Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 2464 of 2016, Judgment Date: Nov 10, 2016

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION
                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.2464 OF 2016
              (Arising out of S.L.P. (Civil) No. 9246 OF 2012)

Manganese Ore India Ltd.                                … Appellant(s)


State of M.P. & Ors.                                   …Respondent(s)


                     CIVIL APPEAL NOS.2465-2467  OF 2016
          (Arising out of S.L.P. (Civil) Nos. 10643-10645 OF 2012)

                               J U D G M E N T

Dipak Misra, J.
      In this batch of  appeals,  by  special  leave,  the  appellants  have
assailed the legal tenability of separate orders dated 01.12.2011 passed  in
Writ Petition No. 9017 of 2010 which relates to the writ petition  filed  by
Manganese Ore India Ltd. and      M.P. No. 2821 of 1988, M.P.  No.  3827  of
1993 and W.P. No. 3103 of 1994  preferred by Hindustan Copper Limited.
2.    As the commonality of controversy  centres  around  interpretation  of
the terms “mineral” and “processing”  under  the  definition  of  “mine”  as
defined under Explanation (b) of Part-B of Madhya Pradesh  Electricity  Duty
Act, 1949 (for brevity, “the Act”), we shall enumerate  the  scheme  of  the
Act and the various litigations that have taken place and thereafter  advert
to the facts in each case.  For brevity and to  avoid  repetition,  we  have
initially referred to the litigation and  different  orders  passed  in  the
case of Hindustan Copper Limited.
3.    The erstwhile Central Provinces and  Berar  Legislative  Assembly  had
enacted the CP and Berar Electricity Duty Act, 1949  which  was  adopted  in
the State of Madhya Pradesh and has come to be known as the  Madhya  Pradesh
Electricity Duty Act, 1949. The Preamble to the Act as amended by the  State
Legislature provides that it is an Act for the  levy  of  duty  on  sale  or
consumption of electrical energy.   Section  3(1)  of  the  Act  accordingly
provides for levy of duty on sale or consumption of  electrical  energy.  It
stipulates that subject to the exceptions specified in  Section  3-A,  every
distributor of electrical energy and every producer shall  pay  every  month
to the State Government at the prescribed time and in the prescribed  manner
a duty calculated at the rates specified in the table below on the units  of
electrical energy sold or supplied to a consumer or consumed by himself  for
his own purposes or for purposes of  his  township  or  colony,  during  the
preceding month.  The table to Section 3(1) prescribes  different  rates  of
duty depending for the purpose for which  the  electrical  energy  is  sold.
Part-B of the table provides for different rates of duty for the  electrical
energy sold, supplied or consumed for the purposes therein.  Item 3  to  the
said table reads as follows:-
 “3.  Mines (other than captive         40
                 mines of cement industry)”

4.    The numeral 40 comes under the heading ‘rate of duty as percentage  of
the electricity tariff per unit’.   The  Explanation  (b)  to  Section  3(1)
defines “mine” as under:-
“Explanation .-(b) “Mine” means a mine to which the Mines Act, 1952 (No.  35
of 1952) applies and includes the  premises  or  machinery  situated  in  or
adjacent  to  mine  and  used  for   crushing,   processing,   treating   or
transporting the mineral.”

5.    It is necessary to state here that Hindustan Copper Limited had  filed
a Writ Petition to strike down the provision of  Section  3  and  the  Table
Part-B  Item  4  (which  is  now  Item  No.  3  after  1995  amendment)  and
Explanation (b) which contains extended definition of mines as  ultra  vires
the Constitution.  As the  factual  matrix  would  reveal,  the  High  Court
dismissed the Writ Petition by placing reliance on State of  M.P.  v.  Birla
Jute Mfg. Co. Ltd.[1].  The matter travelled to this Court which  eventually
formed the subject matter of Civil Appeal Nos. 3248-50 of 1998. A  two-Judge
Bench of this Court in Hindustan Copper Ltd. v. State of M.P. and  others[2]
taking note of certain facts opined  that  the  main  controversy  that  was
required to be examined by the High Court was as to how the word “mines”  is
to be understood as contained in clause (b) of the Explanation under Item  4
of the Table contained in Section 3 of the Act.  This  Court  took  note  of
the contentions of the appellant therein that the activities carried  on  by
it do not fall within the meaning of the word “adjacent”  area  and  further
the approach of the respondents was selective and  discriminatory.   As  the
submissions raised were not dealt with by the High Court  but  it  proceeded
to dispose of the case without examining the facts  in  greater  details  in
regard to either the activities  carried  on  at  different  places  by  the
appellant or as to how in the context of the facts of the  case  and  having
due regard to the provisions, the word “adjacent” should be  construed,  the
Court remitted the Writ Petition to the High Court by stating so:-
“Under the circumstances, we consider it just and appropriate that the  High
Court should examine afresh  the  contentions  advanced  on  behalf  of  the
parties, having due regard to the materials placed  on  record  and  in  the
context of the provisions of the Act touching the controversy. Since we  are
taking a view to remit the case to  the  High  Court,  we  do  not  wish  to
express  one  way  or  the  other  on   the   merits  of   the    respective
contentions  urged  by the parties. …”

