Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 10554 of 2010, Judgment Date: Feb 26, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.10554 OF 2010

M/s. Electro Optics (P) Ltd.                                  …..Appellant


State of Tamil Nadu                                          …..Respondent

                                   W I T H

                   C.A.Nos.10562 of 2010 and 10563 of 2010

                               J U D G M E N T


Common judgment and order of the High Court of Judicature  at  Madras  dated
29.09.2009 in Tax Case Nos.1834 of 2006, 2307  of  2008  and  Writ  Petition
No.18770 of 2000 is under challenge in these appeals.  The  High  Court  has
rejected the case of the appellant assessee in respect of  Assessment  Years
1993-94 and 1994-95 and as a consequence also rejected the challenge to  the
penalty and thereby upheld order  of  Sales  Tax  Appellate  Tribunal  which
arose  out  of  orders  under  Tamil  Nadu  General  Sales  Tax  Act,   1959
(hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’) passed by the original  authority  as
well as appellate authority, all against the appellant.
For both the assessment years the dispute is confined to  an  issue  of  law
relating to classification of the goods sold by  the  appellant.   According
to the appellant it is engaged in  the  sale  of  electronic  goods  (survey
instruments) imported from other countries and such goods should  rightfully
fall within Entry 50, Part B of Schedule I of the  Act  attracting  rate  of
3%.  On the other hand the authorities have  taken  the  stand  that  survey
instruments, whether electronic or otherwise, are covered by Entry 14,  Part
F of Schedule  I,  chargeable  @  16%.   Since  appellant’s  claim  was  not
accepted by the Commercial Tax Officer who assessed  the  appellant  at  16%
leading to demand of tax as well as penalty, the appellant preferred  appeal
before the Appellate Commissioner.  On  being  unsuccessful,  the  appellant
preferred further appeal before the Tribunal and  then  the  matter  reached
the High Court  leading  to  the  impugned  order  under  appeal.   The  two
relevant entries, i.e., Entry 50 of Part  B  and  Entry  14  of  Part  F  of
Schedule I are as follows:
                                   “Part B
|Sl.  |Description of Goods                |Point of levy    |Rate of|
|No.  |                                    |                 |tax    |
|50   |Electronic systems, instruments,    |At the point of  |3%     |
|     |apparatus, appliances and other     |first sale in the|       |
|     |electronic goods (other than those  |State            |       |
|     |specified elsewhere in the Schedule)|                 |       |
|     |but including electronic cash       |                 |       |
|     |registering, indexing, card         |                 |       |
|     |punching, franking, addressing      |                 |       |
|     |machines, and computers of analog   |                 |       |
|     |and digital varieties, one record   |                 |       |
|     |units, word processor and other     |                 |       |
|     |electronic goods and parts and      |                 |       |
|     |accessories of all such goods       |                 |       |

                                   Part F
|Sl.  |Description of Goods                |Point of levy    |Rate of|
|No.  |                                    |                 |tax    |
|14   |Binoculars, monoculars, opera       |At the point of  |16%    |
|     |glasses, other optical telescope,   |first sale in the|       |
|     |astronomical instruments,           |State            |       |
|     |microscopes, binocular microscopes, |                 |       |
|     |magnifying glasses, diffraction     |                 |       |
|     |apparatus and mountings therefor    |                 |       |
|     |including theodolite, survey        |                 |       |
|     |instruments and optical lenses parts|                 |       |
|     |and accessories thereof             |                 |       |

