Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 9394 of 2014, Judgment Date: Oct 10, 2014


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9394 OF 2014

                 (ARISING OUT OF SLP (C) NO. 39122 OF 2013)

M/S. IVT (IB VALLEY TRANSPORT),                                         
VLT (VIJAY LAXMI PVT. LTD.),                                           

CC (COAL CARRIERS) (JV)                                      .....APPELLANT(S)            


CHAIRMAN-CUM-MANAGING DIRECTOR                                          

MAHANADI COALFIELDS LTD. & ORS.                             .....RESPONDENT(S)           

                                  O R D E R


                 Leave granted.

In this appeal, the appellant is challenging the validity  of  orders  dated

November 21, 2013 passed by the  High  Court  of  Orissa  in  Writ  Petition

(Civil) No. 22022 of 2013 whereby the High  Court  has  dismissed  the  writ

petition on the ground that the dispute between the parties arises out of  a

commercial contract and, therefore, remedy for adjudication thereof  by  way

of writ petition under Article 226 of the  Constitution  is  not  available.

The High Court has, thus, observed that such a dispute  has  to  be  settled

either in a suit or in other proceedings in accordance with the contract.

The brief  facts  which  are  discernible  from  the  record  are  that  the

respondents  floated  a  tender,  i.e.  NIT  No.   MCL/SBP/GM(TC)/   NIT-514

(hereinafter referred to  as  'NIT-514')  dated  November  18-19,  2008  for

“transportation of surface miner coal fact  to  Kanika  Railway  Siding  and

transportation of surface miner reject to face to surface miner reject  dump

of Kulda OCP, Basundhara Garjanbahal Area”.  The period of contract for  the

said NIT was for three years  and  the  estimated  value  of  the  work  was

?63,68,45,000/- (rupees sixty three crores sixty eight lacs and  forty  five

thousand only).  The appellant also submitted its  bid  and,  on  evaluation

thereof, emerged as  the  Lowest  Tenderer  (L-1).   This  resulted  in  the

issuance of the letter of acceptance dated March 20, 2009 which  was  served

upon the appellant and the first work order was issued on May 18, 2009.   As

per the appellant, it is only after 22 months from the  date  of  letter  of

acceptance i.e. on June 7, 2011, the site was handed over to the  appellant.

 As such the appellant started execution of the contract  with  effect  from

June 07, 2011.  The contract was performed upto June 06, 2014.

A dispute arose between the  parties  which  is  about  the  rate  at  which

payment of revised wages is to be made by  the  appellant  to  all  contract

workers  engaged  in  the  mining  activities.   It  originated  under   the

circumstances mentioned hereinafter.

It so happened in the Work Order dated May 18, 2009,  working  details  were

described pursuant to NIT-514.   Clause  37.06  of  NIT-514  contained  Wage

Compensation Formula,  which  will  be  referred  to  by  us  later  at  the

appropriate stage.  What is relevant to point out at this stage is  that  on

September 28, 2012, the Central Government issued another  notification  for

the revision of the Minimum Wages in Mines and Establishment  falling  under

the Government of India.   It  prescribed  the  minimum  wages  for  workers

working above the ground for the categories of unskilled  as  ?186/-,  semi-

skilled as ?231/-, skilled/clerical as ?279/- and highly skilled as  ?324/-.

 According to the appellant, it has been paying the  workers  wages  at  the

aforesaid revised rates with effect from January 01, 2013.

While the appellant was executing the said work, the first communication  in

regard to the payment of revised wages was made by the  respondents  through

a letter dated June 21-22, 2013 directing therein that the  appellant  shall

pay to all contract workers engaged in the mining  activities,  pursuant  to

NIT-514, the revised wages as per  the  recommendation  of  the  High  Power

Committee of Coal India Limited contained  in  its  Circular  No.  CIL/C-5B/

JBCCI/HPC/566 dated February 18, 2013.  In this letter, the respondents  had

categorically   stated   that   there    is    no    provision    of    Wage

Escalation/Compensation Formula in the contract awarded  to  the  appellant.