 6.   After the remit, the High Court heard the Writ Petition and  dismissed
the same. The order passed by the High Court  was  assailed  in  appeal,  by
special leave, in Civil Appeal No. 6725 of 2008.   In the second round,  the
two-Judge Bench stated the facts in detail which are to the effect that  the
appellant therein is engaged in extraction  of  copper  ore,  by  open  cast
mining process involving drilling and blasting  the  ore  in  the  open  pit
mine, the ore in the  form  of  boulders  are  transported  to  the  primary
crusher (situated at a distance of 2.53 km  from  the  mine),  where  it  is
crushed into pebbles/pieces and such  crushed  ore  is  then  carried  on  a
conveyor to a secondary crusher (situated at about 5 km from the  mine)  for
further  crushing  into  smaller  pebbles.  After  the  said  stage,   small
pieces/pebbles are then carried by a  conveyor  to  the  Concentrator  Plant
(situated at 5.5 km from the mine).
7.    This  Court  further  proceeded  to  state  the  facts  adumbrated  as
projected by the appellant before the High Court.  It was asserted that:-
“4. In the Concentrator Plant, the ore is milled into  powder  in  the  ball
mills. Such powder mixed with water is carried in  the  form  of  slurry  to
floatation cells. In the floatation cells, the slurry is subjected to  froth
floatation process and the  copper  concentrate  is  removed  and  dried  in
vacuum driers and stored in concentrate storage  sheds.  The  tailing  pumps
are at a distance of 8 km. A large quantity of water  is  required  for  the
Concentrator Plant for being used in milling. Water  is  also  required  for
the factory township. The required water is pumped from  the  mines  through
pumps located at an intake well (situated at a distance of 10  km  from  the
mine). From the intake well,  water  is  pumped  to  water  treatment  plant
(situated at a distance of 6 km from the mine).

5. According to the  appellant,  its  activities  consist  of  two  distinct
parts. First is mining, that is, drilling, blasting and  collecting  of  ore
which is carried on at mine pit. This activity is carried  on  in  the  mine
area registered under the Mines Act, 1952. The second is  processing,  which
is carried on  at  the  primary  crusher,  the  secondary  crusher  and  the
Concentrator Plant. The processing (manufacturing) part  of  the  activities
are carried on in the factory  area.  The  primary  crusher,  the  secondary
crusher, the ball mill, the  Concentrator  Plant,  the  tailing  pumps,  the
intake well and the water treatment plant are situated away from  the  mine,
at distances varying from 2.5 km to 10 km and are registered  separately  as
a “factory” under the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948.  The  open  pit
mine (mining area) and the processing plants/machineries (factory area)  are
all situated in a large tract of land taken on mining lease from  the  State

8.    The two-Judge Bench adverted to the chronology of the case  and  noted
that the principal grievance  of  the  appellant  therein  pertains  to  the
definition of “mine” the effect of which is to make  processing  a  part  of
mining and the prescription of a higher rate of duty for  “mines”  (that  is
composite activity of mining and processing),  while  prescribing  a  lesser
rate for other categories of industries.  That apart, the Court taking  note
of the fact that classification of factories into two categories: (a)  those
which are adjacent to a mine and used  for  crushing,  processing,  treating
and transporting the mineral; and (b) other  factories  is  permissible.  It
was urged on behalf of the appellant that the expression  “adjacent  to  the
mines” is vague and ambiguous that leads to discriminatory treatment by  the
authorities.  Further, its processing plant, that is, the  primary  crusher,
the secondary crusher, the ball mill, the Concentrator  Plant,  the  tailing
pumps, the intake well and  the  water  treatment  plant  are  not  situated
“adjacent” to its mine and therefore could not be treated as “mine” for  the
purpose of levy of electricity duty.   The  Court  also  took  note  of  the
issues framed by the High Court after the order  of  remit  on  the  earlier
occasion.  The said issues read as follows:-
“(i) Whether prescribing different rates of tax  for  processing  plant  and
machinery  adjacent  to  a  mine  (‘factory’  falling  within  the  extended
definition of ‘mine’), and other factories is discriminatory  and  arbitrary
and therefore violative of Articles 14 and 19 of the Constitution of India?

(ii) Whether definition of the word ‘mine’ in Explanation (b) in  the  Table
under Section 3 of the Act, gives unguided  discretion  to  authority  under
the Act to decide what is ‘adjacent to a mine’ and therefore invalid.?

(iii) Whether use of the words ‘adjacent to a  mine’  would  mean  only  the
premises or machinery abutting to or adjacent to the mine, and not  premises
or the plant/machinery situated at a distance of about 2.5 to 6 km?

(iv) Whether the State had applied different yardsticks in charging duty  to
petitioner and in charging duty to Bhilai Steel, Balco, Manganese Ore  India
Ltd. and thereby practised discrimination?”

