Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 455 of 2006, Judgment Date: Mar 01, 2017


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                       CRIMINAL APPEAL NO 455 OF 2006

      N Paraeswaran Unni                                      ... Appellant

      G Kannan And Another                                 ...  Respondents


      N.V. Ramana, j.

      1. This appeal arises out of the judgment and order dated  06-10-2003
         passed by the High  Court  of  Kerala  at  Ernakulam  in  Criminal
         Revision Petition No. 644 of 1995 whereby the High  Court  allowed
         the criminal revision of the first respondent by setting aside the
         concurrent judgments of Trial  Court  and  Appellate  Court,  that
         first respondent cannot be convicted  under  Section  138  of  the
         Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (in  short  “N.I.  Act”)  as  the
         procedure prescribed under this section was not satisfied  in  the
         instant case.

      2.  Brief  facts  leading  to  this  criminal  appeal,  as  per   the
         prosecution case, are that the first  respondent/accused  borrowed
         Rs. 64,000/- on 13-10-1990 from the appellant/complainant. In lieu
         of the borrowed amount, first respondent issued two cheques  dated
         13-10-1990 for Rs. 10,000/- and  Rs.  25,000/-  respectively  both
         drawn on State Bank of India, Alappuzha Branch. Another cheque for
         Rs. 29,000/- dated 08-10-1990 was also given to the  appellant  by
         first respondent, which was issued by one  K  Rajesh,  Development
         Officer, LIC drawn  on  State  Bank  of  Travancore,  Vadai  Canal
         branch, Alappuzha.

      3. Appellant presented first-two cheques dated 13-10-1990  on  04-04-
         1991  to  his  bank,  State  Bank  of  Travancore,  Main   branch,
         Alappuzha. First respondent’s bank returned the said  two  cheques
         on 05-04-1991 with an endorsement  “Refer  to  drawer.”  Appellant
         received intimation memo dated 05-04-1991 from his bank on  08-04-

      4. Appellant got issued a legal notice on  12-04-1991  to  the  first
         respondent, which was returned with postal endorsement “intimation
         served, addressee absent” on 20-04-1991. The same was received  by
         the appellant’s advocate on 25-04-1991. Appellant again  sent  the
         legal notice on 04-05-1991.   The  second  notice  sent  to  first
         respondent’s  address  was  returned   with   postal   endorsement
         “Refused, returned to sender.” Thus, according to  the  appellant,
         first respondent failed to return the borrowed amount Rs. 64,000/-
         for which statutory notice under proviso (b)  of  Section  138  of
         N.I. Act was issued to him to make good  the  dishonoured  cheques
         due to insufficiency of funds in his bank account.

      5. On 23.05.1991 appellant lodged  a  private  complaint  before  the
         Judicial First Class  Magistrate-II,  Alappuzha  for  the  alleged
         offence under Section 138 of the N.I. Act, which was  numbered  as
         Summary Trial No. 34/92. After  a  full  fledged  trial  and  upon
         appreciating the documentary evidence adduced  on  behalf  of  the
         parties, the Trial Court allowed the complaint  as  the  appellant
         was successful in proving, the case beyond reasonable  doubt  that
         first respondent committed an offence punishable under Section 138
         of the N.I. Act. Accordingly, the Trial Court by judgment dated 29-
         07-1993 convicted and sentenced the first  respondent  to  undergo
         simple imprisonment of three months.

      6.  Aggrieved  by  the  conviction  and  sentence,  first  respondent
         preferred Criminal Appeal No 104 of  1993  before  Addl.  Sessions
         Judge at Alappuzha. The Ld. Judge, after perusing the records  and
         on elaborate hearing, by its judgment dated  07-07-1995  dismissed
         the appeal by upholding and confirming the judgment of  the  Trial

      7. Against the said order, respondent preferred Criminal Revision  no
         644 of 1995 before the High  Court  of  Kerala.  The  only  ground
         raised before the High Court was that the  provisions  of  Section
         138 of the N.I. Act cannot be invoked as  the  appellant  had  not
         complied with the conditions in Clause (b) of the proviso  to  the
         said section. Notice demanding payment of the amount arising  from
         the two dishonoured cheques in question was on 04-05-1991, whereas
         the intimation regarding dishonour of the said cheques  was  given
         by the appellant’s bank on 08-04-1991. Therefore, the  notice  was
         beyond 15 days. Hence, in such circumstances Section  138  of  the
         N.I. Act was not attracted and no offence was made out.

