Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 10237-38 of 2016, Judgment Date: Oct 21, 2016


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10237-38 OF 2016
             [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 19158-19159 OF 2015 ]

      LALA LAXMAN KIRDAT & ETC.                      Appellant(s)


      STATE OF MAHARASHTRA & ORS.                   Respondent(s)


                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10239 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26120 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10240 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26121 OF 2015 ]

                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10241-51 OF 2016
             [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26122-26132 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10252 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26133 OF 2015 ]

                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10253-54 OF 2016
             [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26134-26135 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10255 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26136 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10256 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26137 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10257 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26142 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10258 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 24556 OF 2015 ]

                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10259-60 OF 2016
             [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26143-26144 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10261 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26145 OF 2015 ]

                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10262-64 OF 2016
             [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26146-26148 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10265 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26149 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10266 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26150 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10267 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 26118 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10268 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 31330 OF 2015 ]

                      CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10269-76 OF 2016
             [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 28151-28158 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10278 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 29378 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10279 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 30806 OF 2015 ]

                       CIVIL APPEAL NO. 10280 OF 2016
                [@ SPECIAL LEAVE PETITION (C) 23106 OF 2016 ]

                               J U D G M E N T

1.    Leave granted.
2.    In an identical situation,  this  Court,  by  Order  dated  25.11.2013
passed in Civil Appeal Nos. 10624-10636 of 2013, held as under :-

      "1.   Leave granted.
2.    The appellants, in this batch of appeals, are calling in question  the
judgment and order passed by the High Court of Judicature at  Bombay,  Bench
at  Aurangabad  in  Writ  Petition   No.2106/2008,   WP   No.2107/2008,   WP
No.2112/2008, WP No.  2123/2008,  WP  No.2144/2008,  WP  No.  2146/2008,  WP
No.2147/2008, WP No.  2148/2008,  WP  No.2152/2008,  WP  No.  2153/2008,  WP
No.2156/2008, WP No. 2164/2008, WP No.2165/2008, dated  14.10.2011.  By  the
impugned judgment and order, the High Court has affirmed the  orders  passed
by the State Government cancelling the pensionary benefits  granted  to  all
these appellants, presumably by relying on  the  report  of  Justice  Palkar
3. In the appeals so filed, it is specifically  averred  by  the  appellants
that they are all senior citizens. They also submit that at this  ripe  age,
if they are deprived of the pensionary benefits, they  would  not  be  in  a
position to eke out of their livelihood. They also submit that  the  freedom
fighters pensionary benefit so granted by the State Government ought not  to
have been withdrawn by passing the order/(s) on subsequent dates.
4. Per contra, Mrs. Asha G.Nair, learned counsel appearing for the State  of
Maharashtra submits that since  the  appellants  had  obtained  the  freedom
fighters pension by producing forged documents, they are  not  entitled  for
grant of any pensionary benefits and, therefore, the  State  Government  was
justified  in  withdrawing  the  pensionary  benefits  so  granted  to  them
5. We have heard the learned counsel appearing for the parties to the lis.
6. In our opinion, keeping in view  the  age  of  the  appellants  and  also
keeping in view the fact that at this old age, if  small  benefit  that  was
already granted to them is withdrawn,  it  may  be  difficult  for  them  to
sustain themselves. In that view of the matter, in the  peculiar  facts  and
circumstances of the case, the impugned judgment and  order  passed  by  the
High Court requires to be set aside.
7. Accordingly, we allow these appeals and set aside the  impugned  judgment
and order passed by the High Court.  We further direct that  the  pensionary
benefits granted by the State Government will enure only to the  benefit  of
the appellants and not  to  their  legal  heirs/representatives.  After  the
bereavement of the appellant(s), the pensionary benefit so  granted  by  the
State Government will come to an end.
8. Since we have decided these appeals purely on facts and circumstances  of
each case, we clarify that this order shall not be treated  as  a  precedent
in any other case.
9. We quantify the arrears from the date of cancellation of  the  pensionary
benefits till date at Rs. 3,000/- each  payable  to  the  appellants  within
three months from the date of receipt of a copy of this  Court's  order.  No
order as to cost.
            Ordered accordingly."

3.    Though the learned counsel appearing for the State  submits  that  the
said order has been passed having regard  to  the  peculiar  facts  of  that
particular case and though, we find force in  the  submission  made  by  the
learned counsel for the State that in many of these  cases,  the  appellants
have actually not participated in  any  Freedom  Struggle,  however,  taking
note of the only fact that these cases  arise  out  of  the  same  batch  of
appeals, we feel that it may  not  be  proper  to  take  a  different  view.
Therefore, these appeals  are  also  disposed  of  in  terms  of  the  order
referred above.

4.    We make it clear that the appellants shall be entitled to the  arrears
of pension, as on today, only to the extent of Rs. 3000/-.
      No costs.
                                                       [ KURIAN JOSEPH ]

                                               [ ROHINTON FALI NARIMAN ]

      New Delhi;
      October 21, 2016.

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