There  is  no  difficulty  in  accepting  the  consistent  finding  of   the
authorities based upon appellant’s  own  declaration  in  respect  of  goods
which were imported and declared before the customs  authorities  as  survey
instruments, that the goods are covered by the  generic  expression  ‘survey
instruments’.   The  main  controversy  is  whether  on  account  of   being
electronic survey instruments the goods would be out of Entry 14  so  as  to
fall under Entry 50.  The High Court and all the authorities  have  taken  a
consistent  view  that  Entry  50  itself  clarifies  that  it  covers   all
electronic instruments, apparatus, other than those specified  elsewhere  in
the Schedule and since  the  goods  in  question  are  specified  under  the
generic term ‘survey instruments’ in  Part  F  Entry  14,  they  will  stand
excluded from Entry 50 of Part B.
We have heard learned counsel appearing for the parties at length. In  order
to persuade us to take a different view than that of the High Court and  the
Authorities, learned counsel for the appellant  reiterated  the  submissions
advanced before the High Court and further highlighted some entries in  Part
– B of Schedule I such as Entries 38  to  42  and  pointed  out  that  these
entries, all providing for rate of tax at 3% use the  word  “electronic”  in
all the entries  before  various  machines  such  as  duplicating  machines,
teleprinters, typewriters, tabulating/calculating machines  and  clocks/time
pieces. The submission is that after enumerating  such  electronic  machines
in the various entries noted above, the policy was to charge  same  3%  rate
of tax for all residuary electronic system, apparatus and  other  electronic
goods and if any other meaning is given by placing reliance upon words  used
in Entry 50, especially those in parenthesis – “other than  those  specified
elsewhere in the Schedule” then there would be no rationale  for  using  the
word  “electronic”  to  qualify  duplicating  machines,  teleprinters   etc.
covered by Entries 38 to 42. The submission  lacks  merits.  Part-B  of  the
Schedule covers various  kinds  of  goods  such  as  agricultural  products,
vegetable oils, kerosene, aluminium domestic  utensils,  raw  wool,  hosiery
goods, gold and silver  articles,  cycles,  tractors,  different  electronic
items, television sets, gramophones, all chargeable at the rate of  3%.   In
this background, Entry 50 of Part-B is meant to accommodate only  such  left
over electronic system, apparatus etc. which are not specified elsewhere  in
the Schedule and are therefore chargeable at the rate  of  3%.  Clearly,  if
specified elsewhere and chargeable at  a  different  rate,  they  cannot  be
included under Entry 50. This conclusion is further strengthened by  a  look
at some of the entries in Part-F, just preceding Entry 14. Entries  10,  11,
12 and 13 cover goods chargeable at the rate of 16%,  such  as  typewriters,
teleprinters, tabulating,  calculating  machines  and  duplicating  machines
etc. In all these four entries there is a specific exclusion  of  electronic
variety of these machines. On the other hand in relevant Entry no.  14  such
exclusion of electronic variety of any of the machines  and  apparatus  such
as survey instruments is conspicuously missing. Clearly the intended  effect
is deliberate so as to include binoculars,  monoculars,  survey  instruments
etc. of all varieties, be they manual or electronic. Had the intention  been
different, in Entry 14 also exclusion  of  ‘electronic’  survey  instruments
could have been inserted and specified as in Entry Nos. 10 to 13 in  respect
of other  different  machines  or  instruments.  Hence,  the  conclusion  is
obvious that even electronic survey instruments are covered by Entry No.  14
in Part-F of the First Schedule of the Act.
Learned Counsel for the appellant has placed reliance upon judgment  in  the
case of M/s BPL Ltd. v. State of Andhra Pradesh reported  in  (2001)  2  SCC
139. This judgment has been elaborately discussed  by  the  High  Court  and
held to be  not  applicable  to  the  facts  of  this  case.  We  have  also
considered the facts and law involved in the  said  judgment  and  we  agree
with the conclusion of the High Court. In that case the  dispute  under  the
Andhra Pradesh General Sales Tax Act, 1957  was  on  the  interpretation  of
definition of the term “Electronic Goods”.  On the basis of  the  definition
it was held that the goods “automatic washing machine” was  covered  by  the
term electronic goods and not under the other item i.e, Entry 38 (IV)  which
related to  electrical  items  including  electrical  washing  machine.  The
wordings and expressions used and interpreted in  that  case  were  entirely
different and are of no help to the appellant in the present case.
As a result, the Civil Appeals arising out of Tax Case  Nos.  1834  of  2006
and 2307 of 2008 must fail.  However,  the  Appeal  arising  out  from  Writ
Petition containing challenge to  imposition  of  penalty  deserves  further
consideration in the light of submissions to the effect that  appellant  has
been in same business since 1985 and  no  controversy  or  dispute  of  this
nature ever arose except for the two assessment years  under  consideration.
