju Pal along  with  two  others  fell  to  the
bullets.  Records seem to suggest that even prior to the incident,  attempts
were made on his life but he  survived  the  same  in  view  of  the  timely
intervention of the security guards. That representations were made  by  him
seeking additional protection and that after his murder, the  appellant  and
the party higher ups of Raju Pal had persistently appealed, amongst  others,
to the Governor and the Chief Minister of the State  for  handing  over  the
investigation to the CBI is also testified by the records.

91.   Pleaded imputations of the appellant include deliberate, uncalled  for
and mysterious  replacement  of  the  earlier  sets  of   personal  security
officers/gunners of the deceased, presence of  high  police  officials  near
the place of occurrence, indifference on the part of  the  state  police  to
act with alacrity, hasty conduct of the post mortem of  the  dead  body  and
cremation thereof without handing over the same to the appellant or  any  of
his relatives, political pressure on the  investigating  agency  to  distort
the course of the probe and to screen the incriminating  evidence  collected
etc.  One of the Investigating Officers in his  writ  petition,  questioning
his  suspension  had  also  pleaded  on  oath  about  the   unexpected   and
unwarranted interference of the higher ups in  the  department  to  withhold
evidence gathered in course of the investigation underway.   Though  nothing
decisively turn on these accusations, the same having been  refuted  by  the
respondents,  the  fact  remains  that  the  appellant’s  husband  had  been
mercilessly killed by a group of gun wielding assailants in a public  place,
in the open view of all concerned.  Such a  daring  and  desperate  act  did
have a terrorizing impact on the society sending  shock  waves  amongst  all
cross sections of the community and received wide  coverage  by  the  media.
The incident understandably is  not  one  to  be  lightly  glossed  over  or

92.   The trial on the basis of the investigation completed hitherto by  the
state police and the CBCID has remained stayed by the orders of this  Court.
 Prior thereto however as per the materials laid before this Court,  several
eye-witnesses cited by the investigating agency have been examined.  As  the
trial is pending for the  present,  we  refrain  from  commenting  on  their
testimony, except that they seem  to  have  resiled  from  their  statements
under Section 161 of the Code.   Having regard to the manner  in  which  the
offence had been committed, it is incomprehensible that there  was  no  eye-
witness to the incident.  Thus, if the persons  cited  as  eye-witnesses  by
the investigating agency retract from their version made before the  police,
then either they have been wrongly projected as eye-witnesses or  they  have
for right or wrong reasons resiled from their earlier  narration.   In  both
the eventualities, in our opinion, the investigation has to  be  faulted  as
inefficient, incomplete and incautious with the  inevitable  consequence  of
failure of the prosecution in the case  in  hand.   Such  a  fall  out  also
spells a dismal failure of the state machinery as a pivotal stake holder  in
the process of justice dispensation to protect and assure the  witnesses  of
their safety and security so to  fearlessly  testify  the  truth.  We  would
hasten to add that these observations are by  no  means  suggestive  of  the
complicity of the respondent Nos. 4 & 5 and other accused  persons  standing
trial.   These,  to  reiterate,  are  farthest  from  even  any  presumptive
hypothesis of their involvement in the  offence  for  the  present  and  are
engendered  by  the  concern  of  possible  failure  of  justice.   If   the
investigating agencies, as involved, have not  been  able  to  identify  and
present eye-witnesses of the  incident  who  would  under  all  circumstance
religiously and devotedly  abide  by  their  version  about  the  same,  the
shortcoming apparently is  in  the  probe  made,  sadly  reflecting  on  the
competence, commitment and efficacy of such agencies.  The  very  fact  that
this Court had earlier stayed the trial while permitting  the  appellant  to
approach the High Court with the relief for assignment of the  investigation
to the CBI does signify its expectation that the High Court  would  adopt  a
sensitive insight into the  issues  raised  and  appropriately  address  the
same.  The pendency of the trial and the examination  of  the  witnesses  so
far made thus in our estimate is not a disarming factor for this  Court,  to
consider the necessity of entrusting the investigation to the  CBI  even  at
this stage. To reiterate, a decision in this regard has to  be  induced  and
impelled  by  the  cause  of  justice  viewed  in  the  overall  facts   and
circumstances attendant on the incident.  No inflexible  norm  or  guideline
is either available or feasible.

