Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 6671 of 2008, Judgment Date: Dec 01, 2016

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA

                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO.6671 OF 2008

 KUNDAN LAL & ANR.                             Appellant(s)


 KAMRUDDIN & ANR.                              Respondent(s)

                         J U D G M E N T


1.  Leave granted.
2. This appeal arises out of the Judgment dated  16.03.2007  passed  by  the
High Court of  Punjab  Haryana  at  Chandigarh  in  RSA  No.  1412  of  2002
confirming the Judgment of the courts  below  wherein  the  appellants  were
directed to hand-over the possession of the suit property in question.
3. Respondent/plaintiff Kamruddin filed the suit for possession of the  suit
property. Case of respondent/plaintiffs was that he became  a  tenant  under
respondent no. 2/Punjab Wakf Board @ Rs. 50/-  per  month  since  01.04.1990
over the suit property measuring  120 square yard in  Khasra  No.  270  more
fully described in blue and red colour in the site plan  attached  with  the
plaint. Further, case of first respondent/plaintiff is that in the month  of
November 1990, when his family had shifted to village Sikarpur in  the  wake
of riots in the Ramjanam Bhumi & Babri Masjid and he was out of  station  on
his truck, taking  advantage  of  his  absence  the  appellants  have  taken
illegal   possession   of   the    suit    property    and    hence    first
respondent/plaintiff filed the suit for vacant possession.
4. The appellants/defendant nos. 1 and 2 contested the  suit  claiming  that
one Shivlal was in possession of the suit property as the said  Shivlal  had
the property on lease from Punjab Wakf Board and  also  raised  construction
on the suit property.  The appellant nos. 1 and 2 have taken  possession  of
the suit property from said Shivlal under  an  agreement  dated  16.05.1990.
The second respondent/Punjab Wakf Board also accepted the appellants as  its
tenants vide allotment order dated 01.12.1990  and  started  receiving  rent
from them.     Thus, according to the appellants they became tenants of  the
suit property under Punjab Wakf Board @ Rs. 100/- per month.    Punjab  Wakf
Board also filed a separate written statement on the same lines.
5. On the above pleadings, issues were framed by the  Trial  Court  and  the
Trial Court held issue no. 1 in favour  of  the  first  respondent/plaintiff
holding that the suit property was allotted to him as tenant by  the  Punjab
Wakf Board since 01.04.1990 on monthly rent @  Rs.  50/-.  The  Trial  Court
further held that the suit property was never allotted to Shivlal from  whom
allegedly the appellants had taken possession and that  the  appellants  had
failed to establish their possession over the suit property as  the  tenant.
On those findings, plaintiff's suit for the first respondent for  possession
was decreed.
6. On appeal, the First Appellate Court/Additional  District  Judge,  Rewari
affirmed the findings of the Trial Court and dismissed the appeal  preferred
by the appellants. On further appeal, the High Court dismissed the  same  by
the impugned judgment.
7. We have heard the learned counsel  for  the  parties  at  a  considerable
length. The learned counsel for the appellants placed strong  reliance  upon
the agreement between the appellant and Shivlal  dated  16.05.1990  and  the
allotment order by the Punjab Wakf Board  in  favour  of  the  appellant  to
contend that the appellants are the tenants  of  Khasra  No.  270       (Old
Khasra No.  867).  It  was  submitted  that  Shivlal  had  handed  over  the
possession of the suit property, measuring 19½ sq.  yards  forming  part  of
Khasra No. 270 and the same was also approved by the Punjab Wakf  Board  and
the appellants had been paying the rent  while  so  courts  below  were  not
right in holding that the appellants are in illegal occupation of  the  suit
8. On the other hand the learned counsel for the first  respondent/plaintiff
submitted that Shivlal was nor given any tenancy in Khasra No.  270  and  he
could not have entered into any agreement in respect of Khasra No.  270  and
the concurrent findings recorded by the Courts below are based  on  evidence
and the same do not warrant any interference.

9. On perusal of Ex.  PW-  2/1,  the  allotment  order,  it  is  brought  in
evidence that the first respondent/plaintiff  was  allotted  area  measuring
126 square yards being Khasra No. 270
with effect from 01.04.1990. The Trial Court as well as the First  Appellate
Court noted that the site plan on the  back  of  the  said  allotment  order
shows that the suit property is a part of the allotted  area  measuring  126
square yards.  As seen from the judgments of the  Courts  below,  the  first
respondent has produced receipts regarding payment of rent to appellant  no.
3,regarding Khasra No. 270 which are Ex. PW-2/2 to      Ex.  PW-10  and  PW-
5/1 to Ex. PW-5/3 and Ex. PW-6/1 to Ex. PW-6/3.  The  contesting  defendants
have also placed on record receipts Ex. DW-3/1, and Ex. DW-5/1  to  Ex.  DW-
5/4; Courts below held that Mark A clearly shows that the  same  related  to
property bearing Khasra No. 267  and  in  that  way  the  same  can  not  be
connected to the suit land. Based on  oral  and  documentary  evidence,  the
courts below have recorded concurrent findings of fact  that  the  appellant
is in possession and allotted different survey number in Khasra No. 267  and
he has no right to claim the suit property.
10.  In view of the above, the Civil Appeal stands dismissed.
11. However, as prayed for by the learned counsel for  the  appellants,  six
months' time is granted to vacate  the  suit  premises,  subject  to  filing
usual undertaking in the Registry of  this  Court  within  four  weeks  from
today, stating that the appellant shall not create any third  party  rights,
will clear all the rent/dues/occupational charges to the Wakf Board  in  the
meanwhile and will peacefully vacate the suit premises concerned within  the
stipulated time frame positively.

                                                      (R.K. AGRAWAL)

                                                      (R. BANUMATHI)
DECEMBER 01, 2016

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