      8. The High Court by its judgment dated 06-10-2003  had  allowed  the
         revision by reversing the concurrent findings of  the  two  Courts
         below holding that the statutory notice was beyond the  prescribed
         limitation period as mentioned under Section 138 of the N.I. Act.

      9. Now the issue before us is even though the first notice was issued
         by the appellant within time to the correct address of  the  first
         respondent, whether the High Court was right in rejecting the case
         of the appellant herein on  the  ground  that  second  notice  was
         issued beyond the period of limitation i.e. 15 days from the  date
         of receiving dishonour intimation from the bank under  Clause  (b)
         of the proviso to Section 138 of the N.I. Act.

     10. Before  delving  into  the  issue,  it  would  be  appropriate  to
         reproduce Section 138 of the Act, as it then stood.
                 138. Dishonour of cheque for insufficiency, etc., of  funds
                 in the account:

                 Where  any  cheque  drawn  by  a  person  on  an   account
                 maintained  by  him  with  a  banker  for  payment  of  any
                 amount of money  to  another  person   from   out  of  that
                 account for the discharge, in  whole  or  in  part, of  any
                 debt or other liability, is returned by the bank   unpaid,
                 either  because of the amount  of  money  standing  to  the
                 credit of  that  account  is  insufficient  to  honour  the
                 cheque or that it  exceeds  the  amount   arranged   to  be
                 paid from that account by an   agreement  made  with  that
                 bank,  such person shall be deemed to  have  committed  an
                 offence   and  shall,  without  prejudice.  to  any   other
                 provision of  this  Act, be punished with imprisonment  for
                 a term which may extend to  two  years, or with fine  which
                 may extend to twice the amount  of  the  cheque,   or  with
                 Provided that nothing contained in  this   section   shall
                 apply  unless-

                    a) the  cheque  has been, presented to the bank  within
                       a period  of six months from the date on which it is
                       drawn   or   within  the  period  of  its   validity,
                       whichever is earlier;

                    b) the payee or the holder in due course of  the  cheque
                       as the   case  may  be,  makes  a  demand   for   the
                       payment  of  the said  amount of money  by  giving  a
                       notice, in writing, to the  drawer   of  the  cheque,
                       within fifteen days of the receipt  of information by
                       him from the bank regarding the return of  the cheque
                       as unpaid; and

                    c) the drawer of such cheque  fails to make the  payment
                       of the said amount of money to the payee or,  as  the
                       case may be, to  the  holder in  due  course  of  the
                       cheque,  within fifteen  days of the receipt  of  the
                       said notice.

                 Explanation.-For the purposes of this section,  “debt   or
                 other  liability” means a legally enforceable debt or other

     11. A bare reading of Section 138 of the N.I. Act, indicates that  the
         purport of Section 138 is to  prevent  and  punish  the  dishonest
         drawers of  cheques  who  evade  and  avoid  their  liability.  As
         explained in Clause (b) of the proviso, the payee or the holder of
         the cheque in due  course  is  necessarily  required  to  serve  a
         written notice on the drawer of the  cheque  within  fifteen  days
         from  the  date  of  intimation  received  from  the  bank   about

     12. It is explicitly made clear under Clause (c)  of  Section  138  of
         N.I. Act, that this gives an opportunity to a drawer of the cheque
         to make payment within fifteen days of receipt of such notice sent
         by the drawee. It is manifest that the object of providing  Clause
         (c) is to avoid unnecessary  hardship.  Even  if  the  drawer  has
         failed to make payment within fifteen  days  of  receipt  of  such
         notice as provided under Clause (c), the drawer shall be deemed to
         have committed an offence under the Act and thereafter the  drawee
         would be  competent  to  file  complaint  against  the  drawer  by
         following the procedure prescribed under Section 142 of the Act.