9.    It is imperative to state here that a contention was advanced  by  the
appellant therein that the High Court had not  considered  the  real  issues
and the questions formulated for determination  did  not  cover  the  actual
issues and disputes involved.  The Court proceeded to state the  controversy
in following terms:-
 “21. The Act was amended by the  M.P.  Electricity  Duty  (Amendment)  Act,
1986 (in short “the Amendment Act”). Different rates of  duty  are  provided
in Part B. In the said Part, clause (4) relates to the mines other than  the
captive mines of cement factory and  the  rate  is  50  paise  per  unit  of
energy. Explanation (b) defines “mine” as follows:

“(b) ‘mine’ means a mine to which  the  Mines  Act,  1952  (   35  of  1952)
applies and includes the premises or machinery situated in or adjacent to  a
mine and  used  for  crushing,  processing,  treating  or  transporting  the

22. It was submitted that the entry relating to mines refers to  processing,
treating or transporting the mineral. According  to  the  learned  Solicitor
General the stress is on the expression “mineral”. It was pointed  out  that
the appellant is manufacturing “copper concentrate” which is not  a  mineral
and it is not doing “mining” so far as it  is  covered  by  clause  (7)  for
other industries not covered under the above categories where the rate is  5
paise  per  unit  of  energy.  Essentially  the  submission  is   that   the
Explanation only relates  to  mining  or  minerals.  What  is  excisable  is
“copper concentrate” because there is a process of  manufacturing  involved.
It is seen that Points (iii) and (iv)  formulated  by  the  High  Court  for
determination are really relevant. But the points have  not  been  correctly
formulated to cover the actual essence of the dispute. The correct  question
would be as follows:

“Whether copper concentrate is a mineral and whether Explanation to  Part  B
of the Act applies even though manufacturing process is  involved  to  bring
it into existence?””

      In view of the aforesaid, this Court set aside the  impugned  judgment
and remanded the matter to the High Court for  fresh  consideration  of  the
question framed permitting the parties  to  place  material  in  support  of
their respective stands.
10.   After the remand, before the High Court it was contended that  mineral
is something which grows in  the  mine  and  is  capable  of  being  won  or
extracted so as to be subjected to the  better  or  precious  use.   It  was
further contended that copper ore is extracted at the mine pit and  then  it
is subjected to processing whereafter copper ore becomes copper  concentrate
which is a different commodity  which  is  an  excisable  product.  On  that
basis, it  was  urged  that  copper  concentrate  is  not  a  “mineral”  and
consequently, Explanation (b) to Part-B of Section 3 of  the  Act  will  not
apply. Reliance was placed on State of W.B. v. Kesoram Industries  Ltd.  and
others[3] and Uranium Corporation of  India  Ltd.,  Bihar  v.  Collector  of
Central Excise, Patna[4].  On behalf of the State, it was urged that  copper
concentrate is a “mineral” regard being had to the definition  contained  in
Section 2(jj) of the Mines Act, 1952 (for short, “the 1952 Act”) as well  as
Schedules I and II appended to  the  Mines  and  Minerals  (Development  and
Regulation) Act, 1957. The Division Bench was commended to the authority  in
V.P. Pithupitchai and another v. Special Secretary to the Govt.  of  T.N.[5]
and the decision of the Division Bench of the High Court  in  Stone  Crusher
Owners Association and other v. M.P. Electricity  Board and  others[6].   On
behalf of the respondents, the competent authority of the  M.P.  Electricity
Board contended that the copper ore does not cease to be a “mineral”  merely
because it is subjected to the stated processing and  therefore  the  copper
concentrate does not lose  its  identity  as  a  mineral.   It  was  further
submitted that even though the copper ore is  subjected  to  processing  yet
its chemical structure does not change by placing reliance on  the  decision
in Minerals and Metals Trading Corporation of India Ltd. v. Union  of  India
and others[7].
11.   The High Court considering the rivalised submissions at the Bar,  came
to hold that the State has the  authority  to  pick  and  choose  districts,
objects, persons, methods  and  even  rates  for  taxation  if  it  does  so
reasonably and for the said purpose placed reliance on  East  India  Tobacco
Co. v. State of Andhra Pradesh[8].  It further opined  that  while  latitude
is available  to  the  legislature  in  the  matters  of  classification  of
objects, persons and things for purposes of taxation and it  has  to  be  so
having regard to the complexities involved in the  formulation  of  taxation
policy.  To express the said opinion, the  High  Court  placed  reliance  on
Elel Hotels and Investments Ltd. v. Union of India[9] and Govt. of  A.P.  v.
P. Laxmi Devi[10].  Thereafter it referred to  subject-and-object  rule  and
in  that  regard  reproduced  a  passage  from   Principles   of   Statutory
Interpretation[11] and commended itself to the authorities in Tarlochan  Dev
Sharma v. State of Punjab & Ors.[12] and Union of  India  v.  Harjeet  Singh
Sandhu[13].  After stating the legal proposition in  the  aforesaid  manner,
the High Court ruled that the 1949 Act is an enactment meant to provide  for
levy of duty on sale or consumption of electrical energy  and  the  Act  has
been enacted in exercise  of  power  under  item  48  (b)  List  II  of  the
Government of India Act, 1953 which corresponds to Entry 53 of  List  II  of
the VIIth Schedule of the Constitution of India, namely, tax on  consumption
or sale of electricity. It  referred  to  Section  3  of  the  Act  and  the
definition of the term ‘mine’ and deduced that electricity  duty  under  the
Act is a tax which is levied on  sale  of  consumption  of  electricity  and
further proceeded to state that if the table appended to Section  3  of  the
Act is seen, the classification for the purpose of levy of electricity  duty
is based on the purpose for which the electrical energy is sold or  consumed
and the classification table for the purpose  of  levy  of  duty.    Dealing
with the facet of classification, the High Court observed that:-
“The classification made under Section 3 of the Act has a clear  nexus  with
the object sought to  be  achieved,  namely,  raising  revenue  by  grouping
different types of  industries  and  prescribing  different  rates  of  duty
depending upon the nature of the industry.  The highest rate of  electricity
duty is  prescribed  by  the  legislature  in  its  wisdom  for  the  mining
industry. The object of prescribing the highest  rate  of  electricity  duty
appears to tax the person/industry exploiting the  nature  wealth  which  is
non-renewable.  The exploiter has been required to contribute more, so  that
such contribution is, hopefully, utilized for the welfare of the  people  to
whim such natural wealth belongs”.