It has been pointed out  that  all  earlier  Schedules  were  re-written  on
account of extensive amendments in the year  1993  and  since  most  of  the
electronic items  were  brought  under  Part-B,  a  genuine  controversy  or
misunderstanding arose as to whether the goods in question would be  covered
by Entry No. 50 of Part  B  or  not.  Genuinely  believing  that  it  is  so
covered, the appellant contested the matter  and  in  the  process  suffered
penalty for both the assessment years in total amounting to Rs. 15.48  lakhs
approximately. Out of this, appellant claims to have paid approximately  Rs.
3.74 lakhs but still  about  Rs.  11.73  lakhs  remain  as  balance  payable
towards  penalty.  It  was  pointed  out  that  considering  the  merit   of
appellant’s case this Court has stayed realization  of  penalty.  Hence,  it
has been submitted that in the interest of justice the  balance  penalty  be
set aside on account of bona fide belief on the part of the  appellant  that
it was liable to pay only  at  the  rate  of  3%  and  therefore  there  was
absolute lack of any mens rea in not paying in time the tax assessed by  the
authorities. It was also pointed out that against the total  tax  demand  of
Rs. 16.39 lakhs approximately the appellant has by now paid about Rs.  16.18
Learned counsel for the appellant  has  supported  the  submissions  against
imposition of penalty by placing reliance upon the following judgments:-
(1)   M/s Hindustan Steel Ltd. v. State of Orissa, (1969)  2  SCC  627   (2)
Commissioner of Sales Tax, Uttar Pradesh v. Sanjiv Fabrics,   (2010)  9  SCC
      In M/s Hindustan Steel Ltd. in paragraph 8 it was held  that  although
the  Statute  permitted  imposition  of  penalty  but  still  the  authority
concerned had the judicial discretion to consider whether penalty should  be
imposed for failure to perform a statutory obligation. In such  a  situation
the discretion has to be exercised judicially  after  consideration  of  all
the relevant circumstances. Even  if  minimum  penalty  is  prescribed,  the
authority may be justified  in  refusing  to  impose  any  penalty  in  some
peculiar situations, such as, where  the  breach  flows  from  a  bona  fide
belief that the offender is not liable to act in the  manner  prescribed  by
the Statute. In Sanjiv Fabrics it was reiterated that there is a  rebuttable
presumption that mens rea is essential  ingredient  in  every  offence.  For
examining whether mens rea is essential for an offence created under  a  tax
Statute, three factors require particular  attention,  (i)  the  object  and
scheme of the Statute; (ii) the language  of  the  section;  and  (iii)  the
nature of penalty.  Since  the  relevant  expression  for  constituting  the
offence in that case was – “falsely represents”, the  Court  held  that  the
offence attracting penalty would be established  only  where  it  is  proved
that the dealer has acted deliberately in defiance of law and is  guilty  of
contumacious or dishonest conduct.
In the present case penalty is imposable by the  assessing  authority  under
Section 12 of the Act, both, for failure to submit return or for  submission
of  incorrect  or  incomplete  return.  Appellant,  in  the  eyes   of   the
Authorities has submitted incorrect return leading to imposition of  penalty
in accordance with relevant clauses of  Section  12.  Considering  that  the
situation of dispute arose on account of amendments in the Schedule in  1993
and  was  confined  only  to  immediate  two  assessment  years   and   also
considering that the appellant had a good arguable case even in  this  Court
which had stayed the penalty orders, we find that the  return  submitted  by
the appellant  was  on  account  of  bona  fide  belief  in  correctness  of
appellant’s stand that the goods in question were  chargeable  only  at  the
rate of 3%. In our considered view, in the facts of the case  it  would  not
be proper to hold that the  appellant  had  submitted  a  return  which  was
incorrect to its knowledge or belief. Only after the outcome  of  the  legal
dispute by virtue of this judgment, the  authorities  can  be  justified  in
holding henceforth that the return was incorrect. In  such  a  situation  it
would not be just and proper exercise of discretion to  hold  the  appellant
guilty of submitting incorrect return so  as  to  attract  penalty  for  the
same. Hence, in the peculiar facts of  the  case  and  in  the  interest  of
justice, we set aside the balance dues of  penalty.  However,  the   penalty
already paid by the appellant shall not be refunded  and  the  same  may  be
retained by the respondent authorities by way of  cost  of  this  protracted
In the result, the Civil Appeal Nos. 10554  and  10562  of  2010  containing
challenge to assessments orders are dismissed. The  remaining  appeal  Civil
Appeal No. 10563 of 2010 relating to penalty is allowed to the  extent  that
balance amount of penalty shall not be realised from  the  appellant.  There
shall be no order as to further costs.

                                                         [SHIVA KIRTI SINGH]

                                                              [R. BANUMATHI]
New Delhi.
February 26, 2016.

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