Tags Murder

Supreme Court of India (Division Bench (DB)- Two Judge)

Appeal (Crl.), 1399 of 2007, Judgment Date: Dec 01, 2016

                        IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


                      CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. 1399 OF 2007

KHOKAN GIRI @ MADHAB                                       ... Appellant


STATE OF WEST BENGAL                                      ... Respondent

                               J U D G M E N T

            The appellant herein, along with three  other  accused  persons,
was convicted under Sections 302, 34, 120B and 394 of the Indian Penal  Code
(IPC) by the Trial Court and was sentenced to suffer imprisonment  for  life
for the offences punishable under Sections 302, 34 and 120B IPC and  for  10
years rigorous imprisonment and in default to suffer  rigorous  imprisonment
for six months for the offence punishable under Section  394  IPC,  for  the
murder of an elderly couple Girish Navalkha and Bina Navalkha at their  Flat
No. 10C, 10th floor of Rameshwar Apartment at 19A Sarat Bose Road,  Kolkata-

            Brief facts involved in the instant appeal are as follows: -
            A case was registered under  Section  302/34  IPC  against  some
unknown miscreants on the basis  of  the  statement  of  one  Jugal  Kishore
Khetwat at Bhabanjpur Police Station on 25th December, 1991.
            As per his statement, Mr. Khetwat was a  family  friend  of  the
couple and used to visit their flat regularly in the  morning  and  used  to
have his tea with them.  It is further stated that on 24th  December,  1991,
at night both the husband and wife were to accompany him to a party  at  New
Kelinworth Hotel, but due to indisposition of Girish  Navalkha,  the  couple
did not join him and he alone attended the party and returned  to  his  flat
at 10A, Rameshwar Apartment at dead hours of night.
            It is stated  by  Mr.  Khetwat  that  in  the  morning  of  25th
December, 1991, as per his regular routine, when he came to the flat of  Mr.
Navalkha, he found the same locked and in spite of pushing the doorbell,  no
response came.  Thereafter, when he found the servants  of  Navalkha  family
entering into the flat, he  followed  them  and  being  attracted  with  the
shouting of the servants and to his utter surprise, he found  Bina  Navalkha
lying almost in naked condition on the bed with a sari tied around her  neck
by one end and the other end of the sari  was  tied  with  the  rod  of  the
ceiling fan.  Mr.Khetwat also found Girish Navalkha lying dead on his  chair
in the study room with a  shawl  tied  around  his  neck.   Mr.Khetwat  also
noticed ransacking of the rooms of Navalkha family and,  in  his  statement,
he apprehended that the couple were killed, perhaps, for robbery.
            At the early  stage  of  investigation,  the  appellant,  Khokan
Giri, who happened to be a servant at the office of Mr. Khetwat  located  at
the ground floor of the apartment, was taken into custody  and,  thereafter,
one Raju Rao was arrested followed by the arrest of Bimala Khetwat, who  was
none else than the wife  of  Mr.  Jugal  Kishore  Khetwat  and,  thereafter,
Kamini Dey was arrested and lastly, one Jagadish  Jadav  was  arrested  from
his Bihar residence.
            According to prosecution, in the  course  of  the  investigation
and soon after the arrest of Khokan and Raju, articles alleged to have  been
stolen from the flat of Navalkha family were recovered from  the  possession
of Raju Rao and some incriminating articles were  also  recovered  from  the
possession of Khokan.
            Raju Rao, soon after his arrest, gave a confessional  statement,
which  was  recorded  by  a  Magistrate  and  following  that   confessional
statement of Raju Rao and at the  instance  of  Raju  Rao  and  Khokan,  two
Yashica cameras were also recovered.
            Raju Rao, along with other accused  persons,  was  chargesheeted
after the completion of investigation  and  after  commitment  of  the  case
before the Court of Sessions, Raju Rao, by filing an application,  expressed
his desire to become an approver and to give evidence  disclosing  the  full
particulars behind the murder of the Navalkha couple and from  the  evidence
of Raju Rao along with his earlier confessional statement, the real  mystery
behind the murder of Nvalkha couple was revealed as per the prosecution.
            From the confessional statement of Raju Rao, it was  found  that
Mr. Khetwat,  husband  of  Bimala  Devi  Khetwat,  had  an  alleged  illicit
relationship with Bina Navalkha, wife of Girish Navalkha, and both Bina  and
Girish, exploiting the said relation  prevailing  between  Mr.  Khetwat  and
Bina Navalkha, allegedly  plundered  money  from  Mr.Khetwat.   Bimala  Devi