12.   After so stating, it adverted to the anatomy of the definition of  the
term ‘mine’ and observed that the expression creates a  legal  fiction  and,
therefore, the definition will embrace only what  is  comprised  within  the
ordinary meaning of ‘mine’ part, together with  what  is  mentioned  in  the
inclusive part of the definition and, therefore, as per well  settled  rules
of statutory interpretation has to  be  read  with  regard  to  subject  and
object of the Act.  The Court proceeded to state that the object of the  Act
is to raise revenue by prescribing rate of duty  and  the  highest  rate  of
duty is prescribed for mining industries as it  is  exploiting  the  natural
wealth which is non-renewable, therefore, it must pay higher  rate  of  duty
which can be utilized for meeting the essential expenditures  by  the  State
Government.  Thereafter, the High Court held:-
“Taking into account the fact that the expression  ‘mine’  creates  a  legal
fiction and if the word ‘mineral’ is read subject to the context and  object
of the Act, it is graphically clear that wide meaning has  to  be  given  to
expression ‘mineral’.  If the copper ore is converted to copper  concentrate
by processing, it only enriches content of copper in the copper  concentrate
and it does not cease to be ‘mineral’ merely on its conversion  from  copper
to copper concentrate.

In view  of  the  preceding  analysis,  in  our  considered  opinion  copper
concentrate is a mineral as defined in explanation (b) to Part B of  Section
3 of the Act and, therefore, the explanation (b) to Part B of Section  3  of
the Act applies to it.

Besides  “copper  concentrate:  is  the  end  product.   What  is  ‘crushed,
processed, treated or transported’ is not copper concentrate’ but  the  ore.
The  electricity  in  question  is  being  consumed  for   such   “crushing,
processing, treating or transportation”.”

13.   Dwelling upon the word “adjacent” and the argument  raised  pertaining
to discrimination between industries located in close proximity of the  mine
and other industries carrying  on  the  same  activity,  namely,  ‘crushing,
processing, treating or transportation’,  which  are  not  located  in  such
close proximity of the mine, the Division Bench opined that:-
“The word ‘adjacent’ does not mean ‘adjoining’  or  ‘abutting’,  but  has  a
wider connotation, and would include close proximity such being in the  same
locality.  This proposition is  not  disputed,  and  therefore,  it  is  not
necessary to refer to the case  law  cited  for  the  meaning  of  the  word
‘adjacent’.  In reply the learned Additional Advocate General  submits  that
this differentiation is justified because the increased  overheads  such  as
transportation costs have been considered for not subjecting  the  far  away
industries to higher tax”.

14.   When the matter was listed for hearing,  Mr.  Mukul  Rohtagi,  learned
Attorney General appearing for the Manganese Ore India  Ltd.  and  Mr.  P.P.
Rao, learned senior counsel appearing for Hindustan Copper Ltd.  urged  that
the High Court has fallen into grave error by imposing the electricity  duty
on the basis of the definition engrafted under Explanation  (b)  to  Section
3(1) of the 1949 Act.  It was contended by Mr. Rohtagi that manganese  order
is a mineral under the Mines Act, 1952 but ferro manganese is not a  mineral
because the said mineral is converted  into  “alloy”  and  ceases  to  be  a
mineral.  Mr. P.P. Rao, learned senior counsel submitted that  copper  is  a
mineral but copper concentrate does not contain any character of  a  mineral
and, therefore, the duty has to be charged at the rate of 8% and not at  the
rate of 40%.
15.   Mr. Saurabh, learned counsel for  the  State,  per  contra,  contended
that the definition is an inclusive one  and  hence,  when  the  mineral  is
processed for the purpose of conversion to alloy, duty at the  rate  of  40%
is leviable.  Learned counsel for the  State  would  submit  that  the  view
expressed by the High Court is absolutely defensible.
16.   The thrust of the matter is whether the aforesaid activity  after  the
mineral i.e. ore has been mined would be covered by  the  word  ‘processing’
used in the Explanation B to Item 3(1) which defines the term ‘mine’.   Mine
as per the said explanation means a mine as to which  the  Mines  Act,  1952
applies.  The word “mine” as  defined  in  the  Mines  Act,  1952  reads  as
“(j) “mine” means any excavation where any  operation  for  the  purpose  of
searching for or obtaining minerals has been carried on, and includes

(i-iv)      …..