However, if the appellant had  any  reservation/  grievance  in  paying  the

revised wages to the workers,  the  appellant  ought  to  submit  a  written


In reply to the aforesaid letter, the appellant, vide letter dated June  29,

2013, intimated the respondents that it is ready and willing to  accept  the

rate derived considering the Wage Compensation Formula  as  per  the  clause

inserted in the contract of other NITs, the work of which is in progress  in

the same project (Kulda OCP), even though  there is no  provision  of  Wages

Escalation/Compensation Formula in the contract awarded  to  the  appellant.

The appellant started paying the revised wages to the  contract  workers  as

per the directions of the respondents vide letter dated June 21-22, 2013.

While the things stood at that stage, the respondents  issued  orders  dated

August 06, 2013 and called upon the appellant to pay wages at  the  rate  of

?279/- (basic wage ?180/- plus ?99/- as  variable  dearness  allowance)   as

base rate of minimum wages.  In  this  communication,  the  aforesaid  basic

wage is arrived at by  taking  aid  of  the  Government  Notification  dated

November 28, 2012 which became effective from October 01,  2012.   According

to the appellant, the  aforesaid  mode  of  calculating  the  base  rate  of

minimum wage by taking into consideration  rates  prescribed  in  Government

Notification dated November 28, 2012 is per se  erroneous  inasmuch  as  the

said Notification became effective only from October 01, 2012,  whereas,  as

per Clause 37.06 of NIT-514, the rate of  minimum  wages  which  has  to  be

taken  into  consideration  is  as  per  Central  Government's  Notification

“corresponding to the last  date  of  submission  of  tender”.   It  is  the

submission of the appellant that  since  the  last  date  of  submission  of

tender  was  December  23,  2008,  the  Government  Notification  which  was

applicable as on that date had to be taken into consideration to  arrive  at

base minimum wage and as per this, ?111/- per day was the minimum  wage  for

skilled category of workers in  terms  of  Central  Government  Notification

dated  October   27,   2008.    The   appellant,   accordingly,   made   the

representation dated  August  29,  2013  objecting  to  the  basic  wage  as

calculated by the respondents in  its  letter  dated  August  06,  2013  and

intimating its willingness to accept the rate derived considering  the  Wage

Compensation Formula as per the  aforesaid  clause  in  NIT-514.   Since  no

reply was received, the appellant filed the aforesaid  writ  petition,  fate

whereof has already been mentioned above.

When the special leave petition came up for hearing  on  January  10,  2014,

following order was passed:

“Issue notice returnable in two weeks as  we want to remit  the  case  to  a

particular forum after hearing the  other  side.   Dasti,  in  addition,  is


The respondents have filed the counter affidavit wherein it is, inter  alia,

pleaded   that  the  appellant  had  not  followed  the  general  terms  and

conditions of Clause 12, which provides for a dispute resolution  mechanism.

 This clause states that if any dispute takes place between  the  contractor

and the department, effort shall be made to settle the disputes  at  company

level.  Further, this clause states that the contractor should make  request

in writing to the Engineer Incharge for settlement of such  disputes/  claim

within 30 days of arising of cause of the dispute/claim,  failing  which  no

dispute/claim of the contractor shall be  entertained  by  the  respondents.

The respondents have also sought to justify the rates of  minimum  wage  for

skilled workers, as derived in their communication from August 06, 2013,  in

respect of which decision has been taken by the Coal  India  Limited,  which

is the parent company of Mahanadi Coal Fields Limited (respondents  herein).

 However, we are not concerned with the merits of the  dispute  and  we  are

only to decide the appropriate forum where the dispute is to be decided  and

hence, we are not taking note of those submissions  made  on  the  basis  of

which the respondents justify the  contents  of  their  communication  dated

August 06, 2013.