     13. It is clear from Section 27 of the General Clauses Act,  1897  and
         Section 114 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1972, that once notice  is
         sent by registered post by correctly addressing to the  drawer  of
         the cheque, the service of notice is deemed to have been effected.
         Then  requirements  under  proviso  (b)  of  Section  138   stands
         complied, if notice is sent in the prescribed manner. However, the
         drawer is at liberty to rebut this presumption.

     14. It is well settled that interpretation  of  a  Statute  should  be
         based on the object  which  the  intended  legislation  sought  to
                 “It is a recognized rule of interpretation of statutes that
                 expressions used therein should ordinarily be understood in
                 a sense in which they best harmonize with the object of the
                 statute,  and  which   effectuate   the   object   of   the
                 Legislature. If an expression is susceptible of a narrow or
                 technical meaning, as well as a popular meaning, the  Court
                 would be justified in assuming that  the  Legislature  used
                 the expression in the  sense  which  would  carry  out  its
                 object and reject that which renders the  exercise  of  its
                 power invalid"[1].

     15. This Court in catena of cases has held that when a notice is  sent
         by  registered  post  and  is  returned  with  postal  endorsement
         “refused” or “not available in the house”  or  “house  locked”  or
         “shop closed” or “addressee not in station”, due service has to be
         presumed[2]. Though in  process  of  interpretation  right  of  an
         honest lender cannot be defeated as has  happened  in  this  case.
         From the perusal of relevant sections it is clear  that  generally
         there is no bar under the N.I. Act to send a  reminder  notice  to
         the drawer of  the  cheque  and  usually  such  notice  cannot  be
         construed as an admission of non-service of the  first  notice  by
         the appellant as has happened in this case.

     16. Moreover the first notice sent  by  appellant  on  12-04-1991  was
         effective and notice was deemed to have been served on  the  first
         respondent. Further, it is clear that the  second  notice  has  no
         relevance at all in this case at  hand.  Second  notice  could  be
         construed as a reminder of respondent’s  obligation  to  discharge
         his liability.  As the complaint, was filed within the  stipulated
         time contemplated under Clause (b) of Section 142 of the N.I. Act,
         therefore Section 138 r/w 142 of N.I. Act  is  attracted.  In  the
         view of the matter, we set aside the impugned judgment of the High

     17. However, during the course of hearing, learned counsel  for  first
         respondent, as agreed by appellant herein,  submitted  that  first
         respondent was willing to pay Rs.  2,00,000/-  (Rupees  two  lakhs
         only) in lieu of suffering simple imprisonment of three months  as
         imposed by the Trial Court, as confirmed by  the  first  Appellate
         Court, and endorsed by this Court.

     18. In view of the undertaking given by the learned counsel, we direct
         the first respondent to deposit the said amount of Rs.  2,00,000/-
         (Rupees two lakhs only) before the Judicial First Class Magistrate-
         II at Alappuzha on or before 30.04.2017. Out of the said amount of
           Rs. 2,00,000/- (two lakhs  only)  so  deposited,   Rs.1,30,000/-
         (one lakh thirty thousand) shall  be  paid  to  the  appellant  as

     19. In the event, first respondent fails to deposit the said amount of
         Rs.2,00,000/- within the stipulated period as indicated above, the
         conviction and sentence of three months awarded by the  Ld.  Trial
         Court and affirmed by the Appellate Court shall stand restored and
         bail granted to the first respondent shall stand cancelled.

     20. The appeal is accordingly disposed of in the aforesaid terms.

                                                              (N. V. Ramana)

                                                          (Prafulla C. Pant)

      New Delhi
      Dated:  1st March, 2017
[1] M/S New India Sugar Mills Ltd. v. Commissioner of Sales Tax, AIR 1963
SC 1207
[2]Jagdish   Singh v. Natthu   Singh,   (1992)   1   SCC    647; State    of
M.P. v. Hiralal, (1996)  7  SCC  523  and V.  Raja  Kumari v. P.   Subbarama
Naidu, (2004) 8 SCC 774.

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