(v)   all conveyors or aerial ropeways provided for  the  bringing  into  or
removal from a mine of minerals or other articles  or  for  the  removal  of
refuse therefrom;

(vi) all adits, levels, machinery, railways,  tramways  and  sidings  in  or
adjacent to and belonging to a mine;

(vii) all protective works being carried on in or adjacent to the mine;”

17.   The word ‘minerals’ as  defined  in  the  Mines  Act,  1952  reads  as
“(jj) “minerals” mean all substances which can be obtained  from  the  earth
by mining, digging, drilling, dredging, hydraulicking, quarrying or  by  any
other operation and includes mineral oils (which  in  turn  include  natural
gas and petroleum)”.

18.   Mining would  comprehend  every  activity  by  which  the  mineral  is
extracted or obtained from earth irrespective of whether  such  activity  is
carried on at the surface or in the bowel, but it must be  an  activity  for
winning a mineral.  For the purpose of Item 3  ‘mine’  to  which  electrical
energy is  sold,  supplied  or  consumed,  it  would  include  machinery  or
premises situated in the adjacent to the mine, provided the  electricity  is
used for crushing, processing, treating or transporting the  minerals.   The
word ‘mineral’ used in the aforesaid Explanation under the  Act  would  have
reference to the mineral which is mined  and  is  then  crushed,  processed,
treated or transported.  The word ‘processing’ used in the  Explanation  has
to be interpreted in the context and for  the  purpose  of  the  said  item.
Process can be given either a wide or a narrow meaning.  In the  context  in
which it is used in the Explanation, we are disposed to think that  it  must
be given a meaning which emerges when  we  apply  the  rule  of  noscitur  a
sociis which means that the meaning of the word  is  to  be  judged  by  the
company it keeps. [See : Rohit Pulp and Paper Mills  Ltd.  v.  Collector  of
Central Excise[14]].  The rule of noscitur a sociis  has  been  applied  and
accepted in Ahmedabad Pvt. Primary Teachers’ Association  v.  Administrative
Officer & Ors.[15]  We would  prefer  to  construe  the  said  word  in  the
Explanation with reference to the  words  before  and  after  for  the  word
‘processing’ used therein.  The word ‘processing’ herein, we  think,  should
be interpreted and understood  with  the  associated  words  ‘crushing’  and
‘treating’.  The word ‘processing’ is susceptible of the meaning keeping  in
view the word ‘crushing’ and ‘treatment’ used before and afterwards.
19.   We are absolutely  conscious  that  noscitur  a  sociis  rule  is  not
applied when the  language  is  clear  and  there  is  no  ambiguity,  which
according to us does exist and perceptible in  the Explanation in  question.
 A very broad and a wide definition of the  term  ‘processing’  if  applied,
would include  manufacture  of  a  new  or  distinct  product.   Manufacture
normally involves a series of processes either by hand  or  machine.   If  a
restricted construction is not applied it would  create  and  give  rise  to
unacceptable consequences.  It  is  not  the  intent  to  treat  and  regard
manufacturing activities as processing.  Manufacturing,  as  is  understood,
means a series of processes  through  different  stages  in  which  the  raw
material is subjected to change  by  different  operations.  [For  different
between process and manufacturing see CIT v. Tara Agency[16],  Orient  Paper
and Industries v. State of M.P. and Anr.[17] and Aspinwall  &  Co.  Ltd.  v.
Commissioner of Income Tax, Ernakulam[18].]
20.   The words ‘crushing’,  ‘treating’  and  ‘transporting’  are  words  of
narrower significance and the word ‘processing’  used  between  these  words
should not be given  a  very  wide  meaning,  for  the  legislative  intent,
according to us, is narrower.  The word ‘processing’ would take its  meaning
in the cognate sense.  In other words, the general  word  ‘processing’  will
be restricted to the sense conveyed by the words ‘crushing’, ‘treating’  and
‘transporting’. The intent being that electricity tariff payable in  respect
of mining activities would include the mine itself, all  machinery  situated
or located in the mine or  in  a  premises  adjacent  to  the  mine  wherein
crushing, processing, treatment or transportation of the minerals  as  mined
is undertaken.  The word ‘processing’  herein  would  mean  those  processes
with the help of  hands  or  machineries  connected  and  linked  to  mining
activity.  It would not include process by which a new or different  article
other than the one which  has  been  mined,  is  produced.  It  relates  and
signifies the composite activity of mining and processing.   The  intent  is
not to include processes  which  would  lead  to  creation  of  a  different
commodity as known in the commercial world for otherwise even  manufacturing
activity would get covered, whereas manufacturing  unit  is  liable  to  pay
electricity tariff at a lower rate.  The intent  and  purpose  is  certainly
not to compel and force a manufacturing unit being set up at  an  acceptable
distance from the mine, for the manufacturing  unit  adjacent  to  the  mine
would have to pay electricity tariff  at  a  higher  rate.   Pertinently,  a
manufacturing unit set up by another entity, whether adjacent  to  the  mine
or not, would pay a lower tariff.  Such absurdity and irrationality  has  to
be avoided.  In the present context, we would, therefore, hold  ‘processing’
would mean activities  in  order  to  make  the  mineral  mined  marketable,
saleable and transportable, without substantially changing the  identity  of
the mineral, as mined.  When there is a substantial change  at  the  mineral
mined and the process results in a different  commodity  being  produced  or
transforming and completely changing the mineral, it would fall outside  the
scope of the word ‘processing’.  The restricted construction  will  also  be
acceptable in view of the use of the  word  ‘mineral’  in  the  end  of  the
Explanation.  The word ‘mineral’ in the Explanation  is  the  product  which
was  mined  and  is  put  to  ‘crushing’,  ‘processing’,   ‘treatment’   and
‘transporting’ the mineral.  In other words,  mineral  means  mineral  which
was mined and not a new product created by using or processing  the  mineral
21.   Be it noted, learned counsel for the appellants would submit that  the
metals and minerals available in the earth are  rarely  found  in  the  pure
forms and degree of  purity  that  the  ultimate  users  demand.   They  are
intimately mixed, physically  or  chemically  and  often  both,  with  other
substances.  For  use,  the  good  must  be  separated  from  the  worthless
substances. The sum total of the treatments to which the ores are  subjected
to  in  order  to  separate  and  discard  their  worthless   fractions   by
essentially physical means is called “Ore Dressing”.  The various  modes  of
Ore Dressing include  handpicking,  sorting,  screening,  washing,  jigging,
magnetic separation, crushing, grinding, etc.  In this process, there is  no
change in the chemical composition and properties of mined  mineral,  before
and after processing/dressing to make  it  saleable.   It  is  important  to
point out that mineral/dressing is a subject matter of Mineral processing.