93.   The present factual conspectus leaves one with a choice either to  let
the  ongoing  trial  casually  drift  towards  its   conclusion   with   the
possibility of offence going unpunished  or  to  embark  upon  investigation
belated though, spurred by the  intervening  developments,  to  unravel  the
truth, irrespective of the persons involved.  As it is, every offence  is  a
crime against the society and is unpardonable, yet there  are  some  species
of ghastly, revolting and villainous violations of the invaluable  right  to
life which leave all sensible and right minded persons of the society  shell
shocked and traumatized in body and soul.  Such  incidents  mercifully  rare
though are indeed exceptionally agonizing, eliciting resentful  condemnation
of all and thus warrant an extra-ordinary attention  for  adequate  remedial
initiatives to prevent their recurrence.  In our considered  view,  even  if
such  incidents otherwise diabolical  and  horrendous  do  not  precipitate,
national or international ramifications, these undoubtedly transcend  beyond
the confines of  individual  tragedies  and  militatively  impact  upon  the
society’s civilized  existence.   If  the  cause  of  complete  justice  and
protection  of  human  rights  are   the   situational   demands   in   such
contingencies, order for further investigation or reinvestigation,  even  by
an impartial agency as the CBI ought to be  a  peremptory  measure   in  the
overwhelming cause of justice.

94.   Judged in  these  perspectives,  we  are  of  the  firm  opinion  that
notwithstanding the pendency of the  trial,  and  the  availability  of  the
power of the courts below under Sections 311 and 391 of the Code  read  with
Section 165 of the Evidence  Act,  it  is  of  overwhelming  and  imperative
necessity that to rule out any possibility  of  denial  of  justice  to  the
parties and more importantly to instill and sustain the  confidence  of  the
community at large, the CBI ought to be directed  to  undertake  a  de  novo
investigation in the incident.  We  take  this  view,  conscious  about  the
parameters precedentially formulated, as in our comprehension in the  unique
facts and circumstances of the  case  any  contrary  view  would  leave  the
completed process of crime detection in the case wholly inconsequential  and
the judicial process impotent. A court of law, to reiterate  has  to  be  an
involved participant  in  the  quest  for  truth  and  justice  and  is  not
expected  only  to officiate a formal ritual in a  proceeding  farseeing  an
inevitable  end  signaling  travesty  of  justice.    Mission   justice   so
expectantly and reverently entrusted to the judiciary would then be  reduced
to  a  teasing  illusion  and  a  sovereign   and   premier   constitutional
institution would  be  rendered  a  suspect  for  its  existence  in  public
estimation.  Considering the live purpose for which judiciary  exists,  this
would  indeed  be  a  price  which  it  cannot  afford  to  bear  under  any

95.   In the wake of the above, we are unhesitatingly  inclined  to  entrust
the CBI, with the task  of  undertaking  a  de  novo  investigation  in  the
incident of murder of Raju Pal, the  husband  of  the  appellant  as  afore-
mentioned.  Though a plea has been raised on behalf of the  respondent  Nos.
4 and 5  in  particular  that  this  incident  has  been  exploited  by  the
appellant for her political gains, we are left unpersuaded thereby,  as  her
achievements  in   public  life  must  have  been  fashioned  by  very  many
ponderable as well as imponderable factors.  In  any  view  of  the  matter,
such a contention, in our  view, is of  no  consequence  or  relevance.   We
would,  however  make  it  abundantly  clear  that    this   direction   for
entrustment of the investigation to the CBI anew has been made  in  view  of
the exceptional features of  the  case  as  overwhelmingly  demonstrated  by
attendant facts and circumstances indispensably  necessitating the same.

96.   We are aware that in the meantime, over  a  decade  has  passed.   The
call of justice however demands, that the CBI in spite  of  the  constraints
that it may  face  in  view  of  the  time  lag,  would  make  all  possible
endeavours to  disenter  the  truth  through  its  effective  and  competent
investigation and submit the same  before  the  trial  court,  as  early  as
possible preferably within the period of six months from today. The  clarion
call of justice expects a befitting response from the country’s premier  and
distinguished investigating agency.  On receipt of the  report  by  the  CBI
only, the trial court would proceed therewith in  accordance  with  law  and
conduct and conclude the trial expeditiously and not later than six  months.
The interim order staying the ongoing trial is hereby made absolute.

97.   The appeal is thus allowed in the above terms.

                                                          (V. GOPALA GOWDA)

                                                              (AMITAVA ROY)
JANUARY 22, 2016.


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