Khetwat did not like this intimacy of Mr.Khetwat with Bina Navalkha and  for
that reason, sometime before murder of the Nvalkha  couple,  Bimala  Khetwat
engaged Khokan and Raju to kill  both  Girish  and  Bina  Navalkha  at  some
appropriate time in lieu of monetary consideration  and,  in  fact,  it  was
settled that Rs.1,00,000/- would  be  paid  for  the  operation  and  as  an
advance Rs.40,000/- was paid and with that money Khokan and  Raju  purchased
two Yashica cameras and Raju was also given Rs.5,000/- in cash.
            Raju,  to  facilitate  their  operation  as  desired  by  Bimala
Khetwat, made contact with Kamini Dey who was also a  driver  by  profession
like Raju and resided in the same locality of Raju,  to  help  them  in  the
operation and subsequently Jagadish Jadav who was a sweeper  at  the  office
of Mr. Khetwat joined with them.
            Raju also met Bimala  personally  along  with  Khokan  over  the
proposal of killing Navalkha couple and on 24th December, 1991 all the  four
persons met at the office of Mr. Khetwat sometime after evening and  getting
the last time clearance from Bimala Khetwat  over  intercom,  all  the  four
persons allegedly  proceeded  towards  the  flat  of  Navalkha  after  their
servants had left the flat and, thereafter,  pushing  the  doorbell,  Khokan
being an old acquaintance had his entry followed by the other three  persons
and, thereafter, all of them overpowered  the  Navalkha  couple  and  killed
them by manual strangulation.  All the four, after killing the couple,  also
took away cash, ornaments and other valuable articles from the flat.
            The investigating team of the Detective Department  of  Lalbazar
after recording  the  statement  of  several  witnesses,  including  several
occupants of the different flats  of  the  apartment,  security  guards  and
owners of the  shop  wherefrom  cameras  were  purchased  and  where  Khokan
deposited his  camera  for  servicing,  persons  with  whom  Jagadish  Jadav
deposited two table clocks allegedly  stolen  from  the  flat  of  Navalkha,
different witnesses who were present at the time of search  and  seizure  of
different places shown by Raju and wherefrom  recovery  was  made  regarding
the  allegedly  stolen  articles  of  the  flat  and  one  camera  allegedly
purchased by Raju with the money given  by  Bimala  Khetwat,  witnesses  who
were present at the time of the seizure of  chappals  and  bottle  of  water
with finger impression from the  flat,  doctor  who  conducted  post  mortem
examination, servants and maidservants of Navalkha family, son and daughter-
in-law of Navalkha couple, doctor who  examined  Kamini  Dey,  hand  writing
expert and fingerprint expert and other police officers taking part  in  the
investigation, ultimately found a prima facie case  to  support  prosecution
case that Bimala Khetwat hatched a conspiracy  to  kill  the  couple  at  an
opportune moment and for that purpose, she hired the service of  Khokan  and
Raju in lieu of monetary consideration and Khokan and Raju  in  their  turn,
took active help and support of Kamini and Jagadish and  on  24th  December,
1991 finding the elderly couple alone in their flat at  Rameswar  Apartment,
killed the couple and also removed cash and valuable articles from the  flat
and on such establishment  of  prosecution  allegation  from  the  available
evidence collected during investigation, charge sheet was submitted  against
the appellant and other accused persons for their trial.
            The High Court upheld the conviction of the  appellant  and  the
other accused persons involved in the crime and the sentence awarded by  the
Trial Court.  The appellant herein has challenged  the  aforesaid  order  in
the instant appeal.
            From the aforesaid facts,  it  is  clear  that  the  prosecution
heavily relied upon the confessional statement of Raju Rao which  was  given
soon after his arrest.  It has also come on  record  that  Raju  Rao  became
approver.  Though the manner in which  he  became  approver  was  challenged
before the Trial Court as well as the High Court,  this  contention  of  the
appellant and other accused persons was negatived by  the  High  Court.   We
may record that this aspect is not  under  challenge  before  us.   In  such
circumstances, the statement of Raju Rao becomes admissible in  evidence  in
view of the provisions contained in Section  133  and  Section  114  of  the
Indian Evidence Act, 1872, (hereinafter referred to as  'Act')  which  reads
as under:
“133. Accomplice.—An accomplice shall be  a  competent  witness  against  an
accused person; and a conviction is not illegal merely because  it  proceeds
upon the uncorroborated testimony of an accomplice.