22.   As distinguished from the above, manufacturing of an alloy, etc. is  a
subject matter of Metallurgy and  is  a  part  of  Metallurgical  branch  of
engineering.  Ore Dressing is defined as the processing of  raw  mineral  to
yield a marketable mineral by such means that do not  destroy  the  chemical
identity of the minerals.  On the  other  hand,  an  alloy  like  the  Ferro
Manganese Alloy is  a  result  of  a  manufacturing  method  which  involves
Electro thermic smelting in case of the appellant which  ultimately  changes
the chemical identity of manganese ore resulting into ferromanganese  alloy.
 This method requires manganese ore as one of  the  raw  materials  for  the
manufacture of Ferro Manganese Alloy.  Ferro Alloy is defined  as  an  alloy
of iron with a  sufficient  amount  of  some  element  or  element  such  as
manganese, silicon, chromium or vanadium as a  means  of  introducing  these
elements into iron and steel. Customarily, Ferro alloys  are  identified  or
designated by the principal base metals present in them. The names of  Ferro
alloys are abbreviated by using chemical symbols, e.g., FeMn, FeSi and  FeCr
standing  for  Ferro  Manganese,   Ferro   Silicon   and   Ferro   Chromium,
respectively.  Manufacturing of Ferro manganese alloy involves  the  use  of
manganese ore as a raw material which is  subjected  along  with  other  raw
material (Dolomite, Iron Ore, Coke,  Coal  and  Carbon  Paste),  to  Electro
thermic smelting.  The manufacturing of Ferro Manganese by  Electro  thermic
smelting is a continuous smelting with the electrodes  submerged  deep  into
the charge.  The smelting includes the stages  as  follows:  pre-heating  of
the materials, drying and removal of volatiles,  reduction  of  oxides,  and
smelting of the metal  and  slag.   The  same  reasoning  and  manufacturing
processing is required to create copper concentrate,  a  new  and  different
commercial product.  It is not the mineral as mined.

23.   It is urged that Ferromanganese is an alloy  and  is  not  a  mineral.
The same is an alloy of manganese and iron and is not available  in  natural
form.  It is manufactured in the ferromanganese plant  of  the  appellant  –
Manganese Ore India Ltd. by using raw materials LIKE  manganese  ore,  iron,
coal, coke, dolomite, etc. It  is  further  contended  that  the  appellant,
Manganese Ore India Ltd.  has,  within  its  manganese  ore  mine  area,  an
Integrated Manganese  Beneficiation  Plant  (IMB  Plant)  as  also  a  Ferro
Manganese  Plant  (FMP).  Following   is   the   seriatim   in   which   the
mining/processing/manufacturing takes place:-

a. First Stage : The appellant mines manganese ore from  its  mines.   There
is a levy of electricity duty on the appellant’s consumption of  electricity
during mining at 40%, which the appellant is not disputing.

b. Second State: Such  mines  manganese  ore  is  processed  by  removal  of
impurities in the appellant’s Integrated Manganese Beneficiation Plant  (IMB
Plant). During this process the cleaning of mineral takes place  by  various
methods to remove impurities and foreign contents for the enrichment of  the
manganese content and during this process, the manganese mineral  remains  a
mineral.   There  is  a  levy  of  electricity  duty  on   the   appellant’s
consumption of electricity of IMB Plant at 40%, which the appellant  is  not
disputing. It is relevant  to  note  that  95%  to  98%  of  such  processed
manganese ore is sold in open market.   Remaining is  then  sent  as  a  raw
material to the appellant’s Ferro Manganese Plant (FMP).

c. Third State: At the Ferro Manganese Plant, raw materials like,  processed
manganese ore (for which  40%  electricity  duty  is  already  paid  by  IMB
Plant), iron ore, coke, dolomite, coal,  carbon,  etc.,  are  by  way  of  a
manufacturing process through a  furnace,  blended  into  a  completely  new
product commercially known and sold in the market  as  ferromanganese  alloy
which is a different product with different chemistry and, through  smelting
in furnace.  This  is  nothing  but  a  manufacturing  activity,  where  raw
materials like manganese ore, iron ore, coke, dolomite,  coal,  carbon,  etc
are completely consumed/exhausted.

