Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 286 of 2016, Judgment Date: Jan 18, 2016

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 286 OF 2016
                   (Arising out of SLP(C) No.8906 of 2011)

M/S RAHMAN INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD.                              … APPELLANT (S)


STATE OF U.P. AND OTHERS                                    … RESPONDENT (S)

                               J U D G M E N T


Leave granted.

The appellant  challenged  the  award  dated  27.08.2010  passed  under  the
provisions of the Timely Payment of Wages Act, 1978 and the recovery  before
the High Court leading to the impugned judgment dated 09.02.2011.  The  High
Court  found  that  the  order  passed  by  the  Labour  Court  was  without
jurisdiction, and hence, the impugned orders were quashed. However,  it  was
clarified that the judgment of the High Court did not mean that the  workmen
was left without any remedy. The question was only on invocation  of  proper
remedy before the appropriate forum. And  thus,  it  was  directed  that  in
case, any such matter is brought before the Government, the Government  will
refer it for adjudication before the Labour Court. To quote:

“However, quashing of the orders under the  Timely  Payment  of  Wages  Act,
1978 by this Court will not mean that the claim  of  the  workmen  has  been
rejected in any manner. The Court has not given any finding  on  the  rights
of the workmen or the amount of wages which had to be adjudicated by  proper
forum. The opposite party No. 6 and  the  workmen  will  be  at  liberty  to
approach the proper forum under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 or any  other
forum under the Payment of Wages Act, 1936 or any  other  forum  which  they
deem fit in the facts and circumstances of the case.  It  is  also  provided
that in case matter is brought before the government it will  refer  it  for
adjudication at the earliest and the Labour  Court  will  decide  the  whole
matter within a maximum period of four months from the date of reference.”

The grievance of the appellant is in a very narrow compass.  It  is  pointed
out that there is a peremptory direction by the  High  Court  to  refer  the
dispute raised by the workmen for adjudication, virtually  taking  away  the
discretion on the part of the Government  to  look  into  the  issue  as  to
whether there is a referable dispute at all.
We find force in the submission made by the learned Counsel. In  the  scheme
of the Industrial Disputes  Act,  1947  (hereinafter  referred  to  as  ‘the
Act’), it is not as if the Government  has  to  act  as  a  post  office  by
referring each and every petition received by them. The Government  is  well
within its  jurisdiction  to  see  whether  there  exists  a  dispute  worth
referring for adjudication. No doubt, the  Government  is  not  entitled  to
enter a finding on the  merits  of  the  case  and  decline  reference.  The
Government has to satisfy itself, after applying its mind  to  the  relevant
factors and satisfy itself to the  existence  of  dispute  before  taking  a
decision to refer the same for  adjudication.  Only  in  case,  on  judicial
scrutiny, the court finds that the refusal  of  the  Government  to  make  a
reference of the dispute is unjustified on  irrelevant  factors,  the  court
may issue a direction to the Government to make a reference.
The jurisdiction of the Government under the scheme of the  Act  to  satisfy
itself as to the existence of the dispute has been  the  subject  matter  of
catena of judgments of this Court, some of which have been  referred  to  in
Steel Authority of India v. Union of India[1], wherein it has been  held  at
paragraph-18, which reads as follows:

“ 18. Before adverting to the questions raised before us,  we  may  at  this
juncture notice the contention of Mr V.N. Raghupathy  that  whereas  in  the
reference only 26 workmen were made parties,  more  than  600  workmen  were
made parties in the  writ  petition  and,  thus,  only  because  before  the
appropriate  Government  a  demand  was  raised  by  some  of  the   workmen
contending that they were workmen of the contractors, an industrial  dispute
could be raised that the contract was a sham one and in truth and  substance
the workmen were employed by the management.”

In Rashtriya Chemicals  and  Fertilizers  Limited  and  another  v.  General
Employees’Association and others[2],  following  Steel  Authority  of  India
(supra), it has been held at paragraph-8 that … “It is for  the  appropriate
Government to apply its mind to relevant factors and satisfy  itself  as  to
the existence of a dispute before deciding to refer the dispute. …”.
In Telco Convoy Drivers Mazdoor Sangh and another  v.  State  of  Bihar  and
others[3], it has been held that on judicial  review,  if  the  court  finds
that  the  appropriate  Government  was  not  justified  in  not  making   a
reference, the court may issue a positive direction to make a reference.
This Court, in Sarva Shramik Sangh v.  Indian  Oil  Corporation  Limited[4],
has cited almost all the previous decisions on this point with approval.
The High Court has, in the impugned order, denied  the  jurisdiction  vested
in the Government in the scheme of  the  Act  to  examine  a  case  for  the
purpose of satisfying itself as  to  whether  there  exists  a  dispute  for
referring to the Labour  Court/Industrial  Tribunal  for  adjudication.  The
High Court has issued a mandatory direction in the very  first  instance  to
refer the dispute, if any, raised by the  workmen  for  adjudication  before
the Labour Court. That is against the scheme of the  Act  as  we  have  seen
from the legal position settled by this Court.
We, hence, set aside the impugned order  to  the  extent  that  there  is  a
mandatory direction for referring the  issues  raised  by  the  workman  for
adjudication. However, we make it clear that  the  Government  must  examine
whether a dispute exists or not, and in case it is so satisfied,  it  should
refer the same for adjudication before the Labour Court. Needful  should  be
done within a period of three months from the date on  which  the  issue  is
raised by the workmen.
The appeal is allowed to the above extent. There shall be no  orders  as  to

                                                             (KURIAN JOSEPH)

                                                     (ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN)
JANUARY 18, 2016.
[1]    (2006) 12 SCC 233
[2]    (2007) 5 SCC 273
[3]    (1989) 3 SCC 271
[4]    (2009) 11 SCC 609



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