                            xx       xx       xx

114. Court may presume existence of certain facts. —The  Court  may  presume
the existence of any fact which it thinks likely to  have  happened,  regard
being had to the common course of natural events, human conduct  and  public
and private business, in their relation  to  the  facts  of  the  particular


The Court may presume—

(a) That a man who is in possession of stolen goods soon after the theft  is
either the thief or has received  the  goods  knowing  them  to  be  stolen,
unless he can account for his possession;

(b) That an accomplice is unworthy of credit, unless he is  corroborated  in
material particulars;

                            xx       xx       xx”

            It was, however, argued by learned  counsel  appearing  for  the
appellant that the High Court went wrong in giving undue importance  to  the
testimony of Raju Rao and basing the conviction of the  appellant  thereupon
in  the  absence  of  independent   corroborative   evidence   in   material
particulars.  He submitted that law in this  respect  is  well  trenched  in
series of judgments.  He referred to the judgment of this Court in  'Chandra
Prakash v. State of Rajasthan' [2014 (8) SCC 340]  wherein  this  Court  had
occasion to revisit the entire case law on the  subject  and  the  principle
has been succintly and lucidly stated therein.  It is stated by the  learned
counsel for the appellant that Section 114 illustration (b) has to  be  read
along with Section 133 of  the  Act,  which  deals  with  the  statement  of
accomplice.  It  was  his  submission  that,  no  doubt,  as  per  the  said
provisions, an accomplice can be a  competent  witness  against  an  accused
person and the conviction also  would  not  be  treated  as  illegal  merely
because it proceeds upon the incorroborative testimony  of  the  accomplice.
However, at the same time, Section 114 illustration (b) also lays down  that
an accomplice is unworthy of credit unless he is corroborative  in  material
particulars.  It is for this reason, the Court  restated  the  principle  to
the effect that though the accomplice would be competent to  give  evidence,
it is a rule of practice that it would almost always be  unsafe  to  convict
upon his testimony alone.   What  is  required  is  that,  as  a  matter  of
practice, the evidence of the accomplice  should  not  be  accepted  without
corroboration in material particulars.   Further,  such  corroboration  must
connect the accused with crime and also  that  this  corroboration  must  be
from  an  independent  source,  meaning  thereby,  one   accomplice   cannot
corroborate another.
            There cannot be any dispute about  the  aforesaid  principle  of
law.  We have, therefore, examined the present  case  keeping  in  view  the
aforesaid legal principle, viz., whether there is corroborative evidence  in
material particulars substantiating the aforesaid confessional statement  of
Raju Rao and other material connecting the appellant  with  the  crime.   On
going through the impugned judgment, we find that the Trial Court  convicted
the appellant along with other accused persons after finding that there  was
sufficient corroborative material on record as well.
            The High Court has done this exercise all over again  discussing
the said corroborative material.  Instead of discussing the  said  material,
our purpose will be served by reproducing certain portions of  the  judgment
of the High Court which has done this very exercise: -
“From the charge sheet submitted against the appellants and from  the  trend
of prosecution evidence placed  during  trial  we  find  that  according  to
prosecution case the allegations  against  the  appellants  can  be  broadly
divided into two parts, first part  being  the  hatching  of  conspiracy  by
Bimala Khetwat with  the  sole  purpose  of  annihilating  Girish  and  Bina
Navalkha on her cherishing a suspicion of illicit relationship  between  her
husband Mr. Khetwat and deceased Bina Navalkha and also for  the  reason  of
her belief of plundering Mr.  Khetwat  by  both  Girish  and  Bina  Navalkha
taking advantage of the unusual weakness developed by  her  husband  towards
Bina Navalkha and such conspiracy according to  prosecution  took  place  in
between Bimala Khetwat at one hand and Khokan  Giri  and  Raju  Rao  on  the
other hand and, in fact, Khokan Giri and  Raju  Rao  were  given  charge  of
commission  of  murder  in  lieu  of  monetary  consideration    for   which
Rs.40,000/- was already paid and the balance 60,000/- was to be  paid  after
execution of the murder and the second part of  the  prosecution  allegation
was that pursuant to the conspiracy hatched  by  Bimala  Khetwat,  Raju  Rao
engaged Kamini Dey also for consideration of money  and  Jagadish  Jadav  of
his own accord joined with them and on 24th December, 1991 finding Bina  and
Girish Navalkha alone in the flat and one the  last  minute  instruction  of
Bimala Khetwat, all the four namely Raju Rao, Khokan  Giri,  Jagadish  Jadav
and  Kamini  Dey  entering  into  the  flat  through   Khokan   Giri   after
overpowering the elderly couple committed their murder by strangulation  and
thereafter the valuable articles including  gold  ornaments  and  also  cash
were taken away by all the four appellants.