From the aforesaid narration of facts, it becomes clear that  Clause  12  of

the General Terms  and  Conditions  provides  for  a  mechanism  of  dispute

resolution  before  resorting  to   the   legal   remedies.    This   clause

specifically states that it  is  incumbent  upon  the  contractor  to  avoid

litigation and disputes during the course  of  execution.   If  any  dispute

takes place between the contractor and the department, effort shall be  made

first to settle the disputes at the company  level.   Further,  this  clause

states that the contractors should make request in writing to  the  Engineer

Incharge for settlement of such dispute/claim within 30 days of  arising  of

cause  of  dispute/claim.   Further,  as  per  Section  8  of  NIT-514,  the

contractor can avail second resolve mechanism  technique,  i.e.  Independent

External Monitor (IEM) to resolve the dispute.  It was to be resorted to  in

the first instance before  approaching  the  Court.   There  is  no  quarrel

between the parties in respect thereof.  However, issues are joined  on  the

utilization of the said mechanism.  As per the  appellant,  after  receiving

the offending Office Order dated August 06, 2013, it had sent  communication

dated August 29, 2013 requesting therein  to  revise  the  aforesaid  Office

Order to the extent that the rate of minimum wages should be taken as ?101/-

 per day in respect of ?279/- per day, but no response thereto was  received

within the period of 30 days.  The appellant argues that in this  manner  it

had exhausted the said channel  and  only  thereafter  approached  the  High

Court.  The respondents maintained that writing of letter dated  August  29,

2013 was not in terms of Clause 12.

We find some justification in the stand taken by the respondents. No  doubt,

in its representation dated August 29, 2013 the appellant  stated  that  the

value of Po of Wage Compensation Formula (Clause No.  37.06)  has  not  been

incorporated in the above Office Order correctly and  the  rate  of  minimum

wages as on the last date of submission of tender  was  December  23,  2008.

On this basis, request is made to revise the  calculations  and  communicate

the same to the appellant.  However, it  is  not  stated  that  dispute  has

arisen on that account and it should be resolved  in  terms  of  Clause  12.

Clause 12 of NIT-514 reads as under:

“It is incumbent upon  the  contractor  to  avoid  litigation  and  disputes

during the course of execution.  However, if a dispute takes  place  between

the contractor and the department, efforts shall be  made  first  to  settle

the disputes at the company level.

The contractor should make request  in  writing  to  the  Engineer  I/C  for

settlement of such disputes/ claims within 30 days arising of the  cause  of

dispute/claim failing which no dispute/claim  of  the  contractor  shall  be

entertained by the company.

If differences still persists, the settlement of  the  disputes  with  Govt.

agencies shall be dealt  with  as  per  guidelines  issued  by  Ministry  of

Finance, Govt. of India in this regard.   In  case  of  parties  other  than

Govt. agencies, the redressal of the dispute may be sought in the  Court  of

Law within the jurisdiction of District  Court/High  Court  where  the  work

will be executed.”

It is manifest that representation dated August 29, 2013 in no way  attempts

to invoke the  mechanism  provided  in  Clause  12  for  the  settlement  of

dispute.  The  respondents  in  the  counter  affidavit  have  categorically

stated that vide letter dated June 28, 2013, the Staff Officer  (Mining)  BG

had given the details of methodolgy for  calculation  of  wage  compensation

and, therefore, clarification was given.

It is clear from the above that a dispute has arisen about  the  methodology

for calculation of wage compensation.  In such circumstance, as  per  Clause

12, the appellant was  supposed  to  write  to  the  Engineer  Incharge  for

resolving the dispute. Pertinently, communication dated August 29,  2013  is

addressed to the Staff  Officer  (Mining).   Therefore,  by  no  stretch  of

imagination, it can be said that  the  appellant  availed  the  departmental

remedy provided under Clause 12, before filing the writ petition.

Having regard  to  the  aforesaid  facts,  we  dispose  of  this  appeal  by

directing the appellant to exhaust the remedy under Clause 12 by  requesting

the Engineer Incharge to resolve the dispute before taking recourse  to  any

suitable legal remedy.

                 No costs.


                                                       (J. CHELAMESWAR)


                                                          (A.K. SIKRI)

New Delhi;

October 10, 2014.

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