Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Civil), 9755 of 2011, Judgment Date: Jan 19, 2015


                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA
                        CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION

                        CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9755 OF 2011

      KULBIR SINGH                                      Appellant(s)


      STATE OF HARYANA                                Respondent(s)


                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 9756 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 9758 FO 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 9759 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 9760 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 9761 OF 2011
                        CIVIL APPEAL No. 9762 OF 2011

                               J U D G M E N T

      Heard the learned counsel appearing for both the parties.
      It is not in dispute that the matters pertaining to acquisition  under
the same Notification  had  been  allowed  vide  Judgment  and  order  dated
06.03.2014 passed in "State of Haryana Vs. Mukhtiar Singh & Ors."  in  Civil
Appeal Nos.3547-3689 of 2014.
      Looking at the facts of the case, in view of  the  Judgment  delivered
in the abovementioned cases on 06.03.2014, the impugned Judgment  and  order
passed by the High Court is set aside and  the  Civil  Appeals  are  allowed
with no order as to costs.

The matters are remitted to  the  High  Court  for  fresh  consideration  in
accordance with law.
We  request  the  High  Court  to  dispose  of  the  appeals  expeditiously,
preferably within six months from the date of receipt  of  a  copy  of  this
The learned counsel appearing for the parties have assured this  Court  that
their counterparts appearing before  the  High  Court  shall  not  pray  for
adjournments unnecessarily and shall cooperate with the High Court  so  that
the matters can be disposed of at an early date.
      The Registry is directed to send an intimation of this  order  to  the
High Court forthwith.

                                                            [ ANIL R. DAVE ]

                                                       [ SHIVA KIRTI SINGH ]

      New Delhi;
      January 19, 2015.

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