             From  the  trend  of  prosecution  evidence   both   oral   and
documentary and also from the materials exhibited during trial we find  that
the sheet-anchor for the prosecution case was approver Raju Rao  since  Raju
Rao after grant of pardon and during his examination as P.W. 3 gave  a  full
account of the entire occurrence including the conspiracy hatched by  Bimala
Khetwat and in such disclosure Raju Rao gave in detail the  part  played  by
each of the four persons who committed murder of Navalkha couple.   We  also
find  from  the  trend  of  prosecution  evidence  and  different  documents
exhibited during trial that prosecution  to  corroborate  the  testimony  of
Raju Rao examined several witnesses of the  flat  which  included  different
flat owners, servants and maidservants of Navalkha family,  security  guards
of  the  apartment,  different  witnesses  to  the  seizure   of   different
incriminating articles at different  stage  of  investigation,  post  mortem
report, report of medical examination of Kamini  Dey,  handwriting  expert's
report, fingerprint expert's report, one diary of Girish Navalkha and  other
seizures etc.

                            xx       xx       xx

            We find from the statement of P.W. 44 that Khokan Giri and  Raju
Rao purchased two cameras.  It has been argued on behalf of  the  appellants
that Raju Rao disclosed in his statement that he purchased the camera  along
with Khokan Giri from Fancy Market, but, the camera was  actually  purchased
from Bijoy Market as it was evident from the testimony of P.W. 44  and  this
was a serious contradiction, but, in our view  Bijoy  Market  being  in  the
vicinity of Fancy Market, this discrepancy was not very  serious  so  as  to
make statement of Raju Rao and P.W. 44 totally false.  P.W. 45  son  of  Mr.
Girish Navalkha and P.W. 46 daughter-in-law of Mr.  Girish  Navalkha  during
their evidence identified all the ornaments of Bina Navalkha and also  other
valuable household articles which were seized from the  possession  of  Raju
Rao.  From P.W.23, we get that seven to ten days before the murder he  found
Khokan Giri, Jagadish Jadav and  Raju  Rao  along  with  an  unknown  person
present at the office of Mr. Khetwat where Khokan Giri was office  peon  and
that unknown  person  was  identified  as  Kamini  Dey  during  T.I.  parade
participated by P.W. 23 and P.W. 49 another security guard deposed  that  on
24th December, 1991, at about 10.30 P.M. he found all the four  above  named
persons to proceed towards the servant's lift of the apartment.

