Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 3195 of 2016, Judgment Date: Mar 29, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.3195  OF 2016
                 (Arising out of SLP (C) NO. 29714 of 2013)

M/S SHEIKH NANHEY & SONS & ORS.                                    APPELLANTS


UNION OF INDIA & ORS.                                             RESPONDENTS


                 CIVIL APPEAL NO.3196 OF 2016
                 (Arising out of SLP (C) NO. 17358 of 2014)


                 WRIT PETITION NO. 848 OF 2014


                 WRIT PETITION NO. 207 OF 2015


                 WRIT PETITION NO. 177 OF 2015

                                  J U D G M E N T

      KURIAN, J.

      C.A. NO.3195/2016 (@ SLP (C) No.29714/2013)  and
      C.A. NO.3196/2016 (@ SLP (C) No.17358/2014)

      1.   Leave granted.
      2.    The issue raised in these cases pertains to the renewal of
licence of the apellants, by the Railways.
      3.    It is fairly submitted by the learned counsel on both

sides that the issue in principle, is covered by the decision
of this Court in Civil Appeal Nos. 618-620 of 2016 decided on 29th  January,
2016.  Therefore, these appeals are allowed directing the Railways  to  take
the required action in the light of the said  judgment,  within  six  weeks.

      4. The impugned judgments are set aside and  appeals  are  allowed  as

      W.P. Nos. 848/2014, 207/2015 & 177/2015

            The issue  on renewal of licence in  principle,  is  covered  by
the decision of this Court in Civil Appeal Nos. 618-620 of 2016  decided  on
29th January, 2016.  Therefore, these writ petitions are  disposed  of  with
direction to the Railways to take the required further steps  in  the  light
of the judgment dated 29th January, 2016, within six weeks.

                                                             [KURIAN JOSEPH]

                                                     [ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN]
 MARCH 29, 2016

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