Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

3548 of 2010, Judgment Date: Dec 04, 2015


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 3548 OF 2010

OPG Securities Private Ltd.                                     …..Appellant


S.E.B.I.  & Anr.                                              ...Respondents

                               J U D G M E N T


This is a statutory appeal preferred under Section  15Z  of  the  Securities
and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (for brevity ‘the  Act’)  against  the
judgment and order dated  11th  February,  2010  passed  by  the  Securities
Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai (for brevity ‘the  SAT’)  in  Appeal  No.  28  of
2009. The dispute between the parties  has  arisen  on  account  of  amended
Regulations effective from 1.10.2006  introducing  Schedule  IIIA  into  the
Regulations.  For stock brokers the measure of fee under  Schedule  III  was
“turnover of the previous year” on  yearly  basis  and  the  same  has  been
replaced by concept of monthly fee on the basis  of  monthly  turnover.  The
dispute is whether the latter would come into effect  immediately  from  the
date Schedule IIIA becomes applicable  to  a  stock-broker  or  the  earlier
measure of fee on yearly basis would continue for a limited period till  fee
in accordance with Schedule III and the principle of turnover of  the  whole
year is realized not only as per the previous year’s turnover  but  for  the
entire up to date turnover till Schedule IIIA comes into effect  in  respect
of a stock-broker.
According to the impugned judgment and order of the SAT, SEBI was  justified
in demanding registration fee from the appellant, a stock-broker,  not  only
on the basis of turnover of the  previous  year  but  also  for  the  entire
turnover earned after the  turnover  of  the  previous  year  and  till  the
implementation of the Schedule IIIA, so that no part of the turnover of  the
stock-broker  escapes  from  the  net  of  registration  fee.  According  to
appellant’s case, argued by learned senior counsel  Mr.  Shyam  Divan,  such
view of the SAT is impermissible in  view  of  specific  provisions  of  the
Regulations, particularly clause (IV) to Schedule III and whole of  Schedule
IIIA  which  were  introduced  together  by  the  third  amendment  to   the
Regulations with effect from 1.10.2006.  Per submissions, the view  is  also
contrary to the distinction between a turnover tax / tax on income in  which
case the annual turnover is targeted as the subject matter of  levy  on  one
hand, and a levy imposed in the present case  as  registration  fee  on  the
other, in which the annual turnover of a stock-broker is only a  measure  of
the levy and not its subject matter.
On the contrary, the stand of the respondent is  that  the  demand  made  by
SEBI is justified by clause 1(a) & (b) of Schedule III and  such  demand  is
saved by clause 4 of Schedule IIIA.
Since the question to be answered is dependent  solely  upon  interpretation
of provisions of Securities and Exchange Board of India  (Stock-brokers  and
sub-brokers) Regulations, 1992 (for short the Regulations) as  amended  from
time to time including Schedule III and IIIA, it  is  not  necessary  to  go
into the facts.  It is sufficient to notice that the appellant is  a  stock-
broker trading, inter alia,  as  a  member  of  the  Bombay  Stock  Exchange
Limited since 29.1.2004. It is not in dispute that the appellant and  stock-
brokers in general are regulated under the provisions of  the  Act  and  for
conducting their trade or business they are required to be  registered  with
SEBI under the Regulations.  Such registration  is  mandatory  in  terms  of
Section 12 of the Act whereas Regulation  10  requires  that  for  obtaining
certificate of registration from SEBI, every applicant shall pay  such  fees
and in such manner as specified in Schedule III or IIIA,  as  the  case  may
be.  The part relating to Schedule IIIA was  inserted  by  the  SEBI  (Stock
Brokers and sub-Brokers) Act (third amendment) Regulations 2006 with  effect
from  1.10.2006.   Regulation  10  also  empowers  SEBI   to   suspend   the
Registration Certificate of a stock-broker if he fails to pay the  fees  and
on such  suspension  the  stock-broker  shall  cease  to  sell  or  deal  in
securities as a stock-broker.
The appellant paid the registration fee in  accordance  with  Regulation  10
read with Schedule III without any dispute for the financial years  2003-04,
2004-05 and 2005-06 based on the previous  year  turnover.   After  Schedule
IIIA was inserted w.e.f.  1.10.2006,  the  appellant  exercised  the  option
under clause 2 of Schedule IIIA and started paying fee as per Schedule  IIIA
w.e.f. 1.10.2006 on  the  basis  of  monthly  turnover  as  the  measure  of
registration fee payable on monthly basis.
In case there had been no option offered by way of introduction of  Schedule
IIIA, the appellant would have been required to pay for  the  whole  of  the
year 2005-06 on the basis of turnover of previous year  but  on  account  of
exercise of option and switching over to regime under rule IIIA with  effect
from 1.10.2006, the appellant  paid  pro  rata  only  for  the  period  upto
30.9.2006 on the basis  of  turnover  of  the  previous  year  (1.4.2005  to
30.9.2005).  SEBI, on the other hand, claimed that appellant had  paid  only
half of his liability whereas he was liable to  pay  further  Rs.18,13,995/-
even for the period from October 2006 to March 2007 regardless of  the  fact
that from October 2006, as per Schedule IIIA he was liable to  pay  and  had
paid the registration fee on monthly basis on monthly  turnover.   Not  only
this, SEBI claimed further amount of Rs.21,60,600/- for the year 2007-08  on
the ground that no amount of turnover  reached  by  the  appellant  till  he
opted to come under Schedule IIIA should escape from  levy  of  registration
fee.  Such demands by  the  SEBI  were  regardless  of  the  fact  that  the
appellant, without any dispute came to be governed  by  Schedule  IIIA  from
1.10.2006 and he paid Registration Fee in accordance with Schedule IIIA  for
the remaining part of 2006-07, i.e, from 1.10.2006 and for  the  year  2007-
As noticed earlier, due to above dispute the appellant preferred appeal  No.
28 of 2009 under Section 15T of  the  Act.   The  SAT  decided  against  the
appellant and dismissed his appeal by the impugned order.
On hearing learned senior counsel for the appellant Mr.  Divan  and  learned
senior counsel for the SEBI, Mr.  C.U.  Singh,  we  find  that  the  demands
raised by SEBI is illegal being contrary  to  the  Regulations  particularly
clause IV of Schedule III.  It is also based on  a  misconception  that  the
entire annual turnover regardless of the  formula  accepted  under  Schedule
III which took into account only the annual turnover of previous year  as  a
measure of levy, must be the subject matter  of  levy  even  after  Schedule
IIIA became applicable.  This misconception is due to a wrong mind set  that
the annual turnover is the subject matter of levy and not merely  a  measure
of levy.  Such misconception is directly in teeth of what has  been  clearly
held in Paragraph 45  of  this  Court’s  Judgment  in  the  case  of  B.S.E.
Brokers’ Forum v. Securities and Exchange Board of India, (2001) 3  SCC  482
decided by a three Judges Bench.  Relevant part of para 45 of that  judgment
reads as follows:-
“45. It cannot be disputed that the “annual turnover” of  a  broker  is  not
the subject-matter of the levy but is only a measure of the levy.  In  other
words, the fee is not being levied on the turnover as such but  the  fee  is
being levied on the brokers making their annual turnover  as  a  measure  of
the levy which is a fee for regulating  the  activities  of  the  securities
market and for registration of the brokers and other intermediaries  in  the
said market. Therefore, it is futile to contend  that  such  levy  would  be
either a tax or a fee on the turnover.”