                            xx       xx       xx

            We find from record that FIR  was  recorded  on  25th  December,
1991 and on 26th December, 1991 itself officer of Bhabanipur  P.S.  who  was
in temporary charge of investigation before taking  over  by  the  Detective
Department made several seizures from the place of occurrence including  one
pair of chappal, one bottle of water along with two buttons of a  shirt  and
on 27th December, 1991 Khokan Giri was arrested and soon  after  his  arrest
one wooden planner and some keys were seized from the office of Mr.  Khetwat
and from P.W.16 an employee of Rameswar Transport, we find that Khokan  Giri
was office peon of Mr. Khetwat and he used to reside  in  the  office  room.
From P.W. 23 we get that Raju Rao along with Jagadish Jadav and  Kamini  Dey
was found present in the office of Mr. Khetwat along with Khokan Giri  seven
to ten days before the murder and P.W. 49 deposed  that  on  24th  December,
1991, he found all the four to proceeded towards the servants' lift  at  the
apartment at about 10.30 P.M.  P.W.  16  in  his  statement  disclosed  that
there was intercom in the office room of Mr. Khetwat at the ground floor  of
the apartment and from that intercom necessary contact could  be  made  with
the flat of Mr.Khetwat at 10th floor and P.W.  16  was  categorical  in  his
assertion that there was access from pantry room to the office room.

                            xx       xx       xx

            We find from the statement of P.W. 55 who  seized  Chappals  and
water  bottle  on  25th  December,  1991  itself  along  with  P.W.  43  the
fingerprint expert and P.W. 54 that the bottle bore the mark of  fingerprint
impression which tallied with the fingerprint impression of Khokan Giri  and
from P.W. 40 and P.W. 47  we  find  that  the  chappals  recovered  on  25th
December, 1991 itself belonged to Khokan Giri.  Mr. Dastoor  raised  several
points challenging the  seizure  of  chappals  and  water  bottle,  but,  on
careful  consideration  of  the  statement  of  the  witnesses  over   these
seizures, we are not inclined to hold that investigating team  in  order  to
create evidence planted the chappals and the water bottle.

            From the report of doctor Marjit P.W. 36 who as forensic  expert
examined the place of occurrence we find that there was no mark of  violence
on the entrance door of the flat of Navalkha couple which lends  support  to
the prosecution case that only a known person  pushing  the  door  bell  got
entry into the flat and Mr. Navalkha opened the  door  and  only  thereafter
following Khokan Giri all  the  three  others  entered  into  the  room  and
thereafter overpowered Mr. Navalkha and killed  him  by  strangulation  with
the shawl twisting around his neck.

            P.W. 25 and P.W. 27 deposed about recovery of camera  which  was
deposited by Khokan Giri for servicing and it was argued that the  story  of
recovery of the  camera  and  the  purchase  of  camera  itself  was  highly
improbable, but, having regard to the receipt produced  by  prosecution  and
having regard to the evidence of P.W. 25 and P.W. 27, we  do  not  find  any
reason to disbelieve the prosecution evidence in this regard.

            Thus, when we consider evidence of P.W. 4 Mr. Khetwat, P.W.  16,
P.W.23 and P.W. 49 along with seizure  of  chappals,  water  bottle,  wooden
planner and also consider the report of the fingerprint  expert,  report  of
the footprint expert, report of the forensic expert  along  with  report  of
the autopsy surgeon, we find that Khokan Giri took part  in  the  commission
of murder and also in the burglary and thus, the statement of  Raju  Rao  as
P.W. 3 gets full corroboration from different  independent  witnesses  along
with the circumstances established by those witnesses.”

            We, thus, do not find any error in the impugned judgment of  the
High Court affirming the conviction of the appellant  herein.   This  appeal
is, accordingly, dismissed.
            At this stage, learned counsel for the  appellant  submits  that
the appellant has already suffered incarceration  for  more  than  25  years
and, therefore, there should be remission in his further sentence.  This  is
a power which can be exercised by the State.  It would  always  be  open  to
the appellant to make a necessary representation in this behalf  before  the
competent authority which can be considered by it.  We make  it  clear  that
as far as this Court is concerned, no view is taken thereupon either way.

                                              ......................., J.
                                                    [ A.K. SIKRI ]

                                             ......................., J.
                                           [ ABHAY MANOHAR SAPRE ]

New Delhi;
December 01, 2016.

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