Supreme Court of India (Full Bench (FB)- Three Judge)

Arbitration Case, 19 of 2015, Judgment Date: Jul 13, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                         CIVIL ORIGINAL JURISDICTION

                 ARBITRATION PETITION (CIVIL) NO.19 OF 2015

M/s. Wexford Financial Inc. Panama                 …Petitioner


Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd.                      …Respondent

                                O  R  D  E  R


1.    In this petition under Section 11(5) read with Section 11(12)  of  the
Arbitration and  Conciliation  Act,  1996,  the  petitioner  prays  for  the
appointment of a sole arbitrator for  adjudication  of  disputes  that  have
arisen between the parties in relation to  a  “Service  Provider  Agreement”
executed between them.  The facts in brief are as under:

2.    The petitioner-company is registered under the  Laws  of  Panama  with
its Registered Office at Microjacket-359003, Roll 64778,  Frame  53,  Panama
and a representative office at C-204, LGF,  Greater  Kailash-I,  New  Delhi-
110048.  The company, it appears, is engaged in providing  liaison  services
to companies in public as well as in private sector within and  outside  the
country including procurement of contracts from Government agencies for  its
clients and providing facilitation of pre and post  contractual  obligations
and activities agreed upon by  the  parties.  The  company  claims  a  small
percentage of the value of the contract  towards  its  fee  for  the  Agency
services rendered to its clients.

3.    The petitioner’s case is that  M/s.  Mass  Global  Investment  Company
incorporated under the  Iraqi  Law  and  engaged  in  power  production  for
Kurdistan Regional Government is one of its clients.  Its  further  case  is
that in January-February 2006, the petitioner  introduced  respondent-Bharat
Heavy  Electricals  Limited,  a  public  sector   undertaking   engaged   in
integrated power equipment plant manufacturing to the said M/s  Mass  Global
Investment company in connection with a  “Turnkey  Supply  of  Arbeel  Power
Plant” in the  State  of  Kurdistan.   A  contract  was,  according  to  the
petitioner, signed between M/s Mass Global Investment  Company  (“the  MGIC”
for short) and the respondent on 6th May, 2006.  The petitioner claims  that
the respondent had agreed to pay 1.1% of the contract value  as  agency  fee
for the services rendered by the petitioner  in  connection  with  the  said
Arbeel  project  for  the  respondent.   The  project  could  not,  however,
materialize for no  fault  of  the  petitioner.   That  did  not  deter  the
petitioner from using its good offices to procure  another  project  by  the
name “Sulaymaniah Gas Power Project”.  A Memorandum of Agreement was  signed
between the petitioner’s client and  the  respondent-  Corporation  on  20th
January, 2007 for execution of  the  said  project  which  was  followed  by
signing of a Turnkey contract on 4th March,  2007.   The  original  contract
value of the project aforementioned was US $  117,000,000  which  was  later
increased to US $ 118,181,750.  The petitioner asserts that as in  the  case
of Arbeel project, the respondent had agreed to pay  1.1%  of  the  contract
value towards agency fee  to  the  petitioner  without  the  requirement  of
providing any further service.

4.    The petitioner asserts that work  of  the  execution  of  the  project
aforementioned started and was undertaken  with  the  participation  of  the
petitioner, in the course of which the petitioner claims  to  have  rendered
various services  to  the  respondent  for  facilitating  execution  of  the
project including logistic support at Amman/Jordon.  The petitioner  submits
that the Service Provider Agreement in  respect  of  Sulaymaniah  Gas  Power
Project was executed between the  petitioner,  on  the  one  hand,  and  the
respondent, on the other, on 11th May, 2010  providing  for  pre-contractual
and post-contractual activities and for payment of a fee equivalent to  1.1%
of the total contractual value within thirty days from the  receipt  of  the
payment of the respondent-BHEL.  The  petitioner  alleges  that  progressive
payments were received by the respondent from the  company  but  no  payment
towards agency fee was realized in favour of the petitioner.  After  several
reminders and persuasion, the respondent-BHEL is said to  have  disbursed  a
sum of US $ 3,60,282 only to the petitioner  on  22nd  June,  2010  for  the
services so rendered.  The  petitioner  claims  the  balance  sum  of  US  $
9,39,718 towards agency fee after adjustment of the amount of US $  3,60,282
towards the payment already received by it. The petitioner submits that  the
respondent has not responded to  several  e-mails  sent  by  the  petitioner
seeking payment of the balance amount and  that  by  a  final  communication
date 21st December, 2011 the respondent has declined to make the payment  of
the balance on the ground that the claim  of  the  petitioner  is  baseless,
unfounded and untenable.  The petitioner, in  the  above  backdrop,  asserts
that disputes have arisen between the parties in  relation  to  the  Service
Provider Agreement executed between them, Clause  7,  whereof  provides  for
adjudication of the same by way of Arbitration.  Clause 7 reads as under :