24.   To bring to the Ferro Manganese Plant  of  the  appellant  within  the
meaning of ‘mine’, the State has argued before this  Court  that  the  Ferro
Manganese Plant  is  being  “used  for  crushing,  processing,  treating  or
transporting”  the  mineral,  that  is,  manganese  ore.   This  is  clearly
unsustainable  as  the  appellant  is  neither  crushing  or  processing  or
treating or transporting manganese ore but rather using it  as  one  of  the
raw materials and consuming  the  same  while  manufacturing  ferromanganese
alloy. The state of crushing, treating, processing, etc.  of  the  manganese
ore (mineral) was in the IMB Plant (second stage), where  the  appellant  is
paying electricity duty at 40%.  The same rate  cannot  be  applied  in  the
Ferro Manganese Plant (the third stage) as it cannot be taken to  be  within
the meaning of ‘mine’ for the aforesaid reason.

25.   Learned counsel for the appellants  would  contend  that  in  numerous
decisions, this Court has reiterated that if  a  new  substance  is  brought
into existence or if a new or different article having a  distinctive  name,
character  or  use  results  from  particular  processes,  such  process  or
processes would amount to manufacture.  In the case  of  Gramophone  Co.  of
India Ltd. v. Collector of Customs, Calcutta[19], this Court held:-

“11. The term “manufacture” is not  defined  in  the  Customs  Act.  In  the
allied  Act,  namely  the  Central  Excise  Act,   1944   also,   the   term
“manufacture” is not to be found defined though vide clause (f)  of  Section
2 an inclusive definition is given  of  the  term  “manufacture”  so  as  to
include certain processes also therein.

12. “Manufacture” came up for the consideration of  the  Constitution  Bench
in Ujagar Prints v. Union of India (1989) 3 SCC 488. It  was  held  that  if
there should come into existence a new article with a distinctive  character
and use, as a result of the processing, the essential  condition  justifying
manufacture of goods is satisfied. The following passage  in  the  Permanent
Edition of Words and Phrases was referred to with approval  in  Delhi  Cloth
and General Mills, AIR 1963 SC 791 at p. 795:

“‘Manufacture’ implies a change, but every change  is  not  manufacture  and
yet every change of an article  is  the  result  of  treatment,  labour  and
manipulation.  But  something  more  is  necessary   and   there   must   be
transformation;  a  new  and  different  article  must   emerge   having   a
distinctive name, character or use.”

13. In a series of decisions [to wit, Decorative Laminates (India)  (P)  Ltd
v. CCE, (1996) 10 SCC 46, Union of India v. Parle  Products  (P)  Ltd.  1994
Supp. (3) SCC 662, Laminated Packings (P) Ltd v. CCE, (1990) 4  SCC  51  and
Empire  Industries  Ltd.  v.  CCE,  (1985)  3  SCC  314]  the   view   taken
consistently by this Court is that the moment there is  transformation  into
a new commodity commercially known as  a  distinct  and  separate  commodity
having its own character, use and name whether  it  be  the  result  of  one
process or several processes, manufacture takes  place;  the  transformation
of the goods into a new and different article should be  such  that  in  the
commercial world it is known as another and different article.  Pre-recorded
audio cassettes are certainly goods known in  the  market  as  distinct  and
different from blank audio cassettes. The two have different  uses.  A  pre-
recorded audio cassette is generally sold by reference to its name or  title
which is suggestive of the contents of the audio recording on the  cassette.
The appellant is indulging in a mass production of such  pre-recorded  audio
cassettes. It is a manufacturing activity. The appellant’s  activity  cannot
be compared with a person sitting in the market extending  the  facility  of
recording any demanded music or sounds on a blank audio cassette brought  by
or made available to the customer, which activity may be called  a  service.
The Tribunal was  not  right  in  equating  the  appellant’s  activity  with
photoprocessing and holding the appellant a service industry.”

26.   In Aspinwall & Co. Ltd. (supra)
 this Court has held as follows:-

“13. The word “manufacture” has not been defined in the Act. In the  absence
of a definition of the word “manufacture” it has to be given  a  meaning  as
is understood in common parlance. It is to  be  understood  as  meaning  the
production of articles for use from raw  or  prepared  materials  by  giving
such materials new forms, qualities or combinations whether by  hand  labour
or machines. If the change  made  in  the  article  results  in  a  new  and
different article then it would amount to a manufacturing activity.

14. This Court while determining as to what would amount to a  manufacturing
activity, held in  CST v. Pio Food Packers, 1980 Supp. SCC 174  :  that  the
test for determination whether manufacture can be said to have  taken  place
is whether the commodity which is subjected to the  process  of  manufacture
can no longer be regarded as the original commodity, but  is  recognized  in
the trade as a new and distinct commodity. It was  observed:  (SCC  p.  176,
para 5)

“Commonly manufacture is the end result of one  or  more  processes  through
which the original commodity is made to  pass.  The  nature  and  extent  of
processing may vary from one case  to  another,  and  indeed  there  may  be
several stages of processing and perhaps a different kind of  processing  at
each stage. With each process suffered, the original  commodity  experiences
a change. But it is only when the change, or a series of changes,  take  the
commodity to the point where commercially it can no longer  be  regarded  as
the original commodity but instead is  recognized  as  a  new  and  distinct
article that a manufacture can be said to take place.”