The main contention of Mr. C.U. Singh to support the  impugned  judgment  of
the SAT is based upon clause 1(a) & (b) of Schedule III.  According  to  him
that clause is the charging provision which requires taking note  of  annual
turnover during any financial year for levy of  registration  fee  for  each
financial year.   In  reply  Mr.  Divan  has  contended  that  the  charging
provision is in fact Regulation 10 which  requires  every  applicant  for  a
certificate of registration to pay fees.  Only the  quantum  and  manner  of
payment of such fees has been left to be determined as per Schedule  III  or
Schedule IIIA.
Further reply is that in clause 1(a), the annual turnover of  the  financial
year has not been made the basis for computing  registration  fee  for  that
financial year and in fact under the applicable provisions  in  clause  2(b)
such fee is required to be computed with reference to  the  annual  turnover
relating to the preceding financial year.  It was  further  pointed  out  on
behalf of the appellant that while introducing Schedule IIIA, the SEBI  also
introduced a contemporaneous change in Schedule III by inserting clause  IV,
which is as follows :
“IV.  Non-applicability to stock  brokers  governed  by  Schedule  III-  The
provisions of this Schedule  shall  not  apply  to  stock  brokers  to  whom
Schedule IIIA applies, from the time when it becomes so applicable.”

We find ourselves in agreement with submissions advanced on  behalf  of  the
appellant  that  after  30th  September,  2006  i.e.  after  Schedule   IIIA
admittedly became applicable to the appellant,  no  provisions  in  Schedule
III could be applied to his case.  We also find no merit in  the  contention
advanced on behalf of SEBI that clause  4  of  Schedule  IIIA  protects  the
demand raised by SEBI.  Clause 4  of  Schedule  IIIA  along  with  clause  3
occurs in Part B which relates to charge of fees. It reads as follows :
“4 – Nothing in clause 3 shall affect the liability of any stock  broker  to
pay fees under Schedule III,  which  accrued  before  this  Schedule  became
applicable to  him  and  such  fees  shall  be  paid  as  per  the  relevant
provisions of Schedule III as if they had not ceased  to  be  applicable  to

The aforesaid clause is clarificatory  in  nature.  It  clarifies  that  the
liability to pay fees as per Schedule III which has already accrued and  got
fastened to a stock-broker  before  the  Schedule  IIIA  became  applicable,
would remain payable as per the provisions of Schedule III even  after  they
cease to be effective for subsequent period.
This clause in our view does not affect the enforceability of Schedule  IIIA
from the date it became applicable to the appellant  on  account  of  option
permitted  by  the  relevant  provisions.   After   Schedule   IIIA   became
applicable, the Registration fee  for  any  future  period  since  1.10.2006
could not be levied or demanded on the basis of Schedule III.  It had to  be
calculated on the basis of monthly turnover and payable each  month  as  per
provisions in Schedule IIIA.
In view of clear legal provisions noticed above, we find the impugned  order
of the SAT under appeal to be contrary to law. The same is  accordingly  set
aside.  The Appeal is allowed.   As  a  result  the  demand  made  upon  the
appellant by SEBI which was under  challenge  before  the  SAT  shall  stand
quashed.  Whatever amount the appellant had paid towards such  demand  shall
be refunded to it along with interest at the rate of 10% per annum from  the
date of deposit till refund.  The refund  should  be  effected  without  any
delay and in any case within two months. There  shall  be  no  order  as  to

                                                            [VIKRAMAJIT SEN]

                                                         [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]
New Delhi.
December 04, 2015.


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