“Article 7 – Arbitration

7.1   Any and all disputes arising between the PARTIES  in  connection  with
the performance and/or interpretation of this Agreement shall be settled  in
an amicable manner.  In case the parties fail  to  arrive  at  a  settlement
within Sixty (60) days of the matter being referred by the  aggrieved  PARTY
to the other, such disputes shall be finally settled in accordance with  the
provisions of Indian  Arbitration  and  Conciliation  Act,  1996  and  rules
framed there under

7.2   The Arbitrator (s) appointed shall have its seat in New Delhi and  the
arbitration proceedings shall be  in  English.   The  Arbitrator  (s)  shall
record reasons for the award.  Courts at  New  Delhi  shall  have  exclusive
jurisdiction relating  to  adjudication  of  any  dispute  which  may  arise
between the PARTIES hereto.”

5.    The petitioner has, in the light of the above, approached  this  Court
for appointment of an arbitrator and  for  reference  of  the  disputes  for
adjudication to him.

6.    The respondent-company has in its  reply  opposed  the  grant  of  any
relief to the petitioner inter alia  on  the  ground  that  the  notice  for
arbitration served upon the respondent is not a  proper  one  and  that  the
claim made by the petitioner is  barred  by  limitation.   The  respondent’s
further case is that the main service which the petitioner  was  obliged  to
provide under the Service Provider Agreement was to ensure  that  there  was
an amicable settlement of  the  disputes  between  the  respondent  and  the
client and that the bank guarantee provided by the respondent for US $  15.7
million to MGIC was  returned  to  it.   The  petitioner  having  failed  to
fulfill that obligation under the agreement was not entitled  to  claim  any
amount from the respondent.

7.    We have heard learned counsel for the  parties  at  some  length.  The
material facts are not in dispute.  That a Service  Provider  Agreement  was
executed between the parties is  admitted.   That  Article  7  of  the  said
agreement provides  for  settlement  of  the  dispute  in  relation  to  the
agreement by way of arbitration is also not in dispute.  That disputes  have
actually arisen between the parties in relation to  the  agreement  is  also
evident from the averments made  in  the  pleadings.  The  only  method  for
determination of such disputes is by way of  arbitration.   Whether  or  not
the petitioner has provided the services envisaged under the agreement  and,
if so, whether the said services were adequate and satisfactory are  matters
that can be examined only by the Arbitrator.  So also the  question  whether
the claim made by the petitioner is time barred cannot be  examined  in  the
present proceedings and shall have to be left open to be raised  before  the
Arbitrator.  There  is,  in  that  view,  no  gainsaying  that  the  present
petition under Sections 11(5) and 11(12)  shall  have  to  be  allowed  with
appropriate directions, particularly when this Court is concerned  primarily
with the question  whether  an  arbitration  agreement  exists  between  the
parties and if so whether the disputes  falling  within  the  scope  of  the
agreement  have  arisen  for  determination.   Our  answer  to  both   these
questions being in the affirmative, the petitioner has made out a  case  for
appointment  of  an  Arbitrator  and  for  reference  of  the  disputes  for
adjudication to him/her.

8.    In the result, we allow this petition, and appoint Ms.  Justice  Rekha
Sharma, former Judge of the High Court of Delhi as  a  Sole  Arbitrator  for
adjudication of the  disputes  that  have  arisen  between  the  parties  in
relation to the Service Provider Agreement executed between them.  We  leave
it open for the parties to make their claims and counter claims in  relation
to the agreement afore-mentioned before  the  Arbitrator.   All  contentions
otherwise open to the parties on facts and in law shall be open to be  urged
before the Arbitrator. The petition, is accordingly, allowed with the  above
directions leaving the parties to bear their own costs.

9.    Parties are directed to appear before the Arbitrator on  22nd  August,

                                                    [T.S. Thakur]

                                                   [R. Banumathi]

                                               [Uday Umesh Lalit]
New Delhi;
July 13, 2016

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