15. Adverting to facts of the present case, the assessee after  plucking  or
receiving the raw coffee berries makes it undergo nine processes to give  it
the shape of coffee beans. The  net  product  is  absolutely  different  and
separate from the input. The change made in the article  results  in  a  new
and different article which  is  recognized  in  the  trade  as  a  new  and
distinct commodity. The coffee beans have an independent  identity  distinct
from the raw material from which it  was  manufactured.  A  distinct  change
comes about in the finished product.

16. Submission of the learned counsel for the Revenue that the assessee  was
doing only the processing work and was not involved in the  manufacture  and
production  of  a  new  article  cannot  be  accepted.  The  process  is   a
manufacturing process when it brings out a complete  transformation  in  the
original article so as  to  produce  a  commercially  different  article  or
commodity. That  process  itself  may  consist  of  several  processes.  The
different  processes  are  integrally  connected  which   results   in   the
production of a commercially different article. If a commercially  different
article  or  commodity  results  after  processing  then  it  would   be   a
manufacturing activity.  The  assessee  after  processing  the  raw  berries
converts  them  into  coffee  beans  which  is  a   commercially   different
commodity. Conversion of  the  raw  berry  into  coffee  beans  would  be  a
manufacturing activity.”

27.   This Court in  Servo-Med  Industries  Pvt.  Ltd.  v.  Commissioner  of
Central Excise[20] has held as under:-

“27.(1) Where the goods remain exactly the  same  even  after  a  particular
process, there is obviously no manufacture involved. Processes which  remove
foreign matter from goods complete  in  themselves  and/or  processes  which
clean goods that are complete in themselves fall within this category.”

“27.(4) Where the goods are  transformed  into  goods  which  are  different
and/or new after a particular process, such goods being marketable as  such.
It is in this category that  manufacture  of  goods  can  be  said  to  take

28.    Thus,  the  Ferro  Manganese  Plant,  being  a   unit   involved   in
manufacturing of ferromanganese alloy as  opposed  to  a  unit  involved  in
crushing, treating, processing, etc. of manganese  ore,  cannot  be  treated
within the extended definition of ‘mine’ within the Explanation (b) of  Part
B of Table of Rates of Duty to Section 3(1) of the Act.

29.   The Executive Engineer and Chief Electrical Inspector,  Government  of
Madhya Pradesh, vide its letter  dated  06.02.2005   to  the  Superintendent
Engineer and Deputy Electrical Inspector, Government of Madhya Pradesh,  had
confirmed as under:-

“On spot inspection it is confirmed that, Ferro  Manganese  Plant  does  not
come in the Mining Area and Electricity Duty @ 8% being charged  at  present
by the M.P. State Electricity Board is proper.”

30.   The Ferromanganese Alloy so manufactured by the  appellant  using  the
mineral Manganese at its  Ferromanganese  plant  is  an  entirely  different
product from its mineral raw material both physically and  even  chemically.
Moreover, unlike Manganese ore a ferromanganese alloy can never be found  in
the natural state and it has to be manufactured from the manganese  ore  and
other minerals only.  The same logic applies  to  copper  concentrate  as  a
different and distinct product comes into existence.

31.   Thus analyzed, we find that in both the cases, the different  products
in commercial parlance have emerged.  Hence, we are inclined to  think  that
the principle of  noscitur a  sociis  has  to  be  applied.   As  a  logical
corollary, tariff  has  to  be  levied  as  meant  for  manufacturing  unit.
                Therefore, the analysis  made  by  the  High  Court  is  not
correct and, accordingly, the judgments rendered by it  deserve  to  be  set
aside and we so direct.  However, during this period if any amount has  been
paid by the appellants to the revenue, the same shall  be  adjusted  towards
future demands.
32.   Consequently, appeals are allowed.  In the facts and circumstances  of
the case, there shall be no order as to costs.

                                                         [Dipak Misra]

                                             ............................ J.
                                                   [Shiva Kirti Singh]

New Delhi;
November 10, 2016

[1]    (1995) 4 SCC 603
[2]    (2004) 12 SCC 408
[3]    (2004) 10 SCC 201
[4]    1985 (19) ELT 609
[5]    (2003) 9 SCC 534
[6]    MP No. 673/1993
[7]    (1972) 2 SCC 620.
[8]     AIR 1962 SC 1733
[9]     (1989) 3 SCC 698 = AIR 1990 SC 1664
[10]    (2008) 4 SCC 720
[11]    Justice G.P. Singh, 12th Edn., Page 349-350
[12]    (2001) 6 SCC 260
[13]    (2001) 5 SCC 593
[14]    (1990) 3 SCC 447
[15]    (2004) 1 SCC 755
[16]    (2007)  6 SCC 429
[17]    (2006)  12 SCC 468
[18]    (2001)  7 SCC 525
[19]   (2000) 1 SCC 549
[20]   2015 (6) SCALE 137

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